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About Dracon6

  • Birthday 01/02/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Bisexual, Masculine Nipple player /lover, I'd like to say I'm verse. but the truth is I'm bad at both looking for Poz guys that are into Chasers
    unfortunately I'm mostly straight, , I like poz guys, their attitude, their sexual freedom, I don't care how older they are or how sick they look. If But When I Get High: My POZ fetish cums out really bad: It isso when it comes to guys; the only way I can get turned on, knowing or thinking the other guy is poz. the IDEA of getting fucked by a guy who is Poz is the only way I can get hard . Him telling me he is Poz or that he wants to give me his cum sends my excitement to the stratosphere. Love Giving over control and following directions. Poz talk, Cum play are huge turn-ons. Unfortunately, my demeanor and sincerity make it impossible to get most guys only use vanilla terms and treat their cum like ifit was some kind of acid keeping it as far away from me as possible.
    Until now, I kept my bugchasing fetishes a secret. I never verbalized his to anyone, heck I can't even say the words " fuck me " I consider someone wanting to fuck me a real privilege, thinking that of all the guys that he could f*** he is choosing me. This usually leads to me fu**ing but that's ok I prefer that anyways
    More about me; my specialty is Nipple play. Not only am a great at it i enjoy sucking them, working them, and especially love playing music on them while you just lay back and enjoy. So sensitive Nipples are a must.
    Anything else we do is icing on the cake.
    I am masculine, friendly, passionate,
    respectful, but I am also BISEXUAL and anyone who's known a true bisexual knows that sometimes we require a little more patience and direction, and getting high as a kite helps too.
    So when i am sober I'm 100 % into Girls and have no atraction to guys. But as soon as I get high:....
    Stage1= all of a sudden Man on Man sex is Hot. Aong with most gay fetishes, sex scenes and gay porn.
    At this stage Sex with guys,BB sex, light Bdsm. leather, light bondage and other extreme things like electro, flogging, sounds, etc... are hot and totally doable I mostly like to do this stuff to prove my self especially Daddy types and make them proud of how far l can go.
    STAGE 2-When I get really spun and I am completely relaxed and out of my head is when fucking comes into the picture. When my dick is hard i like using it or it being used
    Id like to think that i am versatile but the truth is i suck at both. The idea of getting fucked is a big turn on for me. Not the process but the
    the ending
    I enjoy fucking, that is what feels good to me I try to make it all pleasurable.
    TOTAL BOTTOMS OR HUNGRY HOLES DONT DO IT FOR ME (Sorry No danger) I consider them just work
    WHAT GETS ME HARD? At this stage Danger, Cum play the idea cum on, near or in me or cum already in you. making me taste your pre-cum, our dicks touching, rubbing your dick on my dick. your dick forced in my mouth your dick rubbed around my hole is better for me than it actially going in and it is super exciting.
    STAGE 3, I do slam but i like to reserve that for special situations at this stage perv talk, poz talk, the idea of getting bread, seduced, tricked, drugged, corrupted, you know the usual stuff. When I slam everything is a go for the first few minutes.
    So the higher i get the more i do. and I don't ever regreat what i do. So Dont hold back. And yes I may be some work but even if we cant do everything we wanted, I guarantee you will have the most incredible nipple experience you will ever have
    NOT into shit play, Animals and kids im not abusive. And please dont ask me to breed you. I will be cleaned out just incase fingers or toys go to that area but if you expect to get fucked you please u be too. ( Ifs a matter of respect)
    I am Dislexic so my chats are always going to look crazy.
    I can't host but can travel from the OC to Hollywood for work and I always have my small dog with me. Please let me know if there is a problem with that.
    BI-SEXUAL, Sigma Male to the T (look it up) Excellent Nipple player and at Tantric sex. with a Poz fetish.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    The past few years, ive been spending nights getting high and jacking to Poz videos and stories. I don't have an interest in guys other than friendship, but they have to be poz. I'm extremely open-minded and love man-on-man sex. Unfortunately, I have to be high to do it. The Poz community has been very kind and protective of me, probably because I treat them with respect and acceptance .But my excitement and fearlessness are translated into naiveness and therefore led many limited encounters. But I appreciate them regardless. But I think it's time I was more verbal about my Poz fetish.
  • Porn Experience
    Would love to make some videos of situations that are perv and twisted as the victim like getting high, tricked, pozed, Etc. They would be genuine
  • Looking For
    Gifters and chasers to chat or meet ,Guys who like to see guys get high, lose their inhibitions and get them to do gay and other things they wouldn't normally do. Guys who don't care if you are Neg. Guys who want to make me a pig or dirty (in a good way ) or like them. leather guys, dominant guys who are into extreme play, I'm a rebel by nature but like to prove that I can do things rather than follow orders.

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    Not yet
  • Recon Profile Name
    Not yet

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  1. LOL! I get you, man, Same here except the opposite. The best I can describe it is a switch
  2. Speaking of Slammers, I'm making it a habit of going there on Saturday nights I party up with a capsule of T and drink some G right before I so far I've ended up jacking off in a booth by myself but every time it keeps getting better and better I've already done it 3 Saturdays in a roll. tonight will be the 4th bad thing is that I've been jacking off all morning and afternoon in anticipation of going there.
  3. So Fucken hot. I've had this scenario almost happen a couple of times to me. I really appreciated the guys who wanted to do this to me and If I could write I would tell you the stories. Well in a nutshell, the first guy had me tied up and gave me a Xanax, he thought he had 10 guys coming over. But unfortunately, it was on a Monday morning and he had no chems left. The second guy had 5 guys waiting in a bedroom for me to slam but he had given them too much Tina so unfortunately I was the only one with the hard on.... One guy had 2 guys waiting in the closet in a hotel room but I was so late getting to the hotel that the guys had fallen asleep. showed me guys sleeping and told me that when he saw me pull up he tried to wake them but they wouldn't get up So he just had me help kick them out. Another guy used my profile and had three guys secretly coming over but when they arrived he wanted to be the one f***** so they got pissed and left the third one told me the plan.( Damm I guess its been more than a couple cuz I can think of a few others.) My point is that really appreciated these guys for trying.
  4. OMG This story is so hot and quick that it made me cum in record time.
  5. I love this kind of talk. What do you call it? Whenever guys talked in front of me like this, I pretended not to catch on. But inside my head; I always got so turned on. Even if it was probably mostly all going on in my head.
  6. I'm chasing too.  Best of luck on your chase! ☣️🤞

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