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Everything posted by nikkisiisyfag

  1. damn youre beautiful

  2. i will try collect money or get from family to travel again.. been a while since i did it for meet up use.. i would love try it but then ill want it long term until no longer of use atleast so i feel its worth the trip or to get stuck in other continent or country.. i wont mind that as long its country where i can get new owners that help me do some use so i dont feel as useless
  3. sound like most ive served whom contacted me after again and i come back to be used again since i know i given them some pleassure.. many whom even raped me after furious near-rape style which many love to do frequantly since im thin, lil and they see me as young fuck meat.. as they told me atleast.. but they mean that i am doing great or better of doing some purpose and their pleassure is my purpose and done so many times that it must be some truth to it.. even if i dont get pleassure from it and many of them actually rape me when i need break ive came back since ive brth than i currently amose or im even more less worth than i currently am.. I know it must be so since most of them is much more smart and intelligent and i know im not and they told me for my benefit and my sake to get better life and a real good purpose based on what im worth
  4. would love long term drugging and even get brutally abused if owned or shared during drugging and reprograming brain and mind fully to be great server

    1. Collar4chemboys


      Well, is the fag still in EU? This SIr can definately do all of the above, the fag just need to come visit this SIR and get started. the fag has this SIR's email. we emailed ecah other before !

  5. usually been backwards with me telling them to put it on.. but most of them just ripped it up until it broke, pulled it off and shoved in with me unknowing or blindfolded or tied up.. so i tell them now just fuck me or rape me bare
  6. is that true? is that the reason i cant say no when older alphas show attention anywhere anytime as they not even try much i let them even if i dont enjoy i let them finish
  7. im not sure but while kneeling down on restrooms or behind something atleast when me doing it dont even think about being pissed on during or after but since ive done it often and passed out at many backroom at parties and im always prepared that they pull out and piss and like most men i meet spit in face even when doing great job.. even had men who just passed by pissing on me after others had left me after used me rough exhausted.. but usually its been others who watched a while who piss on me and push cock in throat to wake me up when cum and spit covered half unconcious
  8. nothing wrong with dirty old men who unload on whores.. I prefer that with bf who is up for it and take me there and when away from bf's and men while in relationships.. quite hard saying no when all of them tell me to get on knees.. If relationship or not.. as long im there or he aint .. why not
  9. sound a lot like me but i had a lot older and man was 7 and i dont really know if sodomized since was more training me to suck him good as i should and had very big so wasnt easy and had to force it down throat a lot and he loved strangle me while pounding my ass.. but wasnt easy the times he fucked to walk proper after he was done even if mostly he letted me stay lying exhausted but then i had to suck him or others he had there and they would fuck me making the soaring much worse that i finally stop going out meeting friends to play since har time to run or walk proper.. being fucked more didnt need walking or running so i went there and told mom i was at friends place and had aching legs from playing too much not that i got pounded and hatefucked brutally by huge mans cock
  10. i dont know if i fully agree or if its because im new at this and not that experienced too understand fully yet.. Most men i meet use me as whore, those im dating or more bound to hire me out and rent me out too so i feel they respect me.. but only as long i serve best i can.. if i dont i understand they wont respect me sir.. ofc they think of me as a faggot sissy .. im a suckwhore cant help it + i love cum.. they know im a dirty whore because they threat me like it reegulary and the new ones had friends who recomended me for them to use.. in a way im maybe community humanfleshlight but to shared groups who recomend me as fuck hole and cheaper cocksucker in that communities of hard rougher sex abuse.. u might not date me but few date me and use as fuckwhore a while now and then and dump when they are done for that moment until next time.. not permanent dates or relationships fpr me anyhow.. and most ive serve wont or dont admit in open that they use me as whore in private and just ignore me in the outside world but may message me to suck discreet no one knowing it to serve still .. anonymous is safer because i have whore reputation.. i might be wortless but that only make me cheap as whore and i know im disposable but i still have most wanting to use again after lil while even if disposable after used up and they satisfied then im fine being dumped if they are done with my purpose
  11. Seem many like or love it.. more than i thought before.. when i tell them im sissy suckwhore and they fuckthroat most have told me to take piss and pissed inside but seemed to be very good feeling for them to empty it into sissy throat.. even if i kind of get choking feeling i handled it as long they hold t down til done and not letted go even if i start to panic for air i dont before they done and release neck or open their legs or hips so im able to get off and get air.. but i dont see myself as faggot .. i am sissy but most alphas see me as faggot sissy so i allow it since they know better and are more right and intelligent than i am.. i dont see myself as subhuman either just an object when serve and whore doing as they please because thats what i think im here for.. and they seem to respect me and like me more the more subjected i get to serve their pleassure not mine.. most may not show respect or feel it but i think they respect me as long as i only do what they need.. but i totally agree im just a cumdump for most or all alphas.. but its my role in life and what im good at .. might be wrong but i dont see it as the men pretend to respect me or pretend im more than just something to have for the moment and dump or just leave when done.. but i feel that is because they have bigger roles of life and my role is to give them pleassure.. even if i dont feel this pleassure i can atleast help by be willing in what i can do.. wish is take a lot of cock wherever and however the men want to get satisfaction
  12. I dont think im into drinking it but i still do since most ones i date or hookup with is area where they rather piss in mouth and mostly down throat half choking me.. i wouldnt say i get any pleassure from this more than the feeling and hear it satisfies my hookups.. they seem to respect me more when i do take it and they wont need to take break from the mouthfucking, throatfuck and me sucking their cocks just to take a piss and find place to do so. they feel its better to fill my throat and since i dont eat much if anything before meeting since its better not to when swallow cum and cock and prefer being prepared, hungry because then i work much more for lil amounts of something to consume.. what i like isnt as important of the mans comfortability.. also he doesnt need to make a mess pissing outside since inside mouth and throat the mess is easier to control and be gathered.. almost like a vessel whom take the piss and ill be the one to go piss few hours later when im not in use either and better timing for it..
  13. doesnt that depend on how many men and how often they cum? or if they taken condoms with too let us eat during, before or after? im not sure how many loads.. but from party experience in backroom of the party ive been able to keep on one after a another quite many times since i had to or clean it up.. but i took 13 men once then i started to get it to come up during throatfucks but i still kept swallow it again .. but they had condoms with them and poured down in mouth and got me to swallow it so hard to count and the cum that came up mixed with vomitting on my self was mostly cum.. but might be since i didnt have any food before the party while was in the storage room.. they didnt come with food so was very hungry but had diet and i dont know if good even if i done it 14 times but only eaten cum like 4 days in a row before so was empty stomache only cum filled and starved so i had to get more to repeatly cum or ive be without any at all.. but cum is suppose to be very nutrious ive told.. but need to serve luike several men to get enough and almost no breaks to compensate food if not eaten for days to get lil energy too keep on
  14. dont know if on purpose but had 3 great dates who that happened with me.. but i tried not to pass ouit.. but they were not really done.. hit them on their tighs to let them know i wasnt able to breathe and was blacking out.. but they understood but was still not done so i took it bouncing passed out the last minutes.. dont want to be like a doll.. but after waking up later on to suck again they told me they didnt mind me asleep.. even shoved cock down while passed out to have use of me.. the only importance is that you, they get off.. atleast if u ask me
  15. femboi01 on [deleted] if u like trans femboi teens.. 
    u seem nice

  16. dont know.. sry ill be more detailed.. liked the guy i meet a lot.. meet him many times after that since i kind of was in love with him.. he shoved dildos into my throat gave me drugs, booze but made me owe him a lot off money so had to pay off meeting strangers and men he invited who used me while i was at his storage and apartment drugged unconcious but he had control and took the money so we could settle it to pay off dept but was raising each time since was given more drugs each time.. was with him 7 months while run away so i guess i loved him a lot before he moved and kind off left me to 3 men he rented me out to whom told me they bought me off him cheap to pay off my dept for him.. but they had me for 3 months selling me on streets and storage areas who men came to as drop in to get sucked off or fuck my mouth and throat when i passed out between and suck if and when i woke up
  17. explains why i feel the way i do and why i meet men that are that much older and who share me around.. they dont seem to have me for themself .. some told me that wanted to but as soon as i move there they rent me out cheap.. hard not to feel used and like trash when sold off and leaved with men i dont even know but i do serve so i get loved a little atleast.. even if most beat me, choke or strangled me and leave me after few weeks to get picked up by the one who i date
  18. i just stop thinking and let him.. better to be good to him then he get done much faster even if it hurts i are better use and not rude
  19. sound a lot like me and last sadist who had me with friends or men he invited me to suck but who drugged and gangraped me.. got strangled and passed out 4 times only during 3 hour fuck but few times waking by them fucking my face
  20. i dont know if im very hot but i keep myself very feminine but im not sure if im good girly femboi since i skip school to meet up older men and guys rather than school even if i maybe should try harder even if i dont get it.. ill actually suck cock and mostly get fucked throat by their friends to pay rent since i dont like money because i cant keep from buying drugs and pills .. so i get them for free if i allow their visitors to fuck my mouth and also throat if slimey and cummed in mouth while im passed out or unconcious.. im not sure if its very good and if i should tell em to stop since i seem to get braincells dying.. But you might be right that im usefull only to real men only if i let them.. i feel unappreciated if not men use me or have me close.. i dont mind kneeling and gag on their cocks.. i love older guys and men.. they seem to love me in the moments i serve them as good as i possibly can or atleast let them use as it please and gives them real pleassure.. so its not wrong of me that the men share me and use me up then let other have me? i also noticed they keep me around as long as i serve them and all they invite.. so i do because i dont like being totally worthless.. im good at thinking for my self but i actually try to think in each moment even if new men ive been given to i have to do even better to not disapoint them and the ones who introducewd me or given me away for amount of money especially.. then i have to do my best to make my worth for the money they spended giving to the last ones ive been to..
  21. i havent but i dont know my father.. only been raised by 3 different older men who been stepfathers since too young.. and latest i moved to while i ran from fostercare and he promised to take care off me as long as i keept sucking him and his friends or get thrown out.. got thrown out anyway 2 times but taken back when begging him cause had no where to go.. i feel ashamed mostly telling anyone since it feels like im no value to anyone unless i serve proper and let them either use and even abuse me repeatadly.. i know as soon im used or stop serving properly as they wish im no use and worthless trash until next time they need to rape throat and mouth of lil whore
  22. would love to be your boi sissy whore

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