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Everything posted by rock-cock-jock

  1. Meh, shit happens. 1) Most straight guys dont know how to do douche but they're so hot to top. 2) And what about spontaneous sex where there hasn't been time to clean up beforehand? Like waking up in the morning next to a lover with morning glory or unexpectedly making eye contact with some stranger at an event u werent planning to have sex at. 3) or how about camping? the outdoors where no facilities are available. Are u just gonna not have sex and miss out cuz it's messy? pssh, it's not the end of the world, it's just organic matter, nbd. As long as you avoid the riding position, dont go crazy with the fucking and make sure your cock stays inside with your strokes, the mess will be pretty minimal and mostly confined. After cumming, just wipe and clean up after, easy peasy, no big deal And also, honestly, I mean this sincerely and not as a criticism, when you stop being so judgemental and fussy about stuff like this, whether it's in your attitude or your profile or whatever, ppl will respond to that and I find more and hotter guys will be attracted to you
  2. Although I'm very much in the bbbh camp, I don't think it's strategic to be a bareback only hardliner. Here's why. The vast majority of straight and bi guys that hookup with guys insist on condoms the first time they hookup, which is unfortunate because a good portion of em are hot af masculine studs that are just great at sex. But it's just how things are, they're either married and cant be exposed by an sti showing up or are just not aware of prep, doxycycline and vaccinations. But that's only usually temporary. If you're willing to play the long game, after the first few times, their insistence on condoms greatly diminishes and bare sex is more likely if you suggest it then. Probably the most convincing point imo is if you've just recently had a prep refill and after you explain to them that the program requires you to test and treat all sti's to get the refill (which is verifiable online) then show em the date on the bottle.
  3. this is a really good topic and I think there are many levels to that question. First off, this is gonna sound kinda manipulative (because it is), but you have to remember your objective here - it's to get this dude to fuck you, it's not to be fucking honest and tell him your exact load number, nor is it reason to burn this bridge as a potential cum load, and last and most importantly, it's not to entertain these irrelevant deviations in the conversation, especially such a tricky one, where the risk of failure is far greater than any benefit you might get by revealing this information. Let me expand on this a bit. What is his motivation in asking that question? Obviously, that depends. As a lot of ppl here pointed out, some of them are turned on by sloppy holes, some of them are using this as jerk off fuel and dont actually plan on showing up, some of them ask this as a trick question to see how much of a slut you are and either equate that to a high sti risk and thus not show up (typically straight and bi guys do this) or as a power move for subtle intimidation (kind of a taunt/subtly putting you down. certain types of ppl do this) or as a way to build up a fantasy of probably some porn-derived scenario. Regardless of why the top asked that question, they plan on using that information to somewhat objectify (not exactly the right word) or rather form an image of you based on their own individual pre-conceived ideas. This is not to your benefit at all, as most of these possible images are of less appeal than how you appear to them currently .Alot of respondents say that 'alot of tops/most guys' like sloppy holes/are into that - that's bullshit. No, you can't assume that at all - you don't know the odds and you don't know his motivation. Besides, it's not for you to play russian roulette to get his dick, remember your objective. So, the correct answer to that question, is to not answer at all. It might seem relevant but it isn't crucial information - other tops have come by without asking that and of the small proportion that might see it as essential and specifically look for a certain minimum load number, it's such an unusual interest that you can casually deflect and the obscurity would still keep you as a possible plan for their night in their mind rather than risk saying a specific number and then instantly getting written off because of it being a 'rule' in their mind. Besides, it's an overly personal aggressive question and even if you're a proud slut like me, it doesn't mean you have to wave your slut flag everywhere. It's none of the guy's business how many loads you have up in your cum tunnel at all so you're well justified in the conversation to dismiss it. So, purposefully ignore that question and steer the conversation back to a vibe that you're more comfortable with. Tossing out a new hot sexy pic of you might work well here as this gets the power back in your favor ideally with him complimenting you or possibly mentioning a new kink or something that you'd let him try or whatever, it just needs to be interesting enough to change topics. Or better yet, nail down specific logistics like time he might come over, an alternative method of contacting each other, how much forewarning you might need, etc. practical things so it makes things more concrete and weeds out the losers using it as wank fuel. If he doesn't compliment you on the pic by the way at this point , that's a good sign that he's a lost cause as it's uncomfortable to compliment something you're disgusted by. And at that point, he's just playing around. These are my thoughts on it anyways
  4. Vaseline doesn't work or mineral oil, at least not within the time frame and conditions of a fuck. I use vaseline exclusively as lube - it's hands down the best overall lubricant (aside from cum) and never had one break, ever. Try it out and see -get some free condoms from the clinic, separate them into 2 groups,, fill em all with an equal volume of water, tie em off and suspend them all so that they're stretched, then lather one group with vaseline or baby oil or whatever, and leave em. If vaseline really does deteriorate the latex structure them it should cause the lathered group to rip before the other group. I'll save you the trouble if you dont wanna do it - it doesnt do shit, as im sure many bottoms on this site can attest to. I've done it a couple times actually to straight guys that come over to use a private gloryhole that I made and installed in my apartment. It's a robust cardboard structure slotted into the door hinges and secured against the frame with duct tape, so it doesnt move if the top pushes. Behind that is a bolt of partly sliced black fabric that covers the glory hole obscuring the top's vision from seeing inward. I think you know where this is going now eh? After he's good and hard and horny enough to lower his guard, you can quickly roll on a condom that you've previously put a hole in, grab him by the base and push him into your pre-lubed hole. Tada, you now have a straight, often married, guy's raw masculine cock inside you and shortly thereafter, his straight male sperm.
  5. Lmk you're from bz and I'll add you to some groups if I can @workhardplayhard1234
  6. on the cowboy theme...[think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_lrV2cyw6Tmum #mainstream #cowboy #forced #threesome #masc #sweaty
  7. same dude. It's just being pragmatic. Sex is just way easier, hotter and feels better with a hard cock. The thing is that ED is just rampant and alot of men are too shy to get ED pills on their own. It's gotten to the point where I just prefer to give a wilting hookup a superman and bear the cost if they can wait around just so I can enable his cock to breed me. It's just biology, just how it is
  8. Totally agree. Flaking, or likelihood to flake, is a significant factor for me when considering a hookup. The distribution tends toward younger guys, clean cut twinky types and the more vanilla profiles (also for rejection). So....kinda as a result, I've found myself more comfortable going for older guys, more on the rougher hairier look, any kinda tribe except twink and esp if their profiles show that they are pigs, love bareback and dtf!
  9. I think this might delve into a deeper question of why do guys become tops, bottoms and versatiles. These axes can be pretty dynamic too imo, because at least for me, it depends on my mood, the chemistry with the other guy, age, level of horniness/laziness, etc. Or maybe vers guys are just more wibbly wobbly.
  10. Second, your arguments on a biological basis are flawed. 1) Homosexuality is quantitatively hereditary, widespread across all current and historic societies, has a strong additive genetic basis and dates back to at least the hunter-gatherer era. Additionally, the persistent prevalence of homosexuals is significantly higher than what may be calculated for a recessive trait of no fitnes. So, it appears to be more common than can be plausibly explained by mutation–selection balance and therefore offers a fitness benefit to a population, a benefit strong enough as to date back to hunter gatherer times and to manifest in every human society, including geographically isolated ones. What this evolutionary fitness is, is still up for debate but some theories are that it promotes social integration, prosocial bond formation, better communication and connectivity. But assuming you're equating fitness with value as a person (illogical regardless), then that argument doesn't stand up. 2) Once again, for the umpteenth time, sexual identity and sexual behavior are NOT the same. There is a whole forum category on breedingzone for straight guys that fuck guys on the side for crying out loud but still identify as straight. Furthermore, there are tons of straight and bi guys that have m2m sex and then still live heteronormative lives as well as father children simultaneously. Gay guys also father children, albeit at 20% occurrence, but the machinery still works obviously. Considering this degree of reproductive integration, how can you argue that men who have sex with men are a different species? 3) The implication that you're making is that degree of masculinity is the metric being used to determine hierarchical position. Now, this is a legitimate hypothesis and worth discussing. I have also considered this to be a factor in how it may determine sex role, sex position, sex dynamics, wanting of occasional casual sex, full on sluttiness or monogamous/open relationships, etc. However, the problem I have with this is that although masculinity is primarily a biological trait (simply the manifestation of androgenic expression on a physiological and behavioral level), the usage of the word has been warped by extreme conservatives/religious groups/homophobic communities to be used as a means of discrimination as a false illogical rationale for why men who have sex with men are less deserving of respect and opportunities. And that, is completely reprehensible. Once again, your casual comment, perhaps because you feel sexier if you roleplay as a subhuman creature or whatever, is irresponsible, and absolutely none of us should ever tolerate this talking point because quite simply it has a very real effect on our day to day lives
  11. ok, there's alot to unpack here. First and foremost, I hope you and whoever reads this doesn't associate their sense of self worth with their sexuality, sex role or sexual fetishes. Who you choose to have sex with and how you do it is a very very small part of what defines you as a person and quite frankly, your comment undermines the personhood of the gay community and decades of struggle for us to not be despised as second-hand citizens in mainstream society. Who knows how accepting, even in the slightest, that horrible train of thought that you are less of a person because of your sexuality will subconsciously bias your life's path in things like achieving your goals, making friends, forming relationships, etc.?
  12. Totally agree. The sub-dom dynamic is a fun fetish and it really makes the perceived hierarchy explicit. However, this kind of thing needs to be talked about a bit beforehand and it's a controlled acted scenario with some mutual trust tbh. The problem is when some guys internalize it and tops go on power trips and become narcissists in their own lives or bottoms internalizing this mentality to diminish their own sense of self worth. Both are mentally unhealthy as reality-dissociative conditions tbh. From a hookup point of view, it's jarring to meet these types. When I was in Boston once, I met this power trip type top off grindr, 50s hairy muscular, that out of the blue started calling me faggot this faggot that and poppin condescensions left right and center. I was kinda like wtf, I'm not ok with this, and I had to straight up tell him that this kind of thing was unacceptable and if he kept doing it I was going to punch him the throat. Unfortunately, that kinda ruined the momentum and he mumbled sorry and left.
  13. Probably not healthy for me but I occasionally get flashbacks of making love with my ex who I later had a bad break up with
  14. haha, I love that. beta tops=vers guys=bottom boy=boy toy though? Dunno about that. Also, sub males and omega males - is there a need to have 2 different tiers? could collapse them into one imo
  15. I mean, never say never - the realm of what's considered off-limits is context dependent. You can overlap me anytime perversatile 😉 We can even go crazy and try out one of vidal's penis shaped candles.
  16. Yes, there is definitely a hierarchy. Even going back to ancient rome, homo sex was alot more accepted in society but there was def a hierarchy with the top being of higher social class and the btm being a slave or foreigner or lower class. Homo sex between guys of the same class was not done 'publicly'. Even without the historical context to suggest that it's a bottom up construct, media is rife with this implication - porn casting, erotica plotlines, dating profiles, etc. I think humans are innately sensitive to power dynamics and hierarchy regardless of sex or sexuality anyways and this plays out in social situations, workplace authority, who you can influence, respect when you speak, etc.
  17. Same with me. 50/50 but top more often as it's easier to hook up. I don't think 'nationality' is the intended word; I think he meant 'ethnicity', because 'nationality' doesn't make sense. In which case, I do think that there is a correlation between ethnicity and sex position. Whether it's because of porn or culture or body size or cock size or whatever, there are def stereotypes about the dynamics because of one's ethnic origin. In NA for asian guys, I think there's almost like a gay game growth tree where some are expected to spec into being a slim, sub, fem, smooth, twinky btm. I find these traits to be incredibly unappealing for me to adopt personally - I love being a masc, muscular, not submissive, bro-type pig with body hair and when guys hmu hoping for the subby asian stereotype that's a straight up hard no from me. But it's a legit social norm/type/genre/tribe in the gay community. I also feel like black guys get pigeonholed too. I'm sure not every black guy wants to be stuck in the bbc top category forever. I think certain relative things like a taller height , larger body size and bigger cock size might subconsciously push someone to being more top or perceived as more top and vice versa for being more btm; this might be reflected in different distributions among ethnicity too
  18. oh yeah, for sure man. At least here in Canada, people love to bitch about everything and anything. The truth is, grindr is just a hookup game with a different set of rules that are generally more mercenary. Navigating those rules requires certain strategies, resources and understanding of gameplay to win the game (i.e. fuck). Tips and tricks for a minority to score on grindr should be a stand-alone forum topic lol
  19. I love spit play. Not when it's done humiliatingly, but more of a pig play body fluids primal kinda thing.
  20. Absolutely. I'm mixed Chinese-Irish and grew up in Jamaica. I've also made it a personal goal to try out the cocks/holes of every different race on earth but that's not to say I don't have preferences, I'm just a slut. After many years of grindring, I'm pretty immune to rejection as well, based on race or whatever and it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did when I was 18-22. I'm glad to see so many guys are open to whatever race when hooking up, as it should be. However, I'm gonna be very blunt and maybe politically incorrect to say this, but saying race isn't a factor at all is ridiculous. The reason is that race, for the purposes of hooking up, refers to a combination of linked phenotypic traits, any of which may be individually attractive or unattractive to a person...and that's perfectly fine. My personal set of traits that I kinda lean toward are masculinity, body hair and thicc butts. These, and all other traits, have a different distribution across races but obviously not exclusively and will depend on culture, sexual identity, fetish roles etc. and I don't think people should be shamed for having these preferences. I think regarding general success rate on grindr, it's less about your race and more about how hot you are. If you're a racial minority and you're on grindr, here's my constructive bit of criticism: falling back on your race as an excuse because guys aren't replying to you is quite frankly lame and a mental deadend. Instead, use that frustration for self improvement and/or figure out a game plan to get more sex depending on your circumstances -go to the gym, get a good diet, hire a trainer, see a dermatologist, see a doctor, advance in your job, make more friends, move somewhere more urban, steroids, plastic surgery, makeup, hair transplants, whatever you need to do to get more attractive. I think you'd be surprised that for many guys, it's less about your race and more about how generally fuckable you are
  21. totally agree. sexaddictionbb is my favorite atm for sound quality. I even made a comp for jerk off purposes lol: [think before following links] https://dn1.newtumbl.com/img/1309724/138984949/1/196479810/nT_sehs2v3a5v137vau73d1v2tn.mp4 turn up the volume and enjoy the squish squish squish of a loaded hole lol
  22. I disagree. I actually think stealth vids are kinda hot
  23. Same, I hate what porn has become nowadays. This might be controversial but I think the #1 most annoying thing about porn is that it is now overly filtered, moderated and restricted. I believe strongly in the freedom of the internet and the idea of what it was meant to be - the free sharing of information. Now, to be fair, I accept the validity of the argument that some aspects endanger public safety and that there do need to be hard limits but it bothers me that these limits can be so heavily swayed by these religious anti-porn lobbying groups. For example, the pornhub cleanse 2 years ago was because of this, which by the way disenfranchised thousands of online sex workers in the midst of a pandemic with zero remuneration. I'm annoyed that porn has progressively become overly sanitized under the guise of making us safer but really, it's censorship masquerading as public safety.
  24. I keep coming back to this trainer vid every so often. It's just really well done. How far along the path of depravity are you? [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/playlist/35768/video/depraved-pig-poppers-trainer/
  25. I'm ok with all those options as long as the cum is going inside. I guess technically, with the wanking into open mouth option, there's the catastrophic possibility of him missing your mouth which is just a complete waste. Have you ever watched those gloryhole porn vids where during the cumshot the sucker behind the wall basically misses like 70% of the cum? It's kinda like, he's worked so hard at this task only to just piss away most of the prize imo. Honestly, I'm such a cum fiend, I have no reservations about licking it up almost anywhere I see it. Out of condoms, on bed sheets, off skin, off the towel used for cock wiping, everywhere. It's so subconscious that I think one day I'm gonna get myself in trouble if I spot like a drop of coconut jelly or something similar, and just automatically lick it up like the depraved animal I am
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