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Everything posted by Hungryforbbc

  1. These days I generally don’t even think about me cumming in the typical sense- i can do that anytime. If he can give me the woman’s orgasm hands free soft dick body waves i will be the happiest bitch he ever had and he’ll get as much of this hole as he ever wants. But since that’s pretty rare, generally I only jack off and cum when I am not getting dick. Being properly fucked and bred is usually totally sexually fulfilling for me. If we shoot some video I will get off hundreds of times later remembering how hot the actual fuck was.
  2. Two bottoms needing bbc and waiting for it ass up ready willing and able to submit at the 3 or 4 hung black top kings they invited - I imagine that the build up prior to the tops arriving will be super hot and filled with anxiety that will just make the whole thing even hotter
  3. Had my first experience with another bottom a couple weeks ago and definitely want to do it again soon. It wasn’t as hot as it could have been or as i would have liked but I got dug out lovely and ended up having a great time after the other guy and his friend left. But I learned from it and will apply that when I plan the next one in a week or two
  4. First one was cut- didn’t have access to a natural one for a while but once I got over my reluctance I learned to love foreskin and I prefer it to this day
  5. I’m particularly tight so it tends to be a good idea for me to start with my legs fully spread and open to keep from getting ripped or torn before the real fun starts - but once I’m open I love to switch from position to position as ordered by my top. On my back is my favorite but face down ass up is always a great way to start . That said even on my back I like to be spread open wide so he can get balls deep in this and to ensure that he can get past the second hole wall and into the magic garden
  6. Love it! I’ve only met a few guys who knew how to do it right but the first time my Jamaican top bred me and then flooded me with his piss and then bred me again… well that pretty much got me hooked
  7. That’s the sign of a true bottom. Some tops will suck dick but only true subs love to feel those hands pushing your head down forcing you to take it making you choke and gag and not giving a single fuck about what you want. I’ve cum so many times without any physical stimulation just from getting my throat fucked right. If he’s verbal and nasty and puts it down like that then we aint even gotta fuck all the time it’s enough to keep me satisfied if I get it on the reg
  8. Hot- i love when a top is so cool that they don’t stop regardless of what happens lol
  9. I have experienced the same thing too and I handled it exactly the same way. They left me alone after I told them to knock themselves out it takes all the power away and shuts the whole thing down
  10. Seriously don’t mess around with any old doctor find a gay doctor who specializes in colorectal. call dr stephen goldstones office and ask for a referral to someone closer to you or in your insurance network. I’ve had scar tissue and hemorrhoids both internal and external as well as bleeding and other issues. There is hope you just have to be a grownup and handle your business down there! Waiting is never a good idea and if you’re honest with your doctor you will feel better before you even leave the office
  11. I’ve done both but the more experienced I’ve gotten the more I am just in it for the fuck - don’t get me wrong I will be mad if I don’t get at least one nutt before it’s all over but I can make myself cum any time I want. now If you’re giving me the woman’s orgasm, then that changes the game. but unless that’s part of the experience I want you to plow this hole in every possible way from every position you can and with all the power stamina energy and longevity you can muster up - show me what you got! Give me some diversity in your strokes and play with me - put your back into it so I remember that shit not just tomorrow but like weeks and months from now. I’ve found that knowing exactly what I want / need makes it much easier for my providers to meet or exceed my expectations. Everyone is happy when you communicate clearly and agree to the terms and expectations in advance, so let your partner know that you want more cum and then show them that you mean it!
  12. Just got two huge loads of nutt and a big stream of hot piss with my master, another bottom i just met recently and his top friend who ended up leaving after getting his nutt lol anyway I’m fully satiated now but my other top superstar just landed in town so I’m thinking maybe I get another round for breakfast?
  13. All humans have cycles like womens cycles they just haven’t been quantified yet. Same as love and shared spiritually uplifting experiences, we all know they’re real but we don’t have a way to measure them yet. Most of us are in someway in tune with the gravitational, seasonal and hormonal cycles that we have lived with our entire lives and probably never thought much about. some of us express these cycles in some form of neurotic or bipolar behavior, some suffer seasonal anxiety disorder and some go through cycles of depression and anxiety. i find that regular sexual release along with the intimacy and exercise are essential coping mechanisms that are built into us for our own benefit and survival. Any time i have taken a break from sex longer than a few months I’ve had noticeable physical and psychological symptoms from depression to back pain. Part of being healthy is having a healthy sex life however you define that
  14. Super hot stuff thanks for posting this! ive trained myself to disable my gag reflex. It’s more psychological than physical but it helps to push your tongue all the way out for most of the time the d is deeper than you think you can handle. Breathing through your nose makes it less difficult. Also practice holding your breath for extended periods of time- the longer you can hold it the better your deep throat’s gonna be. Not for nothing but a little freeze of blow or some other topical numbing agent can help you get past the initial urge and suppress your gag reflex until you get comfortable.
  15. Absolutely uncut. The most friction is in his shaft rather than against the anal lining and also if the dick is meant to be huge and the cut takes too much skin off you end up with the wicked curve and don’t get the full size you were intended to have. Its there for a reason. i was completely ignorant to the facts about what i now call the first act of child abuse, aka circumcision which takes the part that has the most nerve endings and is key to enjoying the maximum possible pleasure for both parties. I never discriminated but I did have a preference for cut until I got educated by an incredible friend and fb who taught me all about foreskin and the differences between cut and uncut from both ends of fucking . That skin is magical.
  16. Btw when the neighbor was about to cum he always covered his face to avoid getting splooged and still left a huge puddle of nutt on his stomach ong it makes me get wet just thinking about it
  17. My former neighbor- gorgeous Latino vers hung to the ground with a perfect foreskin omg we used to play around and when he came it was like a tsunami. He didn’t like it thought it was nasty but I wanted to get every drop of it. Never happened cause he wasn’t into it but we had fun regardless. My first boyfriend was also Latino and he also had big loads and I enjoyed every time he came inside me or in my mouth he was freaky like me and we also had plenty of fun for the summer we were together .. I love cum but have never found another who had it. Still looking lol
  18. Wish there was more audio content for subs- one of my top masters once pointed out the fact that tops have the full visual most times and bottoms are often not in a position to see as much, so that’s why so many bottoms like verbal tops as well as porn and music so they’re aurally stimulated. I would love to collaborate with some dom tops and create a series of audio only dominant narrations for subs to listen to while they play solo. Please dm me if you’re interested in contributing. I’ve only seen one content creator who has anything even remotely similar and it more like hypno than a proper top telling his bitch what to do to train his throat and hole and to satisfy his master
  19. Epsom salt baths are very helpful and I recommend getting cortisone enemas they’re fantastic and heal you right up
  20. Very interesting take - im in the process of getting a bridge done for one front top and one front bottom tooth. The front top one has been broken for like twenty years and is finally falling out. I’ve been avoiding dick since the tooth is loose and i don’t want to exacerbate the situation. Going to get myself a guard to wear while I’m wearing the temporary and hopefully ill be back to normal when the permanent bridge comes in. my periodontal issues are primarily genetic and from smoking and doing blow, but keeping this broken tooth longer than I should have is now causing me to have to do more work- the lesson is take care of your mouths and get things taken care of early to avoid drama later.
  21. Before that, there was this. He’s actually my husband’s butt doctor and he’s brilliant [think before following links] https://www.amazon.com/Ins-Outs-Gay-Sex-Handbook/dp/0440508460
  22. Super hot thank you for posting it and please feel free to continue sharing!
  23. Can’t believe I haven’t hit this thread already but I’ve spent my life in service to black kings. I’m def interested in discussing it further and I absolutely agree that there’s nothing like it and once you get it you’re changed for life!
  24. As for personality I def like guys who are masculine forward and dominant in their overall style but smart and deep are also very attractive to me
  25. Thanks for this. I’m a interested in the effects it seems to have on compulsive and addictive behaviors (like your wine), from a clinical perspective as well as the difference between how it affects sexual compulsive behavior vs substances and particularly cigarette smoking. id love to hear more about the experiences of other members and how these drugs affect folks with our kinds of predilections:)
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