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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. I would like to thank everyone who messaged me for their support. And it is quite surprising. Also, with all this talk about right to “preference,” we really should not be hearing any more about the homophobia in the black community And how they don’t support gay issues. I mean, if you can reject people based on your sexual preference, can’t Black people reject your sexual preference as well? By the way, with more Black people coming out this is going to be a bigger issue. The black community is on to the gay community’s dirty little secret. And don’t be surprised if we are no longer going to let you piggyback off of the current civil rights movements just so you can get the benefits, then go to the bar or work and talk about how much you hate Black people.
  2. I think I might make some enemies for this reply but it is what it is. First as a black person, I have seen more racism from Asians and Latinos in the gay community then from white guys. (I e posted about this before). Also, I think it is funny how when we talk about racism in the gay community it always boils down to sex and preference. No one ever mentions the other aspects of gay life that are affected by racism. I.e. how you are treated at bars, by other gay people on the job, or even in a group setting. Also, as a black person, I find most of the “preference” people are really insecure and mediocre and have nothing going for them but their whiteness. Most of them. They talk about preference, but it even bothers them when one of their friends date a black person. They won’t talk the other areas because in truth it is not a preference at all it is just racism. They just boil it down to sex so they can hide behind preference. Which is fine by me. Rarely do I see a hot white guy who is racist . But I can’t blame them white guys. We as Black people, and I also say Latins and Asians (Who don’t classify themselves as white), need to stop literally begging for every white man who is out there even when they do not want us. That’s why the ego of some of these dudes is so inflated. If you want a white guy, there are plenty out there who are hot and got it together that won’t require you making a fool out of themselves.
  3. I don’t know if it is just me, but it seems as if hooking up and overall flakiness are at a all time high. Do guys hook up anymore? It seems more and more people are willing to go to sleep with their dick in their hand because they are just so damn uptight about sex or waiting on a perfect 10. For example there’s a local cruising spot I go to. I’ve seen guys go there several times and not hook up at all just waiting for the perfect 10 ( I mean if u were that hot, you wouldn’t be cruising, right?!?!) I have also had many times recently where I have chatted with a guy online, he disappears, and I only and I wake up to fine he had messaged me back at like 2:30 in the morning (after apparently he couldn’t find a better option). And nothing is worse than seeing a guy online hit you up after you were just in the same club or a bar with him earlier in the night. No I am not a perfect 10, but I have been told I’m good looking I have a very good job my own business and own my own house etc. etc. so this is not a quality thing. I just want to get off!! (Rant over). Thoughts?!
  4. I agree with what a lot of you said, but voting really doesn’t matter and less you have an economy to force the politicians to do what you want to do. Politicians respond to economics. Unless black folks get their money game on point, politicians (like Obama) will do nothing for us. Also, the police unions need to be abolished. I am also not expecting much real support from the “gay community.” Many enjoy their privileged elite status in a community and I’m not willing to give that up. I realize that much of this so-called “support” of some it’s just so they can parlay benefits for themselves then they will go right back to stereotyping every black guy and treating them like crap and less they are pursuing some BBC. And racism and the mistreatment of others is not an education issue people are really not that dumb so we need to stop giving them an excuse.
  5. Say it. That why I block dudes who ask “how big” or of those “preference” dudes who wait til they hit the wall to like black guys. I get the whole hookup thing, but I think it’s hilarious how gays accuse blacks of being homophobic, but then we get threads like this.
  6. Naw, there’s nothing worse than arrogant mediocrity. It’s kinda pitiful actually. I mean thinking you can project yourself into “hotness.” That’s one of the problems why hooking up it down cause a lot of these guys really have an overinflated opinion of themselves and their accomplishments. Actually, I found that most really hot guys are actually pretty cool. Maybe because they are confident in their looks and don’t feel the need to dismiss others to make themselves feel better?
  7. Don’t sell yourself short, everyone has their own taste. Their are guys who most think are ugly and I would fuck in a minute and vice versa.
  8. When I know their is a greedy felcher in the group waiting to eat the loads out of a bottoms ass. Also, when cum leaks from the bottoms ass as he’s getting fucked
  9. I can’t do choreographed porn, unless is like Treasure Island where it set up like amateur. Other distractions are the usual suspects: ridiculous tattoos (a lot are hot but some are too much), whiny bottoms, guys who fuck forever without cumming, pulling out, guys who leave their pants on and fuck through their zipper, or dudes who hold their own dick while fucking
  10. Seeing as how I love middle eastern men, mine would be Turkey and Jordan. Not sure how safe that would be tho. I also find the Romanian Gypsy types hot
  11. As a black guy, I I have been rejected plenty of times and most of them were not kind. So now I return the favor and so I expect guys to be as upfront as I am. Plus I find most of these out of my league guys are usually pretty insecure and mediocre and have nothing going for them. Keep working hard, wait about 10-15 years and laugh at them.
  12. They believe they gotten old, fat, no longer as desirable, etc. I have had plenty of guys in their late 50s hitting me up who I tried to hook up with 10 or so years ago with no success. Now that you believe your options are limited don’t talk to me now. Not that I have a problem with older man because I will hook up with them. But these Guys have the same mentality a woman has.
  13. I can still see some of the smaller bookstores staying open because like someone said men will need what they need. But I think the big clubs are done with. Maybe this will be in cruising back? Honestly the Stewmworks down here In Berkeley had turned into nothing but a bunch of snobby Twinks and gossipy lookee loos. As long as CumUnion continues I’m good
  14. Thank you. This Whole conversation reminds me of the bar/club scene. Gay people are not allowed or objected i. straight clubs and bars yet we are expected to allow women and straight people to invade our space and make rules. Then, like someone is supposed to make us feel bad for not wanting to see a naked woman? Some women have been so used to using their bodies to get whatever they want they just can’t imagine it not working on a man.
  15. I am almost to where you are at. Although a relationship with a woman sounds nice, with my personal experience I just can’t get past the manipulation, entitlement, and controlling nature. I mean at this point why split half with someone who did not help me get it? Although I do hate the whole gay community that ignores you unless they consider you hot until they have “hit the wall” at least the games are more straightforward. And there is no woman on earth who makes my dick is hard as a hot man.
  16. I’m not voting for Joe Biden because of the crime bill a him working with segregationist (as if that work equivalent to working with a teachers union or something but I digress). I’ve learned my lesson from voting for Obama, I’m voting for my self interest like every other group. Unless he or Trump says they are going to do something tangible for Black people, I’m out on both. IDC if Trump wins again or not.
  17. I met a guy who said he wanted this and it turned into a fiasco. First off, he was average looking, but had a way over inflated sense of himself. Instead of seeing himself for what he was, a husky middle aged dude, he still seen himself as a young twink or jock. With that, he then decided he wanted to “vet” any and everyone who attended, trying to recreate some porno fantasy with “hot” guys only. Long story short, one guy showed and it was over in a hour. I suggest setting expectations. Don’t call yourself a Cumdump or saying you want to be whored out if u really just want a guy time with a few guys.
  18. Travis Kelce, the football player. His swag is off the charts, he’s furry and he’s sexy as hell. A younger Chris Meloni Usher, the singer Sam Hunt
  19. Steven Harte (it love hipster/otters) and Fyrfly from the old Treasure Island movie. Even tho he usually pulled out (which I hate) he was filthy, full of lust and trashy as fuck which I loved.
  20. Hot story! This is how cruising should be, not guys lingering around waiting on their perfect 10
  21. I knew this was coming lol. This is why, as a black man and being treated the way I have by some gays, I say it whenever, wherever I want.
  22. I’ve never bottomed before, ever. And at this point I have no desire too as long as I can still get it up...plus Vers men confuse me haha
  23. So I am just curios in what’s some guys opinion is in here on women overall. Now I have been called a “woman hater” simple because I talk about my experiences of how some can be and I have little interest in most. As a gay man, is this extreme?
  24. Okay so I’ve been told my blocking policy online is a little harsh, but like most of us, I’ve been played for a fool many times and tired of getting hopes up for some of these guys. If you flake on me more than once, I block you. If you go ghost, I block you. If ur from out of town, msg me about hooking up, then get in town And I don’t hear from u, I block you as well. Is that too harsh?! I mean, if you are talking about fucking and ur not fucking, what’s the point? Ur profile is clutter. I’m not about to sit around while u wait for your version of a perfect 10. Times a wasting and I could be engaging with interested guys. What do u think?
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