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Everything posted by pozpopperpig

  1. Love the twists and turns! The family love, bonding, intrigue and now the black ops site! Excellent!
  2. HOT! Can't wait for more!
  3. Love where this is going!
  4. Hope there is more!? Love it!
  5. Damn, I need to live there.
  6. Just gets better and better!
  7. Love it! Hope there is more?!
  8. OINK! Great start! Can't wait for more!
  9. Never get enough of this!
  10. Nice! Hope there is more!?
  11. Hope Chris is going to be ok? Am sure the family will rescue him though. So wish I lived on the mountain/ranch.
  12. Toms husband was/is Eric. Hope that helps.
  13. Love where this is going! Keep the stories separate or combine them...just love reading your writing.
  14. So great to have this back, thank you! So love this story!
  15. So fucking hot! Love pig sex!
  16. So fucking hot! OINK!
  17. So loving this!
  18. I want Ted for a neighbor!
  19. Fucking HOT!
  20. Can't wait for more! So hot!
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