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sthrnguy last won the day on December 1 2014

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About sthrnguy

  • Birthday 02/03/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI
  • Interests
    Work, Fucking, Sleeping
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Southern farmboy, total cope dipping androphillic redneck. Love cock, piss, cum, and other roid heads.
  • Porn Experience
    NONE... Wish I did tho
  • Looking For
    Mostly just here looking around. HMU if you like... I won't normally bite! Honestly, its rare to find someone who can keep up with me in the kink dept.

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  1. I, for some reason produce copious amounts of this stuff. In fact, I’ve never needed to use lube to get fucked, just spit and stick. By copious, I literally mean that the floor will be wet under the sling, and the more turned on I get, the more I make. And God help us if I’ve slammed, then I might as well have an internal j lube pump running nonstop. For FF, I do use lube, but that’s the only time I don’t just rely on my mankuntsnot.
  2. Xanthan gum, melted crisco, clove oil, benzocaine I should add that I only use lube for FF, as I seem to naturally lube plenty well fucking.
  3. Trust me, my nephew will never be homeless. He knows that we will take him in at any time if it’s needed, but that means he has to cut strings with his life there, just as I did. Not that we’d force him, just that it’s the only way he can be who he is. I know from personal experience. Unfortunately, after a quarter of a century, I’m being dragged back into it (family business) even though I fled 900 miles to get away.
  4. I appreciate all the advice guys. He is safe with my parents for right now, but he also knows that if he needs to leave, it can be arranged within an hour and that he is welcome here.
  5. It’s not on our end. We wouldn’t charge him rent at all, but between his truck payment and the insurance it comes to about $900 per month. I advised him not to purchase said truck at his age. He has never left the Deep South and we live 900 miles away in a city (where he lives, the nearest neighbor is miles away). He’s going to have to walk away on his own, I want to help but at the same time I don’t want have all hell break loose. We have invited him to come and stay for a week when he has some time off and see if he likes it. If he can figure out his finances he knows he can stay here free. At this point I just want him to at least have some privacy and to stop numbing his issues with alcohol and weed (both of which he has admitted to using in vast quantities over the last few months). I guess my hope is that he will come stay a week and realize that he can have a life outside of the bubble he’s in. Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate the advice.
  6. This is not a sexual prurient post. This is real life, and I need some advice. I realize here might not be the best place, but I’ve seen plenty of good advice here through the years. A few weeks ago my nephew came out, he’s 19 and an adult, so it’s his business. The issue here is this: first, my brother put him out of the house (my parents are letting him stay with them); second, my brother runs the family business, and my nephew works there; finally, since the family business pays for his phone, my brother goes through it every week (he has no privacy). He can’t move in with my partner and I because he has a huge truck payment and no work experience outside of the family business. My question is how much should I intervene? I’ve thought about getting him an iPad so that he could have some privacy. Is that going too far? I remember being 19, scared af, and in that toxic climate. I hate to see him going through the same thing 25 years later. Any ideas appreciated.
  7. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://extendatouch.com/blog/new-hiv-variant-discovered-may-be-more-infectious-and-severe/?campaign_id=1136 Twice the viral load, half the time progress…
  8. Does anyone else have multiple orgasms while taking a fist? I literally can orgasm as often as every 5 or 10 minutes over and over again (stopping in between). As in I can go far longer than any top can go… the other night a friend was working my cunt over and after the 5th orgasm he wanted me to jerk off and cum so that we could stop as his hand was wearing out. And btw, these weren’t prostate based orgasms, he was about 3/4 of the way to his elbow and very little cum actually dripped out. We’re doing this again next month and I have a friend with top of the line recording equipment, so everything will be taped. It was a lot hotter than any FF I’ve ever seen in porn.
  9. I usually make my own lube and I wonder if I adding cbd extract would be practical?
  10. Shit man, don't know how I missed you! Your self description sounds like I wrote it just subbing Midwestern for southern. But def a super kinky Cope dippin roid slammer! Hit me up to chat sometime bud! 



  11. Teacher and Landscaping
  12. i will message you directly on the matter of blood slam. But, count me in. I want it man! blood slam me a few times to make me totally poz! **MARC

  13. wish we were closer so you could poz my ass

  14. You need a smaller cage… maybe a HT Nub or Nano…
  15. Thanks for the follow bro.

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