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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Wait a minute. I just had a moment to take a look at the link you provided, and its diagram showing where various media outlets land (according to this source) in terms of their left/right skew, as well as the nature of their reportage, from straight fact to propaganda and utter fabrication and lies. No longer a centrist outlet, you say? No one who focuses on fact and impartial analysis? I invite you to examine the chart a little more carefully, particularly the column marked “Middle” - meaning skewing neither left nor right - and the upper area, from about the center of the green zone to the top, indicating content that is either fact, analysis, or a combination. The area thus defined would then be occupied by, if any such existed, outlets doing fair and balanced news reporting of facts and analysis, from a center of objectivity. What do we find in that area? The Associated Press. Reuters. PBS. BBC. CBS. ABC. NPR. USA Today. And venturing just slightly left we find NBC and the New York Times; slight right, the Wall Street Journal (and WSJ’s “What’s News” product is dead center, up top). That’s not a list of some niche-market outliers, that’s a roster of the bastions of American journalism, and there they all are, top and center. Your premise that there’s no one in the center is, I’m afraid, simply wrong. Moreso, if you look further down and to the sides, at all those outlets skewing outward but still reporting fact and analysis, or even expressing informed opinion? Those outlets aren’t sending reporters out to collect all their stories - they don’t have the resources. Instead, they do what downstream outlets have been doing for decades - they string stories off the wire from AP and Reuters because they’re a trusted news source at the center of all information. I might add, just to underscore my earlier point about the false equivalency of comparing Fox News with legitimate journalism as though they only differed in their bias, note that Fox News’ tv products, and particularly Hannity and Fucker Carlson, are slumming it in the bottom half of the yellow zone (selective or incomplete information, unfair persuasion, propaganda) and in the column for hyperpartisan Right. They’re keeping company there with Newsmax. OAN is scraping the bottom of the barrel underneath them in the “throwing my own feces like an ape” zone. Comparing any of that lot with the ones up top with the apologetic that they’re all the same, just slanted differently, is a lot like saying that there were “very fine people on both sides” of that little incident in Charlottesville in 2017. There really are facts that look the same no matter what way you’re tilted, and there’s a whole professional industry dedicated to pointing them out to anybody with the wit to listen. Unfortunately, there’s also a cottage industry of liars, deceivers and manipulators sprung up now, armed with social media, hell-bent on destroying not just the people’s faith in the press, but our ability to trust each other. Frankly, I think the First Amendment was intended to protect people’s ability to say what they honestly believe. I don’t think it was ever meant as a means to let liars lie with impunity.
  2. Had any luck finding a new primary care doctor? Doctors who ignore me don’t remain my doctor for very long, and when I fire them I tell them exactly why.
  3. No, you can’t assume that. You can stand your ground and only accept bare cock, and quite often that will be enough to get you bred raw, but there are times when a Top will pass you over if he can’t wear protection. I have it happen from time to time - negotiations are going well, definite interest expressed, but the lack of a condom is a deal-breaker. I don’t fault them for it, and I don’t punish their resolve by adamantly refusing a covered fuck if they really persist about it. (I no longer carry condoms with me, though, and I am mildly surprised at the number of men who ask if I have them as though it were my responsibility to cover the cost of their fuck-safety.) Some men are very concerned about the risk of HIV and other STDs, and they have reason to be. Some are too risk-averse to chance it. Some are married and won’t risk getting something they might transfer to a spouse and/or otherwise have a very hard time explaining. To some men, it doesn’t matter how phenomenal your ass might be - it’s not worth it.
  4. If you watch any video of double penetration, the difficulty becomes evident - a cock is attached to a man at a perpendicular angle horizontally to the hips, and vertically to the abdomen, and by the time a cock has penetrated to any significant depth into a hole, the entry is blocked from others by the mass of his body. This is usually overcome, to some extent, by somewhat gymnastic positioning to try to access an ass from both the front and the back, but if you look carefully you’ll notice that these arrangements very seldom result in depth of penetration for both cocks, and there’s usually only the ability for one of them to be actively thrusting. The few times that multiple Tops have attempted to DP me have never been highly successful, simply because of the physical logistics involved. DPing with a dildo, on the other hand, works fine because there’s no extra body attached that has to be managed. Triple penetration - I’ve never actually seen it done successfully. It may be possible, but I have a hard time envisioning it. Double cocksucking is a bit more manageable because the approach to the head can be made at more of an angle that allows two sets of hips to angle together to present the cocks in more or less the same direction, but the depth problem still occurs - there just isn’t enough space to get two cocks balls-deep into one hole because of what they’re attached to. In my personal view, as hot as the concept is, I find that multiple penetrations usually end up being a bit of a disappointment for everyone involved - the chance of success is low, and even if you manage it, the actual end-product-fucking always seems lacking. Not that it isn’t a great feeling to know you’re being penetrated by multiple men at once, but once the initial thrill passes, it’s sort of lackluster.
  5. Good for you for climbing right back into the saddle after having a bad first experience (one confesses to a certain curiosity as to what constituted a ‘disaster’ in cocksucking). I’ve always thought any effort involving getting two cocks into one hole effectively faces unfortunate anatomical challenges, but where there’s a will, there’s a way… usually. But: Amen to that.
  6. @PERVERSATILE - That entire post was one glorious tempera paint enema sprayed on a glassine coated canvas. You can wipe your prismacolor ass with pride, sir.
  7. Hi - You’re going to find a wide range of opinion on this from guys here, mostly agreeing that the apps have never been all that useful for hooking up, and are only getting less so. Your success in using them is going to be affected by where you are - there seems so tend to be a regional preference for one or the other - and of course it’s going to depend on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for kink, for example, don’t waste your time with Grindr, go to Recon or maybe BBRTS. In general, though, consensus lately seems to convey the common experience that the apps seldom deliver on their promise and instead result in hours of time wasted trying to sift through the pic collectors, game-players, fantasy fappers, trolls, ghosts and flakes just to find someone who might possibly commit to a hookup…unless they find something better. Guys more and more are saying that they’re abandoning the apps for more traditional cruising to actually meet men in the flesh. I have an iPhone and because I don’t live in a place where cruising is an option, I do have to resort to apps and sites just to make my availability known. I’ve tried several, and each one has significant demerits. I’m now down to posting a profile, when I’m actively hosting, on Grindr, Adam4Adam, and (in spite of their atrocious treatment of their customers, but because there’s currently no viable alternative for me where I am) BBRTS, on sufferance. I also will post a hail-Mary ad on Doublelist in hope of a miracle. None of the above generates any appreciable traffic, but all put together I can sometimes get a handful of hits in a night if I really work them. You would have a much easier time just going to a bathhouse or a club.
  8. Clinically speaking, there is no recognized condition of “sexual depression”, but a reduction in libido is a characteristic symptom of most forms of depression, whether clinical or circumstantial (with the possible exception of manic states of bipolar depression, in which hypersexual behavior can become problematic). In other words, it’s more likely that you’re feeling less sexy because you’re depressed, not that you’re depressed because you’ve been less sexy lately. Depression has the tendency to reduce the ability to take pleasure in many things once enjoyed, and at a clinical level this is referred to as anhedonia. That’s not to say that not being able to get laid doesn’t suck, or doesn’t leave a guy grumpy and out-of-sorts. A well-known line I’ve often heard is: Sex is a misdemeanor - the more I miss, the meaner I get. And, sex is obviously known for its ability to elevate mood when you’ve had it. It’s all about the chemistry. You might take a broader look at your life circumstances right now and ask yourself if there might be other factors contributing to a drag on your mood and causing you to feel more down in general. This could result in you having less of a general interest in sex day-to-day, and that general reduction in interest may be resulting in a corresponding reduction in play, which you interpret as being the cause of the problem. The last couple of years have been really hard on everyone. Everyone’s life has been disrupted to some degree, and heightened stress is rampant. Right now, my local regular Top, who normally ruts me every week or so and loads me three times per visit, hasn’t fucked me in over a month. He messaged me to apologize and tell me that stress has gotten to him so badly that his blood pressure has shot up and the medication he has to take for it gives him erectile dysfunction. (Which illustrates how much it sucks to be me - possibly the best Top who’s ever used me now can’t get it up even when he wants to.) The point being, there may be other factors affecting your mood and sex drive, and if you can identify them, you might be able to address them. In the meantime, most professionals in the mental health care field would ask if you’re getting any exercise - that can go a long way to helping in this situation.
  9. I have usually found that in public situations like that, where there are either people watching or people close by, that raising your voice so that it can be plainly heard by anyone usually makes the offender back off because he realizes that other eyes are on him now, and are looking at him as a potential problem. This does, however, require you to be willing to draw attention to yourself and the fact that you’re having a negative encounter. I was once at camp, in a shed set aside for play, with my hands bound over my head to a ring in the ceiling, and this guy comes in carrying a beer. He starts playing with my nipples, then pinching them. I don’t like nipple pain at all - it totally shuts me down - so I said quietly, “Not the nipples, please.” He paused for a moment, then started pinching and twisting them hard. I immediately used the voice I used as a public authority, cranked it up a couple of decibels, and said, “STAND DOWN, SIR. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SCENE, YOU DO NOT TOUCH ME.” I said it loud enough that anyone outside the structure would have heard it. The guy jumped, spilled a little of his beer, and hurried out. Something similar happened once in the crowded back room of a bar in Louisville and a guy kept trying to jack me off from behind. I first pushed his hand away, then seized it firmly by the wrist and pulled it off me, and quietly but clearly said, “No.” When he came at me a third time, I raised my voice so the whole room could hear and said, “I SAID, NO.” You could have heard a pin drop. Every head in the place turned my direction. The guy booked out of there. Admittedly, this approach might be easier for someone like me because I’m Autistic and it doesn’t occur to me to be embarrassed about making a public spectacle, but it is effective. And while I appreciate posters above who say that you shouldn’t have to be made to cover up if you don’t want to to avoid nuisances annoying you, from a practical perspective an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I often wear a solid steel cock cage at the bathhouse simply because since I have an ampallang piercing, they will. not. leave. my. damn. cock. alone. Having it on saves me having to swat at all the grab-flies.
  10. You’re not fooling anybody. That’s the list of indie bands that opened for the Elvis impersonator over the last month at your neighborhood watering hole isn’t it? And I bet the place does triple duty as a leather bar and bingo parlor, and as a Church of Christ the Risen on Sundays. (I shit you not, a few years ago en route to Gatlinburg I passed a building that was half-church, half package store. I stopped and turned around to go back and look at it because I didn’t trust my eyes. A couple of years later it was gone. Go figure.)
  11. I don’t want to leave the impression that I’m not all too keenly aware of the degree to which commercial interests have bought and sold the soul of many journalism outlets. Back when I was getting my degree (lo these many moons ago) it was the age when traditional newspapers and news magazines were just beginning to teeter on the edge of the electronic abyss that would soon begin to swallow them. We could see it coming then, the hungry capitalists with their sharp knives closing in, ready to carve up the Fourth Estate into pieces small enough to haul away, and by God they didn’t waste any time. It’s been a state of siege ever since, with responsible professional journalists trying to hold the line against “infotainment” and “sponsored content” to preserve the integrity of reporting so people would be able to trust that they are being told the truth when they hear the news. Without that trust, the whole enterprise is meaningless. And so we arrive today at a point in the battle where the cause is nearly lost. There are now people who refuse to believe anything a reporter writes simply because he’s a reporter. Even though you have some understanding, your own cynicism is now so deep that you write off the majority of outlets as either too far left or too far right to be trusted, and declare that there essentially isn’t anyone left in the center. Even the basic definition of what journalism actually is is disappearing from the public consciousness. Whether you, a clearly educated and informed person, realize it or not, you fail to make the very marked distinction between CNN, which regardless of whatever slant it may be perceived to take is nonetheless practicing actual journalism, and Fox News, which has so unmistakably converted into a propaganda engine (propaganda, by definition, is not only not journalism, it’s the anathema of journalism) that its major viewership draws aren’t even considered part of its “news” division anymore. You cannot simply refer to Fox as having a “journalistic slant” in the same way as you do CNN or a similar serious outlet. It’s a false equivalency. Have you ever noticed that the great majority of photographs of Donald Trump show him with his mouth wide open? (Aside from the ones in which he’s clearly about to voice an expletive.) I think it’s because it’s so difficult to catch him in any other position. The truth takes time. Facts take time. Research takes time. Getting it right and being sure takes time. Pulling bullshit out of your ass takes seconds, even less if your asshole is located conveniently beneath your nose and never completely closes. Preparing an accurate news report in the public interest can take hours. Shouting “Fake news!” takes precisely 0.88 seconds. But Trump isn’t the cause, he’s just the most egregious symptom of an indolent, selfish, greedy, self-satisfied, unthinking culture in decline. The decay of social grace in online communication is another symptom. The apps aren’t causing people to forget what it means to be civilized - we were barely civilized to begin with. All the apps do is show what we look like without the masks on. So to my mind the plight of journalism to sustain its integrity is merely a part of a desperate struggle in our time in which there are about four billion too many humans on this planet for it to comfortably accommodate, and we are currently in the throes of determining whether Homo sapiens, as a species, is going to rise above its limitations and achieve a new enlightenment, or fall backward onto its neolithic foundations and club itself to death. I’m not optimistic. Unless. If humanity can hang on long enough for two generations - possibly three - currently living to die off, humanity might make it through. I can see possibilities in the Gen-Z kids, Millennials, too, though not as strongly. Gen-X’rs like me didn’t achieve the critical mass needed, and too many of us became jaded by the hardness of life in an unsustainable world and lost our ideals. All these people desperately trying to impose the values of a passing generation onto the future may succeed in passing their odious, backward-facing laws for today - but tomorrow, the young will be the ones deciding, and they’ll simply change it all back the way they want it. God speed them. The pendulum swings. It never stops swinging. I believe that if I believe nothing else. We may now live in a time when chaos rules the day, up is down, truth is a lie, and justice is a comedy routine. But the pendulum will swing back. And you can quote me on that.
  12. Frogs. Amphibious animals of the order Anura, suborders Archeobatrachia, Mesobatrachia and Neobatrachia. Not that that matters to most people. a frog is one of these: 🐸 Probably the most recognizable members of the Class Amphibia, and, according to the imbecilic Alex Jones, gay. At least, he claimed that chemicals in the water were "turning frogs gay" and it was all a Big Gummint Conspiracy which he pushed in a viral YouTube video in 2015, long since debunked, discredited and removed. Yet for some reason the notion remains that there's a connection between frogs and homosexuality, to the extent that the frog is sometimes seen as a symbol or mascot of gay pride. Is it because nobody can fathom how Kermit could actually be attracted to Miss Piggy and assume he's just using her for closet cover? Is it because everyone's cynically bought into the idea that Arnold Lobel's completely sweet and innocent tale of friendship Frog and Toad Are Friends is actually about gay love? (If so, puh-lease grow up so you can read children's books properly.) Is it because frogs have these massive thighs that automatically pull your attention to the groin area? Ah. But that's the thing, you see. Frogs have no external genitals. Male or female. Frogs reproduce by amplexus - she lays a mass of eggs, he perches over her and basically pours sperm over the top of the pile. No penetration.* The male frog does, however, apparently enjoy this immensely, and is positively driven to do it at every possible opportunity, to the point that he makes every opportunity a possible opportunity. That is, a male frog will mount just about anything. Female frogs, dead frogs, non-frogs, inanimate objects, other male frogs, at least long enough to determine whether it's a female and/or there's a mass of eggs anywhere nearby. If not, said frog is usually like, "Oh - yeah, sorry, dude," and off he goes to the next inanimate but mountable object, say, a bewildered mouse. But this, obviously, is the source of a great deal of wrong assumption, where even persons in-the-know about frogs (which you mostly have to be, since it's hard to tell males apart from females without genitalia) mistakenly conclude that a male frog mounting another male frog is doing it for homosexual reasons and not just happentobetheresexual reasons. Deeper scientific investigation reveals that out of over 7,000 species of frogs, only two (2) might practice some form of true homosexuality, and that has to do not with the act of reproduction, but with the role of the male in nurturing young of those species. So, sorry to be the bearer, but - frogs are not gay. All the controversy and turmoil surrounding frogs and turning people gay is actually just about people. Now, there is actual homosexuality in the animal kingdom, and always has been, and there's nothing 'unnatural' about it. It's a feature. We may not fully understand why it exists, in the context of our understanding of (and mainstream societal preference for) a sexually binary world, but there it is. Similarly, homosexuality in humans has existed at least from antiquity and likely from the very beginning, and why should it not? We're a product of the same Tree of Life that produced every other species on the planet, including all the other ones that have perfectly natural homosexual individuals. In various places on this forum we find discussions about the nature of gayness in an evolutionary sense, and what purpose faggots serve (if any) given the reproductive realities of a binary reproductive process. It may be that these discussions are somewhat pointless in that we simply don't have a full picture of why homosexuality evolved in the natural world at all. But it exists, therefore it evolved, and evolution being an energy- and time-expensive process that doesn't occur needlessly, there must be some important purpose in it that justified its appearance in the species. Frogs, it seems, haven't needed it. We might not have, either, if we made babies just by just jacking off over eggs laid on the ground. But then, if men didn't need to penetrate cunts, there would be no cocks, and that would be a tragedy. So. Given that: a) Frogs are not gay; and b) Frogs have no external genitals; but c) Male frogs are nonetheless pretty much always game for it - If you're a prince and you kiss a frog, what will it turn into? (Worst possible case: Alex Jones and/or a toad. Same difference.) For more information on the subject of frog non-gayness, check out: [think before following links] https://toadsnfrogs.com/frogs-gay/ *This method is advantageous for producing a shit-ton of kids - tadpoles have a very high mortality rate, being high on the menu of many animals, and you have to make a lot of them in the hope that a handful survive. The gal couldn't gestate them all inside her; she'd explode, and even if she didn't the endless labor and delivery would kill her.
  13. There are several items of the sort you’re looking for on xHamster, but their video search feature isn’t very robust. Your best bet is to do a video search simply on the word ‘spiral’, then select one of the results and when it opens to that page scroll down to the button labeled “Show more related videos”. Selecting a related video closer to what you want opens a page whose selection of related videos will all be even closer to the type you want; do it again to keep narrowing down the field of choices. Yeah, it’s a pity those all have to include the whole s a t a n i s m angle for some reason - the vids would be just as hot without it if they just focused on the debauchery, devolution, debasement and perversion and left out all the superfluous images of Baphomet - it’s like… hot image, hot image, hot scene…um, goat…hot image, hot scene, hot image…goat… It’s kind of like getting fucked in a petting zoo.
  14. I’m sorry, but I can’t let that pass without challenge. That statement is hyperbolic, deeply cynical, and an affront to every professional journalist working in the field. I hold a degree in journalism. Objectivity in reporting lies at the core of the discipline, and is the first thing taught. There are many - many - dedicated men and women working in journalism today who take their professional responsibilities very seriously, adhere firmly to the highest standards of journalistic ethics, and go out of their way to provide balanced reportage because above all else what they want to do is convey the true story. There is fair and balanced reporting on the airwaves every hour of the day. The British Broadcasting Corporation’s news product has long been a gold standard, and National Public Radio adheres to robust journalistic principles, just for a start. The fact that partisan and/or capitalist interests have co-opted and corrupted certain outlets (or in the case of Fox News, warped them grotesquely out of all recognition) does not mean that all journalism is now equally compromised. If a person insists that it does, that simply indicates that that person lacks the discernment to separate reportage from opinion in the first place. Bleats that all ‘the Media’ are crooked/corrupt/lying/fake are facile, dim-witted, utterly indefensible tripe spouted by people who think everything they hear is opinion because they never learned how to think objectively and therefore can credit only what sounds like their own opinion. We can, therefore, and should, dismiss such criticism out-of-hand.
  15. There’s bad brutal and there’s good brutal. Like I wrote recently somewhere else in the forum, whenever I service a Top I hope for brutal and am a little disappointed if it doesn’t happen (which is most of the time). You were the best kind of brutal - the kind you want to lie there afterward and marinate in so it soaks in and you can keep feeling it as long as possible. 🙂
  16. Not intentionally. I’m the kind of no-fun, buzzkill, stuffed-shirt, stick-up-his-ass kind of guy that takes The Rules probably a little too seriously. But in fairness, I’m also the kind of guy who has no luck whatsoever - the one time I accidentally blew through a stoplight, I got pulled over for it. What made it particularly unlucky is that it happened because the timing cycle on the light changes was off, which the cop admitted, and he hadn’t even planned to pull me over for it except that some other people were watching him and expecting him to. I didn’t get cited, but it just shows that the Universe doesn’t let me get away with anything. I must have been a b-a-a-a-a-d boy in my previous life. On the other hand, since I’ve let more than a thousand men rut my cunt, I guess having a stick up my ass and being a bad boy aren’t mutually exclusive.
  17. This is actually a harder question to answer than you might think, because there are different ways a fuck can be brutal, and two different fucks can be equally savage but in not at all the same fashion. Four instances come to my mind, because it’s impossible to forget them, and it’s hard for me to say that one tops the others for sheer brutal effect: 1. A half-hour-long deep-rutting by a guy who lubed his long cock liberally with Gun Oil. I’m apparently allergic to something in Gun Oil, and it set my cunt absolutely on fire. Every thrust felt - quite literally - like a stab with a sharp blade, and he fucked with a brisk tempo for a full half hour. By the end, the pain was so excruciating it was as close as I have ever come to tapping out on a Top. 2. Bathhouse fuck, aggressive Top, possible anger issues(?) - started the affair by taking my dildo and absolutely power-jackhammering my cunt with it at high speed, as fast as he could go, until he got tired of that, then proceeded to fold me into assorted positions and do the same thing with his cock for a long time. All I could do was take it, and after a while he was just fucking a sack of limp meat anyway, because he had completely fucked me into submission. He slapped my ass hard when he left. 3. Hotel hosting, Indianapolis: I took the single thickest penis I have ever personally seen - at least 8” of girth. It’s not that he used it brutally, but he didn’t have to; the fact that he bred another man with that thing at all was an inherent act of violence. I was stunned for a moment when he first revealed it, not so much because of its appearance but because I realized that I my cunt was going to have to take it; as I accept my duty, and as I was trained, the idea of not taking it didn’t even occur to me. It wasn’t that long a fuck, but I remember every millimeter of it, from tip to balls-deep, and he had about seven inches of length as well. There was no question of using any internal muscular skill to please him - everything inside me was stretched to capacity. All I could do was grit my teeth and remind myself to breathe until he finally jammed his hips forcefully into me and unloaded with a groan so strong his voice cracked. 4. This last one didn’t even involve a cock, but in its way was possibly the most brutal act I’ve ever endured (which is saying something when you factor in things like the electro and needles). This was well over a decade ago when I went to service a Dom in Cincinnati. The man bent me over a couch in semi-bondage, in such a way that I couldn’t shift position, with my ass straight ip in the air, and then continuously finger-fucked me for hours. Hours. Non-stop. He reached a point about halfway along where I had had enough, and asked him to please stop. I didn’t use a safeword, though, and he kept on as though I hadn’t spoken. This happened twice more before it dawned on me that this man had no intention of stopping until he wanted to, and for the first time I understood what it truly meant to submit to another man. Which, I think, was his intent - he meant to break me, not by main brute force, but by the water-torture-like brutality of an eternal finger-fuck. I will never, ever forget it. *Honorable Mention goes to @FelchingPisser for his and his assistants’ use of me at the Works Bathhouse in Indy - while his work is that of a master fucksmith, the tool he employs, along with his surgical precision of technique, cannot fail to leave the recipient with a distinct feeling of having been exquisitely brutalized.
  18. Please note that this topic is in the HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health area of the forum, not the gifter/chaser fetish area in the Backroom. Statements glorifying transmission of disease are not appropriate in this section and may run afoul of the site’s new content policies. Please confine the “brotherhood” blather to the place where it belongs, and not here where we try to talk about the way disease actually affects people’s health and lives.
  19. I obviously wasn’t meeting the right kind of girls. Every one I ever had occasion with (admittedly a very small sampling) dropped the Iron Curtain any time there was even the possibility of a period. But it’s the “fairly messy” bit that makes me surprised - sex, if it’s any good, is usually a fairly messy affair in any case, but when it becomes a fairly bloody mess, I just see more people squicking. There’s something about the appearance of blood that usually sets people back a bit, even if they’re not afraid of it - the sight of it is a visceral signal that bodily integrity is compromised. Red is the color of alarm, of fire, of stop - the opposite of ‘go for it’ at a visceral level.
  20. If you mean I’m saying “they exist to be fucked because they exist to be fucked” - I think, therefore I am; I am, therefore I think. At least, I think so. 😀 I like tautologies. They’re chewy. Just because they don’t pass their lineage forward doesn’t mean they don’t descend from it. The lineage of those who inseminate, as a class, must be evolutionarily superior to that of those who do not, regardless of whether individual members of the class are procreatively successful. If a man and his brother are both virile inseminators possessing superior evolutionary traits, and one is successful in producing viable offspring and the other is not, it doesn’t alter their traits - external factors, including the actual fertility of the breeding target, affect the success of procreation. Ha! Perhaps it would be more accurate to say: It appears that, following the natural order of things, I should be cunted for the benefit of men. That 44% figure surprises me as rather high; I would be interested in knowing the figure based on a review of such polls. The duration of menstrual flow may be generalized, but is considerably varied. A close friend of mine just reported completing her 21st continuous day of bleeding - obviously an anomalous condition, but 3-and-done is by no means a reliable measure. And, onset cannot necessarily be reliably predicted, and can be influenced by various factors. Add to this - perhaps most significantly - that a male’s assessment of whether a vagina is in a fuckable state may be, and in my experience often is, at odds with the owner’s assessment. At that point access becomes a matter of coercion or non-consent. I don’t dispute that an inspection of the rectum is generally necessary prior to use, but the rectum is actually usually empty. Storage of waste occurs up-colon, and the rectum fills only when it is time for expulsion. This allows for the necessary nerve triggering caused by stretching and expansion of the rectum on filling. The average length of the rectum rather comfortably accommodates cocks of average size, so in most cases, a cursory inspection will find that the cunt is serviceable for an average cock the majority of the time, even if the bottom had not gone to the effort to prep. This cannot necessarily be said for larger cocks that would penetrate past the S-Junction. But I would submit that the incidence of a faggot declining a cock because he felt that the conditions weren’t right would be markedly less than that of females, for whom initiating a fuck may be compared to trying to launch a Space Shuttle.
  21. Since the GH aficionados seem to have converged on this thread, it seems like the place for a GH neophyte to ask a question so basic that anyone who has spent any time on either side of them ought to know how to answer: How does the guy providing the service know whether the guy wants mouth or ass? I imagine that guys coming to a GH usually have an expectation, and that expectation is usually oral, but some guys talk about taking it both ways. How can you tell what’s wanted? Is there some sort of understood signal? I would think that some men seeking oral might be put off if an ass suddenly backed onto their cock, and would simply leave; and I can imagine a Top wanting ass getting quickly impatient with a mouth that never switched over. I guess this lack of information has probably been the biggest impediment to me making use of gloryholes, because cocksucking isn’t my great strength - if I knew how to reliably offer my ass there, it might be a different story.
  22. And Moldova has its own Russian separatist enclave, ready to offer the exact same pretext Putin is using now. It’s true what you say about Poland and Czechoslovakia, but the difference is that Hitler didn’t have the capability to nuke the planet. NATO has to be a tad more circumspect in this case. If it weren’t for the nuclear threat, I suspect we would see a global consensus shaping up around a no-fly zone.
  23. They’re called that because whoever persuades a guy to use one conned ‘em into thinking it would feel just as good.
  24. There is a running thread where guys have been posting their profile names on various platforms: It’s not a place for you to post an ad for a hookup, but you can put your profile usernames down as signposts so guys can find you in those other places. Caveat - The post isn’t stickied or anything, so how often anybody actually reviews its contents, I have no idea. Plus, some guys change their usernames more often than they change their underwear, so who knows how reliable any of it is. Your mileage may vary.
  25. There’s no accounting for people’s fetishes. I do believe you’re right in thinking he wasn’t interested in meeting. If you had been discussing an imminent hookup in which he was going to shortly Top you, I could maybe see him wanting to see that he would be fucking you after your own orgasm, but not if he just asked for the pic cold.
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