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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by Poz50something

  1. I once had a nocturnal emission in my teens. The only thing my Mum had to say about it was 'stop leaving your disgusting pajamas in the wash'...and I looked at her quizzically because it was weeks after the fact. 'If you have to pollute yourself at least use a tissue'...what it did was then to make me trust my parents less as a source of knowledge. And, was this 1880, instead of the 1980s? I replied, 'I had an accident, these things do happen, you know, Mum' Thank goodness Gran was there to say something like 'yeah, it happens. Next time, wipe it up so your Mum doesn't get upset. Your Mum is going through menopause, so try and not argue with her.' But yeah, welcome to '60s parenting, where sex was a shameful thing to discuss, instead of a teachable moment.
  2. I might be in the minority here, but I think it's really not that life-changing. Yeah, we enjoy hot stories, we relish the illustrations. We cum buckets and buckets of balljuice. I have been there...trust me. I too have been downvoted. But it was over something that, in reflection, wasn't important, and starting in negative territory is not that significant. I licked my (self-inflicted) wounds, went away to cool my thoughts and came back. I contributed and went from newbie to enthusiast. OK, not that fabulous, but it's a goal to get to get up to the next rung. We"re all here to help each other. Life is fucking tough. There are people taking away our fundamental rights...I mean, this site is a valuable resource, but it's also entertainment.....the f'in best entertainment, but it's still entertainment.
  3. Yup - tried tina for the second time in 25 years and I was desperately unhappy plus the drum beat of depression during the winter. Tina made me feel despondent after the fact. I am an addict. Please block my name from the chem sites.....
  4. Love the feel of oil, and vaseline makes things that much smoother. KY? Not even for jacking off. The problem is that it dries, and constantly has to be reapplied. I love friction, but condoms plus dryness means plenty of chafing. Most days, I don't need plenty of lube, but there's something to be said about the slick feeling of it around my cock, or my really horny hole. Insist on water-based lube? Not in my home, they don't.....
  5. My late hubby Greg was one of the lucky ones, who did not get infected with HIV despite being as sexually active with other people, and definitely a barebacker who caught plenty of other things, including a case of crabs when we lived together (not from me as I am shaven from head to toe), and yet I was the one who seroconverted from my infection. It really is the luck of the draw.
  6. .....and so does the Canadian government. If there's a procedure to enact when someone is found to be HIV+, there's definitely a test for it during screening for permanent residence. I found out in 2004, that I was when the blood test results came back. I thought Immigration Canada was going to bar me, but here I am, more than 15 years a Canadian citizen. It's not a bar to receiving permanent residence and living here, but it could very well be.
  7. I mean, the Habsburgs took the notion of 'keeping the bloodline pure' and keeping the power within the family to the limit....uncles were wed to their nieces, and cousins to cousins......drooling on the chin with the added inability to close one's mouth, anyone? No takers? [think before following links] https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/what-was-habsburg-jaw-chin-royal-inbreeding-sign/
  8. Thanks Bootman. Kinda obvious, but someone needs to say it.
  9. The part that perked me right up was Chester being a personal masseur. As a sleazebag, you can be sure Uncle dear gets to pummel the muscles of the clients, but it's mostly his big muscle that does the hard work. I can almost smell the massage/ suntan oil, and the slick oily fingers....the sleaze of it all. If only he had a long foreskin, but hot damn that illustration!! I wonder if we'll get tp the part of Chester's pozzing......I'm a RMT, so my licence is toast the moment I try to go beyond a sensual massage, and even then, some women who practice massage therapy in their house will not allow the client not to wear a long drape sheet. I always say it's the client's comfort level that's important. Touching my pits and bits isn't included in the massage, however.
  10. ErosWired - I’m sure it sucks for the guy to be honest and then get told he isn’t allowed to fuck the cumdump bare. I get it. I’ve faced my share of consequences for being open about my HIV status. But being a cumdump doesn’t automatically mean I have to volunteer to be a petri dish any more than I can avoid. Being adults, behaving in a responsible manner....that's a given, isn't it - I have told several people about my HIV status, and even if U=U, lots of them literally close the shop, pull the shades down and slam the door shut, case closed. There are consequences to all our actions, and some are unpleasant. Okay, dear Lanshiqua, get up, dust yourself off and get on with your life. Always, it's Aaliyah who will inspire me in this go around.
  11. From 2005 to 2007 is all it took....didn't become an AIDS patient, but came awfully close...last CD4 reading before I went on triple therapy was 212, viral load was 75000. 2 years....
  12. I got Hepatitis B - not fun - felt like I was going through the spin cycle... now, I don't think it was penetrative sex. I might have even caught it by rimming someone. As soon as I found out the Québec government gave free Hep A shots for poz people, got both shots as soon as I qualified (permanent residence permit).
  13. viking8x6 Maybe for people with this sort of blinders it would help to direct their attention to the actual evidence in the world around them? Men are willing to have sex with other men despite the risk of imprisonment or execution -- that sounds like a pretty powerful attraction to me. The fact that it is recognised by every society tells me it's not that men or women do not choose to be deviant, it is who they are, it's a valuable expression of what a person is.
  14. Just came back from a month's stay away from Montreal, due to a family emergency. Definitely did not know about G. I. Joe....but nor am I surprised. I think this is the second time there's been a fire there. Oasis isn't all that great. Last time I was there was in 2003. It's more of an S&M sauna - stand and model more than anything else. There's also Bain Coloniale, but it's more for the marble hot tubs, and the "atmosphere" of Plateau men going for a weekly schvistz. There's supposedly a Sauna Verdun, but haven't been, and I don't think I will. [think before following links] https://www.cruisinggays.com/montreal/bathhouses/6150-sauna-verdun/ I like Centreville, and I have always had no problems getting bareback fucks there. Like I said, there are personal preferences, but Centreville is very laid back, and most guys are happy to bareback there. I wish 5018 was still operating, but it's been turned into condos. So there's that.....the Village is problematic, with lots of people camping out in the parks, but the woeful lack of services makes it really difficult for people to make ends meet.
  15. yeah, in a nutshell, seeing as HIV2 has been with us since 1984, that's what becoming poz entails. There are those not on meds who are aware, maybe not, that a body quickly loses the capacity to fight everyday pathogens, and I found that before, when the practice was to wait until the cd4s were dangerously low to start medications, that I was mostly exhausted doing simple chores. That's what signing up for HIV is.
  16. I don't blame you, as you have said, you are the poster child for compliance when it comes to taking meds. I do think, though, that doctors get 'paid' (encouraged, wined, dined, 69ed by pharmaceutical companies) to try out new drugs that suddenly become the darlings of antiretroviral advancement. I had this happen to me - in 2015, when I was encouraged to change from 3 pills to one - Triumeq. About a month into taking the meds, my heart began to beat really fast as I was falling asleep. Had to change my HIV meds when hubs died in late 2017. Certainly grief wasn't any help, but I would be up 20 hours, sometimes 24 hours, for three days, and then crash and fall asleep for six hours. I went on the website, found out heart palpitations and cardiac arrest was one of the side effects of Triumeq. Changed meds to Genvoya - okay kidney damage ain't a 'fun' side effect, but my readings have been okay. Learnt my lesson really well.
  17. 50 50 all the way bare if I can. Love the feel of a nice warm fuckhole. Love the feel of a raw cock.
  18. When I lived in GA, I heard a friend describe this place as 'so sleazy, you could get chlamydia just by lying in the hotel sheets.'
  19. I think there's the overwhelming urge to continue living, and living well, that pushes poz people to go on medication. We've lost enough friends to AIDS, which is a horrifying disease. Seeing a dear friend of mine becoming blind in the last week of his life broke what little faith I had in organised religion, while most of the preachers coming to see him urged him to repent his sinful ways...(This programme is brought to you by the letters F and U). We're talking mid '90s college town Georgia, mind you.
  20. viking8x6 said: The tenofovir component of Descovy has a very long half-life in the body (150 to 180 hours), so even after three days missed you'd have had pretty significant levels active in your peripheral white blood cells (where it does its work). Three doses in, you'd have built that most of the way back up to the steady state level. But ideally, you should wait. You knew that. In the 2010s, I took part in a study as my doc is a world specialist in HIV and Hep C. I went off meds for 4 months, while the study team subcutaneously injected me with my own cd8 cells which were made super viral fighting through a secret process. I was one of the longest lasting test subjects. Some of them lasted a week or two before viral loads went dangerously high. I suspect there was a commercial component to the study. I stopped in 2010 because I and late hubby were going to visit my parents for their 50th anniversary, and didn't want the hassle of going through the med system of a country whose citizenship I had given up. I know it's dependent on each person, and Descovy is not used to treat HIV, but 4 months without meds and I was mostly tired, headachy, and grumpy. Not sure that helped, but that's my 2 cents.
  21. FFWhole you def have a very fuckable manhole, a dad cunt that people should never leave empty. Yes, it's almost October and I I just discovered your reply which was written in Jan. Better now than never.
  22. Since I started bonking at 12, there wasn't any issue with fucking and getting fucked, I would have told myself to trust my instincts more. The things I told myself, they were spot on. Also, despite the numerous erotic writings here, actual incest being problematic, I wish I had taken my Dad up on the offer of taking a bath with him, which I suspect was an offer for sex. But, maybe I was right on refusing, not once but two times more,... I was 18, and still didn't have a whole lot of savvy when it came to being worldwise, and generally confused about my role in the world. I also turned Dad down because it would have fucked up my relationship with my Mum, and I detested the fact that he hid this side of him from his family, playing homophobic macho man to the applause of his ever adoring friends and relatives.
  23. needless to say, of course, that other STIs/STDs are around. I would urge anyone who is thinking of barebacking to do their research. Get the human papilloma, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, the monkeypox virus vaccines. Hep B is fucking debilitating, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
  24. out of curiosity, which one was this? Could be Oasis or G.I. Joe, which are next to each other....
  25. Joe11 said: Hey, where are you based? Answer is in the headline....Black pussy boy in London in lingerie to whore out outside. But London is a very big city, so Dexacole22 will have to specify where in London he resides.
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