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    Twink tops, hard cocks, cum, piss, and anything I can put whipped cream on
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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    a dark room and a cock filling my hole

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  1. I'd like to address a couple misconception that some people have about being poz, so let me give you my thoughts on a few things you wrote. You said: " i’ve liked this kink for a little while. But only poz, i don’t wish for anything else. But for me. The thought of being poz (undetectable ofc) just sounds hot to me." A kink is something that turns you on when you're horny. Being poz is 24/7 whether you want to be or not. There are a lot of things that might sound hot but that's usually because people only look at the glamour or fantasy. You Said; " I can say i have poz/toxic loads." That is true. Although, you could say that now if you wanted to. Sex is one thing that almost everyone lies about as some point. People lie about age, or experience, or relationship status, or HIV. You could change your status to "undetectable" and actually, that wouldn't be a lie (if you're negative and took an HIV test, it would not detect anything.) but you could also set up alternate profiles that say you are poz and see what kind of a response you get. When I changed my profiles to include poz in my name I got hits from tops who thought it would be hot to fuck a poz bottom. Out of all of those guys, none of them actually followed through. Might just be me or my location, but most people who think it would be a hot fantasy, aren't ready or interested in the reality. You said: "Wouldn’t have to worry or be scared of HIV anymore." It's true you wouldn't have to be scared of the possibility of catching HIV, instead, you would have to deal with living with an incurable illness. There are a lot of aspects to consider. Let's just look at drug cost. A 30 day supply of the HIV meds I'm on run over $4,000 retail. That's $48,000 a year. You say you are 21 so you could easily live another 60 years. That would give you a lifetime medication cost of $2,880,000. You most likely wouldn't be paying all of that yourself -- maybe none at all, I'm just pointing out the financial cost of a lifetime of treatment. How much of that are you ready to commit to? You said: "The treatment is same as prep. 1 pill a day." Not entirely true. It may be one pill, but PREP is a combination of two medications while most HIV meds are a combination of three. Dosing also varies. What that means is that, you are only taking one pill, but you are taking more drugs when you are fighting HIV, which can have a more damaging effect on your liver and kidneys. Also, PREP is optional. You could stop it at any time. If you are in a committed relationship, fall ill, or stop fucking for a period of time, you could stop taking PREP. That's not an option if you are poz and want to remain undetectable. You said: "And you can still live a normal healthy life." A normal healthy life with the stigma of being infected with an incurable virus, increased risk of co-infection, increased risk of liver and kidney damage, increased risk of fat redistribution, You said: "i’m a top (on prep & doxypep)" I'm a bottom. I need a horny pup like you to breed me.
  2. Sound like you found your "type". Start cruising looking at a lot of other similar guys to confirm.
  3. As I've gotten older, I've noticed 4 types of changes that have effected how I approach cleaning out. (There are probably more, but these are the ones I think are the most relevant.) First is diet. What goes in effects what comes out. What goes in includes food, drink, and medications. As we age, our preferences for different foods change and use of supplements and medications usually increase. But even if what we consumed stayed the same, we'd still have to deal with the second factor which is changing metabolism. As we age, our metabolism tend to slow and how we process or tolerate foods begin to change. In addition to changing metabolism, there is the third factor -- changes in muscle tone. For bottoms engaging in anal sex, loss of tone or control of the inner sphincter means that you need to clean out more of the colon since the sphincter can no longer do it's job as efficiently. And finally, I think there is a change in lifestyle activities and a change in perception of what "clean" actually means. When I was younger, I cleaned out of a particular hook up and not an attempt to be clean for an extended period of time at a bathhouse, for example. At that time I was just trying to be Clean Enough for Right Now, and not really concerned with being squeaky clean on the inside for hours long sessions. I also think the pandemic changed some habits and increased awareness of sanitary practices. Put all those things together, and I find I spend more time trying to do a more thorough job than I did when I was younger.
  4. Once upon a time, before the internet dominated all of our lives, there were gay travel guides that listed gay friendly businesses and cruising locations. Two publications that I remember are Damron and Spartacus. They were good to have if you were travelling or new to an area, but they were published annually so there was a lag between publications and info was sometimes outdated by the time the books were available. Both Damron Guides and Spartacus are still available, by the way, and have websites on line. In the mid '90s cruisingforsex came on line giving more current listings and feedback for those looking for sex. Squirt followed a couple years later. Squirt had (in my opinion) an easier to navigate site and became one of the go-to sites for cruisers. There were some message boards and a few others sites -- I think Gaydar was popular in Europe around that time.
  5. In addition to what has already been said, I'd like to add that the number one reason for treatment failure is failure of the patient to take their meds as prescribed. If you're prescribed a daily med, I recommend getting a pill case that is divided for the days of the week. It's really easy to forget whether you took a dose on a particular day. A pill case makes it easy to check or remind yourself to take your pill. Adherence to your treatment plan gives you the best chance of success.
  6. If I'm understanding the study, it involves modifying a person's own T-cells so they withstand an attack by the HIV virus. Since the goal is to repair the immune system and improve the immune response, the body could, in theory, rid itself of HIV and fight off any new exposures. If that happens, it actually would be a cure. Unfortunately, the study hasn't gotten very far -- it is still in phase 1 and a long way away from an actual treatment.
  7. **Standard disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and my response shouldn't be taken as medical advice.** Stimulation / pressure on the prostate from the rectum can cause leakage of semen. Stimulation could come from a number of sources, such as fingers probing the anal cavity, from the use of dildos, from a penis during anal sex, or from a bowel movement -- especially if there is excessive straining due to constipation, to name a few. Whether and how much is leaked would involve an number of factors such as age, muscle tone, type and duration of stimulation, etc. Generally speaking, most healthy males don't leak precum during bowel movements ( unless they're jacking off while doing so.) If you are leaking due to straining to produce a bowel movement, you might reevaluate your diet to make sure you are getting enough fiber and taking in enough fluids. If you are leaking without straining or from some other stimulation, you could have a urinary tract infection, enlarged prostate, or some other medical issue you should address with your doctor. On the other hand, if you're turned on by the feeling, then edge yourself for a while before and while on the toilet so that you are right on the edge as your dump slides through.
  8. There are a lot of factors that effect how one responds to treatment and it can be a long process to bring the body back into balance. There will be times when VL spikes or CD4 dips as your body begins to heal and recalibrate your immune system. Don't get discouraged or impatient, or get hyper-focused on a particular lab result. Instead, do what you can to support your body with a halfway decent diet, do a little exercise, get some sleep, and try not to overindulge in the unhealthy things.
  9. I definitely prefer piss that has a little "bite" to it. I want it to smell and taste like piss. In my opinion, the worst piss is the kind that has been corrupted by other flavors. Tobacco, coffee, and artificial sweeteners tend to overpower the natural flavor of piss.
  10. If you can imagine it, someone is into it. I know of a couple guys who fall into that category. One in particular has certain toilet fetishes and likes to be tied up, humiliated, used, edged, and cock ridden til he cums. He considers himself a top since he does not get fucked and doesn't suck, but on the fetish side, he likes things that might usually be thought of as a bottom's role. On the other side, there are power bottoms who like to be aggressive, take control, and make a top cum. So yes, there are tops who like to be passive or humiliated in some way. People are complicated and not everyone fits neatly into arbitrary categories. There can be a lot of overlap and reversal in roles -- particularly when it comes to kinks and fetishes.
  11. I've suffered with allergies all my life so same issue. When sinuses are congested, I have to breathe through my mouth which can be difficult when that space is taken up by a cock. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything that works for me long term. I can sometimes get sinuses to open by inhaling aromatics (like mint or eucalyptus) or sucking on a menthol cough drop. (I don't do poppers, but sometimes I huf Tiger Balm.) Hopefully there are some others out there with better tips because we all need more cock.
  12. Since the expiration date can be up to 5 years past manufacture, they may be 20 year old condoms. At that age, you could probably offer them on ebay. List them as "Vintage" and sell them for 10 times what you paid for them. 🤑
  13. My profiles always clearly state what I'm looking for. Even though I'm a hosting bottom looking for anal loads, I'll routinely get messages asking if I'll top. asking if I have a glory hole, or If I'd travel 30 miles and just give a blow job. How I answer stupid questions depends on my mood and can vary from *ignore*, to patiently requesting they re-read my profile, to sarcasm. I usually opt for sarcasm -- especially if they get huffy after I've told them, "No". My answers to the three questions you were asked would probably be something like: 1. Do you have condoms? Answer: Yes! They'll fit nicely over your face. If you're nice I might snip off the tip so you can breathe. 2. Where do you want me to cum? Answer: How about Cincinnati. I've never been there. 3. Do you like being fucked? Answer: In the ass? Yes. In the head by morons who can't read a fucking profile? Not so much. Sarcasm is one of my true joys in life. I highly recommend it.
  14. I don't like packets since they can be hard to open, and can't be resealed so any leftovers make a mess as they leak all over. Instead, I'd recommend finding a small bottle of lube. You can get Swiss Navy Lubes in pump bottles as small as 1 ounce. They are pretty perfect for parties since they won't spill, contain enough to get you through a few nights, but are small enough to easily carry. And with the small size, you won't get pissed off if you happen to lose it. I'm sure other brands have similar if you look. Or, as @Bibttmmiami said, get a small travel bottle to bring your favorite lube.
  15. OH NO!! It's another "Spectrum" analysis that surely will validate my very existence, or, expose my deepest weaknesses and devour my soul. The intense pressure is nerve-wracking. Will my preferences be confirmed or will I need to change my ... undies? Oh. It's just about underwear. Yeah -- I've got all those so I guess I win.
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