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Everything posted by cumbaby

  1. The problem is that i live in a commie shithole we call EU. We live under the tyranny similar to NK.
  2. Seed me deep inside and show me i was worthy of your seed bby! I hate it when they pull out.
  3. Hello! So BINGO, i prolly got my first STD and to my big surprise it's not from being a bb slut for guys, but prolly i got it from this girl i used to fuck like half yr ago. I dunno if i am pozzed, but i'm assuming i am cos she told me she got clam a bit after we started fucking. I had some occasional burning pee after i started fucking her, but I was boozing very heavily and did stims at the time so this could also be the reason. I have no problems whatsoever now. Anyways, I wanna act like if i'm pozzed and start treating it, cos i've met another sub girl on fetlife and i don't wanna give it to her, plus my sex life in general is suffering cos i don't wanna be bttm for guys either until i get rid of my factual or imaginary infection and i for sure don't wanna pass it on someone else. I am from EU, so i have health insurance and all that free of charge, but the "problem" is that i believe that the medical apparatus is evil and is actively supporting the WEF's agenda 2030, so i'd like to have as little contact with traitors of humanity as possible, plus i think that i'd need to take a covid test to see a Dr, which creates a problem on it's own, cos i believe the tests are rigged in order to support the said agenda and i don't wanna find out that hey, not only i have clam, i also have asymptomatic/non existent covid as well. So this way i'm searching for alternatives or in the other words, I don't need Dr's appointment i just need to find out which drugs i need, get the said drug and whoopla cure it. Also which self tests are reliable for detecting it in males, cos all i find locally are the tests for females? So my plan would be to self test first, then take Doxycycline and test again to see if it's cured. Could that work? Obviously IK no one can give me a proper answer if it will work since we're talking alternatives, but all i need is the name of the said drugs. Tnx for any answers.
  4. OMG lol this! I have a pretty nice cock as well and I hate it, when tops are trying to touch it or jerk me off and I gotta explain them what a bottom is.. I mean, I come to hookups with jockstraps and a plug up my hole, what do you think I'm here for.. ,
  5. Yeah I think you're right, and I better get myself on PREP. This way i could be a BB whore like i want ,wo the fear of HIV.
  6. So i've been taking raw cocks till now and there is nothing i love more than being pumped full of man's cum. But at the same time ,I don't wanna get pozzed if possible ,but i don't wanna fuck with rubber either. So I was thinking ,what if i would offer my ass bb and they would pee in my ass instead of cumming inside of me? I find that really hot and i'd feel like a true whore that i am ,if i took his piss in me. (I love clean enema play) Can his pee make me pozz if he didn't cum into me? Could I be able to hold it in till i absorb it all? And do you think that the most guys would be even willing to do that or would they think i'm just some [banned word]... I'm really turned on by the idea of letting guy pee in my ass first, and then finishing in my mouth.
  7. This is all what we need to know, and it unfortunately means that your BF is toxic and he's trying to convert you to keep you or whatever. In my book ,that's the same as those idiots who test poz for covid and then they go in the bars or hookup on purpose to spread it. He's jelly that you have your health intact and that you can fk/be with anyone and he doesn't ,and that not all will knowingly be with someone who's pozz. Since you 2 fuck BB ,what benefits for him there even are that he wants you sick as well in the first place? I think that, if your initial response was: "hell no" you should absolutely stick by it.
  8. So I was living a straight life for more than a yr now, as i was in LDR with a girl for whom i knew she wouldn't accept me being BSX. I don't cheat, so it were dry months for some time for me. But after a while she left me, and the first thing i thought of was "OK i can finally fuck with men again". And so I did. As soon as she left me I went on an alcohol induced bender and on grindr. Scored a nice top the first night, who fucked me really good, even if he was averagely sized. He came in my ass while spanking me and i loved it. Day after that I had sex with my first black man. He pounded me really well and breed my ass really good, although he wasn't that big . After that, for the next five days i had one hookup every day for the next 5 days . I felt like such of a whore being in another man's bed every night. I'm not actively chasing, but I just love getting man's cum in my ass, so what happens happens IG. My last load was ystd with the top who was 10 yrs younger than me, but he wanted to fuck me, and he did that very well. I'm on grindr RN looking if i can score someone to suck him off RN but will see about that. I barely remember how cum tastes like, as all the guys till now unloaded in my ass.
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  9. Lol why i find this funny. Good slut.
  10. I wonder if any of bug chasers are chasing the corona nowdays and therefore helping to spread the global endemic,like the stealthers are with the HIV? Bcs most chasers seem to have a death wish sonce they aren't taking meds once they get the lethal HIV virus.
  11. I use my cock with girls, but I never let the tops touch my cock and i'm almost never even hard when being fucked. It distracts me from making sure that I serve my top well and i prefer the anal orgasms and the feeling of cock fucking my creamy fuckhole.
  12. Lol what a fucking freak. That's why i always wanna chat for a bit before I hookup with someone new, to get a feel whether or not the guy is missing some gears. Also if they start talking about any weird fetishes it's a no-go. And the last rule I won't meet wo the face pic, bcs if the guy looks like a weirdo on the pic he probably is, as the looks tells you a lot about someone.
  13. Bcs they are dying. I know there are meds which "disable" the dying part ,as long as you are taking them ,but basically the primal fear of dying is still engraved in the psyche in a case of a fatal disease like HIV. Why they wanna have so much sex? Bcs they love sex ,so it's like a bucket list ,plus they want the constant dopamine rush you get from sex. The majority of infected ppl don't want to spread it neither want to die from it though , but those who do, are just sour and miserable and are seeking to take as many ppl down with them as they can. Some form of personal revenge to the world.
  14. Yeah i get worried about that too ,but this guy is really pervy and likes stuff like that. I push it out ,bcs i really love the feeling. It's kind of my thing. I really love creampies and to me it feels so hot pushing the fresh cum out. Especially in front of top. But the 2nd reason is bcs of hygienic reasons ,bcs i really don't like cumfarts few hrs later or waking up to find out that i'm leaking cum. I sleep naked too ,so yeah prefer to clean myself when i get home.
  15. I was thinking something among those lines too. Bcs i never heard of any problems if used in moderation. I'm not one of the lucky ones who get fucked on a daily basis anyway. More like on weekly.
  16. I always push it out when i get home after i was breed. Bcs i before i did, i woke up with ,wet&dirty ass aka cumfarts and i hate those. Plus it feels so sexy to push the man's cum out and make it a creampie (=
  17. I think that a nice bathing suit would look better. I don't like thongs on males but i do like them on girls. And i especially can't stand those tiger pattern ones,those are just weird on both sexes. I also don't like the jockstraps btw i think that man with cute ass is sexier if he has sexy tight shorts on. Or is naked when is getting fucked.
  18. I like it ,and i will gladly let a top deepthroat me if he wants. But if i am left to suck him without his interference ,then i'll suck him and usually also deepthroat him a bit. But i focus on sucking and licking his cock. I prefer him to come in my mouth over the throat bcs i love the taste of cum ,and that moment when i swallow his load while watching him.
  19. For some reason i couldn't thoroughly clean myself today ,despite the large 1,2 ltr (quarts ,,enema and multiple 250ml flushings after. ) So i couldn't bottom for my fwb today, which left us horny and i would really like to let him fuck me tomorrow, which means i gotta do it all over again. So i was reading that enemas are dangerous if used daily. Allegedly you can develop a dependence on them if you perform them daily. Which makes me wonder how are all the cumsluts ,who are servicing cocks on daily or so basis cleaning themselves out? Or is the dependence thing just a PSA? Bcs i never found someone claim that he/she actually developed a dependence on them i only found that in sources like web md and such.
  20. I can't tell for sure but i'd say no. That is because i don't use my cock when i get fucked . I focus on my top and on my pleasure hole instead. If i'd jerk off or get jerked off while getting fucked that would only take away from the pleasure i get from being fucked. But i did jerk off when i was playing with my dildo and if i made myself cum this way i didn't enjoy the anal play anymore.
  21. That sucks. Sry. At least you was diagnosed early enough so now you can still cure it so it won't develop into a chronic one ,right?
  22. That some scary shit. This is what i do for my hookup safety: I am super cautious when i do random hookups. And i always have a concealed legal weapon ready and within my reach and i am super observant, when i hook up with guys for the first time. I nearly always make sure that the place where i set up the hook up is advantageous for me. I never hook up with the ones that seem to be physically much stronger than me or weird acting on gridr in any way either. Luckily in my country not many ppl has any kind of weapons and ppl don't tend to be violent, which gives you a huge advantage if you are the one who has it. Never had any hookup goes wrong experience though, with the exception of occasional lame sex.
  23. No not at all. I don't offer my ass to the guys that don't know how to chat me right and get me interested. When i get unsolicited dick pick on grindr or a question sex instead of hi i never respond. Also some weird suggestions that i get from guys sometimes make me wanna transform from bsx to straight instantly. And i am also not willing to hookup wo a face pic first. I used to, but upped my standards lately. So yeah u gotta try a bit to get me into bed or on cars back seats ,but once you do i will make absolutely sure that you'll have a great time with me. Or should i say in me..
  24. I never understood why there is such of a straight guys fetish among gays tbh. Like they are gods or something. I bet that is bcs of unrealistic porn (like bait bus, czech hunter...) and incest fantasy vids. There is a thing with straight guys which porn doesn't tell you: They don't like sexual contact with men whatsoever. They are repulsed by it or they are not heterosexual. So those guys who claim they are straight, but wanna fuck your ass so badly are just un-confident inexperienced bisexuals ,which often can't get laid bcs they don't know how to talk with girls. And i avoid them like a plague,bcs they really don't know what they even want. They will often flake on you ,etc. I was once talking with one "straight"guy who said that he wants to hook up with me, if i'd shave my beard. I was like LOL man ,even my GF (I'm bsx) can't get me to shave it ,so you bet i am not shaving it for some random "straight" guy from grindr either. I am not desperate ,neither am i sex deprived at the moment so yeah i avoid guys which don't know what they want.
  25. Yes i have to use condoms with my girl ,bcs she refuses the pills(she thinks they'll make her fat or whatever) ,and i sure asf don't want any kids fucking up my life. So the result of this is, that i'm not really enjoying when i am fucking her pussy. Bcs the fucking condom just wipes away all of my pleasure so i fuck her only for her pleasure tbh. She sucks me very well and on demand though and we do anal so at least there is something good in there for me. So yeah vaginal sex with condoms isn't really worth it . They forget to mention that in school lol. Gotta get my vasectomy done already. But with guys i don't use them anymore. We used them at the beginning with my FWB ,until once it broke mid sex ,and we didn't want that to ruin our sex so we proceeded fucking raw. The difference was unbelievable. We agreed that we'll never use them again. And i'll never let someone fuck me with condom anymore. Condoms just feel humiliating and wrong to me. That mentality makes me somewhat limited to sex only with my regular 2 guys (mostly) bcs i am not chasing either. It sucks that insurance won't cover PREP in most of the EU countries. Anti condom rant over.
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