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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Had both of mine with no pain at all. Still gonna play it cautious for now, because I don’t 100% trust anything as far as this Covid thing goes, including the vaccine.
  2. I would also add to set your own expectations. If you’re only looking for perfect 10s, or a certain type, be aware you might be disappointed in the turnout. Like wise, if you say come one come all, then anyone may show up.
  3. If a guys cute and across the pond, I’ll send a message. Although I know we probably won’t meet, I don’t see it in any harm in complimenting someone and it is always good to talk to people from other countries or cultures.
  4. I don’t remember the professor telling us that law and code enforcement should be used to suppress supply, but I could be wrong.
  5. Is there a protocol for snitching in gay culture? I seem to be alone in this opinion that people who tell or are suspected to have talk to police about cruising activities not be tolerated. Two Stories : 1. we had a local spa in town that operated for 10 years. No mention of the police. Then all of a sudden in the matter of a few weeks, they got three code violations from the city, one for serving food. The place ended up shutting down. A week later this other place pops up with new owners. Not only that, but the old sauna was quickly deleted from Squirt and a search for it on craigslist resulted in postings about the new place. No one can confirm this, but Word on the street is that one of the owners for the new place started frequenting the sauna and reporting them to the city. When I try to tell people that I’m not going to the new place because they are known to work with the police to benefit themselves, and I don’t want my ID collected by these type of people, they say I’m crazy. If they get raided, they will sell you out in a second. 2. I recently seen a post where a guy threatened to call the police about a cruising spot because he did not like the guys who frequent there. He was called out by a few guys, including me, but a lot of guys defend it and agreed with him. Am I missing something? Am I in the wrong?
  6. I love husky bears. Big, tall husky are my type.
  7. Unpopular Opinion Coming: Not aimed at this poster in particular, because I don’t know him, but if we really want to help with the racism problem online and in the “gay community,” we need to call it all out, not just when inhibits sexual and social access to white guys. Unfortunately, many (a lot them born in the US) Latino, Asian and middle eastern gay men only see themselves as a minority when the white guy doesn’t want to have sex with them or they are not invited to the dinner party. Any other time, They are telling themselves they have some honorary white or buffer class status and will participate, deflect or even defend racist activities. I’ve said it many times: most of the racism I have experienced in the gay community has been from these groups. Some will do, listen to, say or put up with anything to be with a white guy. And we wonder why some of these dudes are so bold about it? As a whole, Black, white, Asian and Latino and other men really need to stop pumping up these racists guys egos. I mean look at the post a few months back about the guy in the capital riot. You had a lot of dudes online still putting on the cape for this guy, ready to fuck. (including Asians and latinos). In regards to this post, I would laugh it off. A lot of folks have deep seeded issues about their own viability (I.e. they ain’t all that) and I wouldn’t be surprised in five years if he contacted you trying to fuck. We had a bartender in our city who was known for appropriating elements of black culture. He was “white only” of course and made no bones about it online. Well now that the bartending job, the six pack abs and the downtown apartment is gone, but the bad habits are still there, guess who hits me up online years later?! Hilarious. Nothing reverses the racist thoughts of some gay men like time.
  8. I find A4A in my town full of snobby, middle age queens, Who haven’t changed their picture in five or ten years, still looking for the perfect 10. You won’t get a response from anyone unless they are over 50 (which I don’t mind). I’m on prep now, let them keep looking.
  9. Here we go again...this will be fun.....
  10. Hard to say without more info. Sometimes we can build up a moment so much in our mind, we get anxiety when it finally happens.
  11. I would suggest you have a door man there (trusted or friend) to take care of any riffraff If you just want to put your room number out there. Usually if there’s any tops there they will take care of it but you never know
  12. The problem with the amateur guys is they can’t create a scene with 15-20 horny men ready to breed, fuck and felch.
  13. I have to admit I’m a quiet top and have to remember to talk. Think it’s because I learned having sex in places I wasn’t suppose to, so I had to be quiet, quick and discreet.
  14. Thanks man, great description. So it’s basically his network of tops in the LA area that gives him some sort of status....
  15. I agree with this 100%. A straight guy can call a girl of any age “momma” but it’s more of a term of endearment not necessarily something financial.
  16. That when I ask “ass?” If it’s not to my liking, I block. Two can play that game...
  17. Eros has always been fun! It’s right their on that nice convenient corner too. I didn’t see that the Folsom Gultch opened back up tho
  18. I was just speaking for someone who is still not fully out and waiting along time to fully admit my sexuality. I get none of the full benefits of either lifestyle. I would be great two have double the income, but me myself, I just couldn’t do that to a woman (as biter as I am toward them haha) unless it was discussed and arranged ahead of time. I missed out on a lot of fun times and hit guys because of my refusal to fully out. I don’t ask for any sympathy and I know no one feels sorry for me.
  19. Not really a direct answer to your question, but there used to be a guy in my city who would do the whole unlocked hotel thing. The hotel rooms were facing outside. One time we were in there tag teaming him and you could hear the kids playing outside. We were being pretty loud, it was crazy because in the back of my mind I was wondering if one of the kids open the door. But we were too horny to really care. ha ha
  20. I think condemn is to strong of a word, since I don’t disapprove of anything he does, just trying to understand. As a matter of fact, I think I handled it very well giving the level of disrespect. I had a family member who lived in San Francisco in the early 90s and died very quickly of the aids virus. I was determined that that would not be my fate, and it took me years to decide to bareback, but I was never rude or judge mental towards those who wanted to live their life. I think I can tell you have most men would respond to a message from a 60-year-old guy who is not willing to pay and it wasn’t how I responded.
  21. If I was ageist, I wouldn’t have responded to his message. Funny how you accuse me of being ageist, but him of only being impolite. But moving right along.... No one is arguing his right to choose, no one is trying to “force” him have sex but this is an open forum where we can bring topics for discussion and people give their opinion. I was simply sharing my experience to ask others to give an additional perspective.
  22. All those could be true. But then why say “that’s why I’m 60 and I’m still neg!”? No, you’re saying That and because you were telling yourself you are better than the other gays because you secretly have distain and resent them living and doing what they wanna do. You more than likely wasted your “prime years” pretending you are straight or being one of these “hotter than thou” gays. You are full of regret, in denial, and projecting that onto others. Like I said, I get condom use. I just started BB in the last few years. I’m just saying, don’t act all high and mighty.
  23. I get it with younger guys. But at 60? Like a previous poster said: you’re gonna die of something.
  24. So this guy hits me up in A4A and he’s 60. Ok shape still, no problem, I tell him I’m looking to breed. Then he responds something like “I always play safe, that’s why I’m negative and 60!” I respond something like “I’m neg too, always played safe, now on prep.” He responds “no thanks, not looking to take a load from a guy on Prep! Sorry!” So I said “no problem, enjoy being neg. I am, and will continue to be on prep!” Then he sends me some wise ass answer back. I blocked him. My point is dude your 60! And still bragging about being negative, and missing out of fucking for what? What are you waiting for?! Then you’ll be 65, then 70, then 75 still talking about “yeah I’m still neg!”. Ok, what did you win? This isn’t even really about Prep I guess, but at some point don’t u just let loose and enjoy life? I’m all for safe play, hell I still use condoms sometimes if it makes the dude comfortable. Just say “safe only” and leave it a that. Sorry, rant over!
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