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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. It didn’t occur to me to think whether I would want him to fuck me again - I honestly don’t think in terms of whether I want someone to fuck me. They either do, or they don’t; if they do, they get to. It’s as simple as that. There’s no resistance. The quality of the fuck is immaterial, since my pleasure is not at issue. I don’t remember anything in particular about the guy’s fuck who made the comment, so he must not have been anything remarkable, but that doesn’t mean he was bad - I’ve been fucked so very many times that the incidents that stand out in memory are necessarily very exceptional.
  2. While servicing a Top this last weekend, who was enjoying my cunt very much, he asked me, “Do you have someone who pleasures your hole regularly?” The question caught me off guard, and the more I thought about it the less comfortable I am with it. No, I don’t, but that’s not the part that troubles me - the part I have a problem with is the notion that I would be cunting myself out of a pursuit of physical pleasure, or that I should be looking for Tops whose goal was to pleasure me sexually. I realize there’s a disconnect here - sex is supposed to be pleasurable, and in fact I do everything in my power to ensure that a Top experiences the greatest pleasure he can from his use of me, both physical and psychological. But for myself, the thought of engaging in a fuck in order to receive physical pleasure is…wrong. Of course it often feels good, but honestly, I have to say that if a fuck hasn’t been at least a bit painful I don’t feel as though I’ve been properly fucked. A Top who tries to treat me in a sensual way to pleasure me actually leaves me with a far lesser sense of satisfaction than one who has brutally used my body to sate his own lusts and desires. A man attempting to bring me to an orgasm is much less an inspiration to me than a man who is trying to force me to have one (or several). I strongly suspect this has much to do with the method in which I was conditioned for sexual service, using techniques that confused the boundary between pleasure and pain. It makes me wonder if, by preferring that Tops focus exclusively on their pleasure at the expense of mine, it indicates that I am somehow damaged. But part of me reconciles that completely with my nature as a cumdump cunt who exists to absorb the natural aggression of a certain other type of male. I know that on any given day I would rather be fucked mercilessly than tenderly. What I don’t know is whether I’m wrong to feel so.
  3. What makes you think it isn’t the ficus who’s the secret voyeur?
  4. Three days ago at s bathhouse a young Asian guy asked me in complete honesty if I thought he could trust what men said about their status. ”Guys wouldn’t lie about something like that, would they?” Oh, honey. He had just asked me if I was “clean”, because he really, really wanted to barefuck my ass, and he was just going to take my word for it. Which, as it happened, he could, because I gave it to him straight, with all the trimmings, about statistical transmission rates, U=U, superinfection, giver/chaser culture, the relative prevalence and treatment of various STDs, and the fact that bareback sex just isn’t safe. He loaded me up anyway; he was only the second fuck of the day, so his chances were still pretty good that I hadn’t gotten knocked up by somebody else. But he entered that bathhouse ready to believe anyone. I hope he left it a little wiser.
  5. I take your point, but not every application is intended to be used for every purpose, and I think a very good argument could be made that the utility potential of hookup apps has been widely compromised, if not critically undermined, by people co-opting them for use for other purposes. That’s not to say that all apps should be dedicated hookup platforms, but a few dedicated hookup platforms that aren’t rendered unusable by fantasists, fappers and flakes are sorely in need, in my opinion. The way I look at it, it’s sort of like a group of people deciding to take over a railway platform so they can all go line-dancing in its open space. I shouldn’t have to explain to every person I encounter that I don’t want to dance a set with them because I want to catch the train, and I shouldn’t have to shout at them to get out of the way before I miss the connection - the platform was built for boarding trains, not as a dance floor.
  6. Well, I did recently come across some footage of triple penetration of an anus - if you can call it ‘penetration’. By the time the second cock was marginally well inserted, the best the third contributor could do with his long member was sort of wedge the head in between the bases of the two already inside. There was no way he was shooting a load up in there even if he sustained enough stimulation to do it. I’m not sure the bottom could even tell it was happening. I regret that I did not copy down the link, or I would post it for general examination. If I ever find it again I will.
  7. Don’t be surprised to read sober, reality-based replies in this, the HIV & Sexual Health area of the forum. This is where we talk about the real-world, real-life consequences of living with sexually transmitted disease and the disease risks inherent in our sexual practice. This is not the place where “hundreds” insanely celebrate the intentional transmission of pathogens as an initiation into some absurd “brotherhood” of lunatics. There’s a place for that in the Backroom because they’ve got to be put somewhere. Don’t assume that because the gifter/chaser fetishists/fantasists make a lot of noise on BZ that they represent all of us, or even a majority of us. I’ve been about as poz as you can possibly get and still have a pulse afterwards, and I absolutely recoil at the idea of belonging to any “brotherhood” of people who celebrate this motherfucking disease. HIV is the goddamn Enemy at the Gate, and one does not give aid or comfort to the enemy.
  8. Ninety-Nine percent. The CDC says that PrEP, taken as directed, has an efficacy rate of 99% in preventing the transmission of HIV in receptive anal intercourse. That’s 99 out of 100 fucks. One percent. In 1% of cases, PrEP does not, therefore, prevent you from catching HIV, even if you’re taking it the way you’re supposed to. So, statistically, if you’re planning on taking a hundred loads, you’re going to draw the short straw at some point. The more you take, the more times you toll the dice, the more the chance you’re going to end up with it, because nobody’s winning streak lasts forever. By the way, if you’re an intravenous drug user, PrEP is only about 74% effective. There is no data on the efficacy rate for Topping. Should you become a cumdump? How the hell would any of us know what you should do? It’s your life, make your own decisions and take the responsibility for them. If you want to be a hedonist because you “crave it”, then do whatever floats your boat - but know that nothing in life comes without a cost. There is no “freedom to fuck”. You can fuck freely, but sooner or later you’re going to have to reckon with reality. On Saturday I had sexual encounters with 17 different strangers, took 10 loads, and had anonymous fingers and tongues shoved up my ass and in my mouth (often in that order) for almost 24 hours. But I also got used in ways I didn’t much like, and now I’m doing the usual - patiently waiting to see if I got knocked up with gono, or chlamydia, or syphilis. Again. You want to be a cumdump? That’s what’s in store for you. No question. It happens to all of us. It’s an occupational hazard. PrEP won’t do diddly to stave off HPV or Herpes, either, or Hep A, B or C. If you’re going ho-ing, plan on getting all your shots first. Unlike those above who are encouraging you to become a cumdump, I’m not. I’m not discouraging you either, but I won’t be responsible for steering you toward a path that I know will bring you to harm. Yes, there are rewards to being a cumdump, but the rewards come at a price, and it’s absolutely not for everyone. Only you can tell how much you’re willing to sacrifice for what you crave. Choose. But choose carefully.
  9. No. The studies you cite simply point to adaptation to environmental circumstances (that’s what natural selection is) and make it clear that immune response has developed along different genetic paths, via convergent evolution. Not superior - different. Besides, so what if someone from Europe is more resistant to HIV than someone from Africa? My white-as-paste body apparently didn’t get the fucking memo. And even if true, it has absolutely not one thing to do with whether they have value as human beings, or as cultures. Everything you have posted above could have been pulled straight and unedited from a set of white supremacist talking points. Science has never legitimized white supremacy, and it never will.
  10. @TotalTop - You use terms such as ‘primitive’, ‘barbaric’, etc., but these are valuations based on a modern Western Cultural perspective. Our superior genetics? Seriously? Hold please, Mr. Hitler would like to speak to you on line one. The assumption you make is that your perspective is superior to all others. In fact, it is such judgments that indigenous cultures were primitive and barbaric that were used to justify their subjugation and genocide by any number of aggressors. Another culture might look at the United States today and say - “They execute people - how barbaric.” From their point of view, we no doubt are. You are simply parroting reprehensible arguments made by conquerors down the ages to justify their callous aggression. One might as well say: Him? He’s just a sleazy cumdump who didn’t know his place. That brutal rape by that superior Alpha Top was the best thing that could have happened to him.
  11. Guy: “I identify as straight.” Me: “Why is that?” Guy: “I’m not sexually attracted to dudes, man.” Me: “You just fucked me up the ass, and you haven’t even pulled out yet.” Guy: “…” Exactly.
  12. I begin to see the possible root of my annoyance here. I have no interest whatsoever in ‘chatting’. Least of all on topics that are about what you would do if you hooked up, but you have no intention of doing so. If I suffer the overall irritation of dealing with the apps, it’s because I’m using them as a utility, a means to a physical end. I’m no social butterfly (more of a moth, really) and I can see how from some if your perspectives a message from Australia is like a wink from across the room at a bar. That’s nice. I’m glad you all find joy in life like that. Really, I’d just rather the guy sitting next to me would just stick his hand in my pants.
  13. As long as you overlook the staggering effects of alcoholism, poverty, etc., yes, doing just fine. Said every ruthless conqueror ever. Really, all in all, an indefensible post. Andrew Jackson would have been so proud.
  14. I think that’s part of the reason the apps are failing to serve their intended purpose. Time-wasters just use them to waste time. Perhaps I’m being both jaded and skittish about this - the very, very first gay hookup I had was with a guy I met online who traveled to me to suck me off… from the Yukon Territory in Canada. It was like 3,000 miles one-way. It was a nightmare because he thought he had found something and I was still married and very confused. He left in a tiff.
  15. W-e-l-l-l-l, it does seem now that federal authorities can’t account for certain gifts given to Trump by foreign governments… He evidently failed to realize that they were gifts given symbolically to the United States through him, and not to Donald Trump personally. As a former federal Executive Branch employee, I can tell you that federal employees aren’t allowed to keep anything gifted by a foreign state - it goes to the agency or the Department. I’m sure they’ll turn up around Mar-A-Lago somewhere. ‘Grifter’ sums him up on so many levels.
  16. Early this morning I get an enthusiastic message from a Top complimenting how good my ass looks in my pics, saying how good he thinks it would feel gripping and milking his cock. He’s not a bot, he’s an actual guy… In Sydney, Australia. Over 9,000 miles away. Practically at the antipode of the earth from my location - he couldn’t be any farther away. There’s no possibility whatsoever of hooking up - nobody’s cock is that long. What was the point of him hitting on me? Irksome as this was, he also added, as a Top, how having his cock squeezed by a cunt always gave him the most intense orgasms…while sniffing poppers. 🤨 Tops and poppers! [rant, rave] But I digress. Why, why, why do men message guys from impossible distances? Do you do this? Why, for God’s sake?
  17. I spoke in the present tense. You would be hard-pressed to name any nation that at one time or other had notions of empire that did not do terrible things to the original inhabitants. British, Dutch, French, Spanish…but go farther back. How ‘bout them Romans? Or Genghis Khan? Human history is replete with atrocity. The point is that we are at least trying to be better than that; Russia is not.
  18. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 6 6 6. Revelation 13:16
  19. That’s a lot of sixes. Have you checked your forehead in the mirror?
  20. Well… I’ve never refused a cock ever, since I started, and never told anyone he had to wear a condom, and now, of course, I will service anyone. Almost anyone. I would consider myself a ‘qualified’ 6, in that I would decline a Top who I knew to be infected with a non-HIV STD, or was poz untreated with a high viral load. It’s my duty to submit, but I’m not obliged to knowingly submit to illness. Obviously I’ve previously taken both types, however, having been infected by several in the past, and I guess I still do unawares, so maybe I’m fully 6 after all…
  21. A huge gamble indeed, an incredibly short-sighted one if so, and one that has backfired spectacularly. Rather than make the West shy on renewable energy, it’s forced a realization that our national infrastructures, and still yet our national defense cannot be dependent on power that is controlled by a nation who could easily become the enemy. Sanctions now are going beyond Russian oil and gas and starting to include Russian coal. Realizing that we’re going to have to do more with less available fossil fuel (and good fucking riddance) what solution do we have? Renewables, and a really, really, really really good extra incentive to get off the dime and start using them before we cook the planet to death. And if the oligarchs were pushing such a scheme to preserve their wealth, you have to wonder how that’s working out for them as they contemplate how to extricate their fortunes from frozen foreign accounts and count their worthless rubles somewhere in Moscow instead of in their comfy, confiscated mulitimilliondollar yachts. But frankly, all the voices out of Russia talking about Putin are saying the same thing - he’s doing it because his butthurt over the collapse of the Soviet Union never went away and he’s now determined to rebuild Soviet glory and power; that is, he’s just a megalomaniacal loon. With, unfortunately, a massive nuclear arsenal at his fingertips. If he didn’t have it, I suspect the rest of Europe plus the US would have made a show of force by now.
  22. @Toyrsrgr8 - On no account should you have any dealings with this man. “Experienced in BDSM”? I think not. I’ve spent s good deal of time as a bondage submissive and I can tell you that he would be quickly isolated and excluded from any actual practicing BDSM lifestyle community. The Safeword is the bedrock foundation of Power Exchange, and the fact that he doesn’t understand where power derives from in that exchange automatically invalidates him as a player. By “experienced in BDSM”, he just means he has a lot of practice brutalizing people. Never, ever consent to play with anyone who refuses to honor a safeword. ”Safe and sane”? Again, I think not. Barebacking is not safe and cannot be made entirely safe, and we all know it. And requiring anyone to accept the treatment of an actual slave is not a picture of a well mind. Pity, really… if he were sensible enough to play with safewords, I’d be all over that. The way he is - N-ope.
  23. Your professor was quoting Winston Churchill, who said, “Democracy is the worst form of government - except all of the others that have been tried.” Which is as much as to say, all forms of government suck in some way, it’s just a question of which sucks the least, and that comes down to which has the most effective means if keeping the inevitable human impetus toward corrupt power, greed and control in check. I am under no illusions whatsoever about the ‘goodness’ of Western governments. You need only glance at the disgusting morass of liars, equivocators, adulterers, grifters and hypocrites that make up the American Congress to know what a dark underbelly America’s got. But those roots run deep. I was taking a post-graduate seminar in Early American Wars a few years ago and came across something that made my eyes pop. It was a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to one of the governors of one of the then western territories. In it, he cold-bloodedly explained the government’s strategy for dealing with the indigenous people in the west: The government would supply them with modern trade goods, foods and conveniences, at next-to-nothing prices, and then, once the natives had abandoned their traditional ways and become dependent on the material things of the new culture, those things would become so expensive or otherwise unobtainable that the natives would accept government control in exchange for those goods. Boom. It was a plan for, essentially, making Native Americans addicted to European culture and then pimping them out for dime bags. So much for our noble Founding Fathers. The thing is, though, no matter what the alternative motives may be, whether it’s to control oil or to sway politics for whatever reason, if the US sends troops to a country that country can be pretty sure we’re not going to claim it as the 51st State. We’re not in the habit of seizing other people’s countries for our own. (Donald Trump’s attempt to buy Greenland from the Danes doesn’t count. The entire world collectively rolled its eyes at that one.) You’re right that people may become disappointed when democracy doesn’t play out for them as it does here - that they don’t suddenly achieve all the Blessings of Liberty for themselves. What they don’t realize is that this form of government is experimental - no one ever tried it this way before - and we’re still working out the bugs 250 years on. They also don’t realize (as many Americans fail to comprehend) that our system isn’t designed to guarantee us happiness. It’s designed to guarantee us the freedom to pursue happiness. Yet I think many people looking at us from the outside don’t realize how many of us are pursuing and not catching. Still, some people are the sort that would not be happy if their destiny were left up to them, people for whom the yoke is preferable. Perhaps there are whole nations of such people. Perhaps that defines the existential schism between the peoples of the world, those who would live as slaves, and those who would not. Inasmuch as that might be true, it’s hard to see a way to reconcile it.
  24. Reputation is indeed important, and Russia has been building an indelible one as a nation you absolutely cannot trust to respect anyone’s territorial sovereignty, agreements and treaties be damned. China, too, now has a glaring track record with its blatant bad-faith breach of its agreement regarding the governance of Hong Kong, its overbearing behavior toward Tibet, and if you think it won’t swallow Taiwan at the very first opportunity, you’re not paying attention. They’re not building artificial military islands in the South China Sea for shits and giggles. So I don’t follow the logic - if nations lose faith in the West for not being able to ensure the integrity of agreements, why would they then turn to the offenders who callously violated those agreements in the first place? In this, I think, you are correct. In the First World, we tend to think, “Why wouldn’t everyone want these freedoms?” What most fail to consider is that the majority of humanity does not enjoy the style of life we do - they lives are harder, they don’t have access to the same technology or health care, they don’t have the wealth, resources or means of production, and the level of education is lower. There are places where entire populations use outdoor toilets and think nothing of it. There are places where cutting down to plant a meager field is the only way to get by. There are places where you go out and shoot the monkeys from the trees because bushmeat is what’s for dinner. There are many, many places where lighting a wood fire in a hearth is still the way you do your cooking and heat your home. There are so many places where day-to-day survival is so consuming that abstactions like politics aren’t even a consideration. In such cases it can seem much simpler when a government tells you what to do rather than you having to tell the government what to do. It’s just unfortunate that authoritarian structures are the breeding grounds of despots, and the result is human suffering.
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