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Everything posted by Pnpguyny

  1. Omg so many of my fantasies
  2. Always heard that the Bijou was a fun place
  3. I've been depressed since I'm a kid andvam on meds for it, mixed with all the delf medicating who knows if it's making me worse. I can remember being like 7 or 8 and being attracted to self destructive guys and it's been that way ever since. Not a single guy I've had a relationship with was someone who had their shit together or was someone I could count on. At 16 I discovered I was attracted to alcoholic men and their rapid mood swings. One minute they were kissing me and next giving me a black eye (true story). Most people hate walking on eggshells but I love it knowing I could say the wrong thing or put the TV too loud and punches start being thrown. I won't get into all the straight guys who I supported their habits loving the more they used me the more I loathed myself. I don't even know why I'm writing this I sent a private message to someone on here who mentioned they were self destructive and now it's in my head.
  4. Excellent youth training 👌
  5. Beautiful 😍 fur
  6. I had a lunchtime hookup one time that I took loads from 2 guys. When I got back to office it was running into my socks. Had to do some quick washing before anyone smelled it.
  7. He was before my time but Jon King is one of the sexiest guys ever. I bought a load of his movies but there is one I am looking for. After he retired he came back and did another film, he looked tired and gaunt but still hot as fuck. Anyone have any idea of the name?
  8. Cut, but I live to suck uncut.
  9. I've been getting fucked by guys married to females since im 11, nothing hotter.
  10. Only 2 one was a regular FWB other one was a new hookup.
  11. There is a "straight" guy I know and I found his profile on Grinder. He says 3x on there he's 100% straight and only wants trannies but he will let effeminate gays blow and rim him, he's so fucking arrogant. A teacher I had in high school we were talking and shared pics. He remembered me and wanted to hook up but I wasn't into him but told him I felt weird. There are a few former teachers including one who used to flirt with me I wish I would connect with. Lastly a former neighbor who used to make semi-inappropriate comments to me when I was like 13 and I always suspected. He pissed me off when he said he knew I was a horny gay kid back then and he wanted to fuck me
  12. Seeing guys with bushes when I was a kid.
  13. Real light at 11 more defined at 12 but never really hairy. My brother teases me he knew I was gay when I was a kid because if I was changing in a locker room or home and saw pubes it fascinated me and I always wanted to touch them.
  14. 11 with best friends dad
  15. OMG I love Peto Coast how was it?
  16. Whats sessions like?
  17. I want to know too
  18. Nothing I love more then driving home after getting fucked and feeling the load(s) in my ass slowly dripping out. I usually try to call a buddy who only wants to play if you have 2 or more guys loads in you. He loves fucking a used cummy ass or if he fucked someone before me he likes me to sit on his face while he sucks the cum out of me.
  19. NY here 27
  20. One of my steady FWB'S is 5-6" and our sex is incredible. Big cocks are great but I've had lousy sex with guys who think their being hung is enough.
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