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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. I am in agreement with 'DirtyFuckBoy' on this. I don't like the bottom I am fucking to cum (externally). In fact, I prefer it if they don't even get hard. They are certainly NOT allowed to touch themselves!! Their sole purpose is to serve me, with their body, mind, and their one and only sexual organ; Their cunt!

    Internal orgasm(s) for the bottom turn me on big time;

    Hearing intense manic moaning, and screaming (preferably with pre-cum leaking from a caged limp dick) is what really does it for me! 🐷

    So, top tip for anal/internal orgasms ~ 'Completely' forget that you have a dick (and do NOT play with it, at all). An added bonus is for a bottom to have his dick caged in chastity. This prevents any temptation, and over time taps into the inner psyche, re routing it's path of development to where it should be. A lot I believe rests on the psychological aspect side to the situation. 

    And as has already been discussed, the Top's technique of course also plays a vital role. It takes two to tango and all that.

    With a Dick that has a distinct curve when fully aroused, I have been told that this can also help considerably 😈 

    Lots of patience, and even more practice required 👅

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  2. PREQUEL to Chapter 23;

    - Guys, you know it is no sex in the shower areas. It is for quick showering only! 

    Once spent the weathered bull flopped on top of me, fucking me slowly, his crix belly against my lower back, with my cunT so full of his dirTy poz cum once again it was overflowing just like last time, squelching and slopping about with each small thrust as his sperm and Todd's Gono pus mingled together. He whispered into my ear;

    We had better get you to the steam room, we're breaking sauna rules fucking here. I shall be having some relaxation at the bar, and you will only leave the steam room when I come to fetch you. 

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  3. Chapter 22; *Sauna ~ The beginning*

    - Is that a broTherhood shoT?
    - Yep.
    - Is it your blood?

    In went the needle, the plunger went down, and there was another hit of meTh, with my neighbour Edwards very own strain. 😈 Seems like I was building myself up quite a nice collection! 🐷 The needle came out, and looking up at me he replied to my question with an intense glare;

    - Yes!
    - Oh fuck. Oh God. I NEED Dick up my cunT. I NEED cum!! [ I was in that meTh haze again ]
    - Don't worry, where we are going I am sure there will be more than enough to go around. By the way, anything else of significance happen with your clinic visit today?
    - Er, yeah, I was given a course of PEP. But ...
    - But, what?
    - I have decided it is not for me. Look, here is the first blister pack that the nurse opened. She seemed really keen to want me to take the first pill there and then.

    He popped the said partly opened blister packet into his pocket. What was he upto with that? About 30 minutes later we arrived at a popular Gay sauna. Was my cunT after a few days rest going to be taking another good hard battering? We got undressed, towels around our waists, and put all of our belongings into one locker. Except for one small tiny item. My weathered poz bull took the one pill out that the nurse tried to get me to take today, and off we went to the shower area.

    - Give me your towel, and kneel before me.

    I wasn't going to argue with such a sexy stud! He then took the pill between thumb and finger, and addressed the crowd. Some guys were hovering around me kneeling down. Others were showering, and others were moving through with many stopping to watch as the event that was about to take place, unfold. He began to speak out very loudly;

    - Some of you here know me, and know I have been off of my usual meds for several months. I was due to start a new regime today, but this new dirty sluT in town a few days ago infecTed me with Gonorrhea. Look at the sign on his back. Clearly a very nasTy PiG.

    As I hadn't even showered since Friday night 3 days ago, the 'NEG PIG / POZ ME' sign was still etched on my back in permanent marker ink. My crix bellied bull ordered me to hold the pill, then gave me a choice;

    - If you want to take PEP, you will start immediately. If not, you will place it on the floor in front of you.

    In my fresh meTh high I looked around at the gathering crowd, and the guys that were showering, most of which were now stroking their fully erect or growing Dicks. I placed the pill on the wet floor, put both hands on my thighs, and looked up at Edward with a smile of fucked up greedy piggy lust.

    - I see. So you really are ready to become HIV+ then are you, you nasTy WH☢️RE?

    My response was that of an audible groan, with my smile becoming even more piggy for my cunT to get a good seeing to, and my hips began to feverishly rock back and forth. I guess that was a good enough answer! Suddenly, a group of guys surrounded me jerking off, with space left for Edward to be directly in front of me with no obstructions, and I saw him waste no time in joining the others in tugging on his now super hard toxic Dick. I felt hands grope my ass cheeks, and it wasn't long before I heard several grunts as I felt my back, and scalp become wet as multiple guys came over me.

    Edward came right up to me and massaged in the cum on my head like it was shampoo, lathering it up. Then, he stood back a few paces, and was now in the zone to unleash is hyperspermia on me once again;

    - Right you nasTy fucking WHORE, I want you to open that mouth as wide as you can, and keep it wide open.

    Moments after he started to stroke fast and hard right in front of my face I felt my back be pushed forwards so my butt cheeks lifted off of my heels, and in and instant a Dick slid deep inside me balls deep, and keeping themselves fully impaled commenced very slowly with tiny rocking movements fucking me. I instantly recognised the feeling of that PA and the style of the fucking, and how my hips were being gripped. It had to be my Gono stud Todd!? 
    With my first PEP pill within reaching distance, it seemed I was once again engaging in extremely high risk behaviour, and this fucked up meTh-PiG was fucking loving it!

    - You ready for another drenching? Here it comes Steven!

    He purposefully let everyone in the vicinity know my name, as a form of degradation, and it only served to turn me on even more. As my cunT got a very slow fuck I looked up at my weathered bull whose face was now contorting, his body was becoming rigid, his breathing was becoming erratic, and the rumblings of little grunts let all know that full on mature bull grunts were on their way. He stepped forward, and then came that first SQUIRT 💦💦💦 ...

    The first few squirts hit my face, then, in my mouth came the hyperspermia blast, and with each few squirts I found myself having to close my mouth to swallow the huge amount that had already collected. Then I would open very WIDE again for my t☢️xic bull. Each time my mouth was closed for those few seconds my face got a good drenching.

    - Todd, move, he's going to get the last part of my load deep in his guts. 

    A few more squirts entered my mouth, and I knew that was going to be the last he pumped into that end, but, I wanted to savour what he had just given me, so, I closed my mouth, but didn't swallow, just letting his dirty seed settle to the bottom of my mouth, on and under my tongue. I was correct, it was my Gono stud Todd.

    He withdrew with Edward immediately plunging in. He pushed my head down so my arse was in the air, my cum covered back was at an angle as he then pushed my face into the wet ground. I could see the PEP pill inches away, when this yellow hand moved it within millimeters of my lips.

    As my cunT got super loaded with my bulls dirty hyperspermia toxic cum I looked up to see Todd's yellow gaunt face looking down at me with a cocky depraved smirk. I felt like a real nasTy dirTy faGGot-PiG as I let my lower jaw open so the cum I was holding in slowly drooled out and over my lips, and onto the floor.

    Todd laughed arrogantly;

    - Just think PiG, when we met three days ago you were a NEG-virgin. Now look at you, cannot get enough of the broTherhood shoTs and the death-fuck-seed that we all kindly give to you. I so cannot wait for about 1 months time!

    As he said that a young guy who worked at the sauna came walking through with a high bundle of towels;

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  4. Chapter 21; Clinic / PEP 💊

    When I finally woke up I felt fucking dreadful, and my cunT felt super sore, as did my tits. I didn't have the strength to shower, so just dressed in my lounge gear and monged out all day. My Lew seemed to sense something was not quite right, and was pleading for us to have a video chat. I messaged him saying I was feeling very tired, and that we could video chat tomorrow night (Monday) at 11pm my time. That seemed to go down well, and calmed him down. He kept messaging me throughout the day saying how much he missed me.

    Sunday soon came and went, and Monday morning was here. I had woken late, and had a monster of a sore throat, and still felt terrible. I rolled into work 1 hour late, and even without showering. I was dressed smartly, but, was still covered in cum and piss! My sexy hunk of a boss Ayan came over;

    - I am so sorry I am late. I promise it won't happen again. 
    - Don't worry. Did you have a good weekend? You look as though you have not had much rest!
    - Er, yeah, I went to a party. But I now seem to have a really bad sore throat.
    - You haven't been sucking on Gonorrhea dripping Dick have you [ he teased ]
    - Erm ...
    - Oh, I see, you did, did you [ Did he already actually really know? ] 
    - Er, yes. *I sheepishly replied*

    He in a flash announced to the office manager he employed that he was leaving the office, and took me with him, taking me to the nearest sexual health clinic. 

    - I have to go back to work, but you get seen here. And, you are to take the rest of today off, and take tomorrow off too. I am away on business from Wednesday until next Tuesday, so, I'll see you next week. Good luck.
    - Thank you, boss.

    I had only been waiting for about 30 minutes when a nurse called me in. We went through my sexual history, which until Friday had been very vanilla, tame, and monogamous. She soon learned through her probing that two and a half days ago I had undertaken in very high risk sex, with unprotected fucking as a bottom from detectable tops with HIGH viral loads, had taken chems, taken blood slams, been exposed to Hep C, and Gonorrhea. She done a rapid HIV test which of course came back negative, and took further bloods to cover for HIV, Syphilis, and Hep C. And she also swabbed my Penis, Rectum, and Throat. I wonder what she must have been thinking when swabbing my battered cunT!? 
    I was made to wait after this initial consultation with tests for about 1 hour when I was called back into the same room, and same nurse.

    - Okay Steven, I have the results of your swabs back. You are negative for Gonorrhea in your Penis, but Positive in your throat and Rectum. I shall give you a shot of antibiotics for that in a moment. And, I have spoken with a Doctor, and it has been agreed to give you a 4 week course of PEP, considering your extremely high risk sexual behaviour from Friday. But, you need to start taking it today. And we'll see you again here in 4 weeks time.

    She gave me the antibiotic shot in my ass, then had me seated again to go through the whole PEP thing. She actually broke the foil on the blister pack, partly pushing out the first pill, whilst fetching me a glass of water.

    - You can start now if you like [ she seemed to be pressing the situation very hard ]
    - Er, can I take it in the bathroom. I prefer not to have someone watching me.

    She obliged my request. Once in the bathroom I tipped the water down the toilet, sat down, and stared at the partly opened blister pack. I mean, did I really want to take this course of pills. I knew if I did not start this course today that I would without doubt become HIV+. Something I had for years avoided any kind of contact with, as it scared me. And now, well, something inside me was changing, in more ways than one. The vanilla DNA of old was being replaced with toxic DNA, not just in body, but in mind too. 

    I spent the afternoon walking around town window shopping, and grabbing bites to eat here and there. I eventually found myself sitting in a park, and took the partly opened blister pack out, staring at it again, and at a particular moment the sun reflected on the foil, I had a lightbulb moment;

    I did NOT want to take these damn pills. I was READY to embrace the nasTy PiG within, and allow myself to become a fully fledged poz fucker. Using a map I decided to make my way home with a long walk. Once inside my block I made my ascent to the top floor. When I got there I saw Ramon sitting outside his front door, reading. He looked up at me with a stern cross look on his face.

    - Thanks to you my fiance has put taking his new medication on hold for the time being. He will be over to see you at yours at 9pm. And he has a message for you; You are to be douched, and ready to go out. Oh, and leave your door off the latch. My Edward is not keen on knocking and waiting. 

    He closed his book, and went back inside. What on earth could what he have just said meant. And why exactly was he so cross with me. With everything that went on today it completely slipped my mind that I was meant to be having a video chat with my Lew at 11pm. Would that cross over with the time that I was supposedly going to be out with Edward? 

    At 9pm on the dot he came in, and ordered me to my knees. And he just stood there, arms folded, in silence. But, unlike Ramon, his look wasn't cross and angry. He looked cocky and very pleased with himself. He pulled down his shorts, then his jockstrap, and there was the reason. A Dick leaking Gono pus!

    - See what you have caused you nasTy filthy fucking WHORE! I had decided to start my new meds today, but you have helped me decide to hold off from that avenue for a little while longer. It's time for some fun. Now have you douched?
    - Yes Sir.- Good boy.
    - I did get diagnosed with Gonorrhea in my ass and throat today at the clinic, and received a shot for it. I must have become infecTed Friday night.

    A depraved smirk came across his face. He took his semi hard Gono pus leaking Dick and shoved it in my mouth, holding firmly behind my head and pulling it in tightly so my nose was nestled into his pubes. I felt his Dick slowly grow as I was forced to smell his musky crotch, and could only imagine the pus leaking into and down my throat. Would the antibiotic shot I had earlier cover for this fresh batch of incoming pus? He pulled out and pulled his shorts up. 

    He got me to sit on my couch, putting a tourniquet on my arm. Oh no, I knew what this meant. More meTh. Well, almost. Out from his pocket he pulled out what he was about to give to me ....

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  5. Chapter 20; *Solo*

    - Lovely meeting you Steven, but you have to go now. My boy and I have a busy day ahead, including getting ready for entertaining our guests Todd & Ayan for Sunday brunch tomorrow. Darling, make sure our new neighbour gets inside his new home safely.
    - Yes Daddy.

    ''Ayan'' I thought. How many Ayan's could there be. Not a common name. Could it be my boss? And Todd? Surely not my Gono stud from lastnight? Did everyone know everyone in this City? I guess I would find out in time. I hopped out of the sling, absolutely drenched inside and out with Edward's massive load of t☢️xic fuck-juice, and began to walk, but, I soon found myself waddling, what with the huge plug stuffing my cunT shut. Edward patted my left ass cheek;

    - Don't worry, you can return the plug when you are finished with it.

    He smiled and winked at me, as Ramon led the way out of their home, and to my front door. I unlocked, opened, and went inside only to be followed by my escort. He shut the door, (to make double sure no one would hear what he had to say, especially Edward), leaned into my ear, and whispered;

    - I heard what you said to my fiance about having been a Dom-Top until lastnight. And what you said having taken broTherhood shoTs from Uncle Chad and Uncle Todd. I will be waiting in the wings for when you convert to being HIV+, and you WILL, and when you do, you WILL execute what I am being refused with on multiple occasions from my Man and his friends ---> poz my NEG cunT. 

    He promptly left, leaving me with his words of determination. Not only did he leave me with his words, he purposefully left my door off the latch and slightly ajar, incase he or Edward wished to pay me a visit. Taking his words with me I waddled to my bathroom, not totally sure why I was going there. I lay my hands on the wash basin, looked into the mirror, and staring back at me was a manic G&T high fucked up expression of a nasTy PiG in heat, with Edward's cum literally dangling from my cheeks and chin.

    My sight was drawn to the track marks on my arms which seem to instantaneously cause a flood of vivid detailed flashbacks from my very own private conversion broTherhood-tina-shoT fueled gang-bang lastnight / this morning! 

    Coupled with Ramon's 'bug chasing' words ringing in my head I looked deep into my eyes, snarling at my own reflection, as my new, much larger, and very SORE nipples wept through the broken skin; The Dom-Top within had not been lost. If anything, he was in the process of being reborn, as an unmedicated poz Top spreading the gifT! But for now, I needed MORE t☢️xic cum, and I knew just where to get it from. I got several mirrors from around my home and strategically placed them in the living room, where I then lay out the vinyl play sheet. Time for some solo fun! I got on all fours, and went to unplug my cunT, when I heard footsteps come down my hallway, and into my living room walked Edward with a 2 litre bottle of cola;

    - I just brought you this, in case you don't have anything, as you need to keep your blood sugar up in your state. And look at you, still enjoying your broTherhood-shoTs I see.

    He went into my kitchen and poured me a large cola, putting the bottle in the fridge to keep it chilled, came back into my living room, cola onto the coffee table, back to my front door and closed it so now no one could enter, back to where I was, shorts and socks off so he was now naked except for his tight fitting tank top, then knelt by my side, and pulled out the large butt-plug that was stuffing my now very well used cunT. A HUGE amount of t☢️xic sperm just sprayed out amidst a massive sloppy wet rippling cum-fart.

    - Oh fuck YEAH. I want to see more of where that came from. C'mon PiG, push it out, go on, push it out. Push out that nasTy death-seed.

    I pushed and pushed, with many more sloppy wet rippling cum-farts, and a ridiculous amount of more toxic cum just flowing out. This was way beyond just dripping.

    But, the more I pushed, the more I was pushing out more than just toxic sperm, because here I was now once again blooming my freshly made rose. 🌹 This seemed to really exciTe my bull of a neighbour as he relentlessly encouraged me to push out toxic cum from my cunT and in the process bloom my rose as wide as it could possibly go. And that was one huge full bloom as a cum dripping prolapse now hung between my legs.

    Edward crouched low behind me, licking and chewing on my ridged, inflammed, inside out cum soaked cunT. It seemed like he was down there for an eternity as I fell back much deeper into my G&T haze, my head laying on the vinyl play sheet, with loud groans of an 'on heat PiG' enjoying being USED! He came around to my head, and got me so my face was level with his, then shoved his tongue (with a mouthful of HIV+ cum from multiple anonymous men) deep down my throat. The joys of being felched, then snowballed.

    This PiG was learning very quickly! He abruptly got dressed and ready to leave;

    - Listen, I have Sunday brunch to prep for tomorrow, and LOTS more to do, so, I am going to have to leave you to it. Don't forget your cola. Blood sugar remember. See you soon you sluT. 

    I swiveled around so my face was where my prolapse had been blooming, and all that nasTy t☢️xic death-seed had been dripping and flowing, and there I was confronted with an immense puddle of it that I had just pushed out by my knees. I did what any PiG in his right mind would do, and scooped it up, scoop after scoop and rubbed it all over my face and torso. I spent the afternoon pushing out much more of this cum, most of which I just had no idea where it had come from, and continued to rub it all over me. When I wasn't doing that I was rolling around on the vinyl play sheet to just let my body get covered ALL over, as I intensely rubbed and fingered my inside out cunT for a good few hours.

    It had got to the evening, and I saw my phone, which had been switched off all this time. I switched it on only to be literally bombarded with dozens upon dozens of messages from my Lew. An increasingly frantic boyfriend on the other side of the pond. I wasn't in any state, nor frame of mind to be chatting, so I hit off a quick message saying I had been busy working from home with some work projects, and meeting new friends for drinks in town, and that we could speak tomorrow, then, hit my phone OFF!

    I had a tiny nibble to eat, I just could not face much, and eventually passed out. Although, it was a highly disturbed sleep where I must have woken at least 30 times during the night. 

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  6. Chapter 19; *Hyperspermia*

    This rough looking weathered-bull Edward who Ramon was so lucky to be dating took his fisT out, and slid his forever increasingly t☢️xic Dick of recent times inside of me. He took about five strokes, then suddenly stopped, quickly pulling out.

    - Fuck. I have to stop, else I am gonna shoot. It has been a long while, and I am so ready to bust my nut. It isn't going to take much at all for me to start cumming. And I have to warn you 'boy', I suffer from hyperspermia!
    - I don't know what that is, Sir.
    - It means, certainly in my case, that I cum an abnormally HUGE amount of cum. And I shoot for a good couple of minutes. I really do not know where it comes from.
    - PLEASE GIVE it to me, Sir.
    - Ramon, get the large Butt-Plug, and get ready to plug him the moment I withdraw my t☢️xic Dick.
    - Yes Daddy. Damn, I wish it was my cunT you were spraying your dirTy load up, Daddy.

    I could tell Edward wasn't all that happy with the last comment from his boyfriend, but, it fell from his mind as he returned his complete attention back towards me. He slid back inside my diseased ridden cunT, slowly, balls deep, then slowly sliding all the way back out again, whilst pausing for several seconds, then sliding all the way back in, and again slowly sliding all the way back out, and once again needing that several second pause. He done this only 4 times when he knew he could not hold out any longer. 

    His ravaged weathered face puffed and growled as he looked deep into my meTh fueled eyes, with the tip of his Glans Cock head slightly past the opening to what were now my well and truly gaping cunT lips. He was SO ready to let go of a 3 week load of t☢️xic cum, hyperspermia style, and I was oh so ready to accept the imminent FLOOD! That was it, the wait was over, and he plunged in, gave 2 quick strokes, and was now past the poinT of no return. His big hands grabbed tightly onto the sling chains as he looked at me with his face contorting amidst loud gruffly growling grunTs. 

    Oh sweet Jesus, now I know why he felt the need to give me a fair warning of the MASSIVE load his was about to unleash on and IN me! Among the 160 loads I took lastnight / this morning, there was not a single one that felt remotely like this. I could literally feel each very large squirt of cum hit the insides of my guts, and no sooner had one huge rope  of cum squirted from his Dick of vintage DNA, another would be propelled into my nasTy cunT at a great velocity. Around where my urinary bladder area was beginning to feel an odd sensation, like a sudden high pressure had abruptly made itself known;

    - Oh Fuck. Oh Fuck. Oh shit. This feels weird. Something feels strange. Fuck. Fuck.
    - Ramon, get ready to plug this boy's cunT. Quickly. Hurry up, 'boy'.
    - Yes Daddy. Sorry Daddy.

    By now what he was shooting into me was spilling out, and he wasn't even fucking me as he shot his dirTy load. He was simply impaled, deep, holding that position. So, for it to be spilling out, fuck, there had to me an intense amount. He suddenly pulled out, and I was immediately plugged. And now I could see what I had just been feeling. HUGE rope after rope of this hot sexy bulls unmedicated HIV+ cum squirting all over the place. He quickly came around the side to my face, and rammed his heavily squirting Dick into my mouth. Again, with the many loads I took down my throat lastnight / this morning, none were near as close as powerful as this, with each thick rope of cum hitting the back of my throat so hard that is was causing a tickling irritation, and I could feel myself having the urge to cough.

    Several HUGE squirts were forced down my throat, and together with the tickling sensation intensifying and the lack of time to breath between squirts caused me to now cough and splutter, with my remaining air pushing out this horny super bull's Dick out of my mouth.

    For fuck sake, he was STILL cumming. His loud gruffly growling grunTs continued as he now began to literally heavily drench my face. How could someone cum so much. This was surely not humanely possible. Well, I can tell you, it IS! Having giving me at least a dozen large squirts on my face he came back around to my now plugged cunT, and finished spraying his hot sticky load all over my chest and abs, with even some hitting my chin, as though my face had not already just received a heavy soaking.

    As his orgasm waned, I lay there, completely drenched by his t☢️xic sperm, inside and out. FUCK. Ramon was one lucky boy. Or maybe not, as he wasn't getting any longer what I just had, not since Edward had become detectable.
    I looked over at Ramon, who was fiercely finger fucking his own cunT again, looking at my cum soaked body longingly, wishing that it was he laying in the sling instead. Edward left the playroom, to clean up I guess.

    - Hey Ramon, why don't you scoop some of your Man's cum up, and finger it up your NEG cunT? I mean, whilst yo are paying it the attention that you are.

    His eyes lit up, and he jumped up, scooped a load of his boyfriend's t☢️xic juice from my belly, flopped himself back on the bean bag, and again began to finger himself. Only this time his intense frustration from when he was fingering himself before had lifted, to be replaced with a satisfied string of pleasurable groans. Now happy he was getting a little bit of what he really wanted. Edward the sexy charged-up hoT bull came back into the playroom, got himself dressed back into his cammo shorts and tight fitting tank top, and proceeded to put some items from the playroom shelf of tricks into a plastic shopping bag;

    - I think it is important that my boy Ramon and I as your new neighbours Steven give you a few little gifTs, as a token of welcoming you into our neigbourhood.

    Well, I was pretty chuffed with the gifT he had just given me! 😈 Into the bag went a vinyl play-sheet, a large dildo (well, I think starting with a small one now would be pretty poinTless), a bottle of poppers, a small rubber jock-strap, a manual douche, and a set of suction cups to continue giving my nipples a regular workout. My trackie bottoms also went into my 'welcome Steven gifT bag'.

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  7. Chapter 2;

    After my morning lessons I had my usual strict homemade lunch to keep inline with optimal nutrition for optimal performance, both mental and physical, and done some revision. And then came my game of rugby. As always I was getting changed with my team mates in the changing room I was meant to be meeting with my 'Scruff' Dom, and on this occasion as I sat there in my kit my hairy ass-hole automatically twitched as I began to long for my post game meet. Mr Jackson bellowed;

    - C'mon, let's go. 

    We played our game (my team lost), and afterwards I decided to walk the grounds for a while as the mixture of emotions I felt lastnight began to surge from the pit of my stomach. Okay, it was time. Would he actually turn up, whomever it was. I returned to the changing room, and Mr Jackson was there, taking a shower. He was facing away from me, and, there was no one stood where they said they would be, so, I sat down patiently on the changing benches. My showering P.E teacher turned around, only to display a very hairy chest lathered up in shower gel, and, above his low hanging balls was his Dick like I had never seen it before; FULLY ERECT!

    I was immediately lusting to have that beauty fucking my tight virgin ass. I looked upto his face, and he was looking directly at me, and gave an all knowing smile before he turned around again to continue his shower. Once washed he dried himself, still sporting this massive boner which I couldn't help but repeatedly look at. Once dried he put his towel around his neck, then stood in front of the shower area, with his back to it, and just stood there. 

    OMG, it IS him! 

    I looked up at him, to see an authoritative stud-smile looking back at me. My heart immediately started to pound away from my adrenaline rush as I stood up to undress. I hurriedly stripped my very hairy body naked, knelt before him, and clasped my hands as was clearly instructed to me lastnight. I had fantasized for years about kneeling before a Dom, giving over all control, and here I was. He took hold of his now fully erect Dick, took a step forward so he was now towering right over me, and began to masturbate over me. At first I could not help but notice those insane low hanging hairy balls of his swing back and forth as he tugged away. How I longed to take them into my mouth.

    I looked up at his face, to see him looking down at me with an intent fixed focus, and it was only a few minutes until that intent fixed focus changed into his face beginning to scrunch up in time with his breathing becoming heavier. 

    Then, his mouth opened to let out a huge grunt with only seconds later my chest feeling something hot and wet landing on it. I instinctively looked downwards to see thick ropes of cum squirting out from his Dick splashing all over my chest. I had only had my own cum on me until this moment. It felt great. Even better that it was his. Once he was done and my chest had been coated generously with his thick, creamy, salty sperm he broke the verbal silence;

    - You are impressing me Thomas in your quest to be 'owned'. I am certainly taking careful consideration in taking full ownership of this fresh strapping young Man kneeling before me. If you wish to proceed for such full ownership to take place, then you will scoop up some of my cum from your chest, put it in your mouth, and swallow, all the while looking right into my eyes. Once you have swallowed, you will say; 'Thank you, Sir'.

    And that is just what I did!

    - Thank you, Sir.
    - Good boy.

    As I looked down at my chest to admire the rest of his generous coating of Dom-spunk, we heard the outer door to the changing room swing open. Someone was coming in. 

    - Quick boy, jump into the shower.

    I jumped in, quickly turned the water on, and faced with my back to Sir and the incoming person. He took the towel from his neck and pretended he was drying himself. The inner door to the changing room swung open, and in walked another teacher.

    - Aaaaaahhhh, Mr Jackson, I thought I might find you here, I wanted to talk to you about ....

    This other teacher started to babble on about something I wasn't interested in thus did not pay any attention to. I was pretending to shower, well, I was semi taking a shower, but I was also discreetly scooping up more of Sir's salty cum from my chest, and eating it. It tasted so fucking GOOD!! I scooped up more and lathered it into my hair as though I was washing it. Well, I had to make my shower look authentic now 😉 The other teacher soon left, leaving myself and Mr Jackson alone again. He joined me in the shower, and there we were, facing each other, water cascading down our hairy bodies, mine covered in mud from the game earlier, and his recent explosion of Dom-cum. I took the last bit of his sperm that I could find, scooped it up, and reached behind me, fingering it into my hairy hole.

    - I see where you will be wanting some of my loads in the future. Very nice! For now boy, I want you again to kneel before me with your hands behind your back.
    - Yes Sir.

    I once again knelt before him, looked up, and saw his Dick starting to grow even though he had just shot his load all over me. I so needed him to be deep inside of me, fucking my brains out, and this time coating the insides of my ass, instead of my chest. Before his Dick had the chance to become fully erect he took hold of it, stood over me, and ordered me to open my mouth and to keep it open, then started pissing all over my chest. 

    'Oh YES', that felt so good. 

    Compared to the cooler shower water it felt like a soothing hot bath. It felt that good I'd be more than happy to bathe in his warm salty piss. He leaned in closer and took his aim higher so that his Golden-juice was now shooting into the centre of my very open wide mouth which soon filled up. I didn't know what to do at this point, but instinctively swallowed, then opened wide for more. I could tell my drinking up was pleasing him immensely.

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  8. This story is inspired from when I was at school, and I used to discreetly perv on my P.E teacher taking a shower after games as my class and we would change back into our school uniforms ~ Enj0y.

    Chapter 1;

    I Thomas, grew up in a very strict, religious household with my Mother, Father, and my twin brother Peter in the City. We are a close family, and my twin brother and I were I say raised rather differently from others our age. Neither of us got our own laptops until we both turned 16 years of age, and we only got a mobile phone at age 11. However, we were not allowed Smart-Phones just yet, like everyone else in our class had. We were only allowed a basic handset which we would only use if we really needed to, and no one really had our numbers except for family members. 
    My brother and I had always had our own separate bedrooms, yet spent much time with one another in each others rooms. We shared many similar interests, although he was more of the nerdy academic, whilst I was much more into my sports, particularly gymnastics, so over the years my body became naturally very much athletic with intense training from a young age. 

    When we reached that 16 years of age milestone we got our laptops, which were meant to help towards studies for when we started our A-levels at secondary school after completing the initial mandatory five years there. Unfortunately, of that year our Grandmother became sick, and it was I who out of my brother and all my cousins who happened to have that much closer bond with her, and it was finally agreed I would defer a year from commencing A-levels to look after her at our home, and try and nurse her back to health. Sadly that never materialized, and after 11 months of looking after her, she passed away.

    During those 11 months I spent most of the little spare time I had exploring what was deep within me via the internet on my new gadget. By now I knew I was Gay, but had not done anything about it, nor told anyone (except for my twin brother). Not only did I know my sexuality, I knew it was in my DNA to submit to an Alpha-Male. I felt more than just a run of the mill 'Bottom'. I had a burning desire to submit body, AND my mind! I developed a fascination for cigar smoking Leather-Doms. Something about them made my untouched hairy ass-hole twitch. And I also knew that I whenever I were to be fucked it have to be RAW; Condom-Porn just seemed to alien, It did not look or feel right. Seeing Dick slide inside another Man's ass BARE spoke volumes to me.

    The following year I finally got to commence my A-levels prior to going to university. My brother was now on his second year with his A-levels. As we were born the middle of February, by the time I finally began I was 17 years and 7 months of age. I had opted to study; Physical Education (P.E), Art, Drama, Geography, History and Biology. 

    My P.E teacher for the next two years happened to be no less than the infamous Mr Jackson. He only worked at the school a few days a week, and generally only taught the A-level students, although, he would occasionally teach the younger lot if a teacher happened to be off sick. During the years I would sometimes catch him after games taking a shower, as we all got changed, and I would from the corner of my eye discreetly perv over him;

    He had a solid rugby build, was super hairy, and sported a classic 70s mustache. Yet, what really captivated me were his super low hanging balls. They really did fascinate me in a way I could not quite yet fully comprehend. He lived a 45 minute drive out of the City in a village, where he had his main business, being a private gymnastics coach. Next to his house he had a gymnastics studio, and adjoining that was a building behind with an indoor swimming pool with lounge and shower areas. The lounge section had a seating area with a leather couch, a few leather armchairs and a few coffee tables, plus a pool table. Opposite to the lounge area was a small breakfast bar, and in the other corner was the shower area.

    It would be 5 months into my A-levels when I turned 18 that I would first encounter with a male, although, I would still remain untouched sexually. My brother and I got those all illusive Smart-Phones on our 18th Birthdays that our class friends had for absolutely years already. Our parents had also promised us both something else for our birthday presents, tailored to our individual characters, which we would get later on in the week. Back in my room I downloaded the app 'Scruff', making a small profile. But, I was too scared to put a profile pic. I was not out yet. I did however allude to the fact that I was submissive, and looking to be 'OWNED'.

    A few days later at school, during break time I was checking 'Scruff' when a few messages came through from a few faceless profiles. The one that grabbed my attention, even though without a pic, came from someone who was very much assertive;

    - You will send me a recent face pic of yourself for my consideration in taking complete ownership of you, boy.
    - Yes Sir.

    Calling me 'boy' immediately tapped into my inner sub who was super eager to get out and explore, and be explored ...*IMAGE sent*

    - Well well well Thomas, aren't you full of surprises.
    - Oh my god. Who is this?
    - Never mind who I am. I need to know for certain if you are appropriate for my requirements. Tomorrow after your game of Rugby, you will go to the changing rooms, and whoever happens to be standing with their backs to the showers, you will without saying a word stand in front of them, strip naked, and kneel before them, placing your hands behind your back, keeping them there. If there is no one standing their when you arrive, you will sit and wait on the changing benches. 

    - Yes Sir
    - Good boy. You are off to a very good start addressing me as Sir. A true sub will always know how to communicate appropriately with his 'OWNER'. And so you know from the outset, you are not permitted to touch your Dick.
    - Thank you Sir. And yes, I understand.

    Fuck, just writing 'OWNER' in capital letters like that made me physically tremble. But, how did he know I played Rugby!? After dinner at home and spending sometime with my parents, and brother Peter, I went to my room, and re read my brief chat with this mystery man. Should I go ahead with his instructions? I began to feel nervous;

    - Good evening Sir. 
    - Evening, Thomas.
    - I am not sure about tomorrow. I feel very nervous.
    - Channel your fear into a determined energy. Are you determined to be 'OWNED'?
    - YES Sir. Yes, yes I am. How will you know what time my game finishes?
    - Don't worry, I have all that information to hand.

    I went to bed that evening and couldn't sleep for hours, laying there, my mind racing, tossing and turning, wondering who it was I would be potentially meeting tomorrow, with all kinds of thoughts and emotions running through me, ranging from fear all the way through to excitement. I ended up needing to have a wank to release the tension, so I could then get to sleep.

    The next day as usual my brother drove us to school as he had passed his driving test a few months ago. All I had today was Geography & History all morning, then P.E later in the afternoon.

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  9. I believe that the number of Tops as a percentage wanting to use condoms has over the last few decades fallen, more sharply as of recent times, I'd say. There could potentially well be on a partial basis a shift of mindsets in general, since the advent of PrEP becoming much more common practice, and great advances in medication also. 

    A short snapshot from the comments on this tiny thread in the grand scheme of things;

    - Bi guy with a steady girlfriend pulling the condom off mid-fuck.
    - Men who state ''safe only'' in their profile(s) going on to fuck RAW with no questions/discussion. 
    - Tops insisting on using a condom only to go on and fuck RAW. 
    - Tops going onto fuck RAW when the bottom rebuffs their request for condom use. 
    - Tops wrapping up only to pull off mid fuck and shoot their load inside THEIR bottoms cunt. 
    - Tops wanting to use a condom, but the bottom doesn't have any, so the fuck ends up RAW anyway.

    This snapshot of comments supports what we all already know deep down, that we Men are hard-wired to BREED, to cum INSIDE that wet warm cunt, whether it be male or female. It will ALWAYS end up in the hands of 'nature'.

    Of course, some Tops do seem to still insist on using condoms, (with many eventually relenting) but, that 'gene pool' seems to be becoming smaller and smaller, it seems.

    Think about it, if there was no such thing as sexually transmitted infections, do you think Men (with the pregnancy issue aside) would even think twice about using a condom? NO they would NOT. We're here to BREED!! 🐷💦💦

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  10. 10 hours ago, NatureBoy said:

    I had a lover for over 6 years, told him he's going to have needs to have sex with others and to feel free to do so.  What he and I had was love for each other.  I kept it as simple as possible, love is love and sex is sex.  Our sex together was the best ever.  But we still need to explore many others for sex as we wanted. 

    🔼 = Not too shabby my friend! ... And er, Quack Quack 🦆 lol

  11. Thank you for the handful of complimenTs since chapTer 18 got it's airing.

    I believe it is important as a writer here on BZ to appreciate praise, whether that be via kind words, or 'likes/votes' on chapters (which most certainly gives much encouragement to keep any given story running, as long as it still has mileage in it, of course), and to enjoy (which I DO) a two way interaction, sometimes, with the audience. 

    It certainly gives me pleasure knowing that my audience are enjoying the ride! 

    Stay piggy, PiGs 🐷


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  12. @raw773 ~ Firstly, I am deeply saddened at your hostile reaction to myself and the other user you have quoted. This is certainly how it is coming across to myself. It does not make me feel very good, at all. Kindness really is effortless. 

    The 'Gel like matrix' I referred to earlier, is scientifically known as a 'Biofilm'. If you feel I am lying and not telling the truth about this, please go an do some research on 'Biofilms', whether that be in a viral, bacterial, fungal, parasite, or a combination of the aforementioned, sense. There are literally 1000's upon 1000's of articles out there (including many scientific publications).

    When Biofilms are destroyed a patient can become very sick as suddenly the immune system can mount an attack on pathogens it can now 'see' due to the loss of their 'hideout'. I have myself experienced this many times myself, and know of many who have too; This is known as 'Die-off', or a 'jarisch-herxheimer reaction'.

    [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21458997


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  13. Viruses and Bacteria, etc, communicate with each other, and most definitely DO affect how we behave, in many a way, including sex, appetite, emotions, etc.

    They are extremely smart, and can be found hiding behind a gel like matrix as to avoid immune system detection, and medication(s). There are strategies to get around this obstacle of course.

    Just like us, for them, it is all about survival! ☣️

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  14. Approaching this topic from the species that we are, with our biochemical and genetic makeup in mind, I believe that 'Man' deep down (even if unaware) is unable to be Monogamous (on a sexual level).

    - We are programmed to procreate.

    - We are full of fluctuating hormones (that cause us to behave in certain ways, ranging from sex, appetite, emotion, and so on).

    - We react and ACT upon the smell of others (pheromones). Although Humans rely much more on visual, my personal anecdotes certainly do include attraction via smell, most definitely. Man's natural odour is sadly all too often masked by unnatural man-made smells such as deodorant and perfume (that I myself find extremely unpleasant).

    I have over the decades 'TRIED' to be monogamous with my various partners. But why? To foolishly try and fit in with 'social norms', that we are 'taught'. They are not inbuilt.

    Maybe we can be committed to one person on an emotional level. But on a sexual level, no, I truly don't think that really is possible.

    #SpreadThatSeed 🐽

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  15. Chapter 18; *Getting to know Edward*

    Ramon's mustached Daddy, Edward, looked up from reading his newspaper, took off his reading glasses, and put his normal glasses on, at which poinT Ramon swiveled me around so the loud and clear message written on my back would be just that! He abruptly pulled down my trackie bottoms to show off to his boyfriend what was on offer.

    Edward was diagnosed HIV+ when he was 32 years of age in 1993, and had been on and off treatment over the years. More recently his treatment wasn't working properly. For several months he was getting detectable levels around the fifteen thousand mark, with his CD4 dropping very slightly. He was offered a new treatment, but decided he would have an extended sabbatical from all treatment to give his body a rest from it all. He had agreed with his Doctor yesterday that he would start a new treatment for which was laying on the coffee table, and had decided he would start on Monday in a few days time. All prompted by his VL continually to sharply rise, now standing at an enticing 2.1 Million! 😛

    When he first found out that he was detectable once again, he and Ramon began to use condoms. But, there was conflict between the two. Edward wanted to use them to protect his love, however, Ramon was a bug chaser and desperately wanted to become infecTed. They had many calm and frank discussions about this situation that they were in together. Their monogamous relationship of two years was still a happy loving one, but, both were not getting the sex they wanted, and needed. In fact, neither had any sex for 3 weeks now. Ramon masturbated multiple times a day, being a horny young fucker, but Edward had not even cum in that entire time. And, to make matters even more intense, he suffered from hyperspermia with external influences affecting his usual rampant high sex drive. His balls must be ready to explode like some rumbling active volcano ready to spew it's bubbling spitting contents. 

    And the sight of me seemed to now cause an unstoppable reaction that would see Edward's inner volcano erupt very soon indeed. He stood up, and walked over to me, and inserted two fingers into my cum loaded sloppy cunT.

    - Fuck, our new neighbour clearly has an ASS full of cum. Get him in the playroom Darling. These are very expensive rugs. And get those trackie bottoms off of his body entirely.
    - Yes Daddy.

    Ramon took me to their spare bedroom that they had converted into a fully functional playroom. There was a mirrored ceiling, a wall with a huge multi layered long shelf unit with all kinds of Leather / Rubber, and play gear all organised neatly, wooden floorboards that were covered with vinyl play-sheets that could easily be picked up and washed. And, the most important item of all;

    The Sling!

    Daddy Edward entered the play-room. He crossed his arms, and just watched me for a few minutes, as though he was sizing up a potential new prey. I  could feel cum constantly slowly drizzle out of my gaping cunT-hole, and down my legs. I then coughed which saw a huge blob of anonymous t☢️xic filth drop out of me and onto the vinyl play-sheet beneath me. This seemed to turn Edward on as he began to rub his crotch through his cammo shorts. I could definitely see a growing bulge. He in his deep authoritative voice (which never deviated each time he spoke), he calmly gave me a command;

    - Lick that up.
    - Yes Sir.

    I knelt on the floor, and eagerly lapped up the p☣️z cum that had just dropped out of my cunT. I felt like such a cheap nasTy WH☢️RE, and I fucking loved it. Edward pulled down his cammo shorts to reveal a white jockstrap with the jock piece clearly becoming wet where the tip of his Dick lay, and now grew.

    - Sniff my crotch.
    - Yes Sir.

    I crawled up towards him, grabbed hold the back of his thighs, and started sniffing. As soon as I did his Dick seemed to suddenly stiffen, with the Glans head popping out from the top of his jock, and heavily dribbling precum down over his jock. I so far had only been permitted to sniff, and desperately wanted to lap up his sweet smelling precum. He started, firmly, yet with a gentle edge to tousle with my boyish hair as his rough looking weathered bull face looked down upon me;

    - So new neighbour, what is your name?
    - It's Steven, Sir.
    - Welcome to the block Steven. I'm Edward. But, Sir is fine for the time being. And I know you are dying to drink my precum. I can see the hunger in your eyes. It's yours for the taking.

    With that he pulled down his jock down to his lower legs, to reveal his beautiful Dick. It wasn't long, standing at around 6" erect, but, he had a thick meaty girth. And unusually uncut too. My second uncut Dick I knowingly encountered since my arrival. I flicked my tongue over his piss slit, causing him to grunt and groan. I flicked over and over at a fast rate, and very soon he squirted out a huge load of precum, which by many standards could have passed off as an actual orgasm. It flowed out and over down his shaft which I greedily gobbled up. He grabbed my hair and slid his curving downwards Dick into my mouth, and slowly began to face fuck me. I hadn't realised properly until now that I had an absolutely excellent gag reflex as his gorgeous Dick seemed to glide right to the back of my throat with ease. And he kept on squirting these huge loads of precum that I was now feeling flowing down my Oesophagus and into my stomach.

    - We had better stop this, else I am gonna shoot. Get into the sling, 'boy'.
    - Yes Sir. 

    I hopped in like a Duck to water, and lay there watching him completely remove his shorts, jockstrap, and remove his tank top. And there he stood, naked, except for his woolen socks. P☣️z and Proud! Hix crix belly and gym trained chest, shoulders, arms, and legs were thick in fine black hair. He walked over and slipped in 3 fingers into my cunT, and started to kiss me passionately as he fingered away, and within a short few minutes without either of us realising, he was inside my cunT just past his wrist! Having suddenly realised he wasn't just merely using a few fingers now, his body came back upright, and in inspected his current 'handy' work! 😈 Ramon was enjoying what his 'Daddy' was doing to me, sat on a Leather Bean-Bag, slowly edging, and fingering his own cunT!

    - Fucking hell, you're an experienced bottom.
    - Actually Sir, until lastnight I was a 100% Dom Top, and Anal-Virgin.
    - Oh were you now. How did you get to become so sloppy so quickly?
    - I performed at 'Aiden's club' lastnight as the Dancer for a private function, and ended up getting brutally gang-fucked, and fisTed towards the end of it all, too.
    - I see. That would explain the several fresh track marks I see. You seem to be very high on meTh right now.
    - I am Sir. And am aching for much M☢️RE cum to be deposited into my hungry boi-cunt. I also received some broTherhood shoTs.
    - Okay. Do you know from who?
    - I think three different guys. I can only remember two names. Chad, and Todd I think.

    Despite being wired, tired, and flying high off of my nut, I seemed to be managing a flowing conversation with this weathered bull-stud! He had this natural ability to centre you.

    - A broTherhood shoT from our lovely Chad. If it is the Chad I know, then you are completely fucked, 'boy'.

    God how I ached for Edward to fucking FL☢️☢️D my sloppy cunT with his 3 weeks worth of a hyperspermia load!! 🐷

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  16. Chapter 17: *Going home to meet the neighbours*

    Ian who was at the main parTy, and the after-parTy came into where I lay restrained, high, STILL very much horny, and completely drenched inside and out with t☢️xic cum, piss, and Gono- pus. I overnight had become a breeding ground of nasTy-bugs. He unrestrained me, and told me to get up, and just like earlier my legs buckled with he catching my fall. He carried me to my Dance-stage and left from the side, as though he were to be going to ''Boss Aiden's'' work apartment. One of the barmen came over with an Orange Juice, and put his arm around me;

    - Here, drink this. You need it. You have had one full on relentless night. I'm Andrew. But, you can call me Andy as the closest to me in my life do.

    He looked at me, and smiled. I could feel his physical and spiritual tenderness, and I suppose I could be doing with a bit of that now, even though all I could think of and crave was M☢️RE Dick & Cum. He kissed me softly on my cheek.

    - I ... I ... I'm Steven.
    - Nice to meet you Steven. I understand you have just arrived in the country. I have instructed my colleague over there to put my personal details card in with the envelope of $'s due to you. Call me yeah. I cannot stay talking as much as I'd loved to, I have to help clear up.
    - Yeah, sure. Thank you.

    We exchanged smiles, with his smile saying ''I have your back''. He kissed me tenderly on my cheek again, and went to help his colleague clear up and generally sort everything out. His colleague was counting out one $ bills from a jar on the bar that was labelled 'CUNT'. What could that mean? He counted out $160, and put that with the $200 that the ''Boss'' promised me for my 1 hour dancing, and popped it in an envelope with Andy's card of personal details, sealed it, and handed it to me. Ian and the ''Boss'' soon appeared;

    - Right Stevie-boy, time to take you home. I shall drive you. We can't have you on public transport in this horned up state now can we. How much was in the CUNT jar Tim?

    The other barman responded;

    - I counted out $160 dollars ''Boss''.
    - 160 loads!? ~ Impressive!!

    Ian picked me up, and carried me to the ''Boss'' car. There was a towel already layed out in the passengers seat, because it was obvious I was going to be leaking heavily on the short drive home. Shortly after we took off, the ''Boss'' started talking to me;

    - Well Stevie-boy, you have been a very busy boy haven't you. That envelope you hold contains the $200 dancing money owed to you, plus $160. Each Man who came inside your what was a NEG cunT had to put in $1. So, 160 loads huh. Fuck Stevie-boy, you are one heck of a PiG with stamina. You'll have to dance for me again sometime. 

    I couldn't believe it. How on earth did I take so many loads in one night!? And the crazy thing is, it wasn't nearly enough. Once we arrived outside my block, the 'Boss'' ordered me to lift my ASS off of the car seat so he could slide the towel out from underneath me. He threw my trackie bottoms at me and told me to put them on before I started leaking cum over his car seat. 

    - For fuck sake Stevie-boy, look at all this cum you have leaked out. You are a real fucking nasTy-WHORE!

    And as he said that he lunged over and rubbed the towel firmly into my face, smearing the cum my cunT had dripped out during the journey home all over my sweet English boy features. When he took the towel away there was so much cum he had just thrown in my face that it was hanging off of my face in long drips, that stayed attached, showing off what a real cum-loving PiG I had turned into overnight. He threw me my Tee which I tucked into the sides of my trackie bottoms, and gave me my small bag of personal items; Keys, phone, etc. Then, those stainless steel nipple clamps were finally taken off of me. The skin had broken and my tits now wept. They were super sore, and VERY big!

    - Those belong to the club. You can wear them again when you dance next ... C'mon Stevie boy, hurry up, I cannot park here.

    I quickly got out, and hurried topless into my building. And I ran up the several flights of stairs (I don't know how I done it), because I did not want any of my neighbours to see me. I got to the top, my floor, and was about to unlock my door when I heard a ... 'Hey'. I looked behind me, and it was one of my neighbours who lived next door. He was this super cute 23 year old Hispanic guy called Ramon with the most to die for high Bubble-Butt 'NEG' ass. Fuck, I would so tap that. Maybe during my inevitable sero conversion!? 😈 I hadn't lost my inner Dom-Top!

    He clocked the 'NEG PIG' / 'POZ ME' message that was still on my back as I looked at him with the many many loads of anonymous t☢️xic cum dangling from my face, put his grocery shopping down, and strutted his own cute little NEG Ass over to me. I would soon learn that he is a complete bottom, but for now he was having devious thoughts race through his mind. He slipped his hand down my trackie bottoms, and slipped in a few fingers.

    - Fuck, you are fucking loose Man, and dripping heavily. Where have you been?

    Now there is an introduction if I ever saw one! https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png

    - Dancing at Aiden's.

    A knowing smile came over his face. He told me to put my stuff in my apartment, then I must come over immediately for a proper introduction. I went inside, threw my stuff on the hall table, and stood there for a few moments to process all what had gone on, and continuing. Should I really go to my neighbours now. Would he think me rude if I didn't. I took my keys, left, locked up, and took the few strides to my new neighbours home. The door was ajar. I went to knock, when it then fully opened. Ramon ushered me in, grabbed me by the hand, and frog marched me into the living room, where his 58 year old boyfriend was relaxing on the couch. He was dressed in a tight fitting navy blue tank top that hugged at his big crix belly, cammo shorts, with thick woolen socks. His arms, legs, and face had lipodystrophy, yet he was nicely tanned and muscular, sporting a mustache. 

    - Daddy, look what I found for you. Our new neighbour, from England. 

    Was I about to enjoy afternoon Tea & Cake with the new neighbours? 😈

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  17. Chapter 16; *The after-parTy*

    He plunged his Dick back into my cunT, held himself still, and took to concentrating on the job in hand. The two shoTs plunged into my left arm 💉💉. Out with the needles, and he pressed down firmly with some gauze. 

    - You ready for your broTherhood shoTs now, PiG?
    - Yes Sir. I am MORE than ready to be pumped with yours and Uncle Chad's multiple strains of multiple viruses into my veins. SLAM it into me!
    - Oh FUCK YEAH, You have to be the nasTiest sluT of a PiG I have ever had the pleasure to come across. What a nasTy WH☢️RE!

    And without further delay, I received my broTherhood shoTs 💉💉 (I was already rushing on the first two). Again he held with gauze for a little while, and then, he held onto the sling chains and immediately started to fuck me fasT and hard, showing no mercy, using me as the piece of filthy t☣️xic MeaT that I clearly now was. It hadn't even been a few minutes when he was only seconds away from nutting another HIGHLY-Charged load up my (still NEG for now) cunT;

    - FUCK YEAH, I'm cumming ... I'm cumming ... READY for another dose of HIV, PiG?
    - Yes Sir, blasT your t☢️xic seed deep inside my guts. I am open, and ready to accept more of your dirTy-DNA. Give this nasTy PiG what you have got. STICK IT TO ME!!!

    He began to repetitively grunT as his perineal muscles propelled another 6.6 Million HIV viral load of p☣️z cum, spraying it deep inside of my battered and swollen loose cunT. As he did his deed I looked into his Leather executioner hood clad yellow eyed gaunt face, moaning in ecstasy as I accepted more of his wonderful gifT. It was now 7.30am, and it was the official start of the after-parTy, which I knew nothing about, but, I would very soon! 😈 My latest sperm donor's semi erect Dick flopped out, and he fetched a stool, placing it right in front of the sling, so he would be at fisT height and distance from my cunT. And this is where I discovered the joys of being fisTed for the firsT time! 👊👊

    He generously lubed up his hand with Crisco, and as I had taken so much Dick, and was so High & Horny, he went up straight to his wrist with no effort needed. It was now 8am, and two faces I did not recognise walked in, swigging on their Beers. They saw I was very much in use, and promptly left. By now Todd had achieved getting up to halfway up his forearm, but, it only felt like his hand! I grunTed and groaned in a euphoric pleasure I had not felt before, as he slowly now opened up my cunT properly ~ All that t☢️xic filth that my guts and been filled with (and gladly accepTed) during the last 8+ hours being pushed in deeper into my cunT of many open wounds!! 😈☣️🐷

    It was now 8.45am, and the place was filling up, with several guys at a time frequently coming in to 'Sling Room No.2' to see Todd STILL fisTing me, and 3/4 the way up his forearm. He knew he had to wrap up soon, as there was a long line of guys wanting to fuck their nasTy t☢️xic DNA into me. He would now abruptly ramp up his work by continuously punch fisTing me for 15 minutes until 9am, where he would do 10 x punches followed by getting me to push ouT my cunT;

    - 1, 👊2, 👊3, 👊4, 👊5, 👊6, 👊7, 👊8, 👊9, 👊10, 👊 ... YEAH go on, push ouT that cunT PiG, push it ouT, go on, there you go, OH FUCK YEAH ~ Oh look at thaT rose. FUCK! 🌹

    He would play with my now brand new small yet ever growing prolapse, and push it back in ready for another 10 punches. Each time I bloomed, I would bloom a bit wider. The last time I bloomed, he went through the painful process of milking out his Gono pus, and spread it all over my fresh brand NEW delicate rose 🌹. Then, he pushed it back in again, and headed for the entrance to take him back to the main part of the club. He took a pager out of his sock, and let the ''Boss'' know I was ready;

    - Show time PiG ... ENJ☢️Y!

    He disappeared, and a few moments later the 'Boss'' plunged me into pitch black Darkness. I could not see a thing. The club had received all 47 of it's after-parTy guests. EVERY single one of them HIV p☣️z and unmedicated to boot! No sooner had I been plunged into darkness I could hear footsteps, and general movement. Multiple pairs of hands began to grope me, and within seconds a diseased Dick entered me, fucking me hard and fasT with no introduction or build up. It would be from now that for the next 2.5 hours I would aside from a few seconds in between of Dicks exchanging, be fucked aggressively. CONSTANTLY!! No mercy whatsoever!!

    And there was no talking whatsoever. Just the sling chains rattling. My cunT and mouth squelching and slurping, roars of Gono pain and and ejaculaTing grunTs from my 47 studs (some from the original parTy too).

    The entire time my mouth would be fucked too. Many guys would be pissing down my throat as I got fucked, and several guys most certainly had very active Gono infections as I felt, smelt, and tasted their disgusting pus be smeared on my lips to then also be dripped (with those roars of pain) and fucked into my mouth. Again, I had become a meTh'd up cum-dump. A human urinal. A piece of fully restrained and defenseless nasTy fuck-meaT. 👦🐷🍆💦💦

    The lights came on as the last guy was fucking me. He was a topless handsome looking skinhead with a septum piercing, loads of tattoos, and red rubber braces attached to his bleacher jeans. He saw my face and liked what he saw. His face was already contorted, and to show his appreciation for my looks he spat in my face, and then the silence was broken;

    - FUCK YEAH, what a cute nasTy faGGot. You want my t☣️xic load boy?

    I could barely speak ...

    - YES, Sir.
    - Open that faGGot mouth wide, boy.

    I opened wide, he leaned in, and began to repeatedly spit in my mouth, and then he forced his tongue down my throat kissing me deeply as he continued his assault on my NEG cunt. Although, not sure you could call it NEG anymore. In limbo land it had to be. I could feel his lean body on top of me begin to tense up which forced his wonderful kissing to an abrupt halt as he pulled his face a few inches from mine, and the grunTing commenced, his face contorting in unison with his eyes that were full of greedy lust for the PiG he was impaled deep inside as he unloaded his unmedicated sperm deep into my guts. Once he finished shooting his HIV loaded cum he began to kiss me deeply again. I felt a real connecTion with this handsome toxic skinhead stud. I would love to see him again.

    - Thanks faGGot. That was hoT. Might see you around sometime. 

    Oh YES PLEASE. He withdrew his Dick, zipped up his jeans, turned, walked out. And there I was, left alone with another 47 t☢️xic loads swimming insude my guts. This PiG 🐷was dripping precious t☢️xic cum onto the Darkroom floor, and was covered from head to toe in sweaT & Piss, with Gono pus smeared all over it's filthy faGGot face too. My body trembled as I groaned in pleasure, as it remained completely restrained.

    It was time for me to go home. BUT, would I be getting rest once I got there? 😈

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  18. Chapter 15; *The rest, and pre 'after-parTy' PrEP!*

    The main parTy was now over! Todd took me upto ''Boss Aiden's'' apartment upstairs. It seems they knew each other too!

    - How did your dancing go Stevie-boy? You were gone a lot longer than 1 hour. 
    - I've just been brutally gang-fucked, and am now a nasTy p☣️z-PiG, Boss.
    - I see. I did wonder about that monogamous relationship of yours. Then you had better sit on the couch with your legs in the air, like when I was shaving you earlier. Let us see what you have been upto.

    He gave Todd an all knowing depraved smirk. I lay on my back, legs spread and in the air, with my nighttime Boss kneeling before me to take a closer inspection, or should that be perv. 😈 He with great ease slipped in 3 fingers and had a wiggle about, took them out, and gave them a good sniff;

    - Oh Stevie-boy, what have you been upto eh? I smell multiple different smells of cum, I see blood which by the looks of things is your cunt blood, and the blood of others. You really are a nasTy WHORE aren't you Stevie-boy?
    - Yes Boss.
    - Well, I am going to have to give you something to prevent further cunT-play temptation.

    And with that he again with great ease slid in a deflated inflatable dildo, which was the shape of a rocket (poinTy at the end, and growing fatter as it went down, with the base going inwards as to create an 'open gape' once it was all inside). He gave it a few pumps, which felt fine. Then a few more. I still couldn't feel much. Then four more pumps. Okay, I could feel myself becoming stretched now. Then a couple more ... *Pump Pump* 🍆🐽  The ''Boss'' was very kind, and sensible, giving my some light snacks, and plenty of electrolyte fluids to keep me stable. Todd was with us and took the opportunity to also resT. Chad having been a very loyal customer over the years was having a resT downstairs in the staff sleeping quarters with the 2 barmen who were taking a very well earned 90 minute break before the 4 hour 'after-parTy' kicked off. I eventually curled up on my side on the couch (with a towel underneath me) and resTed too. Although, I was of course still flying high and feeling super horny from my G&T cocktail, which would explain why I kept on rocking my hips. It was evident I was aching for cock. And a lot M☢️RE of it. 

    Aiden & Todd kicked back, relaxing, talking amongst themselves, with the latter being completely comfortable remaining naked. I lay there, hips rocking, body profusely sweating, flying high yet drifting. I'd say in a vulnerable state, but, I at least I was in safe hands! 😈 During the next 45 minutes the Boss would come over and give the Dildo a few more pumps, until the poinT it was very uncomfortable, yet, very pleasurable at the same time. Getting a good stretching, whilst keeping all those nasTy t☢️xic loads inside, with nowhere to leak out from, just ABSORB! 🐷 After 45 minutes of resting Todd went to Aiden's kitchen (he seemed very familiar with the place), and came back with a tub of crisco. He came over to me, and deflated the dildo, removing it to leave a wide open gape. In went a Butt-plug to prevent any of my precious t☢️xic cargo I was holding to leak out;

    - Right, it's time I PrEP'ed you for the after-parTy, PiG. Get up, and let's go. C'mon. See ya later Aiden.
    - Have fun with the new PiG Toddie.

    I followed Todd down the staircase, with great difficulty with a Butt-plug wedged inside my death-seed incubating cunT. We entered into the main bar / stage area. It was empty. It felt odd having seen it so full earlier of horny t☢️xic studs. We walked through, and walked right past 'Sling Room No.1', and into 'Sling Room No.2'. I was prompted to get into the new sling;

    - Hop in PiG. after-parTy commences in half an hour. So, we had better get you ready hey.

    He restrained my again by my wrists and ankles, and walked out, and didn't come back for about 10 minutes. When he did, he was holding 4 more syringes, and some gauze pads. He placed them resting on my chesT, put a tourniquet on each arm, and again like earlier began to milk his perineum area towards his balls to charm out that pus. His wincing soon ensued, so I looked down at the urethral opening to his Dick in anticipation to see his Gono flow, and I didn't have to wait long as he began to roar in pain when the thick yellow pus began to leak out and over his 6mm PA, and before any of it could drop onto the floor, he plunged his diseased Dick deep back inside into my cunT.

    - Someone is getting a bit of a sloppy cunT. You were lovely and tight earlier. But, I cannot deny, I also do love a sloppy p☣️z-hole too. Now, it's time for some more shoTs. I know you like getting them, don'T you, PiG!?
    - Yes Sir.
    - Good boy. This time we have two plain shoTs, and two broTherhood shoTs, this time one from me, and another one from Uncle Chad. 

    FUCK, a double dose of HIV and Hep C being about to be pumped into my veins. The thought of it turned my on, and although now loose, my cunT clamped down around Todd's Gono leaking Dick.

    - Aaaaaaahhh, so you really want it. You nasTy sluT. Right, I need you to hold still.

    The two needles to the plain shoTs went into my left arm, and the two needles to the broTherhood shoTs went into my right arm. Todd slopped his Dick out of my cunT, and stood back to admire the nasTy sluT of a WH☢️RE that lay before him.

    - Oh FUCK YEAH, would you look at that. One fucked up, meTh'd out of his tree, nasTy p☣️z-PiG. It's time he got M☢️RE of what he fucking well deserves. 


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  19. 22 hours ago, DustyPup said:

    I normally absorb any load that I take but once in a great while I push it out then lick it up because it’s fun to see how much cum is in me.

    You dirty little piggy! 🐷 ... I'd love to watch you in your 'once in a while' moment, do that! 😈

    • Like 1
  20. This is the BEST thing I have read here hands down. Absolutely no contest. I was there in the hospice room with Ken and the narrator. I was there in the sling room with Ken and the greedy marine guy. Captivated! 

    The entire story structured to an exceptional level writing skill. As 'ejaculaTe' said;

    [ But there's a sensuality and tenderness between Ken and the narrator that takes the story beyond mere bug-chasing porn. ] 

    And as 'Monster5-8gPA' said;

    [ ... to show they are worthy of love and kindness it at times the best thing you can do for another human being ]

    Those comments resonate with me. Yes, we are all horny fuckers, yet, at the end of the long hard day, we are human beings, with feelings. I have never read anything on here until now where my heartstrings were tugged, and, emotions bubbled to the surface. Then, the narrator manages to yank me from that place with;

    ''Until Mark.'', which caused a loud audible laughter. And that in my book is a sign of tremendous talent and creativity, managing to take someone on a journey where the story flicks their emotions from one emotion to another in a split second. 

    Thank you VERY much 'Spermpig' 😎

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  21. 20 hours ago, TTFN said:

    S6AT6A6N Glad chat was out today, was scrolling through forum and found your new story.

    Looking forward to the new pig Stevie taking that horse size 🐎 big thick cock of the Silent red eyed Stranger, just wishing it were me taking it. 😈


    Well, what you are looking forward to is inevitable @TTFN. But when?

    Something tells me that Stevie-boy might just be taking a whole lot more p☣️z-Dick, and MORE, before he reaches that particular poinT. 😈

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