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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Breeding, bareback, sleazy, anon, chavvy.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Love to be a gift giving and strain receiving chav boy. I become a total slut when I wear my sportswear and shiny puffer jackets! FUCK YEAH.
  • Looking For
    The right guys to take me off meds and start spreading my strains and toxic cum!

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  1. We definitely need a part 2!
  2. this story got my poz precum OOZING
  3. Hot profile puffer boy. DM me your number

    1. London1281955


      You get my number?  

    2. London1281955


      How can we make contact puffer boy 

  4. I love to wear shiny down jackets. No shirt underneath. They feel so soft and the shiny and puffy look make me much more willing to do all sleazy things imaginable. Love to go cruising in them too. Makes me just more slutty.
  5. At first I didn't really mind. When I got my results back it wasn't expected that I was poz since I didn't chase. But I jus let accepted the fact I got it. Only after my relationship ended and I started to go back on Grindr again I grew into it. I told guys I was poz if they asked. And they always seemed to like it. That started my journey into the poz world and I loved every moment since. Chasers and gifters are just so sleazy, my sex life has never been better. As for my health, I am currently on meds and there is really no health issue for me fortunately. I for sure don't regret it. On the contrary.
  6. Blew a nice big load to this story after huffing poppers for two hours. Fucking hot!
  7. Love it! Always fantasized about it knowing I probably wouldn't be the only one 😈
  8. Great story! And honestly, quite realistic 😂!
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