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madeupnameforporn last won the day on February 8 2018

madeupnameforporn had the most liked content!

About madeupnameforporn

  • Birthday 03/10/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Watching, being watched, 1 on 1, 3-ways, groups, playing with couples.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    100% versatile guy that equally enjoys giving and taking cock and loads.
    Dated a poz guy for several years and became addicted to bb sex with him and others we played with.
  • Looking For
    Pervy taboo chat is always welcome. I get off hearing what turns others on.

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  1. Would love to meet you sometime. For the past two years, I have not had much such due to a meth addiction (currently in recovery but miss it so much.) Right now, in Ohio (a small Amish village [NO SEX].) Really need to get the hell out and see the world again. If you ever make it this way, please let me know. 

    1. madeupnameforporn


      Great profile. Hold your head high man. Everyone faces challenges and it sounds like you are getting a handle on yours. I loved reading some of your comments--they had my rock hard.  Hope we can talk more. 

    2. Joelle


      It will take time but I will respond to all of your comments and answer any other questions that you may have. Though I may be approaching a younger age in a month, I don't plan on ever giving up!!! Definitely a lot different then when I was growing up. At the age of 23. I weighed 455 lbs and it took 13 years to lose 255 lbs. Currently, holding at 198 but just need to have my skin retracted and stretched together. However, love my body and I have a very handsome face.!!!

    3. madeupnameforporn


      That is great! Be proud of yourself that is amazing.

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