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Everything posted by mike_thieriot

  1. If I may ask, why was this story condoned for so long before being banned? I don't see any explicit references to underage people in the chapters posted so far, so was it a subsequent chapter that was posted and which was deleted? It just seems odd, because earlier in the thread you appeared to condone this story, even contributing with a few visuals of the main characters. Feel free to ignore this if I am out of line.
  2. Not false teeth per se, but I have Invisalign braces, and since they're basically just smooth plastic over my teeth, I like to use them to massage the guy's dick. There's no pain at all, it just feels like gums, but more solid.
  3. Ha! Good luck, I say.
  4. Keep in mind, too, that we may not always be reliant on antibiotics. For example, developments in nanobot technology could allow us to stop relying on the immune system. We could just target the individual bacterial/viral cells and take them out. There was actually a study done recently where they killed a virus by simply stabbing it with a spike-shaped piece of carbon nanotubing. If we could do this with nanobots, bacteria/viruses will never be able to evolve their way out of it, just like humans will never be able to evolve their way out of being vulnerable to gunshot wounds.
  5. Agreed. Should a doctor be able to refuse to treat a patient because they have a dangerous disease? Of course not, that's why they're at the doctor in the first place! If you're in the medical profession, you're going to everything possible to avoid sharing bodily fluids with ANY patient, because you're by definition dealing with sick people all day. I honestly wouldn't even tell my dentist if I was poz. Its none of his business unless there's a law compelling me to disclose. And since I don't plan on banging him, to my knowledge there is no such law.
  6. In what world should something like that be sentenced on the same level as committing a mass murder?
  7. I'd question just how enforceable this would be, however. Several weeks later, when the other guy finds out he got pozzed, there will be absolutely zero DNA evidence of your "deposit" left to be found. He will have no proof that you ever had sex in the first place. Besides, the only way he would even know (assuming he doesn't know you personally) is if he got pozzed, for which the odds are extremely remote unless you have a high VL. Even then, he wouldn't necessarily know which one of his undoubtedly multiple bareback partners did the deed. Hell, you wouldn't even NEED a lawyer to defend against such a weak case. If he can't even identify who did it, how is he going to charge anyone? And if he did, its very likely that the judge would throw out such a weak case and maybe even slap him with a fine for wasting the court's time. Judges don't appreciate frivolous or unfounded cases.
  8. Man, you should go get yourself pozzed up and then breed this guy again. That would be sooo hot.
  9. Are your actual stats the same as you said in your story? I just moved to Edmonton and wanna get back to taking/giving loads... Hit me up if you're interested. 22yo 6'0" 155lbs 6.5" cut neg here (your status is not an issue, but if you're poz please tell me cause it'd be sooo much hotter)

  10. Exactly. I agree 100%! Its funny, you don't typically see the kid displaying symptoms of being "traumatized" until they're told by others that what happened was wrong. I firmly believe that it is the pressure of society constantly telling the kid that what happened was wrong and that they should feel bad that causes the psychological damage we see in those that have been "victims" (assuming there was consent on both sides. Obviously, rape is another issue entirely).
  11. Hate to say it, but I liked him better in Beijing. I dunno, he just hasn't aged as well as I'd hoped. I've never been one for large amounts of muscle, though.
  12. It's actually surprisingly few. I wouldn't trust anything an American believes about another country, particularly Canada. Most of them still believe we live in Igloos... And wait times are not THAT long here. The problem is that it varies wildly based on what city/municipality you live in. For example, I grew up in a small town in Ontario where the health system was just horrendous. You'd wait ten hours in the hospital unless you were in serious condition. But that's because there were a shortage of doctors, which makes sense because, after spending a decade or more enjoying the exciting world of the big city while in medical school, who would want to relocate to the middle of bumfuck nowhere? You couldn't possibly pay me enough to practice in a small, rural town if I was a doctor. By contrast, since I moved to a city of about 500,000 just outside of Toronto, I have never waited more than half an hour for anything.
  13. I sure hope not. Besides, Romney's odds of winning are pretty slim. He's like the antithesis of everything that is Republican.
  14. I always hear this "nothing is for free" argument, but it really doesn't hold water. The reality is that the American system is so royally fucked up that Americans would actually end up paying around HALF of what they do now for health care (all told, including taxes, premiums, and out-of-pocket costs) if they switched to single-payer. This is based on the fact that Canadians, who have a single-payer system (unlike the Brits who have a system where all of the doctors and such are employees of the government, in Canada they are private and simply bill the government). I do think that single-payer, as it is implemented in Canada, is actually better than a completely government-run system such as the NHS in Britain. The Canadian system does need some improvement, for example it needs to cover drugs for everyone, not just seniors and welfare recipients. However, since we already pay half of what the Americans do, we have lots of room to pump more money into the system to get better results, if we so choose. Also, I'm not positive (forgive the pun haha), but I don't think HIV meds are covered here either, unless you can demonstrate that you absolutely cannot afford them. Though, at $2500+ a month, that should apply to most people out there. But if you end up admitted to hospital and they give you drugs there, those are always covered.
  15. Everyone has to pay for it in the end, but overall (and this may sound counter-intuitive), since single-payer systems are far more efficient than the US system, the average person will actually pay much less than if they were only paying for themselves (in terms of total expenditures - be it out of pocket, through insurance premiums, or through taxes). This is leaving aside the fact that with insurance, you're not just paying for yourself either. Private insurance is a risk pool, the same as public healthcare. The difference is that the overhead of public healthcare is much lower (the US's total administrative overhead on health care spending is around 30%, whereas Canada's is about 3%).
  16. I found a sexy poz guy in Edmonton who said he'd be okay with sharing his gift. I'm moving out there in about a month. You still looking? It'd be awesome if we could convert together. You're so fuckin hot!

  17. You can't tell me every guy in real life is a 250+ pound hairy bear with a beer gut and who doesn't look like he's ever seen a gym in his life. Because I can personally attest to that being just about all I see on those types of sites.
  18. Perhaps you could have your testes moved back into your body, as they were at birth? I mean, as far as I understand, the reason they are outside the body is to facilitate the production of sperm, but since you obviously won't be conceiving any time soon, that's not really an issue. I'd be interested to know whether the increased temperature would also affect testosterone production.
  19. But my understanding was that the drugs were not nearly as bad as they used to be, right?
  20. That's all fine and dandy for you, but anecdotes do not equal evidence. The fact of the matter is that anti-RV drugs DO help, otherwise they would never have passed the FDA's scrutiny. There is a vast amount of research and knowledge that explains exactly how and why these drugs work, and the simple fact of the matter is that they DO work. Anyone who tries to belittle their effectiveness obviously knows nothing of the decades of research and development and even more decades of clinical trials that go into each and every drug before it ever makes it into your hands, all so you can behave recklessly and not have to worry so much about the consequences (not that I don't do the same, mind you). To claim these drugs don't work without any proof is quite frankly insulting to the many brilliant minds, far smarter than any of us, who have dedicated and continue to dedicate their lives to searching for treatments and eventually a cure.
  21. Are you sure the "pop" was you and not actually coming from him? If I'm hard enough, and I exert enough downward (when laying down on my back, for reference) pressure on my cock by pushing on the head with my palm, I can make it "pop" at the base, similar to cracking your knuckles.
  22. What's your xtube account? I'd be interested to see these home movies you speak of ;)

  23. Ever get to detroit/SW ontario area? I'd love to impale myself on your death stick! Bonus points if you have other diseases, especially syph. I can't wait to have those sexy syph sores all over my dick and ass, and I'll be sure to knock up as many as I can after I get your wonderful gift!

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