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    Giving and swapping loads. Especially love poz loads and unmedicated strains! Love fucking a used hole and eating out the loads, the more the better! Stealthing.
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    Raunchy fuckers! Have a weak spot for bears.

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  1. I met him in an abandoned house in a part of town known for drugs and vagrants. I don't use, but hey, when a faggot slams they let you do what ever you want to them. I'm a sadistic control freak; A pig who gets off on mind fucking and controlling those who have lost control of themselves. I found the post for this anonymous hole on a dark web site specifically catered to pigs like me. The ad had a fairly innocuous title: Slave For Use. I assumed it was the usual unwilling participants that I enjoyed dropping my unmedicated loads in. On second thought, to say they were unwilling would be stretching the truth. Mostly they were guys who got too deep in debt with their dealers and had to pay their way to freedom. Being the nice guy I am, I help pay their way to being debt free and they pay me back by letting me drop my dirty loads in their ass. My usual fee is $500. Seems like a lot, but I get the privacy I want, the setting I need, and whatever supplies I may need to scratch my particular itch that night. It was a special occasion, my birthday, and a celebration of being 10 years poz with no meds. I recently had a doctor friend run lab tests to see what my VL load was. I couldn't believe it when he told me it was two million. Feeling excited and adventurous, I went to my dark web site, found my usual and dropped an extra $500 for something special. The poster was more than happy to oblige and I was hopeful he was able to deliver, he'd never let me down before. After some discussion it was all set. In one day, my birthday present would be ready. An hour before my session was set to begin, I was given an address and told my present was prepared just how I had asked. I remember driving through the neighborhood, a primarily poor section of town. Run down houses, abandoned building, hookers and drug dealers on every corner. Strung out homeless men looking for their next score roaming the streets by the dozens. I found the address I was looking for, parked the car and headed to the door. It was locked. I looked under the rock I had been instructed would have the key under it and there it was, gleaming in the street light. I put the key in the lock and opened the door. The smell of booze, drugs, and cum filled the air. It was heaven. I breathed it in, knowing my request had been performed in full. The house was dimly lit, but as my eyes adjusted, I could see the dirty walls, the dust covering every surface. I looked down and in the dust I saw hundreds of foot and shoe prints making a path to the room where my prize lay. As I walked to the bedroom, I felt my cock bulging against my pants with excitement, my nostrils breathing in the sweet fumes of drugs and sex. As I entered the room, my eyes were drawn to the mattress in the middle of the room, then to the ass sticking up in the air. Bottles of cheap booze littering the bedroom floor, stubbed out cigarettes and joints flung about, and surrounding the mattress of my new fuck sleeve, used needles that were meant for the cunt I paid for. My cock was straining against my jeans, waiting to get out and plant itself in this little neg pussy. There was a light emanating from a computer screen as it replayed the entire drug fueled gangbang, just as I had asked. As I stood on the threshold, I saw the note on the door to my right. The note read: Your money was well spent you sick fuck. After you answered my ad, pimping out this useless neg cumdump (yes he's neg, we did a rapid test), I slammed this whore's ass and cleaned it out thoroughly. Then we brought him to this house, my dealer's house he rents out for just such occasions. I took $300 and spent it on the party supplies you see littering the floor. There's a bottle poppers and a bottle of whiskey just for you as well as a few rigs filled with T to keep the cumdump compliant. Since it's a special occasion and you're a good customer, there's a gallon of chem piss on the table next to the mattress. I had the guys piss in the empty milk just in case this useless piece of trash got thirsty. With the other $200, I traveled the neighborhood and announced to all the homeless guys that there was free drugs and booze if they fucked this guy. I offered the guys a dollar for each load they dropped in him. It was a fucking block party. 36 hours of non-stop fucking and every dollar was handed out. Money well spent sir. The video your requested it playing and there's a copy for you to take home when you're done. Enjoy! I folded up the note and put it in my back pocket. I walked into the room and up to my birthday present. I could hear him moaning, his ass gaping, unable to close as rivers of cum oozed onto the mattress below him. There was a 3 ft puddle underneath him, mission accomplished. I unbuttoned my pants and dropped to my knees. I sunk into the mattress and as I heard the wet squish of cum, which began to bubble up like a towel being rung out. This was everything I ever wanted. The smell of cum filling my nostrils made my dick begin to leak. I took my finger, wiped some precum off it, reached my arm to his mouth and put my finger in it. He moaned like a bitch in heat. Then I put my mouth to his stretched pussy and told him to push. I thought I was gonna drown! What ever was in the mattress was nothing compared to what was in this fucker's cunt. Once my thirst was sufficiently quenched, I told my new bitch to stop, I needed to enjoy what lube was left in his hole. I looked up and for the first time, really noticed the video playing. I thought he was blindfolded, but there he was, a true slut watching as every ugly, strung out homeless man used him like their own personal fleshlight for drugs, alcohol and a few dollars. The blindfold was laying next to him. I asked him, "were you blindfolded during the whole event?" He said "yeah, but while I was waiting for you I had to see who was using me. I'm such a useless piece of trash." I told him: "Yes you are, and tonight you're my useless piece of trash. I was told your dealer made sure you were neg, but seeing how many loads you took,, I'm sure that won't be true much longer. Do you know why tonight is special?" "No," he answered. "It's my birthday tonight, and I'm celebrating 10 years of being poz with no meds. My viral load is two million and I needed a special neg boy to mark as my own." I heard him gasp and with that I flipped him over on his back and looked into his eyes; they were wide, practically black holes from several hours of constantly being slammed, but I could see fear in them. Delicious. You could tell this is not what he imagined his life would be, but he had no choice. He squeaked out "two million?" "Yeah," I said, "you're going to be my prize. A piece of me will live in your forever. There's no way you will stay neg after this, but don't worry I'm about to erase that fear. By the time I'm done, you'll be wanting more." I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and took a huge swig and hit the poppers. Then I reached to the floor next to him and grabbed one of the needles. You could see the hunger in his eye. "You want this?" "Yes!" I took the belt still wrapped around this arm and tightened it. There were track marks running up and down it, fresh. They had really sent this fucker spinning. Surprised he could even talk coherently. I put the needle right to his skin, then pulled back. I stuck the needle in my arm and pulled the plunger up, my blood flooding into the chamber. I looked at him and said "insurance," pulled it out and put it in his arm, and pushed down on the plunger. I watched as all those chems filled his veins. I tossed away the needle and shoved my fist up his ass; no resistance. I spent an hour just fisting his cunt and edging my cock, watching the video the whole time. This boy was going to have diseases and I was pushing them further and further up his ass. By hour's end, I was shoulder deep. His hole was just right. I pushed my cock in, his ass so loose it provided no friction. Now I could spend hours fucking this dumb slut with no chance of cumming quick. It was like warm velvet surrounding my cock. I kept telling him my viral load. Kept telling him he was mine. I asked him if converting was what he wanted. He said no. I held up another slam, a rather big one. You could see the look of sheer hunger in his eyes. I said he couldn't have it until he begged me for my poz load. I had to believe it. I had to know he truly wanted me to taint his mind and body for ever. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and screamed "I WANT YOUR FUCKING POZ LOAD! GIVE ME MY HIT AND SHOOT THAT DEMON SEED IN ME!!!" I took that rig, gently put it in his arm, and pushed down on the plunger. I couldn't hold on myself any longer and I blew my load, him begging the whole time. Just to make sure I'd stay in him forever and my special seed didn't fun out, I grabbed his legs, lifted up and shoved my arm deep in his hole. He screamed in pain, but I didn't care. He was here for my pleasure. I dropped his legs and he told me he was thirsty. I took that gallon of chem piss, held his mouth open and poured it down his throat. He choked and passed out, it was too much. Fucking shame, but I got what I wanted. I dressed, took my video of his gangbang. I'd probably need to go to the doctor in a few days, but it was worth it. I wanted to keep up on my new convert, so I took out my phone and emailed the guy who set up my perfect birthday. I told him I wanted to pay off this fucker's debts and make him mine. I left, but as I did, I took him one last look and saw his gaping hole ooze. I felt satisfied this chem slut got what he deserved. By the time I got home, I had received and email with the specified amount to take him off his dealer's hands. I was reasonable so I paid off his drug debt. I made the stipulation though, that he was to be delivered upon a positive rapid test result. Told his dealer to have a little more fun with him in the mean time. Poor bastard had no clue. A month later, I heard a ring on my doorbell. I opened the door to find my little birthday cumdump, his eyes looking down at the ground. His clothes were dirty and he was visibly shaking. I grabbed him, pulled him in the door and slammed him against the wall and kissed him. From out of his pocket, he pulled a rapid test with a positive result. I smiled. I could see he was going through withdrawals. I asked him if he remembered me? He said he did, how could he forget the night we was converted. I got close to his ear and told him I paid for him a month ago, he was free, but I still let his dealer have his way with him. His eyes widened. "Yeah you fucker, I paid for you, but only wanted you when I had confirmation you were poz. I called my doctor friend and he's going to come over and test us to make sure I'm your father. In the mean time, let's take care of those shakes and relive that night." With that I pulled out a rig, stuck it in his arm, threw him to the ground, ripped off his pants and stuck my dick in dry. He screamed and I said "tell me fucker, who is your poz daddy you chem slut?" He remembered what to do and he said "You are daddy! It fucking hurts!" "You're God damn right you little bastard," as I blew my dirty load up his ass, "you're God damn right..."
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