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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Somehow I overlooked this absurd, ignorant comment when it was made, but am not going to let it pass without challenge. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘borderline autistic’, but whatever it is, you clearly have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I’m Autistic, and my confidence gets me fucked hard and often. I not only 100% know what I want, I fucking go get it. And as to my quality as a lover, you’ll just have to ask the numerous Tops that keep coming back to my ass for more. You say gay men are ‘always’ more confident, ‘always’ know absolutely what they want, ‘always’ are much better lovers than your presumably non-masculine, closeted straights? News flash: There is no such thing a ‘closeted straight’ - there are only closeted gays. We’re surrounded by gay guys who are uncertain about their masculinity, uncertain about their sexuality, don’t know what they want, and God knows some of them are lousy fucks. But being Autistic has absolutely zero to do with any of it, and I’ll thank you to keep your presumptuous, uninformed, wildly inapplicable assumptions to yourself.
  2. Strictly speaking, Sex Addiction, or Hypersexual Disorder, is not a recognized diagnosis by the professional psychological/psychiatric field, and is not included in their diagnostic manual. It is a subject of debate as to the causes of excessive or compulsive sexual behavior that results in distress, but most authorities consider that it does not have many features in common with actual addiction. There are some mental conditions that may predispose a person to hypersexual behavior - the manic phase of Bipolar Depression comes to mind - but these are not addiction. I think some caution needs to be applied in the use if ‘addiction’ in this context, because it implies an inability to control behavior when in many cases the person may simply be looking for an excuse to explain or justify a hedonistic lifestyle.
  3. There have been a number of well-answered topics here on the subject of cleaning out, and a search should provide experienced replies on just about any angle of this. Is cleaning out necessary? Your question sounds as though you’d like to get into bottoming but don’t want to be bothered with the work that comes with it. The actuality is that cleaning out your colon is part of being a bottom. Your ass isn’t designed to be a cunt, and in practice you sort of have to separate the two functions. If you read through the body of responses to most such topics, I think you’ll find that the significant majority of Tops want it clean - there may be a small minority who don’t mind there being a mess, but in my experience by far more of them don’t want to deal with it, and many are positively repulsed by it. In my service, cleanliness is an absolute requirement - I will not offer myself unless I am sure there will be no accidents. A ‘finger test’ isn’t always adequate, especially if you’re dealing with a cock longer than 6-6 1/2 inches. Waste is held at the bend in the sigmoid colon before being released into the rectum for disposal, and the rectum spends most of its time empty - you could have a mess poised up out of finger reach that might descend when least desired, and this could happen simply because your rectum is being stimulated. It’s much better to invest the time to clean out to avoid complications that could spoil a fuck. I would say that, in most cases, yes, is needed, but the degree of cleanout needed will depend on the level of service being provided, and you figure out how much washing out you need for a given type of fuck through experience.
  4. Coming to the forum to interact does not mean posting a personal ad in the General discussion forum asking people to private message you for a hookup, as you have just done - especially after the site owner just explained to you why he doesn’t encourage people to communicate by direct messaging on the site. Posting the wrong thing in the wrong place can actually set you back in terms of access to the site. You would be better off reading and getting to know how the forum works than wildly misposting the first chance you get.
  5. I suspect this has less to do with an assumption about gay interior design and more to do with the visual contrast in the frame. A body is going to feature in greater visual focus when set against a lighter, relatively featureless surface, and white provides the sharpest contrast, even more so than black, which would tend to absorb the lighting. Also, while your point about the real objects one would find in a gay room related to sex, the more clutter in the frame, the more visual distraction. The director wants your eyes on the bodies in motion, not wandering around making observations like Oh, I see they use cloth towels instead of paper for wiping up - they must have to do an extra load of laundry.
  6. I guess that’s a new way of defining “oral”.
  7. Guys who see that I’m hosting and ask if they can come eat the loads out of my ass each time a Top fucks me. 🤨 You going to pay for my hotel room, dude? No? Going to bring in some Tops to fuck me? No? Then no, you twat, you may not. Go pay for your own hotel room and get your own Tops. If you’re too fucking cheap and lazy to do what it takes to service Men, you don’t deserve to have access to loads. I’m not a goddamn buffet. Likewise these buzzing flies who hit me up with “Can I watch?” If you bring the Top with you, you can watch him fuck me all you want; after that, you go. What’s that you say? You just want to lurk in a corner and creep out every guy who tries to fuck me? I think not, assclown. Closely related, the How-many-loads-you-got-now vicarious voyeurs who suggest they might come fuck when I have some loads in me, but then do nothing but pester me for a running tally. These guys spend do do much game playing and time wasting you have to wonder if they ever get laid at all. Indeed, if the ever have.
  8. I don’t see how it can pan out well. Word-banning is a ridiculous game of whack-a-mole that succeeds only in constraining communication and stifling expression while doing nothing to stop the offenders, who will simply co-opt a different set on unrestricted words and circumvent the ban. It totally misunderstands how codes work. On Monday, the drugheads start referring to their favorite substance as ‘stick’. On Tuesday, NKP decides to ban the use of the word ‘stick’. We can now no longer stick anything to anything else, chew a stick of gum, add a stick to a fire, or stick it to the Man. On Wednesday the drugheads switch to calling their favorite substance ‘bone’. On Thursday we still can’t talk about sticks, but we also can’t describe skeletons, and referring to our boner is out of the question. On Friday the drugheads start calling the shit ‘sky’ because they can call it anything at all. And because NKP doesn’t have the staff to make individual context judgments on every use of a common English word, they’re going to rely on algorithms that don’t actually make judgments, just apply rule in a cycle that can only become more and more and more restrictive. In short, it’s stupid.
  9. Aim, for God’s sake. It drives me insane - the mouth is wide open, three inches from the cockhead, and not one drop hits the target. If I were directing, I’d leave that film on the cutting room floor and re-shoot it (literally) until they got it into the sub’s mouth… and never seen again. Really, it’s not complicated - you get ready to cum, tell the sub to open his mouth and stick out his tongue, rest the head of your cock on the end of his tongue, and blow. Then tell him to swallow. Easy, no waste, no mess, and with the right camera angle, nice visual.
  10. You use “faggot” as a way to demean men you consider inferior. The irony is that there are any number of hetero men in the world who, on seeing you fucking those faggots into their place, would say to each other, “Look at those two faggots going at it.” To them, yeah, you’re a faggot too. And they’re using the word the same way you do. It’s almost impossible to use it without reinforcing the negative stereotypes on all of us equally.
  11. “I’m in a long-term relationship.” ”I love him so much.” ”It would be a big betrayal of him.” 🤨 Perhaps you should assess what you mean by “love”. You don’t plan on betraying a person you truly love, because that’s not something you do to someone you actually love. Why not? Because you love them. You’re here asking us for permission to do something shitty because you don’t really have a question in your mind whether it’s shitty - you know it is. You want my blessing to dick over a loved one? Fuck that noise. Make up your mind where your priorities lie, and how much you actually value your partner, and then see what your conscience tells you.
  12. What annoys me about gay porn: (Generally) 1. I’m not watching myself on the screen 2. I’m watching the porn and not having the sex 3. They’re being paid to do what I would do for free 4. It leaves us dissatisfied with real bodies, real cocks, and real sex and warps our understanding of what sex is in the real world 5. It makes men unhappy with their own bodies (Specifically) 1. Pulling out to ejaculate. Please, please stop. 2. Bad audio a. Dubbed sex sounds out of sync with the action b. Bottoms who moan out of tempo with the thrusting, obviously acting c. Bottoms who whine d. Irritating of distracting background (or foreground) music, especially rap or anything that sounds like boom-chicka-wow-wow 3. Scenes that cut off before orgasm 4. “Bondage” scenes where they then untie the guy to fuck him 🤷🏼‍♂️ All this being said, I’m not much of a porn aficionado. It takes a particular sort of porn to do anything for me, and it doesn’t take a lot of porn for me to get bored with it.
  13. Your problem may be one more common with poz Tops than with poz bottoms; I post my status on all my profiles and I don’t recall ever having been hit up by a bugchaser - probably because they’re not looking at me as a source of infected cum. It might also, however, have to do with my emphasis on U=U. I make it clear that I’m not only Undetectable, I’m Untransmittable. So if some nutcase is looking for someone to infect him with a disease, I’m obviously not the man for the job. I also only recall one instance of a Top seeding me and then telling me I just got his toxic load. I assume it’s because there’s no fantasy or thrill in stealthing somebody who’s already medicated against it to the point of undetectability.
  14. It should be noted that neither Sexual Addiction nor Hypersexual Disorder are recognized as formal diagnoses in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM-V), the diagnostic reference that is the primary record of mental health conditions for professionals working in the United States. Sexual addiction is a subject of debate regarding what would constitute symptoms of pathology as distinct from normal patterns of human sexual behavior, and disagreement about the potential causes of abnormal behavior and distress. Some researchers contend that it has little in common with actual addiction. The point is, it’s no good anyone diagnosing himself as a sexual addict, as there is no such actual diagnosis, and no professional would make such a finding. That doesn’t mean the compulsion isn’t real, or the distress isn’t real, but rather that the approach to dealing with them may not be the same as the approach to dealing with addiction.
  15. That’s not the case. She thought she was, at least in principle. Practice, however, made things real. It always does. For my part, I was prepared to put that part of me back on the shelf and let it remain there, but the damage was done. I could not altogether blame her; that kind of permission and acceptance is a remarkable thing from a spouse, and uncommon. That she was willing to even put her heart at risk for the attempt is to her credit. I merely caution the OP not to take the degree of acceptance he has for granted.
  16. Human stupidity is a well that never runs dry.
  17. One that I’m aware of, well documented in my blog (and his). On occasion men contact me on other platforms and say they found me on BZ, so it’s possible I’ve been bred by other members who haven’t explicitly made the connection in person - if there are any such, I would be glad to know whom I have had the privilege of servicing… And anyone who wants to, hey, I’m easy. Very easy.
  18. In the United States, 12 states have laws requiring disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners. The criminalization of HIV is still very much a thing. Here’s a link to an infographic about the status of HIV criminalization around the U.S.: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.hivlawandpolicy.org/sites/default/files/HIV Criminalization in the US%2C CHLP 020122.pdf Just because I could have easily locked my door does not give a burglar license to come into my house and steal my belongings. A person who presents a hazard to someone else’s health has a moral and ethical obligation to tell them before knowingly exposing them to that hazard. It’s as simple as that. The question of a legal obligation isn’t to promote liberty, it’s to promote deterrence.
  19. @Rendezvousnow - Your post suggests that you are experiencing significant emotional distress as a result of your own internal judgment of your own behavior. It sounds as though this is based on a set of moral principles or beliefs to which you subscribe, which you refer to as ‘mainstream’ and ‘traditional’. You say that you need to ‘rebuild’ your moral values, which implies that you believe that your value structure has in some way collapsed. The distress you feel, accompanied by a feeling of helplessness or inability to prevent yourself from undertaking the behavior that distresses you, suggests that you might benefit from a mental health evaluation - it may not be that you are ‘morally failing’ - it may be that you are experiencing a condition that you may be able to address with therapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Sexual addiction has been mentioned, but there are other conditions that can predispose a person to engaging in hypersexual and high-risk behavior. I would encourage you to speak to your doctor about your concerns and obtain a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist who may be able to assist you. In the case that you’re dealing with a kind of sexual addiction, a therapist specializing in sex therapy may be of help. You can make the change you wish in your life, and I wish you well.
  20. It bears mentioning that the designated fiction section of the forum is hardly the only source of fictitious content here. I very much doubt the credibility of a great majority of claims made by men here. On a given day I would be astonished if the combined output of toxic cum produced by all the self-proclaimed stealthers on this forum filled a thimble.
  21. @bihusband - Your wife has accepted this aspect of your nature, and has made allowance for you to express it. She has acknowledged that you are introducing a measure of unknown risk into both of your lives - not just yours, but also hers - and is requesting only that you take a reasonable measure to ensure both her safety and your own. Do not abuse her trust. She has not given you a blank check to go run amok indulging your homosexual fantasies. You already realize this, or you wouldn’t be asking us this question. But you have asked it: “What am I doing?” So I’ll give you an straight-up answer. You’re stepping out of line. You’ve been given an inch but you’re taking a mile. You know damn well that she’s worried about the risk of you bringing a sexually transmitted disease into that house and possibly transmitting it to her - and she’s being realistic - and what are you doing? You’re putting her concerns, her safety, and her trust second to your fantasies. You’re not just contemplating going bare and unsafe, you’re planning on it. You’ve already ordered the outfit. Unlike the hedonists above, I’m not going to encourage you to go satiate your appetites. The world is full of Earthly Delights that tempt our flesh, but just because something tempts you doesn’t mean you can have it, or should have it, or are in a position to have it at that time. You have to make choices, and some of those choices mean that other choices aren’t available later. You chose to marry her, and to live within the constraints of the relationship as negotiated. (Apparently the terms have been rather generous on her part in this regard.) If your conscience is pricking at you, it’s probably because you already know that “what you’re doing” isn’t on the menu. The way you do this in the clear is that you discuss it with her and make sure she is okay with it, and on what terms. If she’s not okay with it, then you make a decision which is more important to you, your wife or your fantasy. If the answer is your wife, then you accept that fantasy as just a fantasy that doesn’t get acted on; if the answer is the fantasy, you release her to find someone who will truly care for her. I don’t write this as abstract philosophy - my experience along these lines ultimately led to the end of my marriage. At first she claimed to be open about it, but after a single encounter where a guy sucked me off (I didn’t do anything to him) her perspective changed completely. I can tell you first-hand how badly wrong it can go, even when the lines of communication are open.
  22. Old joke: “Do you like Kipling?” “I don’t know, you silly boy - I’ve never kippled.”
  23. True. But consider that those six inches of cock don’t just pass through the cunt once during the fuck. If you take each penetrative thrust as a length of cock applied to the cunt and then tally the cumulative length… For instance, if a Top with a 6” cock fucks me nonstop for half an hour (something that happens with relative frequency), if we assume a tempo of 60 thrusts per minute, that’s 60 x 30 = 1,800 thrusts for the fuck, at 6” of cock per thrust = 10,800 inches of pipe laid in my cunt by the time he’s finished. That’s 900 feet of cock right there, well on the way to two-tenths of a mile. I don’t think this is what the original comment was getting at with ‘a mile of cock’, but I figure around here we’re always looking for new ways to assess our level of debauchery.
  24. There is no such thing as a sterile colon. No matter how much rinsing one does, the colon is still crawling with bacteria. You’re right that doing ATM only with your own ass presents less risk than doing it from another bottom’s ass, but it’s only because whatever microorganisms you take in by mouth from yourself can only be those that were already present in your body to begin with. That’s not to say that it’s necessarily a good or benign thing to introduce a bacterium from your bowel into your mouth, but at least it’s not new to your whole body as it might be coming from outside. I don’t rim people for this reason. If a Top instructs me to perform ATM on him after he’s been in another ass I do it - I know my duty - but I an never unaware of the risk it poses. So for all you guys using the health forum here as a place to wallow gleefully in your depravity, just remember - it isn’t safe.
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