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About youngaidschaser

  • Birthday 04/11/2000

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  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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    started young now looking for the gift - full blown.
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  1. Are you on // too?


    1. youngaidschaser
    2. bare28


      Contacted you there

    3. bare28


      Never get a reply from you on //

      Are you interested at all?


  2. Your details are "No users found" on Telegram. Might be my mistake though, new to Telegram.

    1. youngaidschaser
    2. nastymansex


      You have to post the username into a chat, like your Saved messages, and click the link from there to get it to work.

  3. Fuck I wanna dump my poz load deep in your guts man



    Where in London are you?

  4. The thought that afterwards my body could get infected and this little faggot’s life would change for the better forever
  5. I service a lot of married men in my area so they definitely don’t want me to see their face and I love having their babies inside me
  6. Most of the loads I get are anonymous. Either because I’m blindfolded in my apartment door is left open for men to use my body as they want, through glory holes or bent over in the park at night. I don’t need to see their face as long as my body is there is a receptacle for their seed that’s all that matters
  7. No but I found a used condom in the bin of his and I gladly emptied it down my throat
  8. We don’t need warning. In our cunt, down our throat, or in our eyes we should be happy that it’s happening at all
  9. Just curious, but why do you want to be pozz'd so badly?

  10. There are a lot of married men who live near me that I know aren’t getting the type of sex that they want and so I gladly offer my holes to them to take out their anger and most definitely to empty their seed inside me
  11. My first abuser bred me whilst he was on the phone to my dad one time
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