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  1. I went to a couple off First or Second Ave, near 37th about 5 years ago. They were dead quiet but I heard you can get some blue collar cock there
  2. Yes- I had a similar situation with a doctor. Turns out She had never even heard of Prep- in 2024!?!?!!
  3. He’s currently the strongest man in Europe. Reportedly, there is a gay-sex vid of “The Highland Oak” floating around Scotland on Grindr. I’d love to see it if anyone has a link!! This, after his wife openly accused him of fooling around “with women AND men” for years.
  4. Must be the Fells? I’m sure he did get more loads!
  5. Is there any chance he would start blackmailing you if he figured out who you are? sounds like he’s hungry for money and will do anything to get it.
  6. Sounds like you did everything right. Think of how many guys he’s chatted with, but never met up with before. He’s just having a case of the guilties. I’m sure when he’s horny, he thinks of your mouth and blow job. You will probably hear from him again. But best for you to set him free and if he comes back, it was meant to be.
  7. Sniffies has a ‘location randomizer’ in the drop down menu that moves your icon away from your actual location. You need to check back often tho because it sometimes moves you back. I think if you have a paid account, you can move it even further away with the ‘traveling to’ feature. I’ve watched hookups come and go from my FBs house. I ask anyone who comes to my place to shut off Sniffies so others can’t see them here. I don’t need random show-ups!
  8. Did she decide she was a sexual when you revealed that you’re Poz? Maybe she just wanted to avoid sex after that.
  9. Cumslut 😜
  10. Kudos to your breeder for letting you know. He could’ve left you to find out the hard way. Now do something good with that info and get treated, STAT.
  11. All Worlds Resort in Palm Springs was that sleazy when I stayed there years ago.
  12. Well if they don’t have insurance, than HIV treatment and possible hospitalization will cost dearly, too.
  13. the topic is about an individuals burden, not a country.
  14. OP here. I’ve been using the gel for 9 months now, too. My mood and overall attitude are back to normal along with my T level. I’m not anymore prone to erections than before, but I think about sex a lot more. I was already hairy so no gain there 😜
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