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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. A quick search didn’t turn up a preexisting topic on this question, and I’m wondering - how common is it to end up fucking/getting fucked in the sleeper cab of a semi? There are lots of references on this forum to truckers engaged in some form of ass-plundering (one might almost deduce that the world’s trucking fleets were staffed exclusively by homosexuals), but I wonder how prevalent this actually is. For my part, I have been inside the sleeper cab of a semi truck exactly once in my life. And yes, if you must know, I did get fucked there, but that was not something I would normally do - it was an anomaly. Or was it? Is it in fact such common practice as to be casually accepted, even expected? How DL are truckers as a rule? How many of you have done this? Once? Occasionally? Often? Basically live at the truck stop? What percentage of truckers are actually open to M2M action? I’m not planning to go out of my way to become a truck stop whore, but there’s a big area truck stop seven miles down the road from my house and I’m constantly getting hits on the apps from men on the road...
  2. One can no more be a strict Constitutionalist than a strict adherent to the Bible - both are inherently subject to variable interpretation.
  3. Puh-lease. I didn’t just ride in on the turnip truck, dude. Total snow job. While it’s a little strange that he’s hooked up with you a dozen times before hitting you up for payment, that line has now been crossed and changed the entire nature of your arrangement. You are no longer a friend or lover - you are, in his eyes, a customer. All that remains is for you to inform him that, while you enjoy his company, you do not pay for sex. If he still wants to fuck you without wheedling you for cash, fine. But be prepared for him to instead move on to his next trick. And keep an eye on your wallet.
  4. @LetsPOZBreed - what you’re describing, the excitement of being watched while you’re having sex, is not voyuerism, but exhibitionism. Voyeurism is when one gets off on watching someone else having sex, particularly if the watching is surreptitious.
  5. The two choices are a false dichotomy as written, since you cannot simply legislate disease out of existence. But if you boil the two down to basics, you’re asking whether gay men would rather see: 1. An end to discrimination; or 2. An end to the threat of STDs. Put differently, you want to know whether gay men would rather love freely but risk disease, or fuck freely but risk loneliness? As we see in the current atmosphere of discrimination and the real threat of STDs, men still fuck one another pretty damn freely, and quite a lot of them get partnered up with a significant other in spite of social hurdles. So I find myself having difficulty finding an imperative behind your options on which to base a choice.
  6. Nice ring (nice cock!) - but in the lubricated environment of another man’s ass, especially if he uses his muscles to milk you, that’s going to come off. Your corona is too flexible to provide a solid enough barrier. As to getting it out afterward, that’s not going to be an issue... that, too, shall pass. Or, he could douche it out, but why bother since his assring is likely to pull it off you in the first place? I’d say take off the bling and enjoy the raw fuck. By the way, where is that lighthouse? Very phallic. 🙂
  7. Last night while I was slutting my ass at my usual hotel and Top #3 with the big cock and the aggression to match was railing me, I happened to catch sight of myself in the nearby mirror. I saw my body positioned in a way that any observer could not mistake for anything other than deeply submissive receptive sexual intercourse. My legs were splayed broadly to the sides, my ass hiked up and cocked at an angle to point my hole upward, my back was arched backward in a crescent, my head flung back along the same curve, and my arms supporting me straight ahead with fists full of bedspread. And of course, a man was fucking me. But that instant of seeing myself “from the outside” made me acutely aware of how I must appear to other Men who see me when I take cock or wait for it ass-up. Even I could look at myself and see something somehow not quite male - something that had been devolved to another purpose so as to be useful to actual Men. This was emphasized when the Top later put his hand on the small of my back to force my torso flat onto the bed so that he could concentrate on drilling my hole. Even though I knew the person in the mirror was obviously me, the mirror made it easier to consider myself more as a sexual object than as a person, and read the Top’s use of me in that context. I’m still not sure how I feel about it all, except that the experience deepened my sense of submission, of worth only as a sexual outlet, and as a person easily controlled by the sensations in his own flesh. In the mirror, my body betrayed to anyone watching exactly what that fucking felt like for me - and even made me see it in a more intimate, revealing way. No wonder an audience tends to gather when my bathhouse room door is left open when I’m being fucked...
  8. This is really interesting. It looks like several of those who have responded so far basically make the assumption, based on the amount of language in the first ad, that the bottom behind the first ad will be chatty/talkative and not focused on the ‘business at hand’. This being the case, I can see why a Top looking for an anon scene might be put off. But in actuality, there’s no reason the bottom would have to be as wordy as his ad. While the second one is concise (a plus), there’s nothing in its content to set that bottom apart from any other nameless, faceless piece of ass hung out there, it seems to me. It’s little more than a pin stuck in a map with a tag reading: ‘Ass Here’ but nothing to inspire choosing to use it.
  9. Interesting. Did he suggest why it turned him off so? Is it because he feels that many bottoms who say so don’t really mean anybody? I certainly have an “anybody can fuck me” mentality, but I actually try very hard to put it into practice, and have refused no man to date. Maybe it’s because, at the core of both my heart and my intellect, I accept that it is true: any man can fuck me. Except Donald Trump. Fuck that noise.
  10. I thought some might see the ‘brevity is the soul of wit’ appeal to the second one. As to the mention of HIV, this being an ad on BBRTS (as opposed to, say, Grindr), I would have thought the STD issues would have been common enough conversation that nobody there would be surprised by them. That wouldn’t make sense to me. Any STD that you can catch by ass can be caught by mouth under the right conditions. So for a guy to say he’ll take any cock by mouth but only ‘clean’ cocks by ass doesn’t show he is concerned about STDs - it shows that he is uninformed about them.
  11. Tonight I’m slutting myself at my usual hotel, and a little while after I got underway, I noticed that another (vers) bottom arrived and took out an ad at the same hotel. That didn’t bother me, especially as I already had been fucked four times by midnight (a very good start). It did strike me, however, that our ads were very different, and it made me want to ask the group here how you feel about the pros and cons of each approach. One long, one short. Bear in mind that these ads were placed on Friday, July 5, in the U.S., on Independence Day weekend. Which would have more likely chosen on the basis of the ad, and why? AD #1: Want to see more fireworks? Come fuck this ass and see what explodes. And now pre-loaded for your pleasure! Insatiable bottom Taking Cock bare at the [Hotel] now through 10:00am tomorrow. I can take cock, so if You like to fuck, there’s no reason for You not to celebrate with a great piece of ass, here just for you. Room [number], door’s open. Anon fine, Alpha Tops and Men of Color especially welcome. No one refused. HIV+/undetectable for 2 years, on meds for more than 4 years, and healthy. Last test 1/30/2019. The CDC has determined that an HIV+ person who is Undetectable and on medication cannot transmit HIV to anyone else. Undetectable = Untransmittable AD #2: [Hotel] door open ass up waiting for all loads no one refused
  12. Do you do anything to balance out or mitigate the physical trauma that places on your muscles, tissues, and systems down there? For instance, do you do any pelvic floor exercises to maintain some of the muscular integrity, or tailor your diet to ensure that your lower gut remains healthy? Or are you just trusting your body to bounce back each time? You can only stretch elastic so far...
  13. Poppers can be a useful aid in getting started taking cock. They relax the soft muscle tissue in your sphincter, preventing spasm and allowing it to stretch more easily without pain. You don’t have to go crazy with it - just a couple of whiffs should get you going. Once you become more accustomed to inserting objects into your anus, there really is no substitute for practice. Use dildos and plugs, gradually increasing in size, and go slowly - listen to what your body tells you, especially when it says it’s at its limit. And no matter what size you are, don’t be so sure you can’t Top - one of the most terrifying Tops who uses me enjoys forcing me to have repeated anal orgasms with masterful use of his very small cock.
  14. As I recall he fretted over it for 2-3 weeks before we persuaded him that he should probably see a professional and get a definitive result to confirm that he did indeed have HIV and get started on treatment. His reaction was enormous relief. Mine too - I don’t want to see anyone else in my family besides me have to deal with this illness.
  15. That’s absurd. You can’t time yourself doing something absent-mindedly without your mind being on what you were doing. And besides, setting a negative time limit for staring also establishes a positive allotment: ”Hey, don’t get up yet - I’m ogling your cock through your jeans and my seven seconds isn’t up yet. Could you turn sideways a little?”
  16. I’m curious to know how many of you see a cumdump bottom and automatically think, “sleazy.” The word means sordid, corrupt, immoral, unsavory, or unpleasant, but it also carries connotations of unclean, loose, and low-class. I am a sexual service submissive for other men. I spread my legs and present my cunt for immediate use without discrimination or favor, and by most any definition I would be identified as a cumdump. But I do not consider myself sleazy, and would hate to think that others assume that I am. I am always clean, kind, ethical, intelligent, and try to make every experience the best possible experience for the Top. Yet I imagine that some men see my ass up at the baths, or in the hotel room, and believe they’re about to fuck some low-class, lowlife skank because that’s who they believe becomes a cumdump. Is that true? Be honest - is that what you think of us? Are we all sleazy to you? Just some of us? What makes the difference?
  17. ErosWired


    “Conservatives” such as Mike Pence hate and despise homosexuals and gay culture for the simple reason that they do not, at a visceral level, understand it - and most humans fear what they don’t understand. Because they fear, they hate the thing that makes them afraid, and they vilify it. These Conservatives are a fearful people in general, and as a result they feel a need to gain control of their environment, their circumstances, and the people around them so they can feel safe and secure with their simple beliefs unquestioned, their traditions unchallenged, their minds unexpanded by inconvenient new ideas. Their resort to religion as a source of attack on homosexuality is to be expected - fearful people turn to religion for reassurance and solidarity with like thinkers (i.e., the similarly indoctrinated). And organized religion has always been about control of populations in any case. I look at Mr. Pence and I see a very insecure man desperately trying to shore up a white male paternalistic midwestern mindset that is collapsing around his ears, and his God isn’t doing anything to help him. He, too, shall pass... and not soon enough.
  18. No. Science itself is not flawed. Responsible, ethical scientists - true scientists - do not produce the kinds of pay-for-proof “studies” that you’re referring to. Those are created by persons who have abandoned the Scientific Method, and indeed any method of truth-seeking, and become propagandists for sale to the highest bidder. They use the name of Science, but none of its substance.
  19. I’m amused at all you 19 and 20-somethings who say you got a late start or were late bloomers. I was 37. I got all the way to my first year of college before I really understood what the whole “gay” thing was about, even though guys had been calling me a “fag” since middle school. I didn’t know what they meant, just that it was something guys didn’t want to be. By my first year in college I discovered my first gay porn, which opened my eyes and took my breath away, but I still spent the next 15 years in confusion because I liked women enough to marry one. After that ended, though, I decided to give men a try. I’m hopeless at socializing, but I went to a new gay bar in Louisville (with a book to read, that’s how hopeless we’re talking) and sat at a corner table by myself. After a while, a guy came up to me and said, without any lead-in, “Today’s my birthday, and I don’t feel like spending it alone.” I replied, “You shouldn’t have to.” I followed him back to his apartment, and he fucked my ass three separate times that evening, dumping a load each time. It felt like a completely natural act for me, and I’ve sought it ever since. I don’t know for sure, but the fact that my first Top was black may be part of the reason I have a special fondness for black sexual partners...
  20. @sirlancelot21 - In terms of the active ingredient, poppers formulations that you can find for sale (in the U.S.) will be one of these: amyl nitrite (not amyl nitrate, a controlled substance) isoamyl nitrite butyl nitrite isobutyl nitrite isopropyl nitrite cyclohexyl nitrite cyclopentyl nitrite The only way to know exactly what you’re getting is to read the fine print on the bottle label before you buy. You can’t go by brand, because sometimes different manufacturers sell nearly identical products with different formulas, and even a single manufacturer may change the formula based on region or supply. Avoid poppers containing isopropyl nitrite. These have been positively associated with eye damage. Pure cyclohexl and cycopentyl formulas are notorious for headaches, although in mixture with isobutyl nitrite (Super Rush) I have not experienced this. You don’t say why you can’t use Rush - what specific problem are you having?
  21. I object to the wording of the question - “How many loads should a good bottom take” - the way I take issue with all questions that assume there’s such a thing as a “good bottom”. What does that even mean? As opposed to what? An evil bottom? A disobedient bottom? A disrespectful bottom? A bottom who tells terrible jokes during fucking? (Yeah, that would be bad.) What actually constitutes a good bottom versus a bad one? The quality of the ass? The skill in taking cock? The endurance over long rough fucks, or a heavy gangbang? The OP here clearly infers that the number of loads taken is a quantifiable criterion, but many of the answers amount to “a good bottom takes whatever he can get”. Well, so, one assumes, does a “bad” bottom, so is there any point in making a distinction in the first place? I’m not saying that all bottoms are identical. Any Top will tell you there’s good ass and there’s not-so-good ass. Some of us take our service seriously and constantly try to improve our skills, while others do not. But the competition between bottoms is noxious enough already without dividing us up into “good” and “not good”. Apologies to the OP for the threadjack - to answer the question, I believe a bottom should take as many loads as there are Tops wishing to use him - if he’s a service bottom. For casual, recreational bottoms, it’s a matter of meeting their limitations.
  22. If it happens at all (a mark of incomplete training) it will happen exactly once, and then never, ever again. Any Alpha worthy of the title will see to that. It’s a “teachable moment”.
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