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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Someone has to make these sacrifices in order for science to advance. As one devoted to both the advancement of knowledge and the Scientific Method, I will proudly submit to the most rigorous and invasive investigation needed. 😃
  2. Rather than demons, the problem was thought to have arisen when rebel angels (later recast as demons for religious convenience) began having sex with mortal women, resulting in abominable giants called Nephilim - and everything went downhill from there until (supposedly) the Deity cleansed the whole planet in an over enthusiastic fit of laundry. Have you had the delight of visiting the “Ark Experience” in Williamstown? It’s trippy. It’s also a load of twice-baked bullshit from stem to stern. There is a body of research out there on the chemical changes that occur in the bodies of two people having sex. Release of Oxytocin, Vasopressin, endorphins and other biochemicals have been found to establish and strengthen emotional bonds between sexual partners.* It seems likely that this has evolved as a species survival trait to ensure parental/family stability in the rearing of offspring. It’s interesting to me, however, to wonder about the effect of this biological system on homosexual men fucking each other, and especially those fucking random and even anonymous parters serially and in large numbers. What happens, for instance, to a cumdump who is subject to 15 strong chemical bonding experiences in his body from 15 different men in the course of a single night, and then not only experiences those bonds being unreciprocated (as they would be) but in some cases negatively broken with physical violence? A cycle of bond-rip-bond-rip-bond-rip-bond-rip-etc... What is that doing to us? Is it somehow reinforcing our basic submissiveness into an outright faggotry we can no longer resist? Fascinating questions, I think … *Lee Ann Obringer "How Love Works" 12 February 2005.HowStuffWorks.com. <https://people.howstuffworks.com/love.htm> 22 September 2019
  3. In addition, ethyl chloride has had medical use as an an aesthetic, which is part of what makes use of Maximum Impact so dangerous - it makes you feel intoxicated and impairs judgment, while deadening your sense of pain. So essentially, you could drunkenly agree to let some brute with massive hands fist you, then be too numb to realize that he’s tearing your flesh, and be to out of it to care. Or you could just suddenly die from a huff of it. That can happen too. #NotShittingYou
  4. While the roots of incest taboo have little effect on same-sex relations, those roots arise from the very practical and serious potential genetic consequences of incestuous hetero couplings. It isn’t just a matter of religious dogma or of custom whose origins have been forgotten - there are families, in deep Appalachia for example, profoundly affected by inbreeding mutation. And even in same-sex relations, incest introduces elements of psychochemical bonding and power dynamics that can deeply confuse core family relationships. Which is all to say, there are real reasons we don’t usually fuck our blood kin.
  5. I accept that I feel naturally driven to submit to masculine men, even though I don’t understand why; nothing in my past or my upbringing explains it. I accept that some Men will consider me a faggot, will believe that they are superior to me because they can rut in my slit and fill my body with their seed. I accept that I feel a genuine duty and purpose to allow Men to use my body for their sexual release, and act on it, even though I know most Men will neither believe nor understand that I absolutely mean what I say. But I do not accept that my sexual status below other Men - even below other faggots, who have the same right to my ass as every other Man - makes me a lesser human being. The part of me that is undeniably a faggot is only one part of a remarkable whole that need not stand in the shadow of any Man. The one choice this faggot makes is to surrender his body to a greater good, even if that greater good is sometimes nothing more than a stranger’s satisfaction at fucking and defiling what he considers a cheap whore.
  6. While most of @BritBottom‘s post is accurate, the section above could be read to mean that Maximum Impact is similar to poppers. The only similarity is that they are both inhaled - other than that, MA is vastly more dangerous. Here’s my question about popper effects - the first few times I tried them, I sometimes reached very lightheaded states, or even briefly passed out (once while being fucked - that was interesting snapping back from). Now, however, I never reach anything like that heady state - has anyone else experienced this? Is it possible to become accustomed to them to the point that it begins to lose its ability to affect? Similarly, I have always seen the visual effect some describe as a “green blob”, but now it doesn’t always appear or isn’t as stark, even with a fresh bottle. And I kind of hate that, because for me, what I actually see looks almost exactly like an anus with a bright center where the gaping hole would be, and whenever I see it, it’s like a confirmation of what I am and what the Top between my legs is about to do to me... Just as a point of interest, the “blob” at the center isn’t usually green for me - it’s usually pink, blue, or even black, depending on the brand of poppers.
  7. Lol - Oh, thank God somebody finally said it! 🤣 I can’t tell you how many times I’ve nearly typed “Will you two get a plane ticket and a room, for Pete’s sake?” All I can say is that we here had better get a riveting after-action report when this breeding eventually takes place... As to the images you posted - I have a sense that the only guys who can truly get away with a thong are those blessed with the entire package: the build, the muscle, the ass and the cock, the face, and the moxie that says they not only know they’ve got it all, they know that you know they’ve got it all. If any of those elements is lacking, it becomes obvious that the Emperor is showing his ass, and not necessarily in the desired way. Even if all is in place, but then he turns around and the face doesn’t complete the picture, the glamour is dispelled and the choice of a thong becomes questionable. I’d love to be able to wear one on a beach or in a bathhouse - but not a snowflake’s chance in hell. I do think thongs are probably something age may make us ineligible for, no matter how fit we are...
  8. I realize this topic covers an encounter that took place over four months ago, but I would just like to remark on the way that fetish play in this community seems to parallel the same kind of play in the gay BDSM community, but doesn’t seem to merge with it any way. It’s odd. I come from a diverse BDSM background, in which there is protocol for dealing with a guy like Mr. Bitey here. People in the lifestyle are taught risk reduction and harm reduction, and the common understanding is that play is to be safe, sane and consensual. Systems of limits and safe words are established and adhered to, and if there’s a bad actor who doesn’t follow the code, word spreads very quickly so he can be avoided (or arrested, if he’s a bad mamma-jamma). When delving into kink play, it might be a good idea to go to FetLife and run uncertainties by the folks there as well. They’ve pretty much seen (and done) it all.
  9. I assume you mean that you will be on PrEP as well. If not, it would be foolish to simply assume you will remain Neg. As long as there are Poz guys who don’t take their ART regularly (or at all), or are unaware of their seropositivity, and Neg guys who assume they’re safe now because other guys take PrEP, the Enemy Virus is still a threat. Bareback sex is not safe. It never has been.
  10. Interesting... So among these possible lines of approach, which (if any) would you think would be the more effective: 1. If you like to fuck rough, I’ve got the hole you’re looking for 2. Prey Animal - If you’re Man enough 3. Fuck me down - If you think you can [subtle difference] 4. Like aggressive Tops - HMU 5. Seek Dominant Tops for submission 6. Looking for Alpha Tops to serve* Aggressive Tops, I would also be interested to hear your feedback on this - does it stimulate you to see a cheeky challenge from a bottom, or is an instant turn-off from a faggot who doesn’t know his place in your hierarchy? Does any whiff of submissiveness make you go limp with disgust, or tingle with anticipation? Really genuinely curious from a psychological, as well as practical, point of view. *I realize that no. 6 has a poison pill in it, in that an Alpha Top is likely to reject a bottom offering to serve multiple Alphas - Alphas do not, as a rule, share their conquests. But this language is sometimes seen in profiles, and may be part of my error.
  11. Some would say it’s just existing. I read with horror that children are involved. It’s telling that in your first post you didn’t even mention them. So you’ve decided to keep your sexless marriage, have you? You’ve done all the cold calculus and made a unilateral decision about the lives of your wife and children for the next 15 years? If you are, in fact, a vertebrate with any sort of spine at all, the absolute least you could do is tell her the truth, and let her decide about you. She has a life equal in value to yours. Do you honestly expect sympathy here for your callous and cavalier attitude toward your family? What kind of men do you think we are? Have your cake and eat it too? You deserve no cake. Begone, reptile, and try to find some warmth in your blood for those closest to you.
  12. So, are you saying that men who like to fuck bottoms violently don’t want to read that a bottom is actually looking for that kind of treatment because he would have to be either crazy or desperate to want it? (I’m neither, as far as I can tell.) What, then, does such a Top target when choosing a bottom for extreme treatment? I have absolutely no insight into the Top brain to give any sense of this at all. I tend to just throw myself out there straight up, with little or no subtlety and hope I come across as genuine and real. But if there’s some sort of game to be played, I’m likely to suck at it.
  13. A fair question. As to the first part, I’m talking about the kind of dominant, aggressive fucking in which the Top is energetically driven to sate his appetites, reach his goal, or make his point, through the maximum application of his cock. His sexual acts are rapid, forceful, extended, repeated, and intense. They are carried out solely in pursuit of his pleasures and goals, unrestrained by considerations of the hole in use. This definition may include rough handling, such as manhandling the bottom to change positions, holding the head or neck down on the bed while fucking, pinning the bottom’s arm back, etc., but for my purposes does not encompass face slapping, punching, beating, or any form of battery or violence not directly related to the Top’s sexual acts. As to the second part, why I am seeking this, I am not entirely certain - I have a sense that although I serve a reasonable number of Men on my outings (15 Men enjoyed my ass this last CumUnion weekend, not bad for September) my ass is not being used to its greatest advantage. I have a feeling that it could be serving Men with greater need, really getting put through its paces, having its limits challenged. My imperative, to accept the fuck of any Man who claims it, doesn’t discriminate on any basis, so in that respect I can’t really explain why I should seek more violent sexual use. The only thing I can suppose is that my gratification in seeing a Top satisfy himself with my body will increase if a Top satisfies himself using my body to the extreme. For those suggesting Recon, I am no stranger to Recon, but find results there very sporadic.
  14. Raised Methodist, but pretty much turn away from any organized religion now in favor of a personal, Christ-centered spirituality.
  15. Over the last three months or so I’ve tried to slant my hosting ads to make it clear that I am willing (okay, eager) to take on Tops who want to engage in rough or violent sex. I can take cock, and I’m not one of those bottoms who bails out when things get a little heavy. But I have not had much luck making contact with Tops interested in this kind of fucking. Is it that such men are actually uncommon, or are they to be found in specific locales or social spheres in which I’m not connected? Is there some type of place I should be going, and if so, is there a certain way I should dress or act there to get the message across? Any guidance on how to make Tops like this aware of my services would be appreciated.
  16. If you can’t go naked, there’s something to be said for leaving (a little) something to the imagination. Give them the pleasure of wondering what it would be like to peel that ass out of a pair of Speedos. Folks in my sphere tend to refer to thongs as “butt floss”. It really is a tricky thing for guys to wear successfully.
  17. Indeed! I take my cell phone with me, with a timer set for 15 minutes. I figure if I’m not being anally assaulted within 15 minutes of lying there with my ass open and vulnerable, I might as well give someone else a shot.
  18. Elsewhere in this forum I have commented on the fact that I have zero luck getting fucked in slings. I don’t know why. It’s not, however, that I don’t get noticed - in fact, it usually doesn’t take long before I feel the hands of some man or other... on my cock. Yesterday, same thing. I get situated in the sling, pull my blindfold down, and within two minutes I hear footsteps enter the room, cross to my side, and a hand starts playing with my cock. This time I just reached down, took hold of the hand and moved it away from my body and shook my head. Another two minutes - and a different guy comes up to my side and starts diddling with my cock (which, I failed to mention, is in a solid steel cock cage to start with). This guy also wanted to tweak my nipples. I firmly seized hiz wrist and moved his hand away from my cock. A minute later I heard him muttering to another guy in the doorway, “...something’s wrong...” Dammit, man! What’s wrong is that you don’t appear to have a grasp of what a sling is for! So, for the less sophisticated among us, just a few key points: 1. The sling is a piece of mobile furniture designed specifically for fucking. Although it can be used in conjunction with bondage in a BDSM setting, it is not primarily a bondage device. 2. If you do not intend to fuck the occupant of the sling, do not approach, and do not loiter in close proximity, especially to the lower end, because you may become that most despised of creatures, the Cock-Blocker. 3. One generally approaches the sling occupant from the position of vulnerability, i.e., between the raised legs, for access to his hole. Only approach from the side to offer your cock for fellatio, and only if the head is easily accessible. 4. Re-read points 1-3. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lastly, 5, If you are anything but a total bottom and you spy a man lying unattended in a sling who is not a) asleep or b) repulsive, give strong consideration to walking over and fucking him. It’s ass going to waste if you don’t, and you’ll be setting a good example if you do.
  19. I will put on a blindfold if requested by a Top (this is rare) but never on my own initiative. Yet as often as not, I never see my breeder. I always present with my back to him, head slightly bowed. If he wants me to see him, he will turn me. Otherwise I never try to “sneak a peek”. To my mind there is a value in a cumdump faggot not knowing the identity of every man who fucks him - it is a source of humility and perspective.
  20. I’m hotel hosting tonight and the first guy who fucked me didn’t close the door to the hotel room when he came in, and I didn’t notice it hanging wide open. After 15 minutes or so of vigorous railing - in which neither of us was quiet, but I was loud - he took a short break and then casually asked if I wanted the door closed. I told him it didn’t matter to me, so he left it open “so other people can see and maybe join in.” Nobody joined in, and I have no idea whether anybody passing along the outer corridor saw me getting my hole plundered, but they so easily could have...
  21. I have extensive experience with electrostimulation. I’ve been the subject for several public demonstrations, my former Master used it frequently in my training, and I’ve actually taught Dom Tops electro theory and practice using my own equipment and myself as the test subject. If you have specific questions, I’ll try to answer them.
  22. Soooooo many times on a picnic table in the woods at camp, with spectators. Same, except chained to a tree nearby. A guy once took me to a bar in Louisville and jacked me off slowly for an audience of about a dozen men. Scores upon scores of bathhouse fucks, many with onlookers. Really, I’m at my best being fucked with a crowd of men watching.
  23. You’re at BreedingZone - it’s kind of in the name. The vast majority of Men here are about internal loading. In fact, you’ll find a lot of commentary about how guys hate it when a Top pulls out to ejaculate. I could be wrong, but I think the bukkake community would be a distinct minority here - most of us would look on it in horror as a terrible waste of a lot of cum.
  24. Tops often fuck the cum out of me and fuck me to anal and prostate orgasm, but I don’t think a Top has ever succeeded in jacking me off whilst fucking me, even if I happened to manage to be hard. First of all, I find that such efforts by Tops who are in the middle of a fuck are almost always an afterthought and half-hearted (and why wouldn’t they be? Why should any Top give a damn whether I cum or not?), and secondly, it would take a pretty concentrated effort to get me off via my cock anyway. I can do it relatively quickly, but it’s going to take someone else a while, and they can forget about giving me head - it does absolutely nothing to me. I certainly don’t jerk myself while I’m being fucked - my duty is to pay close attention to the Top’s reactions and needs, and use my body to meet them, whatever that takes.
  25. From your posts elsewhere, though, one gets the impression that you’re also blessed with a husband that knows a network of such men and doesn’t hesitate to make you available to them. Do you think that exposes you to greater opportunity to access total Tops than the average bottom?
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