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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Ghosting is allowed and continues because it’s not punished. Too often guys ghost us, and if they are hot and we can make exceptions and go crawling back. Exchanging messages is one thing because no agreement has been made. The arrangements to pick up has been made, and the guy ghosts, they should be immediately blocked. Recently had a guy who was totally my type hit me up online. We used to fool around but I got tired of his excuses “oh I’ll hit you back in a few” and never messaged me back or sorry “ I was in the mood right now I’m not.” I basically called him out on his flakiness and he never messaged me back, probably knowing he was guilty of ghosting. Do I want to hook up with him again? Hell yes, but I’m sorry my pride is more important and maybe it will save the next guy from the same treatment.
  2. I kind of think it’s funny folks always assume the “black guys” would be the ones in danger.
  3. Unpopular Opinion Coming: When it comes to actual dating, and not just FWB, I think the most important thing I’ve learned, especially as a black man, is you have to be comfortable with yourself and you’re culture. Unfortunalty, many times, some date outside of our culture because we are looking to escape our own. To satisfy that person from the other culture, some folks may take on ridiculous stereotypes or even become a caricature (I.e. the gangbanger or spicy latin lover,etc). Or even worse, some may be so bitter against their own culture that and they may even turn against it. And offensive joke may be told about your culture and you may laugh right along with it or even add to it. A person may even ignore obvious warning signs, or not even care, the relationship won’t work because they are so fixated on maintaining that sexual and social access outside of their culture. And honestly, their are just some cultures I won’t mess with. I know “everyone is different” but I just play the numbers based of my experience. I’m not going to be a bridge or stopgap until you can find the next white guy(sorry my experience) . Always best to keep it real with them about who you are and what you believe off the top. That will scare away most fakers. This way you get guys who are truly into you and not looking to fulfill some fetish.
  4. I just had a middle eastern dude fix my AC. Between his striking good looks, super alpha attitude and intoxicating masculine musk from working in the hot sun all day, I mesmerized. If he would have pulled his pants down, I would have sucked his dick right there. And absolute 10. No wedding ring BTW. Women are such fools.
  5. Be cautious of this place their paperwork has always been suspect.
  6. I know this is an old post but.... Just as I figured, I folded, I pandered, I tried to be a good friend. And he left a 30 day note on the freezer door. Not warning, no chat, no anything. A note. I didn’t ask. Knowing him, it’s some dude he’s chatted with two days on Adam. I wish him luck. Just like when he moved to Seattle, LA and SF and came back from all of those “adventures” within 2 months. I’ve learned my lesson: no more gay roommates unless they are young, hot, motivated and occasionally fucking. I enjoying my house, no more negativity. No more flakey, roommate friends, no old bitter fags, no flakey Peter Pans, no dudes who wasted the best years lives at the club, then stand in judgment of you, party out of regret and jealousy.
  7. Ever since that bug went in that guys ear on the Wrath of Kahn, I could never watch Star Trek
  8. As a person who attended the Berkeley Steamworks frequently, and knows guys who did, I can tell you that’s not the case. The key word is “attended.” I can tell you I myself know five guys who stop going regularly because they get tired of the gaggles of 20 somethings wandering around giggling and pointing like school girls not doing anything. Sure you have a few pigs, but most of these guys are holding out waiting for the perfect 10. Unfortunately many of them are looking to hook up I am grinder later, not at the bathhouse, afraid of judgment from their friends. The famous “oh, was that you!?” Message. Its those middle age 35+ guys who are regulars that are actually coming to fuck that keeps them some business. Not the infrequent youngsters were unreliable with no disposable income. Case in point we local spot in my town that close many years ago. He used to be in habited by a bunch a middle aged guys who would go frequently who were here to fuck. It was loads of fun. Once the younger guys found out about it, he killed the whole vibe. We had a lot of guys who were younger who want regulars that would come in with a real stuck up attitude. All the regulars who used to come and fuck frequently stop coming, and the kids who were on status fight stop coming too. Replaced eventually went out of business.
  9. I honestly think bath houses will die out out. The new generation is just too pretentious and more interested in putting in a “front” for straight society. Most would be caught dead in a bathhouse ( what would their female coworkers think?) and the ones I do see are to busy with their nose turned up waiting for Mr. Perfect.
  10. Some dude online asked me to breed his throat. Is that even a thing? First of, I’m not even coming in a guys mouth unless he is getting pounded at the other end, but I don’t consider coating some dude throat “breeding?!?!”
  11. I felched some nature/earthy otter type at SF cumunion who took like 9 loads. His furry ass was a matted mess. I don’t swallow, but that cum up is ass smelled and tasted amazing . Still get had just thinking about it.
  12. It’s a ego thing. Some of these dudes actually get off on not fucking. Which each guy the ghost or turn down, they are telling themselves they are better than the rest. They’ll be online for weeks pretending they are not fucking, hoping for a unicorn. You got guys sitting in cities with millions of people talking about “I can’t find anyone I’m attracted too.” It’s not even an attraction thing. Some of the dudes out cruising or online literally have no intention on meeting, let alone fucking unless your a 25-30 year old jock with a 10 inch dick. Dont take it personal. Just make sure when they finally decide to come down from their ivory towers, you aren’t there to rescue them.
  13. In my person opinion, the media and people are trying to pretend like COVID is over. The media is very slowly trying to move on so they can get the economy going, and people are willing to psych themselves out and buy into it. I will still be very cautious about meeting in large groups sill.
  14. I am not sure specifically what he said. It was all hearsay from a good friend. A gossipy friend (who can be drama) but still a good friend. But knowing him, what the friend said has a ring of truth to it
  15. I said I’d still pick him if he were best for the job.
  16. Are u looking to pay? If so, Brian Bonds on JustForFans
  17. So I have this guy working for me who I hired and promoted several times. Does a great job. Recently, another female coworker shared with me he stated he’s a big homophobe. Like totally anti-gay. Now he’s up for another big promotion, and feel some kind of way about it. He’s always been cool with me, and I know how much you can trust women gossiping at the office (very little). I would still pick him if he’s best for the job, but am I wrong to feel a little bitterness? I’m not out at work so I don’t want to bring it up, especially in my position. Yeah, yeah, I know I’m going to get the PC “hire the best person for the job,” but I’m human and we know the real world doesn’t work like that.
  18. Unpopular opinion coming: Not directed at the original poster in particular, but I think as some people get older, we have to remember people all the people we said no to or ignored. Guys have a long memory. A lot of folks spend years with their “preferences,” or hang ups or lists, then when Father Time hits, they want to double back and see if all the dudes they said no to are interested. That’s why it’s good to build a solid network, and be kind, while you are younger. Anyone who is over 50, and has lived in my town over 10-15 years is a 90% no for me. I’ve had too many dudes I’ve seen online, or out and about for years stick to their little “elite” group, then try to be friends or hook-up once Father Time hits enter mentally or in reality. They thought they would be 25 forever! Case in point, there was this 40 something, thick blue collar guy on bbrt. He would contact me, but always do the distant, “I’ll only respond when you’re offline” game. One day, after years, he hit me up. Against my better judgment I had agreed to meet as he was hosting in a hotel. When I got there, no lie he had gained like 100 pounds, and time was not kind to him. Now I prefer huskier guys, but there was something offensive about him waiting all that time time finally hit me up when he couldn’t get anyone else. Now I’m sure he’s complaining now but you had a chance to build a network. You thought u were too hot, too married, to masculine, too blue collar, too elite for everyone who wasn’t a 180lbs jock. And now, unfortunately, you’re just to late.
  19. I’ve been through that phase before but I had to keep it real with myself. I was telling myself no one wants to hook up but the truth was if I REALLY wanted to fuck, I had 4-5 decent tricks I could contact and someone would come through to fuck. Truth was I just wanted some new ass, new experience. I know being black, about 60% of the guys are eliminated, but I truly believe their is a market for everyone of u look hard enough and are open. If your really horny, instead of waiting for that perfect 10, hit up that cool 7 who can host, fucks right, and you know is into u.
  20. Some guys are genuinely taking Covid seriously, and others are using it as an excuse to exhibit the same behavior they did before Covid. Those guys who reacted the way they did would have done the same had their been no pandemic.
  21. I’m actually a bit of a loner so this has been a dream come true for me. I do t miss the commute, going into the office, the social commitments. The only thing I miss is the gym. Sex has been wack for the most part, but if I really wanted it I could get it.
  22. Damn, that’s crazy. Was He band because he had too many people in the room or because of the type of party it was?He band because he had too many people in the room or because of the type of party it was? There was a time with people like that would have been dealt with. But like I said, I don’t know “gay culture” protocol
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