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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Generally I do not. I would consider rinsing out for a man who specified that he wanted a cleaned-out hole, but once I’ve taken loads, they’ve already started absorbing into me, so it’s not as though I’m ever going to be able to give him a pristine, virgin cunt. It’s sooooo not a virgin cunt. I certainly don’t encourage that kind of ask. The majority seem to want me pre-loaded, so I try to stay that way.
  2. You say he believes he wasn’t able to consent to continue. But was he able to consent to begin? At any point did he say ‘no’ or ask them to stop? (I haven’t seen it, obviously.) I assume he signed a contract in order to perform; what sort of hold-harmless language is in the contract to protect the company from such claims? You can be sure the company’s covered its ass in this regard to head off any next-morning lawsuits that might get filed by men who fulfilled their porn-shoot fantasy and then regretted it. I’m certainly not an attorney, but I don’t think a production company like that could stay in business very long without ironclad defense against this sort of thing. I would be surprised if the contract does not include a clause in which the performer stipulates that he releases and holds harmless TIM from liability for any injury, suffering or distress resulting from performer’s participation in the shoot, that the performer enters into the agreement of his own free will and in full knowledge of the requirements for participation, accepts that there are risks, etc. etc. - in short, your friend may have already signed away most of his ability to mount an effective case. An attorney can review the contract and tell you how much room you have to maneuver. I also fear that your friend might find a judge or jury less sympathetic given the nature of his intent in signing the contract. Especially if your friend is correct in thinking that some people viewing the scene interpret it as acting, he might find it harder to convince them that he was not.
  3. The part of poppers that has the desired effect is the fumes produced by the liquid in the bottle, not the liquid itself. The fumes should not be causing burns on your nostrils. Rather, I suspect you are placing the bottle in direct contact with the skin of your nostrils when you sniff, and that allows the liquid to come into contact with your skin. Always avoid contact between the popper liquid and bare skin, as chemical burns can result, and under no circumstances swallow any - that can be deadly. Instead of placing the bottle directly against your nose, hold it a small distance below your nostrils and breathe in. The fumes rise from the opening, you don’t have to vacuum them out. You can also avoid splashes by placing a cotton ball in a spare empty popper bottle and pouring a small amount of the liquid over the cotton and using that bottle - the fumes still rise, but the liquid is held in place. Also, I recently discovered that you can purchase special flip-top caps for popper bottles that expose a small hole in the lid when the flap is opened, also limiting exposure.
  4. Are you asking for victims of Dr. Anderson’s alleged criminal actions who may be members of this forum to come forward and make public statements here? Such statements could potentially be prejudicial in a court of law should that member seek redress for those wrongs from the University of Michigan. Cases have been brought in this matter. While there is nothing inherently wrong in a victim speaking about his experience, be it positive or negative, I would not recommend any such person here involved with the specific matter in question engage the topic. Others here can speak to this better than I, but I would think it imprudent.
  5. This article is fascinating: [think before following links] https://stronglang.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/mapping-the-united-swears-of-america/ It’s a linguistic study of the distribution of the use of swear words in the United States. Check this out-> Note the distinct negative register of the use of fuck in Kentucky and Tennessee. Note also the distinct difficulty in actually finding a fuck in those places. I’m not saying it’s a direct correlation, but it’s interesting. If you look at the many other maps in the article, however, a pattern emerges - there are some places in the country where sex-related explicit terms are strongly not prevalent at all, across the board. Again, Kentucky is one of those. I can’t help thinking that these maps of linguistic use are at the same time maps of repressive cultural values. Take a look, see what you think,
  6. @hntnhole - Thank you for your insightful reply, and for your kind compliments. It is always my hope that my qualities are evident to those who observe me, but one can never tell, especially in an age when most assume that everyone misrepresents himself. I do not, and for that reason it is all the more important that I act as I speak, and strive always for excellence in duty and service. To be fair to the two Men who have possessed my Deed, neither has been a Leatherman who would have understood and appreciated the matter in the way you have so well expounded. The first was a Dominant Sadist, and an experimentalist - he approached the arrangement viewing me more as a scientific specimen of sorts, and I did not object to that as I shared his curiosity regarding the potential of his experiments. The ‘contract’, as you might put it, between us was of that specific nature, and although we developed a bond (we are still good friends) it was to be expected that his engagement with me would diminish outside the confines of the experiment. The current owner is simply an excellent Top who enjoys use of me semi-regularly, and treats me well in that limited context. He appreciates, I believe, the significance of his ownership, but not its implications; he seems to know that he could avail himself of me more greatly, but he doesn’t do it. He continues to be deferential, asking if I mind, if I’m available, what I would prefer, if something’s okay, etc. - it’s really quite frustrating. I keep emphasizing the concept of You own me, you get to do what you want, but it doesn’t seem to sink in. I think there’s a certain mindset that’s lacking, a certain pleasure in control that select Leathermen and (genuine) Dominants and Alphas possess that enables them to put a submissive male like me to my best use. My training has come at the hands of several Dominants, some of whom did have Leather bona fides, but my service to them was transitory and internship-like. I learned much from each of them, but in the end, actually, I have simply never encountered a Man who wanted to have me for his own. Self-collaring can be a very lonely state of affairs for a truly committed submissive. The imperative to uphold principles of discipline and self-denial, the need for reinforcing humiliation, the sheer hunger for a word of command, are all a challenge in self-application because the natural source normally comes from a Man of power. Frankly, I’m somewhat uncertain about what I would become if such a Man did appear who would elect to take full advantage of his right with me - I am so eager to serve, so hungry to serve now that I know very well that he could take me to a debased state of whoredom even more devolved than I have arrived at now, and I would go willingly for his sake. But that will likely never happen. I can’t even find a Top with the patience to open me up to take his fist. So I will continue to serve as I may, in the best way I can, and even if the Man who currently owns my sex doesn’t fully utilize it, at least on occasion I get to hear him say, “That’s mine.” Your reply does give me heart that there do at least exist Men who could conceivably appreciate what I’m trying to give. I asked this question in the hope of getting an idea just how rare men like you are.
  7. Let me qualify this question. I mean, if you could possess the right to control another man sexually, to use his body for your pleasure at will, to share him or not share him with others, and he have no right to deny you any use of him, that would constitute ownership. (This does not entail owning the whole person, just his sexual function - you don’t have to feed, clothe or shelter him.) But total control of another person’s sexuality carries responsibility - sexual outlet and expression is a basic human need identified under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, so if you are the absolute controller of that man’s sex, that means you control whether and to what degree his basic human need is met. In other words, you can’t own a sex slave like some guys own exercise equipment - it’s in the house but never used - the man whose sex you control would begin to suffer. You would have to ensure that the property was used, at least in some way, on a regular basis even if you had no desire yourself at that time. You also couldn’t just use him when you wanted and then cut him loose to fend for himself the rest of the time like a free-range chicken. That’s not actual ownership because you’re not in control of the property. So, given that the coin has two sides and it wouldn’t all be just the fantasy everyone thinks (almost nothing ever is, when you actually start to think it through), if you had the chance to actually own a sex slave, would you? I don’t ask this idly. There is a Deed to my body. My sex has been owned before. That owner ultimately relinquished his ownership, and now the Deed belongs to another Man who currently uses me at his pleasure. Although under our modern system of laws, such a Deed would not carry weight in any court, to me it is as binding as a Title to a plot of land. Another man owns my sex. When he tells me to come and be fucked, I go and am fucked. If he decides to have another man fuck me, I am fucked by that man. But both men who have held my deed have also gone extended periods without using me, and have left me with increasing need unmet. Their solution has been to turn me loose to seek sex on my own elsewhere, but as pointed out above, this really isn’t in keeping with their ownership - if they had no immediate use for me, they ideally should at least give me instructions about where to go, how to perform, how many acts at a minimum, etc. It is, after all, their property other people are going to be using. I’m not complaining. It can be very rewarding knowing that a Man who summons me understands his rights and freely takes advantage of them. My whole purpose seems fulfilled at that moment. I guess I just wish that feeling would never stop.
  8. I’m not the sort of person who listens to music in general, so I wouldn’t normally think of playing music during sex. One of the most stimulating parts of intercourse, in my opinion, is the sounds of sex, not just the moans and groans, but the quieter noises like thumps. smacks, squelches, heavy breathing, etc. that might get lost in the music. I hate it when there’s some distracting audio and the Top asks me something that I don’t catch, and I have to ask him to repeat it. So, I can’t really offer you any recommendation for something good to play. But - I can tell you what absolutely not to play. Once at the bathhouse, the music track suddenly offered up ‘Muskrat Love’ by The Captain & Tenille. Nope. Nope. Nope. It made me want to put my clothes on.
  9. How long do I like a fuck to last? On the face of it, the question is irrelevant - it’s not about what I like, it’s about what the Top likes, and when he chooses my cunt, he gets to do exactly what he likes with it. I will confess, however, that unless the Top is really hurting me inside, there is no upper limit to how long I hope he keeps fucking. I relish Tops that spend an hour or more rutting me. The sensation of another man penetrating and occupying me inside is so intoxicating I can’t get enough of it. And even if he’s causing me pain I’m always a little sorry when it’s over.
  10. I didn’t even start with other me til I was 37. I’m now 54. I’ve been fucked nearly 500 times since I turned 50. How am I doing it? I simply don’t stop doing it. I keep going out and hoisting my ass up for use, and take what comes along. If I stopped to try to look at myself while I’m doing it, I would probably cringe a bit and think, Dear God, man, have you seen yourself? You look beyond ridiculous. But I don’t go there. I may not be one of the Beautiful People, but I never was, and I never in my life tried to play their game. I’ve always gone my own way, to hell with their fashion and trend and clique - why should I give a fuck for the opinion of people who use ‘cool’ and ‘hot’ to mean the same thing? Their moods and importances come and go like seasons, but I stay the same as I always am. That makes me something of a novelty to some people - it attracts some and annoys the hell out of others. Whatever. Sound and fury signifying nothing. I’m like a boulder with the river rushing all around me, except the boulder is my ass sticking up and the river is the ever-flowing stream of men who eventually are going to need a wet hole to fuck. Some of them are going to splash into me, just because I’m there. Every stone gets worn away in time; I won’t do this forever. One day I’ll probably just say to myself, Well, that’s enough of that, and be done with it. And that will be lovely. But not today, nor tomorrow...and certainly not Saturday - my regular Top has let me know I’m in for another fucking into submission. (He’s older than I am, by the way, and he fucked more asses than I’ve taken cocks.)
  11. Ghosts, flakes, ghosts, flakes, ghosts, flakes, ghosts, flakes, ghosts and flakes. Also ghosts and flakes. “Sup” ”Pics” Anyone who says he’s ‘bored’ is instantly written off - if he can’t stimulate himself, there’s nothing I can do for him. Distance: 5,375 mi. Or anything over 30, really. If there’s no realistic chance of us hooking up, don’t waste my time. Ghosts and flakes ”I wanna fuck you so bad but I’m not mobile/out of gas. I’ll fuck you so good if you can give me the money for an Uber/the gas.” No. If you’re whoring your cock at least be honest about it. I don’t provide transportation, I don’t pay for sex, and I’m only generous with my ass. Taps, when my profile clearly states “DO NOT TAP.” This does serve, however, to weed out the ones who don’t even bother to glance at the profile. Occasional slut-shaming. I pretty much only get this on Grindr, out of nowhere, insults like “Disgusting”, “Filthy whore”, etc. I assume most of these are jealous bottoms who would be disgusting, filthy whores themselves if they didn’t lack the balls to do it. Flakes, ghosts Bottoms wanting to hang out in my hotel room when I’m hosting and eat the loads out of my ass after Tops fuck me. No, you lazy twit, I’m not a buffet. Get your own cock. Just all the fucking deception and dishonesty. The place reeks with it. When it gets to the point that you can’t believe anything anyone says in a communications medium, that medium has ceased to function for communication. General uselessness. Last time in Louisville I had over 280 Grindr views in 24 hours. Hookups: 0. That’s utter failure of the app’s primary function.
  12. I confess I’m a bit torn on whether I ought to give you ideas or encourage you to abstain so as to be keener and more full of spunk when you do get to go breed a bottom. Advising a Top on how to best expend his cum in solo fashion goes strongly against a cumdump’s grain. There are ethical considerations. Ideally, it wouldn’t even be legal. But this is the world we live in. I can only assume that (somehow) you have never tried a Fleshlight. I have never been overly enamored of mine, but that’s to be expected as the object is intended as a simulacrum of a fuckhole along its entire inner length. You can obtain one with an opening made to appear either as a vagina or an anus - I have the latter, naturally. On the occasions I have used it, I find it efficient. A plus: You can blast your load into it balls deep. A minus: Cleanup afterward requires some rinsing; you can’t just finish and toss it in the toy box. Also, it doesn’t vibrate or anything like that. Speaking of which - hand-held massagers of various sorts can be made to do good service. I have one by Conair with changeable heads. My former Master had a similar one that terrified me every time I heard him fire it up because it was much stronger and had this bell-like head that was exactly the size to fit over a cockhead - he would use it on me until I was out. of. my. mind. with the sensitivity. @WestPhillyGuy above mentioned electrostimulation, and that is definitely an option, but - and I say this as someone who has trained people in the use of estim - it isn’t something you enter into lightly. You have to get the right equipment, and you have to learn how to do it correctly and safely. There are risks, and way too many guys unnecessary chances while trying to jump-start their junk. Many people get turned off estim quickly by a shocking experience that didn’t have to happen. It’s best to train with someone experienced. You know... on those times you can’t get away? Many cumdumps offer free delivery.
  13. Well. I started late. Not til I was 37. I suppose I felt like I had to make up for lost time. I’ve been trying to do so now for 17 years. I remember keeping a tally my first year, and being shocked that I ended up at 72. Not all years were that prolific, to be sure, but by the numbers, in order to have crossed the 1,000 mark by now I would have had to have taken just under 59 cocks a year, which is just a bit over once weekly. So by that math, on my best trip to camp, I took over half a year’s worth of cock in a day. I’ve taken 40% of a year’s worth of cock at Cumunion - twice. I started keeping a relatively accurate tally in 2017. Although I know there have been a few I’ve missed counting, in just the last five years, I’ve been fucked 539 times. Plus the first year’s tally: 611. Plus that one day at camp: 645. That whittles the number of fucks needed to hit 1,000 down to only about 32 a year for the remaining years, and I went to camp several times, had so many 1-on-1 hookups I lost count... Yeah. I’m over. 1,000. Like, this many periods-> ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... God, that means I’ve been fucked by the equivalent of a battalion. I’ve serviced a third of a brigade. I guess that’ll have to be my next marker...
  14. Now that’s a metric I hadn’t considered before. Excuse me, I need to go do some mathematics... 🙂
  15. Oh - pft. So much this. I know damn well how hard it is to get an actual legit group scene going, and if you’ve succeeded to any degree you’re going to be too busy trolling the apps unless you a) are really looking for drugs or b) only managed to round up a bunch of other bottoms.
  16. Blank profiles can also be a clue to someone who’s going to be lazy in bed. If he can’t spend the time to fill out a basic profile he’s probably not going to spend the time to figure out how to make the sex good. I stopped thinking of blank profiles as real people after one too many faceless faces asked demanded to see a face pic.
  17. You have the right to fuck me at your pleasure, and it will be my privilege to serve you. When I eventually make my way to your city to perform my duties - and I will do so sooner than later - I will make sure you are aware of the opportunity. 🙂 —— You mention attitude, by the way - I do think the attitude a bottom expresses toward a Top during an encounter is extremely important in determining how the encounter will play out, and I think bottoms who express an expectation of a load can sometimes be self-defeating. Being a Top isn’t easy. The performance pressure is enormous, and coaxing his body to a climax while trying to cope with a concern that he’s not doing it right for you, or worse, might not cum as you expect, can sabotage the whole system with performance anxiety. Bottoms, often have you had a Top fuck you and then finish bringing himself to climax with his hand so he can finish in you? I’m always humiliated when this happens - I don’t feel like I failed him, I know I failed him. I didn’t just fail to use my ass right, I failed to make him comfortable and know that there were no expectations, that he didn’t need to do anything fo me - that I was there for him, and this was about him. My goal for every Top who cunts me is total sexual abandon. I want him to understand - and, if at no other time, at least for the time that he is in my room - he is allowed to be sexually everything he wants to be, everything he can be. I want him to understand and accept that he has entered a place intended for no other purpose than for him to find ecstatic physical bliss. You might be surprised how difficult that is to sell. Guys can’t seem to let go of the idea that they have some kind of obligation. Granted, what I’m offering is a little outside what they usually encounter. Most healthy sexual relationships are based on mutual meeting of sexual needs and desires, and an unspoken contract binds committed lovers to mutual obligation. Even casual sex is usually transactional by definition in the most basic way of need being swapped for need (like barter but wetter). I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if most of them say, “So...what’s the catch?” (*sigh* There is no catch. Just the free all-you-can-fuck buffet served at my ass. Really. Really. The all-you-can-fuck dessert tray is complimentary also.) But even if a bottom isn’t duty-motivated like me, I think there’s still some pragmatism to not putting pressure on the Too to perform because it’s been made too obvious that the load is expected.
  18. Why do you suggest a transurethral in particular? I specifically asked that my amp not pass through my urethra, because I didn’t want to deal with not being able to control the direction of my urine stream. It’s also the reason I wouldn’t consider getting an apadravya to have a Magic Cross. With a successfully placed transurethral in either direction, you face the possibility that when you urinate, it may stream sideways as well as down, and the only way to avoid pissing all over the floor is to do it seated. Not for me, thanks.
  19. As a point of interest, you don’t place a guiche just anywhere - the right spot for placement between the anus and the scrotum is unique to the individual, and you should make sure you find it if you’re getting one. When my piercer sets a guiche, she begins by having the subject bend over and present the area, and the lightly probes along the length of the taint, poking it with the end of a swab, until she sees a telltale sign - the anus involuntarily contracts. That’s the most sensitive spot on the subject’s perineum, the ‘trigger’ spot , an the place where the guiche should go. When she did mine, she probed, I felt my cunt tighten the instant she touched the spot, and I heard her say, “There it is.” She marked the spot with a target in ink, told me too take a big, deep breath, and blow it out when she gave the signal, right when she pierced. I’ve had worse bee stings. I’ve had paper cuts that hurt worse. And I didn’t even bleed a drop.
  20. COVID absolutely put a damper on things, but I don’t think it can be blamed for the way it’s particularly prevalent in the Midwest. I have begun to wonder - and for God’s sake don’t anyone start trying to turn this into a political thread - whether we’re not witnessing a result of the increasing polarization of American culture between one set of moralistic, religion-linked, repressive values, and another set of secular, humanist, libertine values. The first set of values tends to flourish more among populations of lower density, lower income, and lower overall educational level (such as the inner regions of the country like the Midwest, Southeast), while the second set is more found in areas of denser population, higher diversity, higher income, and higher overall education (the cities, the coasts). Where do we find no fucking now? In the same areas as the first value group. Where do we find fucking still available? In the same areas as the second value group. Of course, just because they correlate doesn’t mean they’re linked - but I think it’s suggestive that we find that as values become increasingly more extremely expressed, sexual activity is also proportionately affected. If any of you guys happens to be a PhD candidate in Sociology - there’s your doctoral dissertation study. You’re welcome.
  21. Studies suggest that yes, semen has chemically antidepressant properties and the effect can’t be explained by a number of alternative explanations. Semen contains several mood-altering compounds, including testosterone, oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins. Studies done with women have shown these semen components absorbed into the women’s bodies a short time after intercourse, and antidepressant effects are more often reported in women who have sex without condoms than in those who use a barrier. Here’s an article with more detailed information: [think before following links] https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newscientist.com/article/dn2457-semen-acts-as-an-anti-depressant/amp/
  22. It’s extremely difficult for me to offer service the way I should be doing. I live so deep in Butt Fucking Egypt that there’s almost no butt fucking obtainable. Locally, there are two different men who may tap my ass once every two weeks, at best. And when I say locally, I mean I have to drive for a half an hour to get to one of them. Otherwise, I have to drive for hours to the nearer cities, and none of them are great metropolises - Louisville, Nashville, Indianapolis - and now Louisville has become such a dead zone that I can’t even justify the travel expense to try to host there anymore.
  23. Universally certainly not, but there are bottoms out there who are unabashedly in it for themselves alone. We read their comments in various topics here - they’ll say things like, “I just want his load and then I’m ready for him to be gone - Next!” That guy has no thought in his head about pleasing anyone. It’s I want, I need, me-me-me. It’s the same mindset that sabotages another bottom at a bathhouse because “he’s going to get my loads.” I was once at a bathhouse in Indy, and had just gotten bred, and no sooner had the Top walked out - WHAM! A guy’s face plunged into my ass with so much force that my head slammed into the wall, and he had his tongue frantically up inside me before I could even get turned around. When he came for air, he said, “I had been watching that guy for a while, but you got my load from him and now I got it.” I told him to get the fuck out of my room. What do they mean, “my load”? How arrogant, presumptuous and entitled can you be? Get it straight, brother - the only load that’s yours is the one in your own balls. And even if he’s fortunate enough to be among the fraction of bottoms selected for fucking by the limited number of available Tops, even if he does get to receive a load inside him it still isn’t his load. Often when I host another bottom will ask if he can join me and eat the loads out of me after the tops finish fucking me. I always refuse. Not because they are “my loads”, and I want them all for myself, but because they are the Tops’ loads, and it would show a great disrespect and ingratitude toward their for their gift to me if I treated it in such a cavalier way. The term “greedy bottom” didn’t come out of nowhere. It was coined to describe something that needed a description.
  24. I think there are two different kinds of bottom on this regard, and the difference between them is stark. What I read over and over in the responses here is: 1. “I’m in it for the load” (i.e., the sex is about what I get) 2. “I had better end up with a load” (i.e., the Top owes me a load) 3. “I feel disappointed/cheated if I don’t get a load” (i.e., I didn’t receive what I was entitled to) 4. “It’s like a drug...a dose of his seed...I’m addicted” (i.e., the chemical effects of the contents of the load are a motivator) I read these replies, and I understand what you say... but as fellow bottoms I don’t understand you at all. We stand on opposite sides of a philosophical chasm when it comes to this. It doesn’t matter to me whether I end up with a load after a Man fucks me. This is why: 1. I don’t approach sex thinking about what I’m going to get. I offer my sex hoping that I’ll be able to give. If that giving means the Top is so pleasured that he climaxes inside me, mission accomplished. If he’s so pleasured that he fucks me in half for an hour without cumming but leaves with a smile, mission accomplished. 2. If the Top inseminates me, I am humbled - he has given me a gift. First, he gave me the gift of his intimacy, and his trust, and then the exquisite gift of his semen. And It is his load, a physical part of him that he has chosen to share with me personally, and to leave with me as a mark of his joining his flesh to mine. 3. If the Top does not inseminate me, I do not feel cheated or disappointed that I did not receive something due me. The load isn’t mine, it’s his, to give or not give at his pleasure. He doesn’t ever, ever owe me his load. Now, if he fails to cum and leaves dissatisfied, then I will feel disappointment, but it will be a deep disappointment with myself for having failed him, not with him for having failed me. 4. Like you, when I am bred and his liquid enters my system, my body responds to the chemicals in his semen that give a sense of pleasure and well-being. With each load I take, I want more. It’s potent stuff. But for me, the glow I feel after a long fuck, load or no load, has nothing to do with that - it’s the pleasure of knowing that I did a good thing and did it very well, and made someone else happy, even if just for a little while. To you, all this may make me sound crazy, or self-deluded, or naïve, but it’s the way I actually do sex. And the only time I end up disappointed is when there’s no fucking at all. I only know that the surest way to deal with the problem of disappointment is to change your own expectations. If you can find a way to for sex to be rewarding every time regardless of the load - a thing you will never be in control of - then you will seldom be disappointed.
  25. I missed this post last month - did you end up getting something new? You could try an apadravya - harder to rip out than an ampallang. (I’ve had my amp for 12 years and can’t imagine it being ripped out; that would take some force.) If you had an apadravya and a new amp done at the same time - a ‘Magic Cross’ - the ap might make the amp harder to tear out, but you’d probably not want make the amp transurethral in that configuration. You could get a dydoe - or two or three - around the rim of your glans if you’ve got enough flare. Some guys don’t have much to work with there, but if you’ve got a good mushroom head on it you might have the meat to get enough depth. You could also do a frenum or a lorum, but with the PA and the scrotal you’ve got going on, either one might be too close to an existing piercing to really feel meaningful. This is how I spent my day today: Brand-new guiche. I also just up my amp to an 8-gauge. In a bit I’ll stretch it up to a 6, which is my target goal.
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