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Everything posted by sickpervboy

  1. ...um there are these things called veins. and 1g wont fit in a siringe nevermind dosage I realize this is an old and probably abandoned story but I couldnt help myself. I also realize I am a longtime reader and havent contributed a damn thing so thanx for writing a story at all
  2. yes but having stories that have been up until now been perfectly fine and quite popular generating traffic and all that seems like a bit more of a kick in the nuts? maybe not. I'll be sad to see these stories disappear. Wish they could be archived and linked instead
  3. Im just curious about what your intended goal or ideal desired effect of these new restrictions would be? Are you simply hoping to redefine and be clear about the content displayed within this site? Or is your goal to make a statement and pass judgement on this sort of content whether it be here or elsewhere? I can understand and respect feeling a need to err on the side of caution from the perspective of a site owner wanting to be socially responsible. But as a reader of content I will always maintain that I am perfectly capable of deciding for myself where to draw the line between fantasy and reality. I have never and will never appreciate being "protected" from content that my fragile little mind might read in a fiction and then when I am dying from being incredibly stupid I will be sure to blame unregulated access to too much content. Personally I wish you would allow for the fiction section to operate with minimal restrictions and keep your morally gray judgement and rather arbitrary lines drawn to the nonfiction section. The condemnation of this but not that falls a bit flat. Could you perhaps find a comprimise or be open to alternative solutions to displace and archive some of the existing content rather than just unilateral deletion of these stories. Stories that the authors worked hard on. Content that brought readers back to your site over and over . Some stories I have come back and reread half a dozen times. These stories have contributed alot of site traffic and it seems kind of disrespectful to just delete them. I am curious to hear how the authors feel about this?
  4. Yeah same question. Nifty? Hell, could you post your story chapters on here as simple links to a mega folder or dropbox containing text documents? Then people could comment in here about the posted links in the usual manner . The content never being displayed on this site and so causing no violation while still reaching your target audience. There has got to be a way to loophole this shit so these new content changes can be made without completely silencing and neutering many of its best authors and stories.
  5. challenging what is considered "acceptable" will lead to personal growth and depth of character but its not an easy path. Many will criticize such behavior and assume its a product of low self-esteem. Ive always found it strange how profoundly bothered people get if they see a really hot person with a really ugly person. Those that are too polite to be openly disgusted will no doubt come up with narratives to help them make sense of it. Like you are probably being paid. Or you are heavily intoxicated. Or you are emotionally damaged and have no self-respect. On an intellectual level we know that being shallow or vain are not good character traits. I wonder why choosing sexual partners not based on appearance is so universally condemned.
  6. Ghc is sadly closed down. They are currently fighting to reopen I hear but its not looking good...apparently their old operational status as a "art studio" will no longer fly. Im sure there is alot more to it that I dont know. I hope I am wrong tho.
  7. Fuck Trump and get the fuck out of here with that 2016 Clinton would be worse bullshit. Its time to look forward. I've got a Boner for Buttigeig in more ways than one. Even if he weren't gay and totes fuckable. Ive never been so massively impressed by hearing a political candidate speak than this guy. He slays every interview. Even on fox news he won everyone over and got a standing ovation. I fucking hate politics but that guy gives me hope. Thats my 3 cents. But you know I'm gonna be trying get some D at the march! #Priorities
  8. I must’ve read this 20 times now. I’m a drooling fanboy.
  9. Squirt.org cruising spot listings are definately worth a look. The details about exactly where to go and what to look out for are usually pretty accurate and its better than going in blind when checking out a place for the first time.
  10. Silver Spring, MD here
  11. Is it something that the admin forgot was in place and could easily remove if reminded? It was funny when it was relevant but now it’s just dated and a distracting boner-killer. Apologies to LoadsNeeded for discussing this in the comments of your excellent story. Hail Palin! Would luv to read more.
  12. Dude, Have a snickers. You get kinda hate crimey when you're hangry.
  13. niiiiice, i think i just found a new role-model bro! Hope we cross paths sumtime

  14. I want your bugs man. I could hop a bus up to NY for a wknd...


  15. Hey Sir I keep coming across your posts and wishing I was closer so I could just go out to the store one day and never be seen again and become your caged subhuman slave trade, never free again. I wish I could find someone driving from dc to ny tonite and arrange to meet at some parking garage, they call my cell and tell me to climb into the trunk of the car parked there and inside is a hood and handcuffs i must put on once i climb in and shut the trunk, then they can rip my clothes off and drive me to brooklyn, naked, gagged and helpless. Know any truck drivers?




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