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ScorpionFF last won the day on January 2

ScorpionFF had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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    ScorpionFF's favourite albums that he with his creative eye put together to convey his inner self:



  • Looking For
    ScorpionFF's Final Story



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  1. Wishing all happiness and most importantly good health for 2025 and beyond. Your health is your wealth. Look after yourself.

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      "Just took my meds, mama!" -showing HIV meds bottle full of sugar candies. (No, I'm kidding, of course). 

      Btw you're right, staying healthy physically, sexually and mentally. 

      I wish (for myself and anyone) that 2025 will give us the strength to deal with unhealthy relationships or friendships correctly - set free from people and situations we don't deserve.

      Self-stigma down, self-esteem up.

    2. biobare


      Sounds fine, but also a bit funny when it is written at a "Poz Not On Meds" account, doesn't it? But nevertheless, I would be open to receive your healthy cum out of your toxic balls deep into my cunt! 🤪

  2. Accidents will happen 🐷😈💦💦
  3. Would love to be your toxic whore!! 

  4. Wishing everyone all the very best at this time of year. May all be blessed with the most important gift you could ever have.... your HEALTH! 🎁

  5. Due to flailing health, before this decade even started. The mind is willing and all that. And it looks to be that the last time will indeed just be that.... The last time! *sighs*
  6. That is the joy of playing with a very well used bottom-pig, one can just ram in with the tool of choice; tongue, Dick, hand, arm. 💦🐽🌹💦👊🏻🐷💦🍆🌹💦💪🏻🐽💦
  7. Wonderful cunt. And locked too. Perfect!
  8. Just shared this on the xhamster thread. But I love it so much it is deserved of a share on my personal BZ timeline.....

    One of my all time favourite pig videos out there to watch. A beautiful prolapse worshipping fuck, lick, and suck. Fucking oink to infinity 🐽🌹🐽🌹🐽🌹🐽

    [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/fucking-the-rose-2364409

  9. One of my all time favourite pig videos out there to watch. A beautiful prolapse worshipping fuck, lick, and suck. Fucking oink to infinity 🐽🌹🐽🌹🐽🌹🐽 [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/fucking-the-rose-2364409
  10. When it comes to health issues infectious or otherwise, personally it is very important for a partner to know, after all one is sharing a life with a significant other. I couldn't and haven't hidden such an important part of my life. Nothing is any more personal than ones health. Your health is your wealth as it were.
  11. Thank you very much brother. That means a great deal to me. I feel honoured 😊
  12. Thanks man for the high praise and eagerness. I have just published ScorpionFF's final ever story here 👇🏻 [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/87403-the-potent-frailty/ ☣
  13. Closing Credits in pictures --- > [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/gallery/album/11539-the-potent-frailty-~-closing-credits/ The END, and Goodnight.
  14. Part 12; Club ''Poz-Demon'' Club ''Poz-Demon'' in pictures ---> [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/gallery/album/11538-club-poz-demon/ The 6 months worth of Fisting training and Fisting homework from Frank along with all the extra homework my boy set for himself had passed, and Bill's annual Club ''Poz-Demon'' event had arrived at his Sex Club. The venue had received all of its 100s of party guests and my boy was on the stage strapped into steel examination chair facing dancefloor with his legs spread wide open. A Doctor in a Plague Doctor Mask inserted two cannulas into my boy, one into a hand and one into an arm. A first dose of the psychedelic Rocket Fuel went in soon after the 4 hour or so transfusion of Bill's blood commenced. The Doctor would of course monitor my boy's vitals; checking pulse, BP, and temperature. As the transfusion began Bill took to the stage, had the Techno music turned down from super loud to faint by the DJ, and spoke to the party goers from his microphone.... ''Good evening my fellow poz brothers. Tonight's star attraction is this pig here, Josh, brought to us by our late friend Ron. He has now just started to receive a transfusion of my CRF19 strain where he will naturally be closely monitored. My current viral load stands at Fifty Five Million, Six Hundred and Sixteen thousand copies. No one must touch him until the transfusion is complete. Once it is complete he will be transferred to the sling inside the cage in the middle of the dancefloor by our friend Belial where you are then free to USE him how you so wish.'' During the next 4 hours or so my boy received the transfusion whilst receiving multiple doses of Rocket Fuel, a psychedelic that sent my boy soaring through the universe. In this time which felt like a few years for my boy the party goers danced to the techno music, got high, and played between themselves. Many were saving their initial loads for the star attraction. Once the transfusion was complete Belial removed my boy from the examination chair, but he had something else in mind before taking him to the sling. He had him on his knees and commanded that my boy put his thick large penis into his mouth. He held onto Belial's legs even though as a result of the psychedelic sedative he could not feel anything including himself, and felt like he was floating on the ceiling. Belial's penis just lay there on my boy's tongue as he heavily hallucinated. The Demon penis albeit just laying there throbbed as it oozed out big globules of super toxic pre cum. ''When this night is through here you will be coming back with me to a Soul Surrender Fuck Ritual. Right. We better had not keep the party guests waiting now, should we.'' Belial carried my boy who now could not walk to the sling in the middle of the dance floor. The cage quickly filled up but it was Belial who got first dibs and slid his highly charged and toxic pre cum dripping penis deep into my boy's rectum. It was now that the Techno music suddenly stopped only to be ironically replaced with an all consuming haunting Belial Chant. The strobe lighting that had been bouncing around the club came to a halt which was replaced with a deep fuzzy red low lighting, only high enough for party goers to be just about able to see. The atmosphere suddenly changed with the entire dancefloor and club turning into one massive fuck frenzy. Some Men until this point were fucking, getting fucked, sucking, getting sucked, Fisting, getting Fisted, pissing on and in, getting pissed on and in, but it was now that the many that were had been dancing now joined in with the hedonistic play. ''Oh FUCK YES, what a beautiful loose sloppy cunt. I cannot wait to dump my demon seed deep into you, but you will have to wait a while longer for that eventual pleasure.'' Belial fucked him for a while longer, then left the cage as to allow my boy to be mauled and gang-fucked over the next several hours during which time he would suck and get fucked HARD, taking 84 loads. 83 were in the sling, but the 84th cam from Belial. It was about half way through the several hour gang bang when Belial took my boy out of the sling AND outside of the cage where he threw him against the cage pressing his domineering body against the young flesh whilst thrusting his very thick demon penis deep inside the heavily anaesthetised rectum. My boy could not feel a thing at this point. Belial fucked with a brute force.... ''I hope you have not forgotten, you are coming back with me to a Soul Surrender Fuck Ritual. You have got what my Master wants. Now take my demon seed faggot. And once I have cum you will push out with all your might that loose cunt of yours. Show us what you got.'' Belial with short and sharp brute force fucked my boy until he shot his demon seed deep inside of his rectum, and as he dumped his demon seed his let out a demonic cry that even drowned out the Belial Chant. He withdrew his demon shaft and in the blink of an eye vanished into the night. Even though he could not feel anything somehow Josh held onto the outside of the cage with his inner consciousness pushing out his rectum. He pushed until he treated everyone to a sweet sight of his rectum now completely inside out, a huge prolapse that was dripping with huge amounts of cum. Frank re-appeared and carried Josh back into the sling inside of the cage, knelt to where his prolapse was hanging out and slurped up a huge mouthful of cum into his mouth. Holding the cum right there he stood up, slid deep into my boy's dripping battered prolapse and fed him a mouthful of cum as he fucked him. Near the end of the night that was Club ''Poz-Demon'', as he lay in the sling still getting his rectum savagely gang banged, he during a moment where his mouth was being given a break from being face fucked he looked up and saw my energy-spirit. He smiled.... *high on a psychedelic sedative* and said.... ''Thank you, Sir Ron.'' 💞
  15. Part 11; Fisting Frank Once arriving at Frank's home Bill and Frank made Josh wait in Frank's basement play-dungeon whilst they had a few Whiskey's upstairs before the first Fisting training session commenced. During the next 6 months Josh would attend Frank's basement play-dungeon 2 consecutive nights each week for at least 7 hours each night which would always include Frank and Bill after the 7 hour Fisting session fucking and cumming inside of Josh on both days/nights. That would work out at 14 hours straight per week Fisting over 26 weeks which totals 364 hours of Fisting PrEP which amounts to 15 whole days in a 6 month period of being Fisted. A nice and sloppy prolapsed rectum for the party was cultivated! In the 6 months of training Fisting Frank had developed for my boy a full blooming prolapse. Of course my boy was set homework where he would do training himself at home using ginormous toys. Having completed his chasing mission my boy was now a fully fledged Fisting pig. He could not get enough of his new main interest, spending all of his free time taking bigger and bigger toys. From the time we met until now his rectum had greatly stretched out. He was now loose! 🌹🐽
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