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Everything posted by tennlotteryman

  1. It's in Atlanta ......
  2. I don't know ..... won't know till I get out there
  3. I can't wait till I am able to meet him in May so he can take me down already have the hotel booked and paid for.
  4. That is exactly what I was thinking when I read this, better check to make sure you still have everything in your house and they didn't take anything.
  5. I get contacted by two people where I live on the apps, when I am able to go I do but 1 I use cation on as he is a cop and only hooks up in public parks.
  6. Just to make sure I am correct here ..... is CU on Feb 27th ?
  7. Woo Hoo ..... I'm out of "Breeding Zone Jail" ....... this post landed me in jail and muted for 3 days .....
  8. This has got to be the best stealth video I have ever seen, Dang this guy is a pro. Anyone on here ever try this ? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c4fd4d5eab8f
  9. I am hoping to go but at this point, it all depends on the Government shutdown if I am able to go or not ... hoping to get a booster of HIV and perhaps pick up another STD.
  10. I agree with boybottom, Heretic is a good place to go and is free to get in but BE WARNED ESPECIALLY WITH HERETICS, DO NOT TAKE YOUR WALLET INSIDE !. only take your ID and 1 form of payment. Leave other forms of payments in your car or place you are staying. Whatever club you go to I would use this same policy, It only took 1 time for it to happen to me, I had to freeze all my cards and monitor my credit for over a year. wasn't worth it when I could have prevented it from the start and that's not to mention that I lost irreplaceable items in my wallet that is now gone forever.
  11. Are you planning on visiting Knoxville, TN anytime soon ?!?! I am looking to take ANY top with ANY std, I cannot host as I do not live alone so you must host. Let's meet up, you do your thing then after your done you can tell me which std you have or you can moan it to me while you are doing it to me, your choice becomes our std.
  12. For the record, I just notice that the date on this article was from 2017 ....
  13. I just came across this on Facebook and was wondering if any of our California members can verify this story and what are your thoughts about it. I'm sure it will help the stealthing community out a lot. This is an article from the L.A. Times. https://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-gov-brown-downgrades-from-felony-to-1507331544-htmlstory.html
  14. Why is poll closed to new voters !?!? ....... does my vote not count ?!?! 1 official orgy at a private residents house, but if you include all the public sex at the bars in Atlanta and New Orleans then I have lost count.
  15. I searched first and didn't see anything and I hope this type of help is allowed but does anyone know how to attach a photo in a private message?
  16. 5+3 does equal 9 ...... it's simple trumponomics ...... **Ducks the flying objects from the Trump supporters** Oh and by the way, I am sitting at 3 for posting in the wrong section too .....
  17. What part of TN are you, I am Knoxville .... perhaps we could hook up .....
  18. Try pornmd.com they search all the site including pornhub for what you are looking for.
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