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Everything posted by str8mature5

  1. Good story please keep it going!
  2. Would love to get bred by a cruel condomn
  3. Lucky son of a gun!
  4. Good start lets see where this leads to, or should i say what 🙂
  5. Well i guess congrats and make sure you share!
  6. Great start like where this is going! Give us more!
  7. Will be hosting @ Red Roof Inn Druid Hills 7-14 hit me up here or on bbrt will post an ad their thanks guys
  8. Great start to a hot story!
  9. Hopetheirs more to this great story!
  10. Will be in Atlanta 7/13 are their any bathouse's open or recomended?
  11. Think he will visiting Benny a little more often now.
  12. I love to feel the pain as the top fucks me brutulay and hard and shoves it to the hilt while hes cumming!
  13. I hate being ghosted it really pissess me off, They should say and do what they say. Not lead u up to a meeting then dissapear.
  14. Great old story wish that would happen in todays time i would attend
  15. Go ahead and do it! My fantasy is to get gangbanged by a group of POZ guys. ( It's hard enough finding one)
  16. Just take the raw loads, PREP and PEP are two different drugs used different ways
  17. Hot way to get fucked!
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