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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Lol hell no. And it has nothing to do with age. I didn’t even respond. I didn’t block either. So I’m leaving the door open for him to wonder. Let him go find the guys he preferred at 28, 38 and 48.
  2. Man reading this made me reflect (sorry for getting deep). Maybe I don’t value friendships that much? I mean as a gay black man I’ve seen folks come and go, and I’ve learned to “turn the page” very quickly and often. I always never get too attached to a person. So when people say is it worth the friendship over trying to get dick, a regular person would automatically say no. But I’d honestly have to consider it. Maybe I need therapy hahaha. Or Covid just has me extra horny.
  3. Actually fuck and you will have fun. The cumunion in SF starting turining into a tourist attraction....
  4. I believe people should state their preferences. It saves a lot of time. The only problem is people‘s preferences always change based on what perfections or imperfections they see in themselves. In fact, I believe all hook up and dating sites should have an algorithm or a software that automatically inputs people’s preferences in for them Based on the type of people they respond to and how many times. And those Preferences should be locked in and unchangeable by the time a guy turns 40 or is over 200 or so pounds. For example if you have an Asian guy who only responds to white guys, and deletes our blocks messages from any other demographic, the website should automatically input that. If you have a guy who is 180 pounds and he only responds to other guys 180 pounds, then all of a sudden he is 230 The algorithm would not change: it would still show he only responds to people who are 180 pounds. Do user would be an allowed to change any preferences because they are responses obviously determine what they like. Nothing is worse than the guy claiming to be a cudump, only to find out he meant white cum only, or The dude suddenly wanting to turn into a united nations ambassador once he hits a certain age. I recently had a dude who was 58 hit me up online talking about he had never been with a black guy. And from my understanding this guy has been online for years! And you waited 40 years?! Lol
  5. I call BS on the Nigerian guy. Colonization is slavery. Hell they don’t even control the resources in their own country. Asian people are going over there, slapping them around, and setting up businesses that they are an even allowed into in their own country. Thats why you are over here in the US. They won’t acknowledge what colonization has done, but they believe what they see on TV about black people? Hell, South Africa Would probably still be under apartheid if it wasn’t for blacks here in the US. That whole “they were slaves” argument is BS. No, he just wanted a white guy because A lot of people for other countries worship white people and associate prosperity with whiteness. Also, A lot of gay black people around the world have felt rejected and felt a bitterness towards other black people. A lot of them run to the gay community hoping for some type of acceptance, and it takes a while to realize that there is racism and issues too. It is a very deep psychological game.
  6. I’ve hit you up on BBRT before bud. No response.
  7. This how I can best describe the black/minority issue: Say I was in a bad car accident and I was awarded a large sum of money. But the judge decided that because there were other folks who had accidents, some minor fender benders, some bike accidents, some not as bad as mine, I needed to split my money with all the other victims. I also had to split with folks who don’t have a car because one day, they may be in an accident, and they needed compensation as well. Would that be fair? This is what I mean about other groups trying to parlay rights/benefit of if the struggle of black people. I can find numerous examples in history, going back to the 1800s where powerful “cross dressing” or trans men have developed anti black policy and propaganda. I challenge you to find ONE powerful black person who has written anti-trans legislation. Again, that is a myth that gay black men have some power or status over trans white men. I have nothing against trans people, and it wouldn’t bother me if they were at the campground. This is not a black vs. trans issue. But don’t use my experiences to advocate for someone else’s benefits. One a side note, statistics are now showing the “in the gate” (ie Integration) approach did not work for black people, for many reasons. Maybe trans folks should take note and buy their own campground and regulate it as they see fit?
  8. Great story. I definitely can relate to that type of friendship of having a lot in common. I am just not as sure as you are. Plus want want to do more than look. And the curiosity is killing me. I just don’t want him to think our friendship was fake and just about me getting into his pants.
  9. So I have a good friend who is this blue collar, redneck type. I told him I was gay, and surprisingly, he was really cool with it. He didn’t try to beat me up. He’s straight as hell tho, but will joke with me on the side to make me comfortable. It’s always awkward, but he tries. However, he did ad it to me he pecked a dude on the lips just once in high school. Problem is I’m tired of hearing the tales (mostly from ladies) about his bedroom skills and apparently 10 inch dick. He gets A LOT of women, and they are all over him constantly giving him shit, so it must be true. I try not to think about it, but I’m gay and can’t help it. When I see him or he texts me, my mouth just starts watering at the possibility of seeing and sucking that big redneck dick. Should I risk it? I mean, he’s a good friend, but I can’t help how my brain is wired (I know weak excuse).
  10. Never. If your not into it, or you are worried about your ego or some other made up psychological or social barrier, goodbye. I don’t beg for ass. Too many other guys out there. I would only make an exception if he said no ahead of time because he caught feelings for me and having sex would complicate things.
  11. Not a personal attack on you, but I think your comment served as the best jumping off point for me. Not transphobic here, just wondering why black people are being brought up. Why can’t trans people argue (for lack of a better word) on the merit of their experience? Using the unique experience and mistreatment of black people, particularly in the gay community, to argue for the fair treatment or parlay benefits for others is and old, tired trick. There is no comparison between the black experience and any other ethnic or minority group. In the gay hierarchy, a white trans is still desired over a black male. So it’s okay to say “no blacks,” but I can’t say I’m not into trans? As much as I hate it, I have accepted the racism in the gay community. So people should respect the sexual “preference” choices of others. Me personally, I would just go for what I’m into at the campground. Oh, and don’t be fooled, gay blacks are not getting some kind of “benefit” trans folks aren’t. At many of these places, gay blacks are not welcome or included via common (unwritten) law. Damn what’s written on paper, the code and culture of these places make blacks unwelcome. However, it just wouldn’t be prudent for them to codify this in policy, but the practices are just the same.
  12. This post is so hot. Love seeing how many dudes out there still love being mounted and bred, and won’t settle for anything less.
  13. It’s a common description cumdumps give, especially in BBRT in California
  14. What is this and how does it work? I’m seeing it a lot but finding information on what this actually means like trying to infiltrate the Illuminati (no offense). Haha
  15. Only in the mouth after the bottom has proven he will take loads in his ass. And I’m not talking about that pull it out that mouth, spray on your face stuff. I mean, a dude says he’s cumming, and u keep sucking, or deep throat more and he puts his hand and the back of your head and makes u swallow.
  16. I just watched clips of that. Hard pass. Dudes are going through the motions for a check, looking like some random WeHo dudes. Seriously lacking energy I think TIM is done. They are going to have to get away from the actors and go back to the real “streets.” Seedy motels, real cruising, backwoods, back alleys. All these dudes look like they are from West Hollywood, Castro or NYC. They need Guys who will fuck, breed and feltch for damn near free. Hell, even may have to grab a couple of sketch dudes.
  17. Any cumdumps in sacramento? Looking for a dude to put up in a hotel and take a bunch of loads without o bunch of questions. A regular thing would be cool
  18. Funny thing I’m a homebody. I have no problem staying home. I, like everyone else, get horny. Especially bad since I suppressed myself for so long, then prep came out. Few months later, COVID.
  19. Well I live alone and I am fortunate enough to work from home full time. Not Saying I have no contact with others, but I think my risk is lower than others. I’m Definitely not out here trying to be reckless
  20. Now I have to say I have cut way back on hooking up since this entire thing started. But after weeks (prob months) of good behavior, I seen one of my favorites online and couldn’t resist. Now normally this guy does it for me:l right away: great furry body, dark hair, half German and Portuguese nerd. Huge cock, but a total bottom. He gotten a little older but still hot. However, on the way over to his place I started thinking about Covid for some reason. It’s really bad where I am, and I started wondering if it was worse the risk, up to the point I considered flaking! Not enough to stop me, as I still went over. But it was bothering me that this was bothering me. Even when I was over there hooking up it was in the back of my mind I was taking a big risk. Usually it only takes me five or 10 minutes to dump a load in this guy, but I was over there for over 30 minutes. It really fucked me up mentally. Has happened to anyone else? I mean, it’s days later and I’m still kinda a little freaked out about COVID for some reason. I know I should be, But like I said I’ve hooked up a few times before and I knew the risk but it really didn’t bother me as much as it has this time.
  21. Filling up a bear or otter with a devils dick and whoring him out in a cheap motel.
  22. Grindr seems to be unfriendly to certain people in my area. Anyone know the best sites where a black guy can have the best luck? I haven’t tried sniffies.
  23. Ditto here. Esp on back and shoulders. Nothing makes me cum harder than rimming some furry hole then fucking some hairy beast doggy. Hell, even a guy with a shirt unbottomed and I see that hair on his chest creeping out makes me hard.
  24. I love this forum because it gives me a chance to talk with like minded guys, even though I know I’m fighting an uphill battle on some topics. Most guys are here are really chill. However, a lot of this stuff on here isn’t my cup of tea, so I keep scrolling.
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