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Everything posted by Cubbtm4poz

  1. They need to renew their security certificate...once they do that you shouldn't see the warning....
  2. Hey its due to their security certificate....if you click on Advance you will get another warning...Click on accept the risk...
  3. Love where this is going....keep up the good work....
  4. Good start...sounds like a true cumdump is born.....😈
  5. One of my favorite positions is to ride a guys cock on the couch, love when he put his hands on my ass and glides me up and down his stiff cock....It's also a good position to kiss while getting fucked...
  6. Love where this is going.....cant wait for the next update :-)
  7. Nice birthday gift
  8. I love where this is going....keep up the good writing...
  9. A new adventure awaits this young kid as he's set free to enjoy bareback and not worry about status...
  10. NICE.....and neg soon became POZ 🙂
  11. oh yea love where this is going....keep it up
  12. Great start....keep it going...Love it...
  13. love the anticipation of whats next....
  14. I think it's pretty shallow if a guy wont date a person who is HIV+....A guy is more than just his HIV, I know a guy that wont even talk to guys that are HIV+ he asks the question are you clean? I think that is totally rude to associate a person who is HIV+ as unclean...Especially when he doesnt even know how the person contracted HIV it could have been a blood transfusion years ago.... In the gay community there is so much judging that I feel we are our worst enemy.....I would be open to dating a guy who is HIV+ in fact I prefer someone who is poz as he at least knows his status where as a lot of neg guys really dont know their status.
  15. Where is this mens store? i need new clothes...
  16. That's awesome your PSA is good and good for you monitoring it...I didnt do that and no paying the price...I am in my early 50's as well...I think my dad had prostate cancer or englarged prostate as he got older but nothing was done about it... Cancer does run in my family so another check against me....but life is a journey, we learn along the way and pass to others what we have learned....
  17. Austin, I would recommend having your PSA checked regularly to monitor in increase in your PSA. I did do the the removal of the prostate last month, so it's been a few weeks. I've been taking it a step at a time...As far as orgasms, I havent had any but i've heard you will still get them they will be dry orgasms instead of cumming..The thing I am working through now is the incontenence....that is driving me nuts. I started out using the depends 24 hours a day but i've been doing kegal exercises to build up the muscles in the pelvic region. That has helped and now i can wear regular underwear with a pad. I did find a great little device that is a TENS unit with an anal probe...They recommend using it twice a day for 20 minutes and it helps to build up the muscles...One thing I am worried about is climacturia, this occurs for alot of men who have prostate removal. So instead of shooting cum when you orgasm pee dribbles out or shoots out...I am a bottom too and this is what scares me about having sex. So like I said earlier I am taking it a step at a time. 1. doing my kegals daily to build up my pelvic muscles 2. focus on reducing the incontenance. 3. work on getting hard (penis pump and meds) 4. I think #2 will help with the climacturia. So this is my new journey, post cancer...
  18. I found a great resource for Gay, Bisexual and Trans women dealing with Prostate Cancer. It's a facebook group.....this is what I was looking for a group I identify with that I can ask questions about navigating the waters of Prostate Cancer....I found alot of support groups and resources for straight folks but nothing for me... [think before following links] https://www.facebook.com/groups/prostatecanerandgaymen
  19. Hey Throb41, how did you Prostate MRI come out? I had my radical prostatectomy a couple of weeks ago....my body is still healing and recovering. Only thing that sucks right now is the incontenence so be prepared for that....I havent gotten hard yet, my dr wants me to take some cialis and work on getting the blood flowing to my penis. He advised its best to start doing this now as if i dont the nerves and blood vessels could die out....So sounds like a green light for masterbation....Talked to a friend of a friend of mine who went through it and he advised he has dry orgasms. He said they can be real intense and last longer than before his surgery...So should be interesting as I start navigating this new road in my journey of life..More to come...
  20. Part IV We were both exhausted but by morning we had regained our energy and were busy in bed doing what Gay men do best...FUCKING and having how sweaty man sex...I had no idea that a home remodel project would turn into something like this..Over the course of the past few days we fucked in every position and even fucked in the kitchen before coffee and breakfast... My ass was beginning to enjoy having his tongue and his hard cock inside of it....I could easily fall in love with this guy but I dont know much about him just that he's a great handyman both in and out of bed.... We finished up my project that day and got everything put back in order. I paid him for his services (the flooring not the sex). He gathered up his tools and left. I was there sitting at home and needed to get my stuff ready to go back to work as the next day was a work day for me. Fast forward a couple of weeks I woke up feeling really crappy with a sore throat and headache...I walked into the bathroom to get my thermometer to check my temp and looked in the mirror..I looked like SHIT I had a horrible rash on my stomach, i checked my temp and it was 100.7. I took some asprin, called in to work sick and went back to bed. I slept another few hours. I called my Dr and he advised to come in, there is a flu going around I may have caught it. So i called my bestie to see if she can come pick me up and take me to my Dr's appt because I did not feel at all like driving. My doc checked me over said my lymph nodes were swollen and gave me a prescription, he said the rash could be an allergic reaction to something. He suggested that I switch laundry soaps and even my bath soap too... I stopped by CVS and picked up my prescription and got some other things then went home and crashed. I woke around 3am and still not feeling too good. I called my boss and he suggested I take another day off but asked if he could get a note from my doc stating whats going on. So i called my doc and he said he would have it waiting at the front desk for me....I asked my bestie if she could get it on her way home from work, she said no prob...About 2 weeks later I started to feel much better and was able to resume my normal activities. My boss gave me sick time for some of it and towards the end I worked from home as I had some deadlines to follow up on. Fast forward a year later i was at the pride event for our city and was attending with some good friends including my bestie...We walked through and checked out each of the booths. We came to the local AIDS/HIV organizations booth and they were doing free HIV tests. This cute twink came up to me offering to do a rapid HIV test. I said yea what the heck im negative so sure....As we went into the private booth we got to talking and he told me was from the midwest out here attending medical school. I thought wow thats impressive you are volunteering here and attending medical school. He gave me quick poke took my blood and then put it on the strip with some chemical. We talked some more and he said we should know in about 15-20 minutes. He said dont be alarm when you see one thick red line as this is the control line which is there to show the test is working....If we see two lines it means im positive...if it shows two lines he suggested making an appointment with my primary care physician to do a thorough HIV test to make sure. After about 15 minutes he looked at his watch and then looked at the test, DAMN there were two bold red lines on the test. I looked at him in disbelief and didnt know what to think...He asked me to wait there and he was going to go get someone to come talk with me...while I was waiting my bestie sent me a text and asked if everything is alright...I replied back no i dont think so...wait a few and ill be out..A few minutes later this heavy set woman comes in and sits next to me, in her hand she has some pamphlets and starts to talk to me about my test results an the fact I may be HIV+. I listened to her but to be honest my min was somewhere else trying to sort through my mind how did this happen and who gave it to me.I wondered how long have i been positive...I left the booth and told my bestie I am ready to leave. She looked at me and said you dont want to stick around for the show tonight, I shook my head and said no i want to go home. In the car on the way home I started crying and she pulled over and said what's wrong are you ok? I looked at her and said im positive... We got home I read through those pamphlets and did some research on the internet about testing positive for HIV...I called my Dr on Monday to set up an appointment to get an HIV test. The whole weekend my stomach was in knots wondering who gave it to me and who i give it too? I also wondered how am i going to tell my family...
  21. might as well jack off in a grocery bag
  22. Part III By the end of the first day we were able to complete the master bedroom/closet, hallway and part of the living room completed. After breakfast and our morning fuck we started to finish out the rest of the condo and get my things back into place. Since most of the carpeting had been ripped up all we had to focus on was the installation of the flooring, only the guest bedroom and the dining room had carpeting left in them. They were also full of furniture as well. While Mark was finishing up the flooring in the living room I was busy putting my stuff back into the master bedroom and starting to get the guest room cleaned out. Once the living room was done we moved the items from the dining room back into the living room as we were working my laces came untied so I said let's take a break. I bent over and started to tie my laces when i felt a crotch come up behind me and this voice say I love seeing you in this position...My cock started to spring to attention through my shorts, Mark reached around and felt my hard cock and said I see you like being in this position as well...Well our short break turned into another hot sweating sex session as we kissed, made out, and he made love to my hole before he slide that beautiful cock of his deep inside of me....Didnt take him long to shoot another hot creamy load of his baby juice inside my hungry ass. After our sex session we cleaned up and finished moving the furniture so we could tear out the carpeting in the guest room and dining room. We continued working on those rooms and finished laying down the padding and the flooring. Since it was late in the day we figured it best to move the furniture in the master bedroom back into the guest room and dining room so we can at least crash. I told Mark I am going to take a shower and if he wants to join me he an. So we went into the shower and cleaned each other off, the hot water felt good hitting our sore bodies. We were both tired and needed the hot bath. Mark helped dry me off and I helped dry him off as well....We both made our way to the bedroom and crashed into bed...
  23. What condoms hehehe
  24. Part II After a while of working on my tight ass switching between his tongue and finger, Mark got up and started to slide his hard cock inside me using his spit as lube. OUCH that hurt, I was still a bit too tight to take his cock and told him to stop...So he pulled back and minute, asked me are you OK? I turned to face him and saw that he didnt have a condom....I asked wait you dont have a condom on....He looked back at me and said I dont have any do you....I told him to go check my bathroom as there should be some condoms in there and I know there is some lube...I returned to the doggy style position with my ass up and waiting for him to fuck. Mark yelled out I found the lube but I dont see any condoms you may need to get some...That's strange I thought I had some extras. Mark came back to the room and started lubing up his hard stiff cock and put a dab on my awaiting hole. As he slid his cock in he said I get tested for STD's and all came back negative. This was the first time I have had raw cock up my hole and I will admit it felt incredible. He pounded my ass in a few positions and soon was shooting his load up inside of me...I was a bit concerned about having his cum inside me and he looked at me and said dont worry you wont get pregnant....then we both had a good laugh.. He stayed the night and we fucked a few more times through the night. The next morning I walked into the kitchen to make some coffee and as I was standing against the counter top, Mark came up behind me and kissed me on the neck and started rubbing up against my ass. I started to push my ass out towards him inviting him to fuck me again. He took the invitation and slid his hard cock up inside my hole and started fucking me in the kitchen while the coffee was brewing. That was the first time I have had sex outside of the bedroom in my condo....It was an incredible fuck...After he came inside me we made our coffee and sat in the living room planning out the next part of the project.
  25. Thanks ill have more.....still recovering from surgery so ill add some more after the pain pills wear off...
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