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Everything posted by Dexus

  1. For future reference I can recommend New Hotel Le Voltaire (11th arr ) near Voltaire metro. Stayed there in mid-2023 and no key card was required for entry to the building or the elevator. However, it is a small-ish hotel with a 24hr reception desk that directly faces the entry door... so probably a little suspicious if you have multiple men arriving and leaving in short succession. But perfect for a random anon encounter here and there!
  2. L'impact has always been my go-to in Paris. I've never not had a good time there. Some nights were busier than others, but you can guarantee guys will be fucking in there every night of the week.
  3. As a regular cumdump there are pros/cons to each for me. I like sex clubs as guys are generally down to fuck and sometimes those guys that don't necessarily want to fuck (or are too shy to do it in open) are happy to watch and I love a crowd while getting used. There's nothing like getting ass up on a fuck bench and taking whatever cock comes along while others watch and/or wait for their turn. I also find that some tops like to 'perform' when there's a crowd watching and will really pound the hell out of me to show the group how good of a fuck they are. The other great thing about sex clubs is that, once my hole has been used for long enough, I can then go and pump my load into some other cumdump before I go home! With hotels/motels I love the thrill of being ass up and hearing the door open, sometimes not knowing who is walking through the door. It's even more exciting when someone is already pounding my ass when another guy walks in, sits down and waits for their go. Obviously having your own bathroom in a motel is great, however I do get anxious about the noise and staff being noticing all the men coming and going. I also get a little anxious about someone rocking up that's looking for trouble or to rob you (it's never happened before, but sometimes I think it's possible, particularly when doing the anon scene).
  4. I've only just started counting the loads I've taken since 1st Nov 2024. As of the 24th Nov, I am at 34 loads. This doesn't include others that have fucked me but not unloaded in me. I am pretty happy with that.
  5. I'm looking to arrange a trip to the US in early 2025 and would like some recommendations on the best cities to visit to fulfill my cumdump-ing desires. I have around 2 weeks' vacation and therefore time to visit 3 or 4 cities. I'll set up sniffies groups in seedy hotels and invite as many men to load me up anon style πŸ™‚ I'm leaning toward the east coast - start in NYC, train to DC and take a flight out to Atlanta. I've heard Atlanta is the place to go for BBC (red roof inn)! Any other places I should focus on? Sometimes I find the smaller, compact cities to yield better results than the mega cities.
  6. Having stayed at the Axel Hotel in Berlin on several occasions (including as recently as 2 weeks ago), I can confirm that the "Please disturb" sign is more of a gimmick, if anything. There are six floors to the hotel and guests only have access to their floor. Access to other floors require key access in the elevator and, therefore, there is very limited foot traffic. I have hung the sign on my door before, but no one stopped by sadly. I would also look at all the door handles every time I walked the corridor to and from my room, but no one else hung the sign. It's a shame really, because it's a really hot idea πŸ˜„
  7. I attended my first Fickstutenmarkt in Berlin at Kit Kat last Saturday night. This event had been on my bucket list forever (a huge fantasy) and I'm so glad I got to experience it. I went into it with no expectations and an open mind and whilst it wasn't the hedonistic sexual experience I was hoping for, I still had an amazing time as a BB mare. Just a few random thoughts and observations for any future first-timers considering it... - Get there early. There were more mares than I expected and you don't want to miss out as the doors are only open an hour. There were at least 100 mares - I was #52 πŸ™‚ In my opinion, there were a few too many of us (all mares probably say that). - There is a lot of waiting around at the start with nervous/excited anticipation in the air. I read that at other FSM events that there was light play and touching amongst the mares before the stallions arrived - but I saw none of this in Berlin. - I was speaking to a few other mares after the event who all agreed that the smaller FSMs in Mannheim, Leipzig etc were better than Berlin, simply because the ratio of mares/stallions was more proportionate. In Berlin, there's a LOT of bottoms! I was also speaking to one of the stallions after the event and he said that some stallions weren't even fucking! They were simply just watching. Or they'd pick one or two mares and just stick with them the entire time. There are so many rules for the mares and I wonder if they implemented a few rules for the stallions that it would make for a better party. Such as a maximum time limit with any one mare, or minimum number of mares that you have to fuck... I dunno, there's a LOT of rules with this event as it is. - The other reason to get in early is so you can claim a good spot to get your butt nailed - such as a fuck bench or (if you're really lucky) a sling. Unfortunately, I started in a standing position against a back wall and I don't think this did me any favours... I'm over 6-ft tall and it's hard for a lot of guys to fuck me standing up. I eventually asked to me moved to a side bench that I could bend over and received a lot more attention there. In saying that, don't get disheartened if you aren't fucked the moment the stallions walk in. It may take some time. It was a slow start for me, but I eventually had multiple cocks stuffing my hole. - I was expecting more 'camaraderie' among the mares (i.e. we're all in this together, about to have our holes abused by random men so lets look after one another)... but instead it was more of a 'competitive' vibe. Mares were jostling for the best positions in the room, guarding the slings like their life depended on it (and glaring at any other mare that would dare to come near in fear of losing it). I went and stood next to a guy at the central fuck bench and gave him a friendly nod and a smile - he smiled back and then said to me in no uncertain terms that the fuck bench was at capacity and I couldn't stand there (I was only observing and had no intention staying in that location). This competitive part was a bit disappointing for me - but I guess when you have a room full of power bottoms, it's inevitable! - Note that it's really difficult to move about the room when you're blindfolded and the helpers will tell you not to move from your position unless you're being guided. This is one part I wasn't quite prepared for - staying in the one spot the whole time. I expected a bit more freedom to move about. Therefore, chose your spot wisely. Also, it took forever to the helpers to actually attend to me when I put my hand up to be relocated... I thought the helpers were at the mare's beck-and-call, but they are extremely busy and you could be waiting 10 minutes or more before you're attended to. - Even as a red hood (BB) mare, I would have estimated nearly 40-50% of guys that fucked me wore a condom. Don't think that because you have a red hood that you'll only get fucked raw. Also, most stallions won't cum in you. Why would they? There's 100 other assess in the room to try. Don't go there expecting to have your hole dripping with cum (I did get a few loads still) πŸ™‚ - Some stallions like to fuck rough - and by this I mean they want you to be in discomfort or pain. I had one stallion that really tested my limits and I eventually had to push him away. Even when I was pushing him off me, he was continuing to fuck me hard and push my head against a sold brick wall, because that's obviously what got him off. - I'm not sure if other mares had this experience, but I had one stallion who obviously took a liking to my ass and therefore kept coming back to me. Whilst I was flattered given the number of other assess in the room he could have used, I was also annoyed because I felt like I was missing out on the opportunity to experience other stallion cocks. I could sense there were others milling around me wanting a turn, but this guy just wouldn't leave me. I knew it was the same guy because his dick was relatively small and he didn't fuck with any aggression or 'pounding'. It was too sensual and boring for me lol. But that's FSM, you don't get to pick and choose as a mare! - I have been gangbanged by guys in sex clubs before and for that reason thought I could easily handle FSM. However, the difference with being in a sex club is that you can opt out or take a quick break when needed. You don't have that option at FSM and you really have to have the mental capability to continue to have your ass fucked even if you're not enjoying it. Of course, you can always opt out at any time or take a break. But in doing so, you're potentially missing out on the full FSM experience. I would also recommend NOT taking a break and staying with it until you're totally done. It's really hard to get back into it once you've sat down and taken a breath. A lot of mares that took a 'break' eventually decided that was it for them and never returned to the floor. Overall I had an amazing time and would definitely go again. Maybe next time I'll go to one of the smaller events instead of Berlin. I expected to walk out of Kit Kat club completed exhausted and unable to take another cock... but instead I jumped in an Uber and took the short trip to Lab.oratory for more cock πŸ˜„
  8. I’ll be going to the Berlin (Aug 12) market as a bb mare 😈 It’s been on my bucket list for a while and I can’t wait! I’m keeping my expectations in check though, as I have heard mixed reviews. I’m just going in with an open mind and a willing hole!
  9. One week to go. Anyone going to be Paris next week?
  10. I will be in Paris from 30th July for 5 nights (Sat to Thurs). I think it would be fun to find a local buddy (or another tourist) that wants to link up and go searching for cocks and loads all over the city. We would mainly hang out in the various cruise bars and saunas - essentially encouraging each other to take any load on offer. I can also host cumdump sessions at my hotel in the afternoon or early evening. Please get in touch if this would be of interest. I know a lot of bottoms can get quite competitive and hate sharing tops/loads around. But I love the idea of having a wingman to go searching together. Alternatively, if there are any tops in Paris that would want to whore me out at any point during my stay - please get in touch also!
  11. I have to ask how you manage to look after your hole with all this continual fucking day and night? Do you ever get a little anal tear or general soreness in the butt? I know I have struggled in the past whenever I've done the cumdump thing that I will inevitably get a minor tear from either a thick cock or a guy that is really rough. It only takes a tiny tear or a little bit of bleeding and that could signal the end of any butt play for a week (sometimes more). I'll also often get a minor flare up of anal herpes as well due to all that friction against the anus - it just seems to bring it on, which is so annoying when I'm on a month-long holiday but I'm basically unable to bottom for half that time. Is there anything you do (other than lots of lube) to look after that hole? Or are you just lucky that your butt doesn't easily tear?
  12. I fondly remember a trip to NYC a few years ago and getting bred by a BBC at Paddles. I'm not the most vocal bottom but this BBC had me audibly moaning and gasping. It was completely involuntary the sounds coming out of my mouth as I was getting nailed by this guy. He was a big dude too - at least 6'5 and a solid build. The commotion drew a crowd that stood around and watched me getting bred which made it even hotter. I had such a feeling of accomplishment afterwards - being able to withstand that pounding and make him cum. One of the guys watching came over to me afterwards and patted me on the back and gave me a little smile, as if to say "good job" lol. There's not a whole of BBC where I live and therefore it was one of my most memorable fucks!
  13. You've absolutely inspired me @120DaysofSodom! I'm currently planning a Euro vacation in August and was unsure whether to fly into either Paris or Amsterdam. I've settled on Paris now after reading your posts πŸ™‚ (I'm going to Amsterdam too briefly, for Pride) I have found memories of Paris and the cruise clubs. French men just do it for me and they're generally pretty hung. One of my favorite sex clubs in the world is L'Impact Bar. Man I've had some good fucks in there. Even though the venue is not that large, I love that there are no closed doors or places to hide. If you're going to fuck someone - it's going to be in front of other people, which satisfies both my exhibition and vouyeristic sides. I also like that it's naked only - nothing to hide πŸ™‚ I'm not as young as you, so you won't see me still out until 5 or 6am every night. But I do like that you had an established sex club circuit that you stuck to every night. I might try this too. I've never been to Boxxman before, so will try that in the afternoons.
  14. I try to go to the gym twice (maybe three times) a week and also play competitive sport which keeps me in decent shape. After a serious knee injury at 30, I spend a lot more time and effort these days working on my lower body to keep my legs strong... squats, lunges, deadlifts etc. This in turn has made my ass look so much better compared to my 20s when I had a fairly flat twinky bum πŸ˜„ I must say though, it is harder to keep looking fit and fabulous now I'm edging closer to 40. It's more about diet at this age (and a touch of botox I'm now considering). As much as hate to admit it, when I am in a regular gym routine and feeling 'fit' I just feel like I am a much more worthy cumdump. When I feel fit, I feel happy, which makes me want to go out and get bred - a very simple equation. When I'm not feeling fit and strong, I don't go looking for sex as much (even though I know I'm still fuckable). In my mind, if I haven't done the work in the gym to improve my body then I shouldn't expect to get fucked that much. It's a mindset I'm hoping to grow out of soon.
  15. My cock is generally always hard when I'm getting fucked, so happy I'm for guys to play with it. As long as they don't make me cum...
  16. You're right @Spunkinmyarse it seems GC hotels are generally set up to discourage. Although I guess most of the action happens in the sex clubs anyway. Hotel sex in GC is just a bonus. When I stayed at the Axel last year, I told any non-guest hook-ups to hang around at the front until someone enters or exits and then slip in through the glass doors when they open. It was a relatively busy hotel, so they never had to wait too long. And once inside, they don't need a keycard for lift access. It was annoying that there were a few women staying there and hanging topless by the pool. It just changed the vibe a bit. But otherwise I couldn't fault the hotel and the pool was a pretty nice spot to hang out when it was too hot to trek to the beach. Also a good spot to cruise potential fucks in the hotel πŸ™‚
  17. When visiting the Axel Hotel in Berlin, I advertised myself on Grindr as a cumdump that was taking loads for 2 hours between 4pm and 6pm on a specific day, in my hotel room. I included my room number in the advert. Once 4pm arrived, I unlocked my door and waited ass up naked on the bed, ready to take whoever saw the advert on Grindr and was keen to drop in. As I'm relatively new to the whole "no load refused" cumdump scenario, this was pretty raunchy for me. The rush of unlocking the door and not knowing who or how many guys were going to show up was so exhilarating. I think about 6 guys stopped by. I've certainly had more fucks than that in sex clubs before, but the whole anon scene and waiting for the door to open was a major turn on.
  18. I'm heading back to GC in mid-August this year. Is August generally a good time to go? (if searching for loads)? I was there last July for a week and had some fun. However I feel like I didn't get the 'full' GC experience as mpox was in full swing and people were being cautious in the sex clubs. Some were empty even. The vaccine had only just started to be rolled out. Things change so quickly... Hoping to make up for lost time and get as many loads as possible. Thinking I will stay at the Axel and hang out at Basement Studio if I'm horny during the day. Any other accomm recommendations would be appreciated - preferably somewhere I can be an ass-up anon cumdump πŸ™‚
  19. I arrived yesterday πŸ™‚ As luck would have it, my Euro trip started off with a Covid infection (inevitable and expected as I was yet to have it). Then followed by a nasty anal herpes outbreak that I think was made worse by the Covid infection (now finally resolved itself). And now I've arrived in Gran Canaria with a very small (but sore) anal fissure. I just cannot believe my bad luck. There are so many men here in GC that are down to fuck and I can't offer them my ass hole! I have a whole week here, so desperately hoping I will be fine in a few days as long as I take care of my hole. I'm still gonna top people in the meantime though πŸ™‚
  20. How did you go @NLbear? Get enough loads in GC?
  21. Thanks for detailed info! Zoo, Reds and Bunker it is for me then :)
  22. The issue is that I have very specific days I want to fly (both getting to AMS and GC). Plus the extra few nights accommodation in AMS is quite expensive compared to other big Euro cities. After earlier stops in Berlin and Pairs (and with Gran Canaria to cum), maybe my need for raw and anon encounters will be satisfied and I can sacrifice FSM this time around 😞
  23. Thanks for the info @NLbear I look forward to hearing more about GC seeing as you're there now! How many ass poundings so far? πŸ˜‰
  24. I'm spending several weeks in Europe in June/July 2022 and have the opportunity to be in Amsterdam for Fickstutenmarkt at The Eagle on July 16th. I've never been before and one of my biggest fantasies is to be a red hood mare at one of these parties! As I don't get to Europe often, I really want to make the most of this opportunity. However, getting to Amsterdam is out of the way (in terms of my travel schedule) and expensive as I need to get to Gran Canaria afterwards which is not easy due to very few direct flights from Amsterdam. For those that have been to these parties before, I'd like to know (before I make travel arrangements) if I will definitely get a spot as a mare if I show up early? I know that Horse Market in the US have a very competitive ticketing system for mares - some having to go into a lotto to be guaranteed a spot. Is it this competitive in Europe and particularly Amsterdam? I'm mid 30s and in decent physical shape, so I am not too concerned that I won't 'look' the part. But I am concerned that maybe there's only a limited number of mare places and it's 'first in, best dressed'... or undressed in this case. Worst case, I could go as a Stallion but mare is most definitely the preference. Cumunion is also happening the night after on July 17th - another party I haven't been to before. If I don't make it as a mare, maybe I can make up for it here! I'm also concerned that the 'fantasy' may be better than the 'reality' with these parties... and I'll be spending an extra 1000 euros to make the detour to Amsterdam. Alternatively, I could just get someone to blindfold me and whore me out in a sling somewhere in some cruise bar in Playa del Ingles πŸ˜› Or is Fickstutenmarkt simply unmissable for a first timer...??
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