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Everything posted by Hungryforbbc

  1. Hungryforbbc


    I’ve spent my entire life taking our superior back kings and it’s been the most incredible journey
  2. Several hundred at least
  3. My longest run with a top was over 20 years and he was married and had kids. Not a problem for me lol
  4. I’ve never been a fan but one time in a threeway one top pulled out of me and went straight to my mouth and I ended up with cryptosporidium which was not fun. Jus sayin
  5. Same here I grew up in a majority black community and school so I dated black girls before I had my first taste of black dick. But I’ve been exclusively in service to black men ever since
  6. I have exactly what you’re looking for. That’s what I do. Treat myself lol
  7. Generally around 300 depending on what you’re looking for. I try to get them to give me some flexibility and when they do I tip especially well. hmu if you need a referral i have several fantastic black tops who would definitely put a smile on your face
  8. The motivation for drug testing programs is to make sure that the people who do drugs have their shit under control. If you’re clever enough to pass or can take enough time off to pass, then you’re not a liability. I know from having had to implement one many years ago at work. Funny thing was I ended up hoisted by my own petard when my consultant assignment was cancelled due to my testing positive for thc. Meanwhile the entire Human Resources department was buying weed from me. Lolol
  9. Check out urine luck- I’ve used it several times and passed every time
  10. Dick has always been worth more than ass in the gay community. Especially masculine, straight acting and hung. Now women are understanding that as well and are paying up for good dick. it’s reflected in every app- if you want to get replies, say you’re a total top. The bottom and vers guys will be all over you
  11. If say you’re a top if you like fucking and getting sucked more than the alternative. A top can enjoy sucking dick but there are degrees. My preference is guys who identify as straight and aren’t interested in dick at all . But that’s me 🙂
  12. [think before following links] https://nyjacks.com
  13. Love it! Best feeling ever
  14. So check out dayuse.com and hotel tonight- both are great for finding cheap rooms for either a few hours or for a night. Im married too and we are sexless so I have to plan my adventures in advance but that actually helps ensure a great time
  15. Of course along with J’s and the back rooms at clubs like limelight and kings. But the jacks of color parties were unique and fantastic
  16. Omg verbal nasty dominant every time please!
  17. I like it almost any way I can get it lol but my preference is immediate and total control- being told to get on my knees, open that mouth and get to work like a good little girl. I have been repeatedly told that my head game is the best ever, i have no gag reflex and I can hold my breath for several minutes so while I possess the skills of deep throating, no hands no teeth, I use my tongue to stimulate the sensitive underside of the dick while it’s balls deep in my throat. the true key to being a great sucker is to want it and love every minute of it for it’s own sake. That’s why most guys who have had both will tell you that guys are better, because when we do it it’s because we want to.
  18. When I was young like pre teen,, I moved to an all black community and school. One day my friend and I were in the bushes and we decided to try sucking each other’s dicks. I had never seen a black dick before. He sucked me for a minute and then pulled out his massive black dick and I ran away like a total pussy. I was so intimidated! He bullied me for years after but never tried again which I was dying for. Anyway shortly thereafter I was waiting for the bell to ring to let us out of gym class after showers etc and two (obviously black) classmates made me suck them off. One was kinda freaked out but the other really enjoyed it and basically took the lead. He told me he knew white boys liked to suck black dick and after that so did I lol even though it was forced I loved every minute of it. It was a sexual assault and at the same time it was a fantasy come true. I knew then and there that I was destined to serve black kings and I quickly learned how to be the best white cocksucker so I could be sure to satisfy every black king i could. Mission accomplished!!
  19. See to me, this is probably the way - maybe with prep (in hindsight I probably should have just done it myself but with my natural resistance I was concerned that it might cause issues). I have just started the journey but I will be starting meds tomorrow and I aim to get to undetectable as quickly as possible. it’s not even about me - my genetic and chosen families don’t need to be burdened with my health issues, nor do I have any intention on being constantly sick (I’ve already been through that with chronic UC and esophagitis and it’s no fun). Plus I have a great job, a fantastic circle and a life filled with love, fun and opportunities to experience and continue to evolve, inspire and enlighten that I intend to enjoy to the absolute fullest for as long as it is even slightly better than average. I’ve had so many scares- I mean back in the day we had to wait ten days for our test results and that was like torture) - and walked hand in hand with too many others who were not as fortunate as those of us who lived long enough for it not to be a death sentence - to be remotely afraid or even anxious. I know I’ll be fine. But if I could go back to last year and get on prep id much rather take a pill every day because I want to avoid it than to have to take one every day to keep from getting sick. That should be an easy choice and I have no qualms about saying it here despite the obvious. I had natural resistance but that’s not immunity and I knew that and took my chances anyway because I have been at peace with the idea of being infected since I first got bred back in the 80s by a HS classmate. I freaked out and got tested. He died a few years later. Same thing happened many times in my life. Lost three BEST friends and too many others to count and yet I still took as many loads from as many hung black tops as I possibly could with very little care about safety (always hated condoms). I GOT OVER FOR DECADES. And because I did, I will survive and everything will be fine until it isn’t because something happens. im not looking forward to having to disclose. I’m not looking forward to worrying about my health insurance and whether I can afford my meds. I’m not looking forward to telling my husband (although I know it’ll be okay it’s still a shitty conversation to have to have) and I’m not looking forward to dealing with opportunistic infections, side effects from the meds or having to see my doctor every couple months for maintenance. But I’m lucky and blessed and I know it - so to those here who are still negative, think twice before wishing for something else to have to deal with in your life. Its a complication that none of us need. I’m not saying don’t be a whore - be all kinds of whore! But I don’t encourage chasing. The phrase “be careful what you wish for” comes to mind. if you’re on the fence, get on prep until you actually WANT to get pozzed. If that’s your thing, cool. But if you’re just a lazy slut like me who doesn’t actually want to catch anything but doesn’t want to have to be careful, just get on prep and have some doxy handy and then give that hole to anyone who wants it by all means. I know its a breeding forum. But if our society crumbles and becomes a war zone or any one of the many apocalyptic possibilities comes to pass, it’s gonna be a bitch to find meds and a whole bunch of us are gonna end up dropping dead, so I also suggest squirreling away as many pills (arv or prep/doxy) as possible now so you aren’t fucked when shit goes down, which it eventually and inefficiently will.
  20. I’ve had success on sniffies too although it’s hit or miss for me. I also use adam4adam rent men Grindr and used to use scruff and of course craigslist and bgc back in the before times lol Im working on a niche project that might help address the current void in the market for a place to meet exactly the guys you’re trying to connect with and filter out all the noise, bots, and hustlers (no issues with real professionals, that’s different). Anyway there’s my two cents
  21. Not [banned word] exactly- maybe edgy or risqué at least for me. I was raised in a white community then moved to a black community in the 4th grade. I’m an old soul and obviously there is some kind of black experience in some of my past lives cause that’s where I knew I was supposed to be. But the contrast in tone taste smell etc all contribute to it feeling more exciting, or should we say risqué? 😺
  22. I used to always want to cum but now I tend to prefer not paying any attention to my male parts and enjoying the moment. I can cum that way any time I want so not my biggest priority. so back then I couldn’t take dick after cumming - my tight hole was clenched lol but now i can pretty much bet that i won’t unless he makes it his mission which is different. So the answer to this question is no, so i dont.
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