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Everything posted by bb-btm

  1. Same here. But I try to be conservative about load count - I’d rather keep it real than inflating it.
  2. Only been DPed once and I was in the position mentioned above. It was one bigger cock and one average sized. It’s a completely different sensation, also different from being fucked by a thick cock. And I enjoyed it a lot.
  3. Good luck! I usually had great time in Palm Springs!
  4. I’ve got success from BBRT only in Palm Springs.
  5. I should mention that was in Boston. I’ve seen better show up rates in San Francisco…
  6. I started a pump and dump group on sniffies which was set just 1 day (on a Friday) in the future. 43 guys signed up but eventually only 5-6 guys came. That seemed to be unusually ratio of flakiness. A lot of guys just sign up without commitments. Maybe some of them just signed up for their fantasies? thats really frustrating!
  7. That event was fine. I only went for the first night. I got fucked many times and got 8 loads. Being anonymous the whole night was probably the most exciting part. My stomach was upset before the event the second night. But from what I’ve heard from a top who went , the organizer had a hard time to find enough tops for the second night. They basically allowed anyone who was willing to fuck just to go there and breed bottoms (aka broncos).
  8. I booked my trip and I’m going to he there ass up taking loads!! For both days!! other than that, I’ll also stay at CCBC Other than that, I’ll book motel 6 downtown PS and taking loads with door open ass up during the day the whole weekend.
  9. Don’t they keep a certain ratio of tops and bottoms? Like 2:1 or something. I think that’s why bottoms tickets were sold out much faster lol
  10. It seems like there’s one coming end of Feb. has anyone been to any of their parties? How is it compared with CumUnion?
  11. [think before following links] https://guys2.org/mount-mar-25-26/ this sounds super fun - anonymous, raw anyone going?
  12. How did that go?
  13. I don't like Hotel Gaythering personally. One of the reasons is what was mentioned before that it keeps away DL guys cause it has a gay bar and crowded during weekends. The other reason is that the bar is open till 2am on Fridays and Saturdays and it's very crowded and very noisy. Very loud even in the guest room. It gave me a headache. maybe I'm just too old for all the noise. They could do a better job by installing double panel windows though. With all said I got 9 loads on Friday.
  14. Thank you. Does the front desk allow visitors just to pump a load and leave? what are other motels you’d recommend as a back up?
  15. LOL full moon! I love it
  16. I take Metamucil every day so I’m generally clean for a quick pump and dump during the day.
  17. The cumunion party was actually not very good. There were so many bottoms ass up and the whole scene was a mess. Tops didn’t want to cum. I’d do more individual cumdump sessions myself. It was very satisfying to have tops breed me one after another.
  18. I booked a weekend there. Wonder if it’s good for taking loads. Or do I need book additional place to do that?
  19. @jerome_alt on telegram
  20. I believe it will.
  21. I'll go as mare on September 18th
  22. I ended up taking 7 loads within 2 hours in the downtown Motel 6. There were 2 guys arriving at the wrong motel 6 at first...
  23. I’d say steam works in Chicago. But I haven’t been to many
  24. I'll be at the Cumunion in Palm Springs this Saturday.
  25. Anyone has any experience in Palm Springs? I’m going there on Labor Day weekend.
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