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ScorpionFF last won the day on June 12

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    Those days are all gone now but, one thing's still true
    When I look, and I find, I still love you.... I still love you!

    ~ These are the days of our lives ~

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Can't believe it - you're a fan of Freddie Mercury too? 

      The two of us were born to fall in love and get married! - I'm kidding, of course. Just making my partner playfully jealous.

    2. Willing


      Why can't 3 people get married,  just threw that out,  lol

  2. You can't turn back the clock, you can't turn back the tide
    Ain't that a shame?

    I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
    When life was just a game

    ~ These are the days of our lives ~


    Sometimes it seems like lately, I just don't know
    The rest of my life's been, just a show

    ~ These are the days of our lives ~

  4. The BEST story on here bar none! Thank you Eliot. Rest in Peace brother 💞


    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Eliot - evilqueerpig? He was a good friend of mine too

  5. Spring is around the corner - Thank fuck for that! 🌞

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      and I bet you're horny as fuck! 

      These days I feel the urge to breed very, very often! My partner says I'm insatiable. But he is not less - we are both sore when we fall asleep

    3. ScorpionFF


      Re; ''and I bet you're horny as fuck!''

      Unfortunately @PozTalkAuthor my libido had left the building. Literally nowhere to be seen! 

      I would imagine if you and your other half are rutting on a regular basis that any soreness would simply beCUM a slippy sloppy time, unless you are both pushing beyond limits not yet met. ENJOY it all as one day it won't be there. 

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      Really sorry for this! 

      Regarding us, there are  times we would have sex every moment possible, others we are completely sexless, it's life. It happens. But most important thing is always here, and it's the fact we can count on each other! This has been here since about 13 years when we were co-workers, then friends, and now a couple. And it's much much more important than sex. 

  6. I LOVE this. That cute cub in the middle sure has got some talented hips going on there.....


  7. Instead of dragging others down (I observe this across every online platform), raise them up instead - Love thy neighbour no matter what. Build instead of destroy. 


  8. For you @Heir2012. The comedy duo I told you about doing their ''2 dirty old Fat Men'' sketch. Enjoy. 


  9. And that is the last of the current albums updated. A handful of new albums over the next few days will be uploaded in their entirety and will be my last. 

  10. Another 6 albums updated today and are thus now also complete. Almost done now tying up this loose end. 

  11. No sweeter sound than when a palm makes firm contact with an eager Glute - I LOVE the loud high sound it makes. 

  12. Probably the same reason why I love cream cakes - If it is filled with cream then I just have to have it, ha - In the life of old that is, on both counts.
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