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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. It appears that Flora White at least may contain some amount of animal fat, which would account for the need for refrigeration. Color me astonished that Crisco isn’t a global commodity. I guess it just exposes my upbringing in Appalachia - I think everyone’s body here by now must be at least 4% Crisco by volume just because we eat everything fried or with southern-style biscuits (American bread ‘biscuits’, not UK cookie ‘biscuits’). It’s kind of strange now that I think about it that I should have to be shoving Crisco up my ass at all - I ought to be Self-Crisco-lubricating.
  2. Indeed not. The issue, rather, is the aim of the marksman, which, when it comes to shooting semen, is notoriously poor across the board. I had a Top stand directly above me once, cock pointed straight at my open mouth, to release a volley unobstructed - not a single drop passed my lips.
  3. I have to agree. I’m not the sort of person who fantasizes about porn actors at all, but I would dearly love to have the privilege of servicing CutlerX at his most unrestrained.
  4. One of my professors in college (a woman, naturally) described it to us as “like shitting a grapefruit”. If it weighed 15 pounds, I would say imagine passing a football through your anus. So, yeah. As to the size of the infant, the largest human baby at birth ever recorded was 22lbs, the son of parents who were themselves considered a giantess and a giant (his father stood 8 feet tall). He lived only 11 days. Below that, the next four largest weighed in at between 17 and just over 19lbs. Admittedly very large grapefruit - perhaps more on the order of small cantaloupe. Generally speaking, anything over 10lbs is considered a very large baby. (I personally made my debut at an unremarkable 8lbs 4oz., just on the high side of average.)
  5. You shouldn’t have to order it - it’s just vegetable shortening. Every grocery will carry it, cheap. Also coconut oil - even my local grocer in Butt Fucking Egypt carries coconut oil, in a 16-oz container that will last you ages for the grand sum of less than $5 US.
  6. A number of the replies to this topic don’t seem to have actually read the OP’s question beyond the title. What he specifically asks for are lubes that: 1. Taste good or at least not bad 2. Aren’t messy 3. Last a long time Many if not most silicone-based lubes fail the test on two points - they usually have a disagreeable taste, and can definitely be messy. In fact, I refuse to leave a bottle of silicone lube out where the Tops I’m servicing can get at it because every. single. time. one of them ends up spilling it on the floor and suddenly the floor is like an ice-skating rink. They also cause permanent stains in textiles. Water-based lubes, generally, have less staying power than silicone or oil, though some may be better than others. The thing to watch out for is whether the additive that makes them last longer might be an irritant for you personally. Oil-based lubes are a mixed bag. Petroleum-based oils are pretty much going to fail the taste test and be harder to clean up afterward; they may also cause gastric distress if you swallow them in quantity. Organic oils are somewhat more amenable to cleanup, generally don’t have a disagreeable flavor (if they have one at all) and are reasonably durable. Also cheap. Personally I use a 50/50 blend of Crisco and coconut oil, which seems to strike a happy medium among Tops. I don’t disagree that cum is choice, but to my mind the problem with recommending cum is that obtaining it is what you needed the lube for in the first place. It’s nice if you have a heavy pre-cummer, but I have found those to be relatively uncommon. That leaves spit - saliva is by definition a water-based lube, being 99% water. The rest is assorted chemicals and mucus, itself a combination of proteins, fats, and other compounds. So from a lube functionality standpoint, it’s water and mucus. Which, for me personally...ew. But that’s just my own quirk - I don’t like being spat on. As you can read above, some swear by it. I don’t know how durable it is, but at least he can keep making it until his mouth tuns dry. I’m not sure if there are any factors that would affect taste, either, such as smoking.
  7. Thank you for this, and I should have mentioned it as I manage exactly such a delay in my own habits. I usually take my psyllium about midday, well after my morning meds are fully absorbed, and well before they would become an obstacle to my evening meds. I’m especially conscious of this in the PM hours, because I take my ART at bedtime and want absolutely nothing interfering with the potency of that pill.
  8. And messy. But really, the whole business with a woman’s virginity and blood is the potential tearing of the hymen on first penetration. This doesn’t always happen because some girls are born with very little or very open hymens, and others successfully stretch to accommodate the intrusion and are not torn. So the notion that a virgin always bleeds is rubbish to start with. With a guy, however, there is no hymen, only the wall of the anus and the inner walls of the rectum. A torn hymen is not a matter of potentially serious medical concern; an anal tear or a perforated bowel is. As a veteran of surgery to repair an anal fissure caused by penetration, I can tell you that any action that produces any significant quantity of blood from someone’s ass should bring an immediate halt to the proceedings, and careful evaluation to determine medical care is required. The idea of faking such a quantity of blood would not, in my opinion, be a very good idea. Besides, that beefy Alpha Top who says he wants to “make you bleed” might actually faint at the sight of blood. You never can tell with people.
  9. From Healthline: [think before following links] https://www.healthline.com/health/vaseline-as-lube Other sources come to largely the same conclusions.
  10. The best way to prepare a hole to stretch is to stretch it. Not, mind you, that there’s anything wrong with your basic idea of keeping a hole lubed and ready - what’s not to like about that? - I would just substitute an organic oil-based lube like coconut oil or even Crisco for the petroleum-based stuff. Organic oils absorb into the body, and they don’t usually cause an objection if somebody digs in down there with a tongue. Not many people like the taste of Vaseline. Actually, Vaseline or any petroleum-based lubricant is not really a good choice for regular, let alone daily, use in the anus. Petro-based lubes form a water-resistant barrier that’s great for keeping moisture inside chapped lips constantly exposed to air, but not ideal for the movement of water and mucus through the pores of anorectal tissues, which over continued exposure could suffer blockage and infection. Other downsides: Petroleum-based lubes can’t be easily gotten out of you once you put them in, and the barriers they create can become footholds for disease. Also, petroleum-based lubes degrade silicone, so if you make a habit of using it in your ass and then using a nice silicone dildo, it won’t be a nice dildo very long. Most sources I read agree that while Vaseline can certainly work to glide anal sex along, it’s probably best used only when you don’t have anything else, you already came, and his mouth is too dry to spit.
  11. I find pre-preparation is key. Don’t wait for or expect him to loosen you up - when he wants in, he’s going to want in and I doubt there’ll be a lot of finesse about it. Especially if I know there’s something really big on the way, I make sure to take the time to stretch my hole at least once to my limit, and to take my deepest dildo with some thrusting. I try to simulate the expected experience as closely as possible with the tools at hand. A dildo of the same dimensions as the anticipated cock would be ideal, but it doesn’t sound as though you have that handy. Definitely poppers and lube. And don’t forget to breathe on the outstroke when you can - you need to remember to breathe, but if you breathe on the inward thrust in adds to your internal resistance.
  12. I think the biggest obstacle to more couples trying this is the difficulty in finding a man named Polly.
  13. If you spend much time reading through the topics in this forum, I think you can pretty easily get a sense of why this fetish is so underrepresented - the vast majority would probably view it as a shocking waste of semen. More than one thread has been posted more or less on the lines of “in the hole or on the hole?” and the overwhelming consensus is that cum belongs inside the recipient. There are those who see a value in ejaculating on a man as a form of humiliation, but this is a minority view, and some would even hold that the greater humiliation derives from a man being made to take another man’s seed into his own body. I recall a few years ago at camp that word spread around one evening that a bukkake session was going on. What struck me was the air of curiosity and novelty there was about it - a fair number of men showed up to observe the young man poised to be cum-drenched, but relatively few actually participated. Personally, I’ve never understood the appeal of circle-jerking (why masturbate when you’ve got somebody else right there) and bukkake always just seemed like circle-jerking with a target. Who knows, you might be able to entice some guys to do it with incentives - money, beer, cupcakes, biohazard fidget spinners - but would it feel the same knowing they were only cumming on you because you bribed them? I guess it just depends on your point-of-view. For me, that’s what would make it humiliating.
  14. @bttmpink7 - You tried it, and found that it wasn’t your thing. I don’t think you need to worry it over in your head any further than that. I tried a dish at a Thai restaurant once that I’m never going to try again. I could think of that as a wasted meal if I wanted to think that way, but I prefer to think of it as a valuable gain of experience. You didn’t lose anything by trying cumdumping - the result of it is that you know yourself better now than you did, and you have a new perspective on sex. Good for you. Now your future decisions about it will be better tailored to suit your needs. Others above have suggested that those who enjoy cumdumping have a mindset. I would agree, except I think there are two or three factors that influence that mindset, and cumdump motivations are not universal. I, for instance, have little in common with a cumdump whose joy comes from the loads taken and the feeling of them running down his legs - that person is drawn by the physical, sensual aspects. I, on the other hand, have been trained to provide my body in service to men, and I am strongly motivated by a sense of duty and gratification that I can supply pleasure to others; if a fuck doesn’t result in a load, or causes me discomfort, that doesn’t make it a negative experience for me if the Top left happy. That’s a kind of rush I can never get enough of. I could do it 24/7. Because the rewards of each encounter made this way are so great for cumdumps with these mindsets, the expense of time to obtain them doesn’t seem like time lost, but to someone for whom the value is less, it well might. The thing that exhilarates you that way is unique to you, and may not be found by cumdumping. That’s absolutely fine. Think no more of it. In most contexts, saying “I’m not a cumdump” is actually a social positive.
  15. I can’t speak to your specific locality, but we get this sort of question fairly often here from guys who want to start out doing this. You don’t indicate how much experience you have doing this, but the nature of your questions suggests that you haven’t done it much yet, if you’ve tried it at all. Every guy who wants to try it wants “a lot of use”. No, you probably don’t. You may imagine that you do, but the first reality of enduring serial fucking in high numbers is that if you haven’t worked up to it, you’re not ready for it. The second reality is that, generally speaking, it’s not going to happen in an anon solo hotel setting. You have to have done a lot of preparation to set up a successful bang, and you really need to be drawing on a set of familiar Tops, and the stars have to align just so. Blindfolded on your own is inadvisable. You need to stay aware of your surroundings. In my experience, shoot for a Thursday evening. Avoid Saturdays. And from 12:30am to 2:30am on any day you may as well take a nap - almost nothing ever happens during that time at any bathhouse or hotel I’ve ever hosted at. You’ll find more good advice if you do a search for topics similar to yours here.
  16. Well, it’s in the name, isn’t it? Going into it as if the word ‘sex’ was never used is just willfully obtuse. Why wouldn’t your friend take the words at face value? I mean, even the word order gives a clue about the guy’s likely intentions. At least, that’s how I would interpret it, but I’m a literalist. It could be as @blkboibtm describes above, because there’s no limit to how odd men can behave when they’re getting in touch with their feelings - especially if they’re young.
  17. Oh, by no means do I believe that they’re all going to be hunted down - I’m just pretty certain that’s the only way we’d ever see the end of them. The difficulty I see with the argument about the distribution of child pornography contributing to the problem is that it supposes that the problem can be solved by eliminating a mechanism of supply. But this is akin to saying they’ll stamp out gluttony by shutting down the grocery - the root of the problem lies in the pathological appetites of specific individuals, and those appetites are not going to become any less keen if this or that mechanism they employ to supply those appetites is shut off. They’ll simply shift to, or create, another mechanism of supply. Similarly, the approach here does not, I think, effectively address the quite real problem of depictions of persons without their consent. The current approach is so heavy-handed, monolithic, and angled toward professional production that it fails to contemplate the basic human phenomenon driving all of this - the collision of human sexuality and a new world of tech rapidly changing the rules about how we interact with each other. Just because a person now has to submit photo ID of everyone shown in a video to upload it to a particular platform isn’t going to stop people from using their ubiquitous smartphone cameras to keep right on filming. They’ll find other ways to share them, because people are clever, and because not every platform is going to be beholden to the censors. And the censors can crack down, but just as Leia said, “The more you tighten your grip, the more they’ll slip through your fingers.” I don’t think I’m being particularly naïve - if anything, I feel kind of cynical about it all.
  18. This is where I think the fundamental discontinuity lies in this whole approach to the issue: Those mandating strict requirements for identification of the performers in depictions of sexual activity entirely overlook the fact that the great majority of the people who had been contributing to the mass of uploaded amateur porn are not in any way professional performers - they’re simply exhibitionists. And instead of running about in trenchcoats flashing people on the street, they found an outlet to share that aspect of their personal lives where it would (to a greater or lesser degree) be appreciated. Yes, some naturally sought to monetize the opportunity, but the reality is that you couldn’t just throw up two or three or five x-rated clips of yourself in flagrante delicto and expect to make any money - you couldn’t even expect to be noticed. It was like pissing into the Atlantic during a hurricane. So how did those who made money at it do so? They became businesslike about it - i.e., to some degree, professional. The steps these platforms must now take to ensure that they never again allow a single frame of video of illegal sexual congress pass their screens will do the following: 1. Place a burden of reporting and record-keeping upon both the platforms and the content producers so weighty that it will place the activity beyond the practical reach of amateurs; 2. Force every person who gives thought to displaying him- or herself in a sexual position to do so under the risk of having his or her full identifying information made public in the event of a data breach, and placed under the scrutiny of their neighbors whether they did anything illegal or not; and 3. Absolutely nothing to prevent a pedophile from preying upon a child. They confuse the video evidence of the abhorrent act with the act itself, and imagine that preventing distribution of a video will prevent the action the video documented; this is delusional. The only way to stop such monsters is to hunt them down, one by one, until they are all destroyed. But the credit card companies aren’t actually concerned about correcting any social ill in the first place - this is all because someone, somewhere, tallied up how much it would cost them if they got sued. Perhaps someone with an agenda even already threatened to do so - who knows? So this absurd dance will go on a while, a noisy pirouette going pointlessly round and round, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  19. Every Roman soldier knew how this works—if you take Caesar’s coin, you do Caesar’s bidding. Any company that is beholden to another financial, or power, interest has already forfeited part of its decision-making autonomy as a cost of doing business in that way. A company isn’t obliged to follow someone else’s rules that aren’t the Law of the Land - but if they don’t they can’t expect to benefit from a business relationship. Remember the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
  20. Your update changes the outlook a bit. It now sounds like an issue of control, jealousy, insecurity, or some combination thereof. To say “You can’t Top anyone else until you Top me and I’m going to decide when (if) you Top me” is the same as saying “I’m going to decide whether you ever get to Top anyone at all.” Which is the same as saying he plans to keep you as a bottom until he decides otherwise. Which may be never. I will say this next thing very cautiously, because sometimes the worst thing you can do is to suggest to sow a seed of discontent in an otherwise happy person. Take it only as something to consider alongside the good things the two of you have going. You describe your relationship as wonderful, but your narrative contains clues of potential discord that you may be either overlooking or dismissing because you don’t want to confront them. I fear you will not be able to leave them unaddressed indefinitely. You have an unmet need, and the longer it goes unmet, the more discontented you will become until discontent turns eventually into anger, sadness, apathy or resentment - any of which could spell trouble for your relationship. That he reacts with anger suggests he feels threatened in some way. I can’t begin to speculate on his underlying psychology - I don’t know a thing about him - but how you deal with his anger (in general) is going to make a big difference in how this resolves. If he is the sort of person who is accustomed to getting his way by making noise and acting out, you’ll have to decide how much of that you plan to put up with. You’ll also have to decide how much you’re willing to be controlled, make it crystal clear where the line is drawn, and never back down from that line one inch if (when) he tests it. I’m afraid it sounds like you’re going to have to insist on some parity in the relationship when it comes to the matters in question, and obtaining it may make for some uncomfortable moments. Ultimately, though, your relationship will likely be much healthier for it - or else you will discover that things are not at all as rosy as you thought they were. Good luck.
  21. This calls for communication. Nothing else will do. Drag the thing out in the open (no, not that thing—the topic) and discuss it frankly and honestly. Do this when he is sober, and at a time when you are close and comfortable together but not during physical intimacy, when he could use the sexual activity at hand to change the subject. You say he won’t let you Top him, and you say he says how much he wants it, but you don’t mention how much you’ve made it clear to him that you want it. If your approach so far has given him the impression that you’re up for it but could take it or leave it, try being direct and blunt: You’ve never let me Top you and I really want to. Be careful not to cause him to feel guilty for not doing so before. If he hesitates, resists, or deflects, stand your ground. Explain that this is important to you, but even more important to you is your relationship with him, knowing if something is troubling him that you can make right. Without knowing a great deal more about the parties involved, I wouldn’t be as willing to go as far with speculative motivations as @ejaculaTe has above, but I would say that the fact that he is actively vers with others narrows the range of potential issues to something to do with you and/or your relationship in particular. You do not say how long you’ve been in this relationship, only that it’s wonderful - yet there seems to be an underlying issue, on his part. Dig for it until you uproot it, lest it turn out to be something that grows to separate the two of you over time.
  22. You speak of “old man karma” as if it were Social Security. There’s no evidence or guarantee that you get back from “old man karma” in equal measure to what you put in (indeed, for upcoming generations that may well be true for Social Security as well). In fact, if there were, we probably wouldn’t be engaged in this discussion because the custom would have become ingrained into our culture. It hasn’t. ”Service me because you’ll wish someone would service you when you’re in my predicament” is poor persuasion; it offers no benefit to the young person other than a fuzzy sort of hedge against a future that seems a very long way off, and he probably figures that if guys in the future are anything like they are now, him doing you at this moment is going to get him exactly bupkiss from some young hardbody in thirty years. I’m 54. I don’t have a thing going for me in the looks department - never have - except maybe a full head of hair, and that’s going gray. Time has not been kind, and I show the lines of hard life that a little moisturizing will do fuck-all to fix. I’m under zero delusions that when I go to the bathhouse anybody is going to drool over me (well, some do, but not the kind you want, the way you want... I’ll say no more). More walk right by my open door than walk in it. Of course they do. I’m not the freshest fruit on the fruit stand. And if I set my goals very narrowly, if I let my expectations exceed reason, if I entertained fantasies about myself or other men not grounded in reality, if I believed I was entitled to anything from anyone in such a setting, the fact of my age, appearance and condition compared to the young and sexually prime could be a problem. I don’t, and it’s not. I get fucked rather frequently, by a wide variety of men, of all ages (from my personal threshold of mid-20s up) because I simply don’t care what someone thinks of me. A man either wants to fuck me, or he doesn’t - my equation doesn’t get any more complicated than that. If he wants to fuck me, he gets to fuck me. Simple. No negotiation, no posturing, no valuation on my part. Any valuation on his part is mostly done and over with by the time he approaches me, and if it’s negative I usually never have to know about it. The reason this works for me is that I don’t go out searching. I don’t cruise. I station myself, advertise, and let them come to me if they’re interested. That’s half the battle right there - I’m not wasting time on those who never had any interest in my ‘old man karma’ to begin with. And I’m not sure a 70-year-old man fucking me would give me that much old man credit anyway. I do think that simply throwing myself out there and clearly not giving a shit about appearances does grant me a certain benefit - many people interpret it as confidence, and evidently confidence attracts some people. At the very least, I get an unusual number of requests from first-timers to explain how things work in a bathhouse, even though, since I’m buck-naked, I’m clearly not a member of the staff. So I wouldn’t put any great hope in the notion that persuading young men to give it up will pay dividends to them in later years - there’s simply no causal relationship. Perhaps the solution is to look for ways inside ourselves to display attributes of us that young men may admire - beyond what the eye simply beholds.
  23. The nature of my sexual service to men puts me in the position of intimacy with a very wide range of body descriptions, including some which many men would not select by choice. I do not discriminate on the basis of appearance - if a man wishes to fuck me, that is his prerogative as a male; there is no other factor. What this variety has shown me over time is that the form and consistency of flesh is seldom actually significant to whether or not the sex is good*. What matters is the mind animating the flesh, and any time you truly open your mind to openly exchanging that depth of intimacy with another, you can realize experiences that transcend mere flesh. *The one exception to this is exceptionally large penis size, in girth or length - but while in these cases the nature of the flesh itself may ensure a memorable experience, it still does not mean the sex will be the best.
  24. “At the request of banking and financial partners”, OnlyFans is banning explicit sexual content from its platform in October. Which means, Visa and Mastercard got to them, too. I keep saying it - Prohibition didn’t dry up anybody’s thirst for alcohol, it just diverted the source to different outlets. The same will happen here. People will get creative, because they have to - they’re addressing a basic human need. Lust will find a way.
  25. That’s not cryptic at all... I have no idea what incident you may be alluding to, but the practice of the moderators of this site seems to be to address undesirable words by using a filter to replace them with [banned word]. It’s a practice I find disagreeable as an impediment to precision of expression, but I fully understand the site owner’s reasons and respect his right to impose the limits. Aside from outright forbidden topics whose prohibition is clearly posted, I’ve not heard of someone getting the axe simply for writing naughty words... unless they were being used to insult someone. To say “my asshole is sore” is quite different than saying to someone,“you asshole”. I do not censor my own vocabulary here, and am sometimes mildly surprised to find a perfectly sensibly utterance of mine in the Queen’s English obscured as a [banned word], but I find that if one stays reasonably within the bounds of the acceptable topics, posts in the proper places, and remains civil, one can largely speak one’s mind here.
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