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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. 4 hours ago, Hintyt said:

    It’s widely reported that sex lives steeply decline after starting prep.   

    This is curious to me. PreP is supposed to protect us from getting HIV so we can be big sluts. But how can we be big sluts without a sex drive? What's the point? It's like chemically induced abstinence. I never needed PreP to have a low sex drive - it dropped off while my husband was still alive.

    It reminds me of a Looney Tunes cartoon in which someone starving had a can but no can opener. Then they had the can opener and the box of cans had floated out to sea. Can't meet the need without BOTH of the ingredients in the same place.


  2. 12 hours ago, POZitiveBoyZ said:

    For me your advice is absolutely unusable. Because I’m sure the mission of the LGBTQ community, as very marginalized community in the world, is in the fact of unity and power of Love Respect Freedom Tolerance Equality and Pride. I’m sure that more experienced community’s members have to be ready being a mentors and teachers to les experienced members. That’s what’s called a Community. And that’s its goals and purposes for its members as a community

    I'm sorry you didn't find that helpful. My advice is based on my own experience and what worked for me. And given the current state of the world, it may not be helpful right at this moment.

    But I have to agree with Dr Scorpio on this one - it sounds like a confidence issue. And confidence attracts. Your responses to him and to me indicate a poor self-image and perhaps a chip on the shoulder. I will not put you down or make jokes, and most of us here on BZ don't post memes at the expense of others. But I won't continue to make suggestions or give advice if you won't adopt them, and I'm totally okay with that. 

  3. On 3/2/2020 at 7:43 AM, drscorpio said:

    It's a big step that most of us remember taking. Good for you! 

    Mine is way more recent than a lot of guys here. Here I go with another long-winded story, LOL.

    When my husband died, I had to clean out our place in a hurry, and get rid of all the sex stuff before his son found it. I grabbed a large box that was full of condoms he had collected over the years from Pride and IML and such events, and had stored jeremy case he ever needed them. (Not that he used them, lol.) I brought them home with me, put them in a drawer, and forgot about it. Nearly two years after his tragic death, I found the box right where I placed it. 

    I looked at this and thought "All these condoms, and they are far too old to even consider using. Screw it, I'm a bugchaser now, they're toast."  And I threw them out. And I cleaned the entire drawer to make sure none escaped my purge. 

    The ONLY time I will accept condoms anymore is if they are in a packet with lube packets. I'll separate them later. 

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  4. When I was 18, I was engaged in creating my first opera production. It was a studio recording of an obscure show meant for the stage, but I had no money or singers to mount it, so we did a studio recording. I cast around the area for a studio, and found one just a couple miles from my home. I went and met the owner - a known local musician whose name I mercifully withhold. He's known for reggae and funk music, and was operating his own recording studio in those days. A tall black man in middle age (I'll call him Ben for this story) met me and showed me the studio. We had our recording done there, and he would quite randomly call me long after it was concluded. I didn't know what he wanted, but I put it down to trying to drum up additional business from me. 

    Nearly two years later, Ben is still after me for some reason. He catches me during the day (for once), and tells me something deeply personal. He's bisexual, and he's had an attraction to me since the day I came to his studio. He wants to suck my dick. I was shocked. This guy was married, and had kids, and was so bold in his statement that I didn't know how to respond. But I knew I was safe with him, so I told him that I'm gay (which he was probably betting on). We talked about it for a while, and he was frequently beating off over the phone with me. When he came, he'd end the conversation and that would be that until next time.

    But when I hit 21, it changed. I used his studio again, and when he had me all to himself, he made his move. We went into the sound booth so we would have a layer of warning if we were going to be disturbed. We just jacked off together while drinking beer. When I was at the university later that autumn, I would jack off and think of that day. I kept wishing that I let him breed me.

    When I was home for the summer of 2002, he resumed his advances. This time got more aggressive. I had to use his studio one last time, and he wanted an outrageous price for the rental. So I offered him a lower figure "and a good time". He accepted that, and we got together, and fucked. I swallowed his enormous dick which felt great in my virgin throat, and swallowed that entire load. That sealed the deal. As the months became years, we would screw as often as possible, but he never got to breed me. I was too tight, and besides, he always wore condoms. BOOOOOO!!!

  5. It took me YEARS to get to 100. I built that number up by not refusing anyone who showed interest, and I made sure to show some myself. Even for guys I had no sexual attraction to - it was about getting experience with these 2-star and under gays in my town.

    Eventually I started going to places where the gays congregate. I don't have to go out and think "I've gotta get at least ONE guy tonight!" because that sets me up for disappointment. Especially if I go and find nothing that appeals to me, or the pickings are really slim. I let the sex come to ME on occasion, but I wasted a lot of energy in my youth pursuing specific individuals, which did not serve me. I don't recommend going out with an air of desperation, because it's not attractive and you can end up regretting the results.

    Some ideas: create a profile on a hookup website. Adam4Adam or ManHunt or Recon (if you're a fetish guy) will do. Would stay away from Scruff or Grindr because a lot of guys set up profiles and never come back. Waste of time. Be honest about what you like and yourself. Include pictures - men are very visual and like to see who people are. When the pandemic ends (IF it ends), commit yourself to going to a big gay event - Pride, leather contests (even if you aren't into it that much), IML is a big one but can be scary if you're inexperienced or a vanilla guy. And of course take care of YOUR needs. When you are trying to attract sex partners, you want to show your very best self. Take care of your skin, keep your hair neat, be open to things even if that's not your scene (never say "EWW" when proposed a sex act that is not your thing), and KNOW YOUR STANDARDS AND LIMITS. But don't just settle for whatever comes. People get hurt that way, sometimes in ways they can't reverse.

    And of course, talk to people when you can. Some guys like to get to know someone before they fuck. And when the time does come, let yourself enjoy it. Don't worry about being "good", just be concerned about enjoying the moment. 

    Does this help?

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  6. 2 minutes ago, MuscledHorse said:

    I can say from experience that gays are way better about getting tested and tested regularly than str8's are. because it's been getting drilled into us since the 1980's.  Last year, I went to CLAW and had over 100 sexual partners, no STI's. I went to Furry Weekend Atlanta (FWA), had a dozen partners (not including the bad-dragon huge toy/fisting party I went to one of the nights), most of them bisexual, and wound up with multiple STI's and getting a penicillin shot, ceftiaxone shot and 1,000 mg of zithromax. I went on to attend other gay events, including the 10 days of Pig Week, and with nearly 200 partners at it again in 2019, still no STI's after.

    Wow, I think "MuscledWhore" would be a better screen name for you. LOL

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  7. First, welcome to BZ. Feel free to talk to any of us about stuff like this.

    You are not alone. I am a lot like this. This site makes one hungry for it, and brings out desires you didn't know where there. If you want to feed that darkness, spend some time reading the bugchasing fiction. Some of it is quite good. I'd recommend stuff, but what I like isn't necessarily what YOU will like. Talk to other members of the forum. Browse and see what all is here. There's a lot!

    You *should* be scared. It's a big step. I think mentally you might be ready to start the journey, but perhaps not emotionally. That's where we come in. We're here to help and guide you along the way. I am no expert on the subject - I'm not poz myself - and have little authority on the subject. Some guys here will strongly encourage you to do it. Others will show you resources so you can decide for yourself and what the long-term meaning of the poz life is really about. 

    Think about what you really want, and what your journey means to you. You don't have to get plowed by every slut in the bathhouse to live a great sex life. Personally, I don't think that would be fulfilling for the long-term. In your 20s, sure, but at middle age, not satisfactory. 

    Stick around, and keep coming back. Ask your questions, and be open minded. We're always here.

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  8. My husband and I were in love, and we fucked other guys regularly. The only rule was that we had to tell the other about our sexcapades. 

    Love is wonderful. Even if you're the biggest whore, if someone declares themselves to you, don't just run away from it. That can be your instinct when it isn't expected, but if you stay with your suitor, you can probably expect great sex just like this for a long period. And you might not be chained to this person who insists on monogamy. They might allow play with others as long as you're home for breakfast in the morning. It's different for everyone, really. 

    But as someone who lost their lover, allow me to say this: When love comes knocking, be open to it. Let yourself be loved. And try to be a good lover in return. You don't want to be "the shitty ex". It's not a good feeling in hindsight, and can cause emotional insecurities. Even if you don't feel it right at that moment of declaration, give yourself time. There's no set timetable for falling in love.

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  9. I seem to remember something I read in one of the fiction stories. After fucking, one guy grabbed what he thought was his water bottle, but realized it was his buddy's bottle, and switched to the other one.

    Buddy: Dude. You realize I just poz bred you, and you're concerned about drinking from the wrong water bottle???

    It was something like that. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, TimSkyler said:

    The first time I worked for them (they had hired me begrudgingly), they told me that they wouldn't pay for my travel. Brad McGuire had told them he wanted to do a scene with me, and so they told me that if I could get myself to IML in Chicago (I'm in Philadelphia), they would film a scene with us. And so, I got myself out there, and shortly after checking in to the hotel, like no less than 15 minutes, I was downstairs in the marketplace, where I saw the Treasure Island table. I went up to it, and Dan Fisk was working it at the moment. I told him I was there to shoot for the studio, and surprisingly, him and I hit it off very quickly (which is kinda unusual for me), and he took me up to his room and fucked me, lol. Afterwards, he told me that he ALSO was now wanting to shoot a scene with me (which, along with Brad wanting to initially, was one the most goddamn flattering things in the world to me to this day). So he asked whomever was running the show that weekend, Paul and whoever else, and they said (again, begrudgingly) that they would, but that they wouldn't spend any money to rent or use a location for it, which is why my scene with Dan Fisk is in the stairwell of the hotel. AND they paid me practically nothing for that scene, which, on one hand, was fine, because I would have blown Dan in the stairwell for free, haha, but on the other hand, I mean, I feel like studios should at least pretend to give a shit about their models. I dunno.

    Basically, what I'm saying is, yeah, Treasure Island has a long history of A) Being cheap as fuck, and B) Giving zero fucks about the people working for them.

    The upshot - if you really try to see the positive in this (pun intended) - is that it's a good place for newcomers in porn, and you get to add it to your resume. As I said before, they know they can get guys, so they're "disposable". "Expendable". Some guys are into humiliation and being used. This is one reason I didn't follow up on my interview in 2013. I already knew it was going to be bad, and the disillusionment was a turn-off. Couldn't get hard for Truckie to take pictures.

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  11. I actually saw a video from Sounding King many months ago that is similar to what you describe. A guy had put so much silicone in his dick that he was able to take another dick inside his, and use it like a fleshlight. Got the cum out, too. HE CAME INSIDE HIS COCK. I couldn't believe that! I don't have the link, and would have to do an intense search to find it, but maybe one of the other pigs here knows exactly where to find it.

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  12. This year I've discovered that I enjoy getting fucked, but you gotta have a good piece of meat in there or I won't enjoy it. I've said in another topic that my ex has a small dick. That kind of shit hurts me and I get NO enjoyment from that. I need that feeling deep inside. But I think only a couple guys have ever been deep enough and left me a little present.

    When it's safe to return to shooting porn, I intend to go full bottom. Would be nice if I could rosebud, but I'm too impatient to work at that and make it happen. 

  13. I've been told by a very reputable source that the studio is a big drug scene. They allow their performers to do a variety of hard drugs on set and don't do squat about it. If that isn't your scene, or you're a sober guy now, then you ought to consider other studios. Besides, I'm also told they underpay because models are expendable to them. They know guys will fall all over themselves to be in a TIM gangbang or whatever, and everyone is disposable unless they find a REALLY GOOD one. 

    And at least 2/3 of their models are poz. If that's not your thing either, then don't apply or work for them.

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  14. Discovering and exploring one's sexuality is super important for our mental health. It may be that you just have a fetish for getting pounded.

    If you wish to try an experiment (and your girl open to it), have her wear a strap-on and she can plow you with it. This might give you insight as to what you like. Or it might scare off the girl completely. 

    Enjoy these early moments when you can and while they are still new. Eventually you'll climb heights beyond this, and can look back thinking it all started here.

  15. 6 hours ago, fagclit87 said:

    I find the same thing. It hurts if I ever try to stick my little dicklet in a guy's hole and then I usually go soft.

    How small was your ex?

    5 inches at the very most. And it was just straight solid cock. No real flexibility and stuck straight out. Every angle hurt.

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