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Everything posted by Willing

  1. Wish I lived close😵

  2. I need BBC seed so badly 😵
  3. But to answer the question, a septic tank is the weirdest place, I was drunk and horny, it'd been over flowing and the tank lid had been busted, so there was a hole big enough for me to slide on down inside it,💋
  4. Church makes me horny for some reason, guess it the thought of being kinda like a cult, been nice to been born a gurl. And be brainwashed by the pastor, preacher, other members and be to sacrifice my holes for a higher power which I think was God, but would be every wife's husband's and get passed around from week to week instead. 😵
  5. I remember when I was a kid, I'd lay in the. guess and stick my head down and look under the pue and see women's pussys if the wore a short dress, which most did. 🙂
  6. I left spunk in strange women's panties before, was hoping it'd dry up then when she wears them if her puss gets sweaty during the day maybe my boys can go for a swim 💋
  7. I've fantasized about being layed out on a cold metal table in a strangers basement, him being a retired surgeon and have cameras positioned to film so I can watch in real time as he injects 💉 numbing meds, and slowly castrates and modifys me to his wants, not mine. I'm just a piece of meat for his mutilating evilness 💋
  8. Would love to be pissed on by a group of guys, especially black guys , all that piss soaking into my pores and rinsing of the eyes with strangers piss, then stuffed with cum in my virgin hole, and get my belly full before being pissed on after the feeding stops 😵
  9. I liked the plunger 🪠 cause I could suction it to the side of the tub and enjoy going through the second hole, but it being wood it felt like it was pulling my insides out when I was sliding off it, then went to the slick black plastic squeegee 😵
  10. Wish I'd been a pig earlier, my step cousin got caught in the bathroom with a plunger 🪠, later on in life I tried the plunger 🪠 😵, loved it, hit the second hole with it and the windshield squeegee, one like you see at a gas station to clean the windshield 😵
  11. Got a few cousins I'd fuck too, all female, but God it'd be so hot 😵
  12. My step father and fuck my niece and her mom❤️
  13. Be so fucking hot
  14. I'd like my first to be black, but first cum first serv💋
  15. I'm a whitey
  16. I'd love to do that💋
  17. Wish I could have watched them all 💋 and caress her feet and her holes💋
  18. Wish I could feel my feet, lol, but yeah I like little feet, my gf had little feet everyone said she had sexy feet
  19. I'm sure I would. Need to find out😵 Hint Hints
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