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Everything posted by ruralguy7326

  1. Another downer is bottoms that just lie there like a star fish with its legs in the air and dont want to do anything to make the fuck good.
  2. I say each to their own. I love hot looking feet, but I do like them clean with no off smells.
  3. Sounds like a contradiction in terms. Can't say I have even met a top like that. Don't mind the odd pushy bottom demanding to cop a pounding and a load especially if he is cute.
  4. Oh me, that all sounds too perfect and horny for words.
  5. Agreed, nipples need to warmed up gently so in the end the guy is beeging for more.
  6. As soon as I can get to the big smoke I'll make up for lost time. I'm vers so I will be bottoming and topping BB as much as I can get. But If I get something extra well thats my problem. Cant wait.
  7. Oh if only it were true.
  8. Yeh I totaly amd absolutly agree with rawTOP and MascMountainMan you guys get the yey for the day. "TOM" as individuals we must accept full personal responibility for OUR decisions and the end results. "TOM" believe me it is foolish in the extreem for anyone who is neg and BB's to believe that just because a man says he is neg that he is actually neg. Who knows he could well be lying. Without seeing a recent test result none of us would know for sure. Also do not forget that there is also a window of some time where HIV will not show up on tests. The responsibility is always on us as to whether we "choose" to believe him and go on to have BB sex with him. This I know this is not the same but the principle is. Just because a politician says something does not mean that it is true and correct. Just because the Pope says something does not make it correct. We all know that. It is us who choose to believe people or not. We alone are responsible for what we do and who we decide to believe. "TOM" the responsibilty for my health rests with me. The responsibilty for my financial situation rests with me. If I DECIDE to BB and have anon loads in my hot ass the responsibilty rests with me. Further I live an a somewhat isolated rural environment, and If my dog kiils sheep or other animals on another property, he would be shot, and as sad as I would be I would be held fully responsible for his actions for allowing him to run riot. I am poz and vers, and I always disclose my status honestly. If however I chose to lie, the responsibility still rests with my partner if he chooses to take me at my word and believe me without seeing any kind of proof. Not to mention the fact that I would also be fully responsible for lying to him. When I get to the big smoke again and spend a few nights at a sauna I know I will be fucked and also fuck a few dripping asses. But I take responsibility for other issues such syph, gono etc etc. Having said all that I can't fukn wait.
  9. My heart goes out to gay and lesbians folk in these kind of country's. News stories like these ones make me realise just how fortunate many of us really are.
  10. rawTOP I am 45yo, and my longest relationship was 13 yrs and only ended when my partner was killed in a car accident a few years ago. I did point this out in a post further up on this page. I could not agree more with you when you say that sex fades as a relationship matures. Our relationship was not centered on sex, sex for us was a part of a much bigger picture and was an expression of the love we felt for each other. We had not lost the desire for each other but I would say it became deeper and more passionate. He was not just my partner, boyfriend or husband but he was most importantly my best friend. We were so compatible. We worked our farm together and were involved together in our local community. We did every thing together. We are as well quite some distance from the nearest big town. Factoring all this together you can see we had to be very much in love and truly wanted to be togther with each other. There are no gay venues of any sort around us, infact the nearest one is a six and a half hour drive away in Hobart, and thats without any stops. And the nearest sex on premisis venue is back up on the mainland which is for us a three hour drive to the nearest airport and then an a one hour flight to Melbourne on the mainland. We have none of the things that city folk take for granted. No starred restaurants, clubs, department stores. We do though have a great life style, great neighbours and one of the cleanest environments on the face of this earth. I once again totaly agree with what you have said about long term relationships. Sex will not hold together a relationship for long, many other factors do that. But as I said in other posts monogamy isnt for every one, many men just dont want it. It does take alot of effort commitment and imagination to keep the physical side alive.
  11. I believe the meaning has not changed. I my self am poz and healthy, I take my meds am undetectable and I am not suffering any illnesses or opportunistic infections.
  12. I agree with Cumslutnl, you do need to check the legislation where you live and yes in most places you do need to disclose your status to new potential partners. As regards all saunas be careful man. Gays are the worst and most viscious when it comes to gossip, and are also the most unforgiving. There is every chance you wont go without being noticed by someone. Oh by the way dont get a horn thinking about prison sex. It's usualy of a very violent nature.
  13. I forgot to mention that meds need to be taken at the same time each day. This is a real pain as it isn't always possible. They can also come with some awful side effects. The wost descrimination I have encountered has come from within the gay community.
  14. I'll say it again that being poz realy isn't something anyone should aspire to. You have to be able to afford to buy meds, remember to take them each day on time, deal with the descrimination from Dr's dentists etc, be on the look out for opportunistic infections, disclose your status to every new potential partner and then be ready to deal with them making you feel less than shit. Is all this what you realy want. It all will become a reality and some more if you continue to take annon raw loads. When I became poz I certainly was not looking for it and still would not. Please guys wake up and think.
  15. Agreed thats one ass I love to growl out.
  16. Thanks "tattooedbottomguy" love my meat too but will try to eat more veg as well.
  17. I undrestand you resons for hesitating but isn't your health more important. Is it posible to go to another Dr.
  18. Yeh I love the feel and smell of a cum dripping ass while I fuck, and prefer loose sloppy holes to ones that feel virgin tight.
  19. Men eat pleanty of nuts and other foods high in zinc, reduce caffine intake and give up smoking and drugs. Last but not least drink pleanty of water.
  20. Yup being poz is not all it's cracked up to be. Remembering to take meds on time every day is a real bitch. Keeping a look out for any opportunistic infections. Another bitch is having to disclose my status every time then deal with a potential freak out and being made feel less than dirt. Seeing the look of horror on dentists faces alone should make you bug chasers think again. To guys wanting to convert, I say fuckin stop and think again. Understand the full repercussions of the decision to go poz. It's not to be snifed at.
  21. Yeh BB should not just be hot it should be honest as well.
  22. When I get to the big smoke I let rip and I'm just happy for what ever happens. At the end of the day I prefer intimate and connected sex.
  23. As a vers guy I prefer guys who are vers as well, or at least a bottom who can get hard. I dig 69 and flip flop fucking so for me an impotent guy is only half the fun.
  24. It all sounds so horny and yet very funny. HA HA HA. As a vers guy I find clenching my hole works but that may take some practice. A but plug could make the problem worse as your hole would become more loose. I would'nt worry too much it just sounds very horny.
  25. Oh sorry guys for the poor spelling and grammer. Instead of fantasies about my english teacher I should have paid more attention to learning something.
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