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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Closed relationships - I assume you mean faithful monogamy - between actually total Tops or actually total bottoms? What you’re describing is mutually agreed celibacy. It’s hard to imagine that becoming the successful basis for a relationship in any but the most unusual of circumstances, and require an extraordinary sort of bond between two men based on factors unrelated to physical attraction. The only way your poll won’t be heavily weighted is if men who are actually vers to any degree incorrectly claim to be “total” Tops or bottoms.
  2. The one you’re referring to is at the Horse Cave interchange, exit 58. There’s no sign of it closing down any time soon. There’s actually another adult store on I-65 south of Elizabethtown, at Upton, but it’s strictly a store - no theater, booths, GHs, or any kind of private space. In fact, my nephew worked at the Upton store for a while, and he tells the story of a guy who came in, bought a large dildo with a suction cup end, went out to his car, suctioned the dildo to the hood in plain view of the interstate, and rode it nude until the cops came. 🙄
  3. If you do a Google search on “HIV” and “Undetectable”, right now you will likely find a mishmash of both governmental and medical official sources that explain that an Undetectable viral load is a value less than 50 copies/ml... or, less than 40 copies/ml... or, less than 20 copies/ml. Depending on the test. What’s more, some sources refer to <200 copies as virally suppressed, and indicate that virus is not transmitted when the virus is suppressed. When I got my first Undetectable result a few years ago, it was with the <50 standard. In January, I got an Undetectable result with the <20 standard (new doctor, different test). Last week, I had a viral load of 38. If I were tested with two of the mainline tests, the <40 and <50 standards, I would have an Undetectable result. Under the test actually used, with its <20 standard, I don’t. So... am I Undetectable or not? Until now, I’ve been Undetectable for about 3.75 years and haven’t missed one single daily dose (believe it or not) of ART since I started it in 2014, so that puts me firmly in the “durably Undetectable” category - until now? Or not? I realize that an occasional blip in the data is not unexpected, and I had just changed meds, and my CD4 count is now 40 points higher than it’s ever been. So I realize that an upward drift of about 20 copies to a result that still lies within the mean for Undetectable among all currently used tests for viral load should be no cause for concern. But - by the standard of the test given, it wasn’t Undetectable. What do you all think? What standard are you tested under now?
  4. Don’t count on it. In spite of the rates of infection, HIV is actually not an easy virus to catch. The risk of transference for a single unprotected sex act is relatively low. The fact that so many men are now poz has less to do with how easy it is to catch than the truly vast amount of unprotected fucking going on. Plus, don’t be too trusting of off-the-shelf HIV tests. They can return false negatives. I’m living proof - barely - my tests came back routinely negative right up until AIDS nearly killed me.
  5. Solid food is not out of the question. From the time you eat, food takes 6-8 hours to pass through the stomach and small intestine and enter the colon. From there, transit time from the beginning of the ascending colon to the rectum is 30-40 hours. You can have a snack... if they’ll let up long enough, and if you’re even hungry... that’ll depend on whether you’re taking oral and whether you swallow. If it’s not an actual gangbang but simply serial fucking, say, at the baths or hotel slutting, I always take a few snacks like some string cheese, some nuts, a few cookies, that sort of thing. Take a little protein and some compact calories, but not anything that’s going to leave uncomfortable crumbs on the bed. Don’t take anything that’s going to linger on your breath or your teeth (no peanut butter) and some mints wouldn’t hurt. Besides, you’re not going to be the subject of a nonstop 12-hour gangbang. That’s the stuff of fantasy. You might participate in a sex party in which guys come and go for 12 hours... but there’ll definitely be enough lull in the action for you to have a snack.
  6. I think I understand better now, just a couple more questions if you don’t mind - do you gain a particular sense of power and control from rendering another guy unconscious? Is it something you enjoy while he’s struggling, or do you only feel the pleasure once he suddenly goes limp in your grasp? Once that happens, do you move quickly to do something to him (like insert a large object), does the unconsciousness tend to last a bit, or do you extend it in some way? And lastly, even given your expressed lack of concern for the health of these men, I assume you would still stop short of murder, so isn’t there some risk inherent in choking someone to unconsciousness? I don’t personally engage in breath play, so I have no relevant experience.
  7. I understand that you say it’s fun to do, but could you dig a little deeper and explain why it’s fun? In an earlier post you said you wreck holes because you can, which was an interesting reply, but I still find myself wanting to understand the deeper motivation. You make a clear distinction between how you would treat partners you respect versus those you don’t - what is the particular pleasure you take in treating a submissive bottom as what you would call a trashy whore? Why do you choose to fuck them if you find them so unworthy? Why do you go out of your way to hurt them where they are most vulnerable? I get that you find it fun, but why do you find it fun? Thanks for the detailed replies, just hoping to get a deeper insight into the Dominant mind...
  8. Cutting your cock is NOT recommended. Because it relies on a blood reservoir to achieve erection, it will bleed profusely, even if you don’t hit an artery or vein. Jacking off after giving yourself such a laceration would certainly aggravate the wound with additional trauma, making it much harder to heal, more prone to infection, and more likely to scar. Trauma to the penis can also result in Peyronie’s Disease, which causes scar-like tissue internally, resulting in a bent penis (sometimes severely) and a loss of length. Nobody wants that. Just... don’t.
  9. Victim-blaming? Really? So your reasoning is that as anyone with a high viral load should be able to spread disease like Typhoid Mary to any sexual partner as long as that person enjoys the fucking? That’s patent nonsense. (And you Giver and Chaser fantasists can just hush for a minute, because I’ve got fucking AIDS and what I ‘m saying is experience-based.) This was in Florida, and there is no good reason in this day and age why a man with knowledge of his HVL condition could not access ART in some form if he wished to continue having unprotected sex with other people. To knowingly fuck others whilst having a HVL is at least irresponsible, and at worst criminal aforethought. The man had no right to inflict disease, let alone HIV, on another person. I didn’t ask for it - don’t you dare tell me I deserved a brush with death and the last 4-1/2 years of medical hell because I foolishly trusted my ass to the wrong guy. Put yourself in the victim’s shoes - if you suddenly discovered that you had been given HIV by a guy who was knowingly going around pozzing people, would the fact that you had been squirming and wiggling on his cock in pure pleasure make you just shrug your shoulders and say, “That one’s on me.” Think hard. But then you can’t really put yourself in the 15-year-old’s place, because he wasn’t an adult. Save your arguments about him being adult enough that he was seeking sex online and hooking up with men - just because he was doing an adult activity doesn’t mean he had the wisdom, maturity, or experience to handle it. I’m a dad. My son is now 22. When he was 15, he was a trusting kid who might have easily fallen prey to a predator like this (in which case there would have been no need for this motherfucker to go to trial, as they would never find the body). In real life, gentlemen, intentionally giving any person, regardless of age, sex or circumstance, a disease, is wrong. It is like a form of assault and battery that can have lifelong, sometimes irreparable, consequences. On this site, an absurd glorification of giving and getting HIV thrives - yet I wonder how many seropositive men on BreedingZone would stand up and say, “I LOVE having HIV and everything that goes with it!” And how many would stand up and say they plan to go out with their high viral load and infect as many people as they can before their immune system breaks down and they die from pneumonia or meningitis or some other opportunistic disease? How many? How many criminals are among us? We already know some of us are callow sons of bitches who don’t give a shit whether or not they poz someone, but how many have the malice to go out and do it on purpose? Bareback sex is not safe. It never will be. There are men out there who make it less safe than it could be. For all of us.
  10. Congratulations! You have crossed what is known as the “inhibitory threshold” - now that you’ve done it, you’ll find it easier to do again. 🙂
  11. This is so true. There’s a Top who tortures me with this internal edging. The horror of it is, after you cum, you can instantly start edging right from the edge! Over and over! I only say ‘horror’ because this particular Top likes to play it through 15-20 times. It’s brutal. It’s like the Top reaches inside you, pulls out the most private, vulnerable, intimate thing about your sex, and plays hackey-sack with it.
  12. You have used the word ‘popular’ in other posts as well, referring to men who get a lot of action. I average about 10 fucks every time I host (CumUnions are higher) but I would never think of myself as ‘popular’. I’m not the sort of guy who people name on the “Which BZ Member Do You Want To Hook Up With” thread (and I could not possibly care less), which is essentially a popularity contest. I may have the ass, but not the looks or the personality or the level of wanton pigginess. Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say ‘popular’?
  13. Penile orgasm need not be groin-focused if you know how to build it and deepen it. I’ve had many, many strong, violent, full-body Os from cock stimulation. That being said, I would rather cum anally or by prostate from being fucked, no question. Cumming by cock is quicker and more defined, but for me the immediate crash into the refractory period the millisecond I finish is really unpleasant. I detest the feeling of going from feverishly, fuckably in heat to the complete opposite like flipping a switch. The only exception is those times when my orgasm by cock has been forced by another man - for some reason I’m able to stay in fuck-me mode after that, and those have been some of the best.
  14. We all knew you were a size queen. But really - where is he able to find shoes?
  15. Oh my God. Both of you... I have never been more incentivized to train my ass. I have a kegel trainer app on my phone that sends me reminders - I’m going to double those fuckers up and maybe I’ll be a worthy candidate some day...
  16. In case anyone is interested, I went through this thread and extracted the reported scores, using the most recent score where updated (where possible) and omitting uncertain or clearly erroneous totals, to arrive at a collection of 378 scores docomenting the state of sexual depravity of the respondents as a representative segment of the site membership as a whole. These 378 scores ranged from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 516. (One finds it hard to say which of the two is the more shocking in the context...) The average score was approximately 225. The maximum score possible from all questions was 540. Those scoring below 100 made up 8.7% of respondents. Those scoring in the 100s range comprised 32.5%. Scorers in the 200s range made up 38.1%. Scorers in the 300s range accounted for a shameless 16.1%, while the remainder in the ‘scandal zone’ above 400 made up a small but nevertheless eyebrow-raising 4.5%. Responder comments below the 200 mark most commonly expressed either surprise that they weren’t as slutty as they thought, a feeling like they in some way needed to “work harder” to reach a more depraved state with its higher score and broader experience, or simply expressions of shame. This general sense of dissatisfaction began to taper off as scores approached 250, but even scorers in the 300s and 400s commented that they still wanted to improve their scores. It’s interesting that this community seems to set as a general aspiration a level of personal sexual abandon only actually realized by roughly 20% of the group - and that’s disregarding any possible score inflation due to fantasy responses; the real number may be smaller. On the other hand, it also seems remarkable that roughly one-fifth of the group has managed to make real for themselves what a cadre of those below them are still striving for, and likely half or more will never realize except through voyeurism or fantasy. It makes one wonder whether this is an example of a dynamic similar to that iin which society has distorted the common view of what makes a human body visually appealing - as it stands, the common person compares his or her body to one equivalent to a professional athlete’s, and comes away with a sense of self-dislike because they understand they will never be able to measure up to the new ‘standard’. Are we holding up certain ‘sexual athletes’ as the normal that others should wish to be, even though those men’s sexual lives would be considered extreme (to say the least) by society in general. Of course, I’m saying this as a cumdump bottom once physically owned by another man and trained to give his ass to men, who took 14 cocks at this month’s CumUnion, and is despite BDSM experience deep, wide and dark, am still wishing my 280s score had topped 300. And it shortly will. All that from a little math. (You can tell I really needed fucking today and it didn’t happen.)
  17. *Update* Up to 280 now. I still feel like the quiz doesn’t give enough credit for some things. For instance, yes, I’ve used a fuck machine (points) that I designed and built myself (nothing) — ! Geez...
  18. This is an old, resurrected thread, but since it’s up front now and Maximum Impact is still out there, let’s make sure we’re all absolutely clear about it. 1. Maximum Impact and poppers are not the same thing. Poppers consist of chemicals in the alkyl nitrite group. MA is ethyl chloride, a completely different substance. 2. MA and poppers do not have the same effect on your body. Poppers work by relaxing smooth muscle tissue in the body, allowing dilation of blood vessels and a corresponding lowering of blood pressure. This results in mental effects ranging from mild euphoria to an increase in sexual desire. MA works directly on nervous tissue, and was in the past used widely for general anesthesia; it is now mostly indicated as a topical anesthetic because of the considerable risks of its use. MA does not dilate blood vessels or relax smooth muscle tissue (one of the principal reasons poppers are valuable to bottoms), but instead simply impair cognitive function, giving a sense of drunkenness and loss of control. 3. Poppers are considered relatively safe, but MA can hurt you in permanent ways or just be straight up deadly. Poppers aren’t harmless - hitting them along with Viagra can be a deadly combo, and isopropyl nitrite formulations can cause eye damage. And if you swallow them you’re probably going to die. MA, however, is a whole other class of bad news. It can cause arhythmia in your heart, possibly killing you. It can cause you to hallucinate and/or black out with no knowledge of what’s happening, you may suffer memory loss, and that memory loss may be permanent. You may suffer irreversible cognitive impairment. Even if you don’t over-huff the stuff, the sense of inebriation you’ll have will very likely affect your ability to make sound decisions about your safety, and did I mention that MA is an anesthetic? You won’t know it when your ass is being seriously damaged because you’ll be too numb to feel it and too drunk to care. And then there’s the ‘sudden inhalation death’ thing to think about. I’m not a doctor or a pharmacist, I just have a Master’s in information science and know how to find all this useful info. (You don’t have to take my word for it - Google is your friend.) Make of it what you will, but ask yourself whether you’re really willing to roll the dice on your life just for “something with a little more kick than poppers”. This message has been brought to you by the Society for the Preservation of Bareback Fuckers, and the Committee United for the Needs of Tops (CUNT).
  19. It doesn’t bother me one iota when a man uses his spit for lube to fuck my ass. I don’t like a guy to spit on my body while fucking me, but I can tolerate it if I have to to ensure the Top gets the experience he wants and deserves from me and my ass. But spit in the mouth, no. So the lack of a consistent response to spit leaves me wondering if the spit - as a substance - is the problem at all. When guys spit on my body, my dislike of it doesn’t have anything to do with the actual feeling of the liquid on my skin. It’s more a reaction to the fact that the guy would openly express such contempt for me as a human being. (I mean, I’m a cumdump bottom anybody can fuck at will, so I get it, but at least I try to be really good at it...) Yet in the mouth is totally about the spit itself. And weirdly, I don’t mind a lot of tongue in kissing (for some reason a lot of Tops seem to want to put their entire tongue in my mouth and wallow it around) and those heavy-heavy kissing sessions absolutely swap spit, no question. But to just launch it in there - nope. I wonder if there’s some deep-seated revulsion in me that comes from having grown up in tobacco country when men in the family still worked tobacco and chewed plugs of it from twists they’d made themselves. They were always spitting - God, the constant spitting - sometimes out the window of the pickup, sometimes into a paper cup, sometimes just into the floorboard. For stationary use common folks might have a coffee can by their chair in the living room, but older gentlemen of the more ‘genteel’ variety still occasionally had a brass spittoon. I remember the brass spittoon my great-grandfather spat into in his old house, always half-full of ambeer collected from days and days of spitting. I don’t know if any of that plays into my reaction now; psychology is strange that way. Sort of like the way I have a sexual mindset very similar to that found in men who were raped as children, yet no one ever laid a finger on me.
  20. I do understand that, and that’s the thing that makes this odd for me - I love rough, aggressive handling, and I give plenty of sport for such Tops - I don’t encounter them nearly often enough - but certain elements of that kind of play squick me out in ways I can’t explain.
  21. I’m starting to realize that I actually dislike more things about oral than I like. I love to wrap my lips around a cock. I love the way cock tastes. I just can’t throat one, to my shame. For someone to spit (anything) into my mouth revolts me. I can’t imagine trying to snowball a mouthful of cum with someone - I honestly get a little queasy just thinking about it. And for some unknown reason, most guys’ precum, especially if there’s any volume to it, causes me to gag slightly. Drinking urine is a non-starter. I am not proud of this. It is a significant weakness in my skills as a service submissive. My Master was not himself interested in oral service, so largely omitted it from my training, otherwise I’m quite sure my gag reflex would be long gone now, and the spitting thing wouldn’t be an issue. (There’s also the possibility that my aversion to certain types of fluids introduced orally may be autism-related. Not sure.)
  22. It depends on what you mean by “the real thing”. Yes, it’s obviously a prostate toy with optional vibration. How effective it is in bringing you to a prostate orgasm (if you orgasm at all) depends entirely on how you use it. You may just find that the pressure simply forces you to release semen without any sort of ejaculation or feeling of climax at all. I have usually found prostate toys unsatisfying because their one-size-fits-all premise doesn’t take into. account the variability of male anatomy. Their carefully measured probe length might have been just right for the guy they tested it on, but it could easily over- or under-reach the target in another man. I always found it necessary to keep shifting position and rocking to keep the stimulus going. Also notice in this ad how they recommend using this along with their electrostim box for best effect. E-stim can force the cum out of you without any need of their special toy. I know - I did exactly that to myself two nights ago, hands free. The most important thing in your question was where you said you wanted ‘the Top to go with it’. The most thorough, complete, no-nonsense, drained-empty milking I ever had was from my former Master’s two big, strong fingers. He would bend me over, thrust both fingers into my ass, hit my p-spot dead center every time, and then press like a mechanical vise until I flooded cum. My prostate literally felt flattened each time he did it. I never felt more drained, and I’ve been hooked up to mechanical cock milkers. Save your money, and find a Top with strong fingers.
  23. I’ve only had this done to me once (and didn’t like it even remotely) but I see it every once in a while in porn, and keep coming across text references to it. I’m not talking about sharing a mouthful of cum, but just straight-up spitting directly into the other guy’s - usually the bottom’s - mouth. I guess I can understand a general pigginess about it, but really, what’s the appeal? What do you get out of it? I used to take cock from a Lakota guy who would spit on me when he hate-fucked me (I wasn’t wild about that either) but he never spat in me...
  24. o.O Dear God those people are twisted... Looking at some of those other models, I had to keep reminding myself that they’re made of silicone. The “Chain Gang” is particularly... unsettling. https://www.squarepegtoys.com/shop/chain-gang/
  25. ‘Obtuse’? Well, there’s one I’ve never heard applied to me before. Perhaps if you gave the post more than a cursory glance you might have understood it better - you appear to have only skimmed the first paragraph and assumed it contained the sum of the argument (a regrettable habit persistent among struggling academics). The first paragraph is nothing more than a set of musings on the curious semantic problem I sense in the terms which are the subject of this thread, thoughts based on common community observations. The second paragraph examines the practical complications attendant on serial Topping that would additionally tend to render those terms problematic. Thus in the two paragraphs the attentive reader finds a case for semantic dissonance undergirded by both sociological/linguistic analysis and discussion of psychosocial patterns of sexual behavior germane to the topic... to get all academic about it. The final paragraph candidly concludes that I have no ready answer to the questions I raise, but implicitly challenges the reader to come to his own conclusions. What my post does not do, obtusely or otherwise, is take a positive on political correctness, support an ideology, or make any statement about the sexual desire of Tops in general. (‘A good Top is as radical as reality itself’...? What a well-tossed word salad... ) In further support of my actual post, I might add this, in the hope that it clarifies my point: At July 2018 CumUnion weekend in Indianapolis, one year ago, I took 24 loads from late Friday evening to 1am Sunday morning, over half of them in the last six hours. That’s 24 full-service fuckings, in my ass, with loads deposited inside. I left disappointed that I didn’t get to 25. But the point is that I, as a service bottom, could provide the complete sexual experience the Top expected, all the way to his orgasm, on demand, 24 times over the course of a full day. I could have handled more without much difficulty. The conditions were very similar to those a bottom being aggressively whored out might experience. I defy you to produce a Top capable of providing an equally complete level of service that each bottom would expect - naturally, a load deposited after an energetic railing with a hard organ - 24 times in a single circle of the clock - or even consistently on demand at any given time in that series. It’s simply not reasonable. Now, obviously I’m citing an extreme case to make the point that it seems awkward to use the same term for what’s done to bottoms and what’s done to Tops when there are marked differences - but I don’t really expect anyone to pay any attention to it anyway unless they enjoy that kind of mental exercise too. It’s just the sort of linguistic puzzle that tickles my obtuse fucking brain.
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