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Everything posted by versmetropig

  1. DAMNATION! Now that is ultra hot @Ultraviolence, ultra hot. Hot characters with an exceptional and non-standard plot, incredible descriptions of the guys and the process of pnp... superb!
  2. Love it! Great job! More?
  3. prefer to suck... and for that matter, when receiving a blow job, I prefer a guy sucking me off rather than handjobbing me off...
  4. Not shocked... let's just say 'surprised'
  5. Excellent points, all @Knightfalconer, thank you! I would point out that when an American says "I'll take a rain check" he generally means "I can't do this at the time you'd like but I still would like to do this with you at a time when I am available..." not as a complete "I'll pass". And in this forum, "candy" may be symbolic for enhancements... These are still excellent guides for all of us who write, as the readership of this website is truly international, and oddly, misinterpretations of intention occur far more frequently in dialects of the same language than in translation from two different ones: British, Irish, Australian, Canadian and American English can all have forms and terms that mean very different things depending on the origin of the writer.
  6. And I'm in Nyack, Rockland County NY just above you - let me know if you're heading that way - I'm mostly top, but I'd suck on or bend over for that hot cock of yours in your avatar...
  7. Actually, there are - or at least there is one. Amazingly, in Rockland County (part of the NYC metro for those who don't know), and it still has Buddy Booths with retractable glass you can get your cock through or your mouth or hole up against for that dick that's coming through from your neighbor : ROUTE 59 VIDEO AND ADULT BOUTIQUE, 156 NY-59 East, Spring Valley, NY 10977 845-426-1344 The place is 23 miles from the George Washington Bridge for those coming from Manhattan; from the Bronx and Westchester it is 8 miles from where the Tappan Zee/ Mario Cuomo Bridge drops you in Rockland County in the middle of the Nyacks. The Nyacks are a grouping of very LGBTQ+ friendly villages only 15 miles from the GWB right on the Hudson where lots and lots of Gay folk like me live - we've had several openly gay mayors over the years (one who was elected 4 times and ran unopposed twice!). It can be very busy at times, and like Rockland County - known for its' extremely diverse population for an area of exurb/suburb - the men who come her are a very diverse group in age, ethnicity and nationalities. There are large numbers of men of all sorts: we white guys tend to be Irish, Italian or Jewish (even including some Orthodox gentlemen), men of color are African American along with Haitian, Jamaican and other Afro-Caribbean types; latinex types come from mostly Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico but also include Mexican, Salvadorian, Ecuadorian, Colombian and Guatemalan, and Asia is represented by men from the Philippines, China, South Korea, Cambodia, Taiwan, Japan along with a good number from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. A very nice multicultural mixture. A certain amount of the men are married usually-hetero husbands, others are new arrivals to the US with no real access to meeting women, and a good number of course are simply gay men of any color or nationality. There are occasional checks to see if people are feeding the coin-slots, but so long as you are doing so you are pretty much left alone and not hassled by the staff...
  8. Totally correct @topblkmale - growing up here allowed me to indulge in an amazing variety of men from teenagerhood on - when I toured in Musicals in 42 states here, I was shocked to discover how unusual New York actually was, and how many Cities were very vanilla and very much NOT diverse like NY... London, Berlin, and Amsterdam - yeah, but even many foreign cities were very monocultural...
  9. No problem, I'll stop...
  10. Thank you for ThaT - I am Thoroughly enjoying this and Thoroughly Turned on by this and looking forward to more Time with this hoT family. By the way? For a first time writer you are doing an exceptional job @BreedingDan!
  11. I could try to find him @TaKinGDeePanal, but realize this happened over 10 years ago, and although I pnplayed with him a couple of times afterward, we lost touch about 9 years ago (before he ever gave up his ass fully to me, sadly...)
  12. That's a work of art...
  13. Oh HELL yes - one of my favorite activities for years!
  14. Are you psychic @ejaculaTe? The only time I spent in Kansas was on tour in a show all the way back in 1986. We had finished up our week of shows in Tulsa (where I fucked around a LOT), and were headed to Hays, KS for our next stop - we had the night off and the next day as well before we needed to perform again. I was paid extra to drive the cast bus and set trailer, and the rest of the cast was nagging me to "go faster" because - I kid you not - because "The Wizard of Oz" was on CBS that night and they were all so excited to watch it in Kansas and wanted to make sure I would get them to our hotel rooms before it started. Yeah, I was able to, and they all got into one room to watch... When it was done, they all decided to stay in! It was Friday night and we had a Friday night off and they weren't going to take advantage! I went out hoping to find some gay action, but instead got picked up by a bunch of sorority girls who pulled me into their car as they were "Cruising the Strip". I kid you not, cars slowly cruising up and down the main drag bumper to bumper at around 5 mph. I was the ONLY person walking along the storefronts and I was dressed very "New York". Since there didn't seem to be any other entertainment more to my liking, I went with them to a Near-Beer Bar (something this NYer had NEVER heard of) it being a place where those 18-20 were allowed to drink some really low alcohol semi-beer, and met some of their frat boy friends. Despite my being 23 at the time, they all took me for a college junior or senior. Went with THEM to a party at their frat, hoping to score some midwestern frat tail, but no - the guys and the original girls let out that they had a "genuine New York actor from the touring show" at their drunken bacchanalia, and next I knew I was surrounded by almost the entirety of the University's Drama Students (who studies Drama in Kansas?) asking questions and while swelling my ego, they weren't swelling me anywhere else - a bit to anxious, and having just left an entire cast full of fabulousness back at the hotel just wasn't in the mood for that style hookup that evening... besides, I could never lasso one out from the pack! It was then onto the "After Hours Club" with the original gals, two of the frat boys and a number of the theater students. They were concerned that 3 of their group AND ME wouldn't be able to get in as it was over-21, and tried to loan me a fake ID as I kept telling them that I did not need one, I was 23. No one listened including the bouncer who didn't believe my real license was mine! He asked me to recite the License I D number and I was like "Dude, the number is like 27 digits and letters long, no way I have that memorized!"... but as the bouncer sat staring at my New York license, the entire rest of the group got inside past me including the 3 under-agers. Finally let in, I met them on the - again, I kid you not - dance floor with disco ball and chessboard style dance floor that lit up each square in a different color. Danced for a couple of hours, broke several female hearts apparently when a couple of the girls thought I'd be coming back to the dorms with one of them. I let them down easily, but unfortunately, the few gay boys from the drama club still there overheard me discuss my preference for leather and macho guys and peaced-out of there in a hurry. Got back to the hotel to find my roommate (gay but attached, monogamous, and very vanilla) WAITING UP for me, as he could not believe there was anything in Hays, Kansas that could possibly interest me and groused "Come on man, even YOU couldn't get laid here!" I told him he was absolutely right and he laughed his ass off as I described my abject failure in that department and my complete success in my new study of Modern Living Styles and Sociology... the local guys and gals I met DID come to the show and treat us all to a BBQ after which was really sweet, but several of my cast mates were naive enough to drink the purple kool-aid stuff that was mixed with grain alcohol and served from a plastic garbage can... and none of them got laid either!
  15. Agreed, @SpectreAgentbut this was back in the early 2000s so I didn't know to look you up!
  16. All of the foreign countries I have been to I have fucked or been fucked or both here at home, 41 out of the 42 states I've been to (Kansas, what the hell? No action...) still need to visit and hopefully fuck in Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. So: USA (41 states) Canada (4 Provinces - Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia) Mexico (8 States - Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Durango, Yucatan, Quintana Roo) Barbados Jamaica The Bahamas UK Territories - Bermuda, Cayman Islands, BVI US Territories - USVI, Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Costa Rica Panama Venezuela UK components - England, Wales Germany France Netherlands Luxembourg If "Territorial Waters" are included - meaning me on a ship in that country's waters fucking but not setting foot on land, then El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Columbia and Haiti would be included So the total would be 15 countries,22 including sovereign territories and Wales, 27 if territorial waters included. Did I mention I just LOVED performing on Cruise Ships....?
  17. I encountered him and played with him at 2 private sex parties and 1 sex club in New York City. He was great fun each time, topped him and bottomed with him, and he was an exceptional sex partner... only one caveat however - he actually TALKED MORE AND LOUDER in person than in his films. Took a bit to get used to each time. A very nice man, by the way. For more, message me.
  18. Trucker Fuckers is an all-time favorite of mine - especially since I played with Titpig at a few parties, would have loved to have played with Jay Benjamin as well, love his look!
  19. ToTally agree on these two @ejaculaTe!!
  20. Damn! @joerithe most recent chapter is seriously hoT! Wish I was Rob...
  21. What happened with the niece and her boyfriend is one of the reasons I paused so long before this installment. There was some hotness, but problems too. I am both a bit ashamed and yet also proud of myself for my response. The next part of the night shows that even for ne, not all my adventures turn out well all the time @ejaculaTe
  22. Age 12, late 1974/early 1975 had access to my 6 1/2 years older brother's porn mags - all straight of course, but Oui and Hustler had dicks in the photos back then and Penthouse Letters always had several written accounts of gay/bi sex - both dick pics and the first hand accounts excited me from the get-go. But the first visual gay porn I saw was at 15 in the mags Honcho and Drummer (which amazingly, the deli up the street from my house carried... ah, the 70s!!). First porn movie was when I was 16 in one of the old Gay Porn Theaters in Manhattan - didn't see STRAIGHT porn films until my 20s!
  23. @Leather-lee I can really only speak to NYC for the late 70s and early 80s - by the time I graduated University in 1984 and started my performing career fear and uncertainty were all ready changing in terms of the all-out-free for all feeling in NYC. Out on the road (I eventually wound up getting laid in 41 of the 42 States I performed in , all of the Canadian Provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia) and most of the Mexican States where I appeared things took a bit longer to change, but from 1985 on any fucking was done with condoms whether topping or bottoming (that would not change much with hook-ups until the mid-90s, though with both my first partner and my husband, BB was the rule most of the time) and anonymous hooking up began to be seriously frowned upon . Anyway, while things today have some echoes of that period, the sheer VOLUME and VARIETY and VAST MENU of sexual activity still eclipse our current unbridled venues and scenes because - in NYC at least - there were just so many more of them, they were so casually available almost EVERYWHERE ANYTIME in venues both private and public and a higher portion of the gay/queer community indulged in them without hesitation or guilt or concern prior to the knowledge of a deadly epidemic and so I must answer, YES, they were that different. Trust me, today is a VAST improvement over the late '80s and the '90s when a large percentage of guys even insisted on condoms for BLOWJOBS for f*ck sake, even putting them on dildos - those were some tragically libido-crushing years! But while there are more options again, and some unbridled bacchanal scenes mercifully returning, they will never again have the naive care-free innocence we had back then and the huge number of opportunities everywhere may or may not return. Almost every Rest Stop, Truck Stop, Department Store Men's Room, Library Men's Rooms, many full-size Porn Theaters - truly distinct from Adult Bookstores and Booth Stores, Live Performance venues like The Gaiety, a huge number of Discos, Clubs, and Event Spaces, Bars that catered to every different sub-culture in the "lifestyle" were rife with sexual activity many neighborhood bars even had sexually active backrooms... If one or two of each of these types of venues has survived not only into the 21st century but also made it through Quarantine with its' doors still open that's awesome, but realize there were at least 10 to 20 to 30 more of each back then. Not trying sound like some oldster who sits around in his rocking chair complaining how things were better in the old days, there really is a difference between the two periods - in both care-free innocence and sheer volume of both men and venues. Don't let that stop you or anyone else on here from enjoying the opportunities we DO have today - there are very few guys like me who were THERE and active in the scene THEN while still being HERE and still active in the scene NOW,. The depth and sensuality and satisfaction and LENGTH OF TIME a man can have sex with the assistance of Viagra and the like make today's scene pretty special too - anyone who feels they "missed out" on that time period can always remind themselves that: a) most of those guys from that time period are NOT like me and did not live to see the 90s let alone the 21st century, and, b) we can join scenes now assisted by E.D. pills or shots, and play for much longer!
  24. I vaguely remember hearing something about it, but no, I have not seen it. I wonder if it gibes with my own experiences or dulls them down, or conversely, plays them up for drama purposes? Did you find it to be positive, neutral, or judgemental at all?
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