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Everything posted by YourBasicPerv

  1. From a very early age I remember wanting to have a brother (or sister, I hadn't quite figured myself out yet) to get naked with, inspect each other's 'parts', and play sex games with. There was only one problem with that - I was, and still am, and only child, and I had no interest in seeing adults naked. So... no incest for me. Probably as a result, throughout my life the idea of brothers and cousins (of which I also had none, nearby at least) having sex has always got me hard, and erotic stories with those themes are the ones I tend to like best. For me, the real-life guys who have brothers, and who have 'done the dirty' with them, are the truly lucky ones. Something I've noticed though, when talking to guys face-to-face: Most guys who are into brotherly incest are like me and don't have a brother. Most guys who have brothers are repulsed by the idea of sex with them. There are exceptions of course, and I'm sure there are guys who get boned by it but are too embarrassed to admit it face-to-face. More often though, I think it's a case of we want what we can't have. Go figure.
  2. Excellent start. Looking forward to more!
  3. I was anally obsessed from an early age. In my youth I started out with (after fingers of course) the small end of a a rubber ear syringe that I found in the medicine cabinet, screwdriver handles, and soda bottles (the glass 1970's versions with the long necks and smooth ends). I'm sure there were other things that went up me, but those are the ones I remember most from that era, which was before I had anyone else to have sex with, and years before I could purchase any legit sex toys. Later on I remember among other things trying medium/large size gumballs, and also hot dogs (after I had been playing around enough years that I wasn't tight enough to immediately chop it off midway though it going in). I found some perverse pleasure in walking around other people in the house knowing I had my ass filled. That was probably mid or just post-college years and by that time I had a few 'real' sex toys (albeit the cheap latex variety), but found the other stuff kinky and fun. I went through a phase where I would go outside (rural area, so no onlookers), use a garden hose to fill my ass up, and spray it out. Kind of odd, but it felt good at the time, and years later I even stumbled across some porn vids of other people doing the same thing, so I guess I wasn't alone in wanting to. These days I have a half dozen or so toys of various shapes and sizes, mostly silicon Square Peg stuff obtained from Mr. S Leather. I may play with them daily for two weeks straight or they may stay sitting in the box for a year, but they're fun when I'm in that mood. Porn-wise I'm always in the mood, and have a love for watching anally-obsessed twinks who get off on expanding their holes with huge toys (Bad Dragon etc), fists, pumps, and such. That never gets old!
  4. Very hot story! Any chance it will be continued?
  5. Love the story so far. Please continue!!
  6. It's not just this site. The same thing happens on Nifty and most every other story site I've been to over the years. It's frustrating when it's a story you enjoy, but for any number of reasons (writer's block, lack of time, losing interest in the plot, etc), an author may choose not to write the next chapter. The best thing you can do to prevent it is to write the author and let you know that you like their story. The #1 reason I've seen given by authors for not continuing a story, or not publishing any more stories at all, is lack of reader encouragement. Fortunately you do see encouragement on this site (since hitting Reply is easier to do than switching programs and sending an email), but it's something to keep in mind. (and yes, I admit to being as guilty as anyone else about not contacting the authors, but I'm trying to be better about it, as should everyone else who reads the stories)
  7. I wasn't monitoring the site for a lot of last year so missed out on this thread and the videos that were linked. I have to say with regards to the remaining photos though, you don't have a dud in the bunch! You have excellent taste!
  8. Always ready and willing to encourage a young chaser. Good luck on your hunt! Keep us up on your progress and your load count!
  9. Glad to have you here! From your description, you should fit in very well. Consider writing a short story about how you came to be poz, maybe a post in the Backroom section. We'd love to hear about your conversion and what led up to it!
  10. I totally agree with this. The OP (or his login) is long gone by now, but I hope that he did whatever made him happy, and did it in a safe manner. As we found on this thread, there aren't a lot of guys that get off on nullos or eunuchs - but, we all know there aren't a lot of guys that get boned by intentionally turning poz either. We found each other, and guys who get off on losing their balls and/or cock (or fucking those that have) will find each other as well. I'm not the type that will ever go through with it, but I get off on reading erotic stories about guys getting cut, so I know the sites are out there.
  11. versbbguy, no need to rush getting back here until you're ready, but we'd love to hear more. I discovered your Cody series after joining and it's taken me well over a week to get finally through them all. They're so hot I keep having 'interruptions' and have to stop lol Young Cody, younger Tyler, father/son, brother/brother, college roommates, young chasers begging for loads, former chasers turned gifters, hidden cams, corruption, piss fucking, conversion parties, med-resistant strains, forced chastity - it's hitting so many hot buttons that now whenever I hear the name Cody, my cock automatically starts to twitch! Keep up the good work on the stories, and good luck in your own hunt!
  12. Here's another couple to look at. May be easier to order depending on where you are in the world. https://www.mr-s-leather.com/D454K/trainer.html https://www.mr-s-leather.com/D451Z/prince-albert.html Both are produced by Square Peg, and are solid toys made of pure silicone. Look at the construction of the toys that you buy. You want to avoid PVC and latex. Both bad for your guts over time. Silicone is safe and good stuff. They aren't cheap, but they'll last you years. I'm still using Square Peg toys that I bought at Mr. S's store 10 years ago. Throw them in the dishwasher (after rinsing them off...) and they're good as new. Here are a couple of other possibilities from a different company: http://bad-dragon.com/products/gryphon http://bad-dragon.com/products/nova I've seen videos of people using these toys for several years now, but haven't broken down and ordered one yet. They're also made of silicone, but colorful, unique, and available in large sizes big enough for stretching. They're different than most toys in that you can custom order them in your own choice of size, firmness, color(s), and they can be ordered with a "cumtube" that goes up through it that you can pump lube through. If you don't care about the details and/or want to save some money, they have 'adoptions' of premade and factory seconds that you can order. Can't say much from personal experience, but they look awfully cool and the size is right. Let us know how it goes. We'd love to see some photos or vids of you practicing!
  13. Definitely pride that I can just bend over and let any man use me 'slut' and 'ho' are words usually used by people jealous of the amount of sex someone else is having. I've never had enough sex to called a slut, but I admire those that do, especially the younger ones. I say get as much of it as you want, when you want it, with the kinks you want, and while you can. As time goes by the opportunities get fewer (steady relationships etc) and you may not feel like it as often (medical conditions etc). Get those clothes off and do what feels good while you can so you won't have any regrets when you look back.
  14. I've never played with medical sounds, but used to play with 'penis plugs' that you can buy online different places. I have several that I bought, in different lengths, shapes, etc. Usually tapered, sometimes ribbed, and sometimes with a thru hole for piss or cum to flow through. You see a lot these days with rings at the top, intended to keep it inserted for long-term wear. I really liked the feel of them going in and rubbing my cock from the inside. The tapered ones are like butt plugs in that you start out with a diameter that feels good, and over time you stretch the muscle ring at the top of the piss hole and more and more of the plug goes in. Some of the tapered plugs end in a smaller neck area like a butt plug does. When I reached that section for the first time, it gave me an amazing feeling as it 'snapped' into place. Very similar to the sensation and satisfaction of a butt plug when it snaps in. You have to be careful not to be too rough, but jerking off and cumming with them in is a really cool experience. I never tried fucking with them in, as I was worried about starting an infection, but I think some guys do that. With anything you put down your cock, it needs to be as sterile as possible. I would soak my plugs in rubbing alcohol before and after using them. I never left them in long-term, but I know some guys do. I never used any store-bought lube. I always jerked off until I had a good precum going, and then use precum as the lube. It's slick, and always worked for me. The only problem is keeping the precum flowing if you're having a long session, and that usually wasn't too hard. It's been several years since I got them out. Towards the end I had several UTIs, and started worrying that they were because I was stretching the hole too much. I don't know exactly, but I think I got up to just over 1/4" diameter. I remember working on getting a marker (Sharpie?) in, but never couldn't. I don't know if that's the reason for the UTIs, or if they were unrelated. I moved on to other kinks and haven't went back. I've thought about it though, and every so often I get an itch to pull them out. Maybe one of these days...
  15. Haven't done fisting (yet), but Crisco is good for large toys in that it doesn't dry out, and stays with the toy a little better as you're using it. Other lubes are slicker and better for riding toys, as well as for getting fucked with real cocks. Regarding an opinion on Crisco itself, I've used Crisco for JO lube since I was a teenager. I tend to have long JO sessions of a couple hours or more, and Crisco (almost) never dries out. When I was still living with the parents it was easy because I could always steal some from the kitchen. Never had to go to a sex shop or be embarrassed at a drug store. It's not petroleum based like Vaseline (which I started out with), and because of that, a lot easier to clean up after. I've talked to other people about using it and most look at me like I'm crazy, but whenever I try out new lubes for JO, they're never as good, and I always come back to it.
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