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About Nude

  • Birthday 09/16/1988

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  1. [think before following links] https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt1-1/ALDE_00000210/
  2. You sound just like the current dictator dictator, in modern political systems, is a single person who possesses absolute political power within a country or territory or is a member of a small group that exercises such power. The term comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go far toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.
  3. Cool thing, California's governor wants to be president. He's like The current one, destroying the states, destroying the country with open borders, and losing 80,000 kids on US soil
  4. Amazing story! Great job writing it! Would love to see many more chapters.
  5. Demicrate California pumps out the highest state gas tax rate of 77.9 cents per gallon (cpg). [think before following links] https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-gas-tax-rates-2023/ California57.9 cents10.2 cents68.1 cents StateGas TaxOther Taxes and Fees*Total Taxes. [think before following links] https://www.investopedia.com/gas-taxes-and-what-you-need-to-know-5118477 Keep allowing crime, only makes it worse down the road. Land prices get lower the higher the crime. [think before following links] https://apnews.com/article/business-health-government-and-politics-california-coronavirus-pandemic-d0c6dc49ef4cd6d05f649a860bd72888 I love it when the crude oil goes up, then I make money. [think before following links] https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/oil-price?type=wti&op=1 51% of one of the highest Fed gas tax. [think before following links] https://www.api.org/oil-and-natural-gas/consumer-information/motor-fuel-taxes/gasoline-tax Will the Federal Energy Act requirements increase ethanol content in gasoline to 10 percent by volume? Yes. We expect that the Federal Energy Act requirements will lead to a required national average ethanol content of 10 percent ethanol by 2012. However, California has had 10 percent ethanol in its gasoline since the beginning of 2010. Ethanol makes gas burn faster, thus needing to refuel more. It doesn't cut the smog. And it's been more than 10% in CA. Buy easy testers online and figure it out for yourself. ethanol is hard on engines. CA has figured out the more one has to fuel up, the more tax money they make. It's a great scam. Then CA pays it's homeless, [think before following links] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10498607/San-Francisco-homeless-man-says-gets-paid-620-month.html The list can go on once thinking outside the box and getting rid of brainwashing / Gaslighting That's how I see it. I have been Dem for most of my life, yeah! With all the wackadoodle crap that's been going on, I defected to Independence and moved out of California. I'm an American! I was born in America. I have the right to speak. Once we got Trump in the running, if you weren't Dem, they suddenly became dictators. Every single one. When someone has to become aggressive and push crap at anyone that's Dictatorship. Discrimination is the intended or accomplished differential treatment of persons or social groups for reasons of certain generalized traits. Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation Federal and state laws protect you from unfair and unwelcome treatment at work. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and states enforce discrimination and harassment laws. [think before following links] https://www.usa.gov/job-discrimination-harassment Y'all have an awesome day!
  6. Impressive! Wannabe dictator, is that the best you have?
  7. I've never met a mean or racist Republican. They welcome others as long as they aren't criminals. The other side loves crime, or they would have done something about it by now instead of passing the blame and making things up. Reading a paragraph or two thinking your getting the skinny, might be good to watch Congress on YT. Get a closer look before going to most of the Gaslighting new outlets. My taxes and insurance were lower by over $1,500 to $3,000, gas was less because we were drilling the cleanest oil in the USA, and Crime was $1,000% lower, with trump in office. Biden left trillions worth $$$$ of military equipment in some country. Left for them to use for the wars currently going on.
  8. How did America get here? Just a short time ago there wasn't this big power grab on the Left. I heard a lot of promises for Gays, ending HIV and so many other things while someone was running. But once he got in office he didn't do any of that, I feel I was Gaslighted into thinking they care. But with the open borders from CA to FL. Low accountability on laws, not enforcing laws already in the book. The president has the power to shut down the border so the USA can be a true country. I fled CA because of the taxes and laws not being enforced for my safety, OMG, those both have gone up 500%. Then their gas has so much ethanol, it makes the little gas you have burn faster, thus pushing the electric cars. Yes, ethanol has pollution too. But they used the gas taxes on other stuff other than highway infrastructure and used on who knows what? Cars aren't going to be able to drive roads that falling apart. Capitalism helped build the roads. The others keep letting them rot. Hard to do the math. Pushing for all the electric autos is tanking automakers. Read about Ford and how much they lost. The current batteries on the market can't hold up to the lack of infrastructure across the USA. As good as it sounds on TV or phone news. They have been giving more attention and our tax money to other countries than us. Or taxes are for USA infrastructure and so many other things. Giving it away isn't ethical! I will have to defect from the left. Someone mentioned I should watch both sides of the news, then think way outside of the box about what each wants, how they changed over the years, and how one blames the other to be their scapegoats. The news isn't always correct, I noticed a lot of new stations on the left talked about what a few people said, and then I watched it on the other side in the video. Not what the L side said. Why lie? It's not right to blame one's emotions on someone else. We are all human, when are we going to start acting like them again? Ever been to a K9 kennel full of K9's? That's what all this sounds like. If you're not on the left, you're nothing but a pile of mud/crap. That's 100% Discrimanation. What happened? Treating each other with kindness is easier than hate, and way less stressful.
  9. Ideas outside of the box: Changing a site description to Educational Human Anatomy might work.
  10. That's interesting as the Right has no control over the current Govt. Most of the current laws aren't being enforced. Thanks to our amazing president!
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