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  • Gender
  • Interests
    I'm gay but as long as it's debauched, filthy, and unorthodox, then gender/sexuality only plays a small part. Let's discuss it? Actually make it happen?
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Not as piggy as some, but still enjoy getting filthy. Never really got into FF & I avoid slam. When watching porn - straight/gay/bi, as long as it’s hardcore.
  • Porn Experience
    I'm a viewer, in another life I would've been a teen slut hole.
  • Looking For
    Well as long as they are legal, alive, not animals or if anyone gets hurt (obvs I’m talking more than the forced/slapping kinks) then lets fuck.

    taboo subjects and fantasies

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  1. Well this is great to know!
  2. That's why it's so fucking hot when a beefy dad is raw fucking his boy, he's already impregnated his younger daughter and now he fucks the boy harder so he can have both his kids pregnant.
  3. I moved to Vauxhall in front of the (Hoist!) with my boyfriend when I was 19. For me & my circle of friends, we were there for the clubs and the sesh. I always rawwed but I only fucked in relationships. When friends told me about BBRT & all the parties that were going on around me, I was gobsmacked. I've never been into fisting/slamming & twinks were not my thing (I'd just like to add that I don't shame other peoples kinks, lifestyles, races, age etc), 5+ years later & several property changes across Lambeth, I now live outside London & I'm the complete opposite, just wanting to make up for the the PNP parties/group fucks that I missed out on. Now I just want to meet twinks & take them to these clubs and watch them get destroyed!
  4. It's been a while since this post was created, but I just wanted to jump in and say that I am really into twinks being raw fucked by older/grandads, especially the ones where you can tell that they've been doing it for years. I could literally spend hours watching it. I tried and failed to find a couple like that in my local area. The first thing I'd mention is blowbacks, then blow some up the boys hole & take it from there.
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