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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. It’s good that you get off on fucking shorter guys, because at 6’3”, it would suck for you if you didn’t. Who would you fuck?
  2. 1. Please by all means disabuse yourself of the idea that you must finger. I, for one, vastly prefer not to be fingered. There was a whole topic ip recently about fingering - search it out, you might find it helpful. 2. This is a harder question. Generally speaking, my approach is that the entire exercise is to satisfy the Top’s pleasures, and I do not presume to restrict his approach. Just last night two separate Tops independently brutalized my cunt with a large dildo as hard, fast and deep as they could make it go until they were practically churning my insides with it. I took it, of course, because it pleased them. The downside, however, is that afterward I probably wasn’t able to be as internally responsive to their actual fucking. Similarly, on occasion if a Top penetrates me too hard and fast, my anus will spasm; when it happens, I usually ask the Top ti pull out for a quick count of five until the spasm passes, then I’m good to go. If he doesn’t, I may find myself tightened up for a while, and he may enjoy his fuck less. Which is all to say you should simply weigh the benefits and deficits of accommodating the bottom, as to how they align with your goals. (This equation may be different for a committed relationship where you wish to nurture the other person.) 3. I wouldn’t say a fetish so much as a matter of personal taste, and there’s no accounting for that. Now, if your sexual attraction ran solely to midgets, that might be a different matter.
  3. Against my better judgment I broke down and hosted again in Louisville tonight. It wasn’t entirely on my own accord - I had received a text earlier in the week from a man up here who had fucked me last fall and wanted to know when I would be back because he wanted my ass again. In case you haven’t followed my posts, it’s my firm and genuine, honestly-held belief that it is my duty to surrender my body to any man’s use at his request, so this amounted to a summons. I ended ip paying nearly $20 more for the room than previously - thank you inflation - but I reserved it and arrived ready to serve by 5:30pm on a Friday evening. The guy did, in fact, show up, an hour and a half later, and in addition to a lengthy fucking, he also raped my cunt very completely with the dildoes he asked me to bring. No complaints. No further action either, until a 22-year-old visiting from Michigan came by at 1:30am. Very nice fuck, he seemed to enjoy himself greatly. A pleasure to serve him. Then, a message on BBRTS. From a man saying “be my cumdump”. Yes, I can do that. He wanted a cummy hole and was very emphatic about it, so I got out the devil’s dick I had been saving from where I had been keeping it on ice and deposited it into my cunt. He was going to have to drive nearly half an hour to get to me, so I wanted to make it worth his while. He also wanted poppers, even though I said they kill erections, so I pulled out a bottle of Hardware poppers that, as far as I could tell, were useless - at least they never had any effect on me - and set them on the table. He arrived, fucked me to loading once, then settled in for a more drawn-out fuck, interspersed with cunt-wrecking by my larger dildo, which he enjoyed repeatedly sinking to the hilt. This went on for a while until at last he picked up speed and came inside me again - and within seconds I heard the door to the room slam and he was gone. Without a word. With my smaller dildo and the bottle of poppers. It’s the first time since I started hosting Tops that I’ve been robbed. I don’t count the odd half-empty popper bottle that disappears at a bathhouse - sometimes people get confused or absent-minded. This was a theft. Not that it amounted to much - the poppers were worthless and I was about to retire that dildo anyway; I had literally nearly worn it out ravaging my cunt, and now my cunt has, shall we say, graduated. But there’s something about the fact that he did it the second after he bred me - he took from me in every way he could. The irony is that had he asked, I would have given him those things, as easily as I gave him access to my sex. Instead, I now feel a little bit violated in both ways. What he did didn’t, as far as I’m concerned, invalidate his right to enjoy my body - he’s a Top, that’s baked in. But it just seemed somehow a little cold-blooded to fuck a guy down, flood him with your seed, and then betray the trust you just enjoyed. It could have been worse, of course. He could have taken all my dildoes, or stabbed me in the back. I’m not going to get bent out of shape over what went missing, and I’m certainly not going to stop surrendering my body when it’s demanded, but from now on, I can never be that trusting again, and that makes me sad.
  4. Minarchism is described as a form of governance proposed around a limited or devolved role of the state, and predicated on Libertarian principles. To be a Libertarian is to take a strongly weighted view of the role and function of government, and narrowly interpreting the Constitution in support of such view is in its nature inherently a biased philosophy. Ergo, an “unbiased Constitutional Minarchist” is a rhetorical incongruity. @TheSRQDude - In fairness to all parties concerned, I suspect there never was a way any administration could have gracefully disengaged from Afghanistan once we barged our way into it. The Soviets were there before us, and they didn’t have such a swell time either. I am an equal-opportunity detester of all politicians. I’ve dealt with them up close on the local, state and federal level, and I have yet to meet one with a set of solid scruples. I once left a meeting with a governor of Kentucky, with an intense urge to go wash the filth off myself. So no, ethics are a bit thin on the ground at the best of times. That’s why I would have to qualify this in order to agree with it: Trump is an asshole. He pisses people off. He's not diplomatic. He's ******** highly unethical. He's misogynist. We can keep going here, and I'd totally agree. (I think tearing up presidential documents and flushing them down the toilet likely invalidates the “probably”, but I was at one time a federal archivist-of-record, so my view may be a bit inflexible on that point.)
  5. If you aren’t able to perceive the inherent contradiction in that phrase, there’s little point in trying to reason with you. I don’t watch television. And one of my degrees is in journalism, so I have a pretty good idea what’s propaganda and what isn’t. I’m a Methodist. But it’s not as though prayer is solely the practice of Christians anyway, so your lovely little ad hominem attack is doubly ridiculous.
  6. I’m not wild about it myself, but the swoosh element suggested a nice pointer arrow toward the main attraction.
  7. Various software packages provide the ability to generate a QR code. I used the feature in Adobe InDesign. The pattern can encode most any alphanumeric sequence, but the more characters it contains the denser it becomes. I’m sure there’s an upper limit, though I don’t know what it is.
  8. Except that they don’t necessarily grow up, in the sense of ‘mature’. A person can get older and older, but never any more mature or any more wise, if life has been nothing but a relatively easy ride. What build character in an individual, what stimulates personal growth and advances maturity, is adversity. In nature, an organism only evolves and adapts when necessary, because that kind of change is biologically both expensive and risky. It’s done for the sake of survival in the face of an environment that is not ideally suited. It’s change, or die. While for a person it’s not that extreme, it’s still in our nature to resist change unless we have to. If we don’t have to, it can be all too easy to assume that we’re doing everything right, and gain an attitude accordingly. Frankly, I don’t expect most young people will start to “get it” until life knocks them on their ass a few times and they learn the meaning of sorrow, and loss, and disappointment. That’s when people grow up.
  9. Really? The previous occupant of the Oval Office basically tried to dismantle NATO, tried to extort Ukraine’s security for political profit, and french-kissed Putin’s ass while the entire planet watched. Twice. You cannot simply change the subject at this point and holler ‘weak’ at the current president and expect to be taken seriously. The previous occupant is the man currently under multiple probes for criminal financial wrongdoing, quite apart from that little incident where he attempted to overthrow a free and fair election through violence, subterfuge, incitement and insurrection. And he’s still trying. But that’s not madness at all, is it? You haven’t seen anything like this in 70 years? Allow me to acquaint you, Mr. Van Winkle, with the Cold War, which you evidently slept through, and a little incident known as the Bay of Pigs, in which the Soviets attempted to flex their muscle in Cuba. They had nukes. We had nukes. We came damn close to blowing up the whole fucking planet. Today, they have nukes. We have nukes, and they are very, very well aware of it. They are no more interested in ending up as a radioactive pile of cinders and ash than we are. It’s called Mutually Assured Destruction, and it’s still very much in effect, so detente still has some influence. Not something the Tangerine Tyrant would have had the sophistication to understand - the world was in far greater peril during the four years that he had his finger on the Big Red Button than it is at this moment. Any weakness in the Western Alliance can be laid squarely at the feet of the previous administration, which actively sought to break down bonds of global cooperation and security, and not the present one, which has to clean up the godawful mess left behind. Just what, precisely, would you have us do at this point? I’m sure that if you have a foolproof solution to this conundrum, the world would be glad to hear it. Do you have a plan in mind that would send the Russians back across their borders never to return? Do you have a strategy to satisfy Putin’s power-lust driven by his lunatic revisionist view of history? What kind of “strength” do you propose using that won’t come at a gruesome cost in lives lost? When your 70 years of wisdom comes up with something useful, let us know.
  10. I should mention that the QR code comes out on a reader as “Cumdump - Fuck me on demand. Use me hard. +/U=U”.
  11. I think there should be a hard-and-fast rule that no one who wants to be a king should ever be permitted to do so.
  12. And, I might add, since you’re criticizing what you claim to be weakness, that a sack full of prayers is worth the sack. Prayers are going to do bupkis to shield Kyiv from incoming missiles. Pulling the financial rug out from under Russia’s fat-cat oligarchs, however, might make them squirm enough to tell Putin to call it off.
  13. So what you post is a headless, faceless picture of your ass because you’re not a true cumdump? Am I following this right?
  14. It is indeed shocking to think that if the votes of 74 million had prevailed, this nation would now have at its head the unrepentant traitor who just today praised Putin’s naked aggression against a neighboring sovereign democracy as “genius”. And worse, that many of those same 74 million would have it so tomorrow given any chance. Weak-minded citizens allow tyrants to rule. Mercifully, we’re still strong enough a people to send them packing here at home.
  15. I suspect that what happens is that I don’t simply hit the ‘Quote’ button. When I quote, I usually try to only quote the section specifically relevant to my response, so I select the text and then hit the ‘quote selection’ option that appears. Evidently this is where the system fails to distinguish the context of the material and defaults to the overall post author. I will have to be more careful.
  16. I have no tattoos. I'm a tabula rasa. I'd kind of like to have something slutty, though. I'm thinking about trying out some temporary designs next time I'm out slutting somewhere public, and am mocking up views to get a sense of how they would look. What do you think? Something suggestive... ...or not-so-subtly encouraging Simple directions Or something that doesn't immediately say anything, but has great potential practical value - if placed where it could be strategically exposed when desired, it might stimulate the curious to use their phones to read the code, and reveal much information in an efficient manner
  17. Indeed. I don’t know where some bottoms are getting this bizarre idea that Tops care what they want.
  18. One other item worth mentioning is glycerin suppositories. Glycerin is among a class of pharmaceuticals known as hyperosmotic laxatives, because their action is by drawing water into the intestines. These are usually wrapped in foil - remove the foil first - then insert the suppository point-first into your rectum until well inserted. Preferably do this lying on your left side, and if you can, remain in position 15-20 minutes until you feel a strong urge to have a bowel movement. These suppositories usually produce their effect within 15 minutes to an hour.
  19. There are lots of bottoms who swear by lots of very bad practices. I find it best to do your own research and get down to actual practical knowledge of anatomy, medicine, and basic scientific principles as they apply to asses. Is a complete cleanout a massive task? It entirely depends on how you prepare for it. The bowel is a conveyor belt. It receives waste on a regular schedule - once you swallow something, you can expect it to arrive in the colon in 6-8 hours (though it can be as little as 4 or as much as 10). From there, left to its own devices, it will take around 36 hours to transit the colon to the exit, 24 if you’re on a high-fiber diet. So you can do a little math based on meal timing and plan your intake such that you have less to remove, and the upper reaches will have less - or nothing if you’re fasting - in them. As I mentioned before, proper douching isn’t actually douching at all, it begins with an actual enema. With an enema, you take the water in and hold it, ideally in a particular recumbent position, until the presence of the water instigates peristalsys in your gut, and the whole conveyor belt starts moving the stuff toward the exit on its own in expedited fashion. The marathon cleanouts that resemble douching the Augean Stables happen when guys don’t give time for the peristalsys to happen, and try to accomplish the cleanout by the force of moving water alone - which, if you think about it, has the tendency to push the matter inward on its way in. Make your anatomy work for you. Now, I understand that you may have an issue with spasmic control due to the IBS, but that isn’t necessarily a reason to fall back on Imodium - rather, it would suggest that you may have to resort to full cleanouts more frequently than the average guy. You may feel an urge to defecate due to the irritation, but if there’s nothing in your bowel to expel, it doesn’t amount to a problem. The length of time a cleanout takes does, naturally, depend on the activity planned. I always do a full cleaning before a night of hosting, or when one local Top calls me in, because he always fucks me for over an hour in every imaginable position. When another local Top comes by for his regular, I only do a shallow cleanout because he doesn’t have a long cock, he doesn’t fuck me in any position but doggy, and he never lasts more than five minutes. A full cleanout would be overkill. You know your body best, and can best judge how it might respond to a given potential encounter.
  20. Good grief. That’s the second time recently I’ve accidentally misattributed you. I swear I’m not doing it on purpose, Bootman. Apologies. Again.
  21. Okay, three things could possibly be working in combination to keep your bowel out of healthy balance here. 1. The IBS is a detail you hadn’t mentioned previously. 2. If you’re douching due to the IBS and not just as prep for fucking, you may be over-douching to the point that it’s interfering with your bowel’s ability to perform its normal function. You may risk disrupting the microflora environment that keeps your gut healthy, or weakening the muscles that propel waste forward. Water not expelled can also form standing pools (that expel when least desired) and are not good from a bacteriological perspective. Here’s a page with some discussion on the potential risks: [think before following links] https://www.verywellhealth.com/ 3. Imodium is not your friend. What you want in preparation for extended play is a colon empty of waste, hence the douching. The proper way to douche involves allowing the water to induce peristalsys in the gut, the action by which the gut muscles propel waste forward toward the exit. The function of Imodium is to stop peristalsys. It’s the opposite of what you want to do. Imodium results in waste trapped in place, and gut muscles rendered incapable of action. So essentially, you’re taking an already irritated colon, paralyzing it so it can’t smoothly move its contents, and then use lots of water to shift those contents by force, making them run coarsely over tissues already tenderized by inundation in water. It would likely be much better for you to lay off the Imodium and try methods that encourage your gut’s natural disposal process. Have you tried a salt-water flush? It’s something I do occasionally. You take a quart of warm (not hot) water, add a teaspoon of sea salt and stir until dissolved, and drink it all at once on an empty stomach. (I usually do it in the morning before I would eat anything for breakfast. This usually results in a bowel movement within half an hour, and sets you up for a much easier cleanout. I add a little flavor to the water for palatability. I know you say fiber doesn’t do much for you, but psyllium husk, like Metamucil, is invaluable as a means of expediting cleanout - it binds waste matter into clumps that move easily through the system. Chia seed is another product that gives good motility. Better out than in.
  22. This is a good point. And it makes such out-of-sync audio offputting for two reasons - first, if you realize the audio is not only out of sync with the thrusting but also out of sync with the bottom’s mouth movements, it destroys any sense that you’re watching something real; and if you see that the bottom’s mouth is moving in sync with his out-of-sync moans, you realize it isn’t a bad dub and he really is just putting on a shoddy performance. All of which assumes you pay any attention to the bottom’s face to begin with; but I particularly enjoy watching the subtleties on a man’s face as he’s being penetrated and cunted. Those ungoverned expressions speak volumes about what it means to be bred by another man.
  23. If you have an anal fissure, there won’t be any question about it - you’ll know. The pain is absolutely excruciating. Make-a-grown-man-weep excruciating. Been there, done that, had the surgery to fix it. Woof. A perforated bowel, on the other hand, can occur and you might not realize it. Unlike a perforation of the stomach or small intestine, where pain is immediate, a bowel perforation may go unnoticed until pain sets in gradually. **Note - I am not a doctor of any kind, just a certified librarian who knows how to find information - consult a professional for definitive answers to medical questions.
  24. War in Europe. How much of global human calamity has been encapsulated by those three words? There’s no point looking for a rational explanation for how things have come to this - Putin is mentally unbalanced, just as Trump is mentally unbalanced, and the leaders of China, Hungary, Poland, Venezuela, Brazil, Myanmar, Afghanistan… the list continues. As long as populations place power in the hands of lunatics, chaos will ensue. The only question is what price sanity will have to pay to restore order. A lot, I should suspect. In another thread, we bemoan the tendency of young people these days to ignore conventions of social conduct that make society function smoothly, but young people today are growing and developing in a period of uncertainty and chaos that I, at least, have not experienced in my 55 years. It’s hardly to be wondered that they exhibit signs of insecurity and anxiety. The world has gone mad and they think that’s the way it normally is. The question now is, how contagious is Putin’s madness? It’s not as if his attack harms Ukraine alone. Every shell he lobs is an attack on the world, because the harm is felt everywhere. The weapons he fired today made holes in buildings in Eastern Ukraine - and made a big fucking hole in my retirement account when the markets plummeted. Not that I put my piffling monetary concern on a level with the suffering faced by the people of Ukraine, but when you multiply my loss of wealth by that of everyone else in the world so affected, the global cost of Putin’s aggression becomes staggering even before it starts being counted in lives lost. Will his madness encourage others? The notion that slapping a zealot in the wallet is going to deter him strikes me as wishful thinking. I am not hopeful that he can be pushed to any kind of outcome that will not seem like successful aggression, and encourage more of the same…
  25. How firm is your dildo, and does it have any rough texture at all? One of mine is a good deal firmer than the others, and though the texture on it is subtle, the firmness of its consistency makes that texture somewhat abrasive to my cunt. If I’m not very cautious, penetrating my sigmoid with it will result in red matter. Nothing egregious, but evidence that I’m scraping at my inner walls. If your dildo isn’t perfectly smooth, you might try switching out to one that is. Or if it’s relatively firm/solid, you might try one with less firmness. A company like Mr Hankey’s Toys offers dildo styles for which you can choose your level of firmness, everything from stiff to uninsertably soft (an option I fail to comprehend in a dildo, but you can get them that way). I wouldn’t be overly concerned, in general. Posters above have rightly pointed out that your cunt isn’t designed to be a cunt and using it as one can unsurprisingly result in minor tissue damage. There are plenty of tiny blood vessels to rupture because the whole function of the organ is to transfer matter (mainly water by this point) from what you eat to the rest of your body. If you see a little blood, it’s an indicator that the protective mucous membrane has been compromised, and some surface abrasion has occurred. Now, that’s never a good marker in terms of disease prevention - any time you cause a breach in the mucous defense barrier, you potentially open a door to facilitate infection. That’s worth keeping in mind, and a strong argument for PrEP. But unless the blood occurs in volume you probably haven’t seriously damaged yourself. It’s when it does that you have to be concerned, because it’s possible to rupture the colon with an inserted object and spread contamination into the abdomen, resulting in potentially fatal sepsis. I remember once seeing a video of a bottom dildoing himself with an extremely long dildo, and watching the shape if the end of the dildo push his belly outward in different directions; it made my blood run cold. I always wondered what happened to him, and if he got medical attention in time. But if your main concern is purely aesthetic, that you’re not pushing out pearly white cum “like everybody else”, forget about it. And why are you pushing it out at all? Fuck’s sake, man - I’m going to compile an official set of Cumdump Rules of Service, starting with No. 1: Once you have their cum, you never give it back.
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