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Everything posted by slowfuck

  1. Indeed, I believe its the stuff used in far too many "creampie" vids where the top limply fucks, then flops out and the bottom pushes out a half pint of the stuff. Yeah right... but that's another thread! As lube though I note the sell it in 2oz, 8oz.... and HALF GALLON for the piggier guys 8-)
  2. Nicely put, I tend to think the more choice people have in a place the worse it can be for cancelling you in favour of someone else who likely as not cancels on them for someone else... and so on.
  3. Thank you :) You too with a cute smile as well :grin:

  4. My formative sexual experience was with a young just legal guy back in the 70s when I was just a little older than him. I still find guys like him - fit twink dark hair handsome face dark eyes the biggest turn on. That said now I am mid 50s it's unrealistic to expect repeat performances with 20yo guys like that. And the experience over the intervening years leads me to prefer guys in their 30s as they know what they want and what they are doing and who appreciate experienced older men. There are exceptions of course. Young guys like my first who have learned and figured it all out. They are still my desire and fantasy.
  5. I am sure you will do your best! Here is more about making your mind up about the complex issue around barebacking, as well as reading horny fantansies. It's less about hooking up here as it's not really designed for that. That why people use BBRTS which is ideal. Happy to coach you, help you become more confident. We can meet up for some relaxed discussion and coaching too. Well done with the avatar, hot body :)

  6. Poor you. Vent away, it helps others as you found. I have had internal haemorroids but sounds like yours was in that awkward place that makes it difficult to heal. Mine have healed up and not recurred but probably further in. Some say frequent douching can cause problems with the rectal lining especially if it isn't just water. For me it was probably pushing too hard when taking a dump with hard 'stools' that caused the tear. I do wonder if the HPV did get fully cleared and may have come back. I guess you don't fancy being versatile and topping some cute guys while the back door heals? Hope you get good news from your colo-rectal doctor, and plenty of ideas and tips from the guys here to help you get back out there having fun!
  7. Welcome to the forum then fellow GPN member. Enjoy the delights!

  8. Hello and welcome. Practice makes perfect and if he has lots of experience his hole will be used to just opening up through a combination of relaxing the muscles and gentle push out with his ring. You said he "just lets it slide in" which is the key. As he feels your cock push at his ring he will relax and push his ring out to meet it, and keep doing that as your cock pushes deeper. Try doing that with his cock. Relax your hole and use lots of lube - get him to finger you first, one finger then two, then as he's thick, three, slowly, to open you up. Then get get him to replace his fingers with his cock relax and you should have more time to enjoy the feelings before he pumps you full of his hot creamy cum. That's my take on it. You can practice with dildos learn to control your arse muscles on your own, but ideally ask him how he does it, and ask him to give you plenty of patient practice. Enjoy!
  9. Along with other substances Viapro contains L-arginine which is reputed to have the same effect as sildenafil in Viagra. Golden Root doesn't have sildenafil either.
  10. Personally I would not cum inside if the bottom asked me not to. I would double check when I am getting close. Personally I m happy to cum on his arse and lick and rim his cum covered arse after. There's fun to be had either way. If the bottom doesn't say anything and is obviously happy with being fucked raw, or of course asks, or usually 'begs' for it, then of course I will flood his hole... then rim his cum-sloppy hole....
  11. I find the Viapro capsules work well and relatively inexpensive. Available in the UK at Superdrug and Holland and Barrett stores and even Harrods store according to their website!
  12. You're a hot sexy confident guy always in control so it's liberating to just give yourself up to being used by another guy, to submit to their will, to be subjugated and play at being someone you're not.
  13. He's making his rules up as he likes them, so can you. The only rule is you negotiate the kind of sex you want.
  14. You can get a ' prepaid mastercard ' in the us and uk to load up with enough credit and pay with. Good idea for this type of thing if you're worried. Try Walmart or direct from Mastercard in the US.
  15. I tend to deep-throat cocks, can get an 8-incher down and suck get the guy to cum but a couple of guys recently had cocks about as thick as my wrist and I couldn't do a lot with that, and didn't really fancy that up my arse either. Average 6 inch is fine with me, or up to say 8. Mine is 6 and fairly thick with it. Seems to satisfy most people with its girth and length when i'm fucking them.
  16. For me I prefer showered natural man aroma. certainly want their cock and hole to be clean and fresh, not stale sweat, piss or shit smells. Spunk smell and taste are entirely different. Bring it on! I certainly don't like talc or deodorant. Another pet hate is condom smell and taste. Sucked a couple of guys in a sex club and the taste the recently used condoms left on their now-bare cocks was gross. bleah
  17. To take anything up your hole you need to push like you are about to take a dump, but not too hard, to make your ring push out - which is perhaps counter-intuitive. To do this you need to relax as has been said in order to avoid straining. You have an outer sphincter which you can consciously control and an inner sphincter which you can't. Start with your finger. Lube it, put your finger tip at you ring, push in gently and at the same time push as above for a second or two as above. This should allow your finger in to the second sphincter, apply gentle pressure as you push out again and slowly apply pressure as you repeatedly push out until you get your finger fully in at which point wait until your hole is nicely relaxed and start slowly pulling out and back in. When you get the hang of that move on to the small dildo abc work up. When you get to take a real cock over which you have no control remember the relax and push out trick which you are by now totally in control of... Enjoy
  18. No problem, let me know if you come here and I can give you some more up to date info and locations.

  19. Lots of horny men still. Try The Fort London, the Vault and Backstreet, also clubs The Hoist and others. Pick up QX magazine in any gay bar and look at the back of the listings for details. Life goes on as horny as ever.
  20. Alaric, perhaps bareback was what he wanted I find condoms sting my hole after a while with the latex rubbing once the lube disappears - you could lube your hole with a lube shooter so there's plenty in your ass to ensure it doesn't dry out. Also some lube can sting too. Try others. Hope that helps.
  21. Well said, HarddaddyMA. Agree 100%
  22. According to advice sites, these kinds of products [petroleum jelly] can damage a condom making it more likely that the condom will break or leak fluids. That's annoying isn't it, smirk
  23. Good posts. I won't restate things already said. One size doesn't fit all so you can take the views and see which ones resonate with your experience and situation. I am assuming you mean you are fucking and it doesn't seem to be exciting you in the way that you feel you will be able to ejaculate anytime this week? It could be simply that the position you use to fuck doesn't give your cock enough stimulation, although I LOVE the view I get with fucking doggy but I find it doesn't give me the best stimulation for the most part as I am average length but thick so I don't get as deep as some. For me the bottom on his side on the bed, top leg pulled up to 90 degrees and me one leg on the bed between his legs, one on the floor and cock pumping his hole gives me much better stimulation. The bottom reaching back and squeezing my nipples kinda completes the deal and a hot wet cumload up his hole is not that far away I had difficulties like this for a while. Thinking I HAD to cum for the bottom, and concentrating on the feeling of my cock in the hole - my thoughts centred around my crotch - and finding I was not being able to cum. So I was not thinking about myself in the context that I was concentrating on delivering for the bottom, but was totally thinking about myself in being centred on my inability to perform as I THOUGHT I should perform. When all is working well then you will no doubt be there with bottoms queueing up to get the pleasure of serving your cock, and you will derive your pleasure and big squirty orgasms from doing, so big time. That's a hot thought! I learned that for me I was too much in conscious thought. Thinking about whether you will cum or not is you being in conscious thought. You really need to be having a 'party in your head' with the fantasies, sensations and dirty thoughts all happening in your mind. Feelings should be felt in your head and you should not be thinking about the mechanics of what you are doing except for imagining yourself fucking the ass off him and dumping a massive load which will drip out and run over his balls, and manoevering yourself and him to make it so! It should be the pleasurable thoughts around what you are doing, or what is happening, that you are concentrating on in your mind - if your attention is diverted into reality like your penis feeling like it is getting floppy or your ass getting sore then that will become true and it won't work until you get your thoughts back inside your head again. If that happens take a break and remember real life isn't a porn film - it's much better because you get to direct it yourself... that's what I learned in overcoming it anyway
  24. I am 56 but look a little younger in the dark! I offered my arse up on fuckbench in the dark room of the E15 sauna in Maryland, and got six loads, east and south asian men seem to like to fuck bb - it's quite an asian area. lots of mature/senior guys there, some tops some bottoms. can be a bit quiet at times though. Weekend afternoons seems to offer the best chance. i went to chariots shoreditch last week and got fucked three times but all with condom, for a long time, and the friction of the latex made me sore despite the request for more lube. I also went to Buff night at Backstreet on a Wedneday, mixed age range but everyone seemed to be using condoms.
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