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Everything posted by DallasPozzible

  1. Other than John Glenn and Mark Kelly, I can’t think of one that was very successful. Glenn was a well-respected, longtime Senator, but his higher aspirations fell flat. Just reviewing his Wikipedia page, he was considered by Carter for VP but his convention speech fell flat and Carter picked Mondale. Glenn tried for presidential nom and lost out in Iowa caucus and NH primary. I still think Kelly’s bio makes him worthy of consideration. But if he’s not a compelling speaker/debater, we probably have better alternatives. For a while it felt like momentum was behind Kelly, but I’m not hearing much of that now. There seems to be a lot of energy behind Walz. Announcement won’t come for several days, so who knows where we’re headed. And now that Republicans are experiencing buyer’s remorse about Vance, will Trump toss him aside? Such interesting times.
  2. Mike Murphy, never-trumper Repub political consultant, just said he thought Buttigieg is the best political athlete and could be smart VP pick. He also likes Walz. Not too high on Shapiro but said he’d be fine.
  3. He’s been on fire! I just heard Whitmer speak. Dynamite! I’ve seen her on plenty of interviews but didn’t realize what a charismatic speaker she is. Dems really have an amazing bench
  4. As usual, I suspect some of these are courtesy mentions. I like the “idea” of Kelly. Especially love that it would bring Gabby into the mix. I don’t know that much about him, but I’ve read he’s not a compelling speaker/debater. I trust Kamala to make a good decision. Would love to see Buttigieg get the nod, but probably not a good idea. With his language skills, smarts, and great communication ability, he could be a great Secretary of State.
  5. An AR bullet just grazing his ear has always sounded fishy to me. However, reputable sources have thrown cold water on the teleprompter rumor. Apparently both teleprompters were intact after shooting. FBI director Wray mentioned possible shrapnel. I know nothing about ballistics, but there’s discussion it could have been bullet fragment. Nevertheless, the incident was deplorable.
  6. Biden’s NATO press conference was really good. His speeches have been great. His interviews have been disconcerting though. I understand why he was pushing back on Lester Holt, but he seemed very testy contra his normal affable image. Skipping over Harris would be a huge mistake. But most of the serious proposals I’ve heard have recognized that she is the obvious choice. Most other suggestions have vaguely proposed some kind of mini-primary which strikes me as unrealistic. I’ve not been Kamala’s biggest fan, but I think maybe she’s just what we need right now. Pair her with a popular governor from a swing state like Shapiro, Cooper, or Breshear. And someone on her suggested Mark Kelly who might be good too.
  7. As someone said, “I will vote for Biden’s brain in a jar before I vote for Trump.”
  8. Ah, thanks @partying.hard When you said it was circulating, I thought you meant it was somewhere on another site.
  9. Same here! But can you give a clue where to find Slave for the Day?
  10. I understand the desire to fix the parts of Constitution that are most needed. However I agree with @BootmanLA that it’s virtually impossible to pass any amendment through the two houses of Congress and 3/4 of the states. I seem to remember there being a method to call a new constitutional convention but I’m not sure how that would work. And we could end up with something even worse. Given the vast new powers the SC appears to be taking for itself in light of its overturning the Chevron deference, it may be the perfect time to start moving to dramatically increase the number of justices and appellate courts. It wouldn’t be easy either, but expansion could lead to a political rebalancing of courts.
  11. 🙄 Wait ‘till you hear about Martha Alito and Ginni Thomas!
  12. As would I. I don’t think there’s a ghost of a chance of that. I can’t envision ANY constitutional amendment on any topic that could be ratified today. The only hope for EC reform is the National Popular Vote compact. Many states have already signed it. States signing it agree that when enough states sign it to comprise a majority of EVs, that all states in the compact would cast their EVs for the winner of the national popular vote regardless of who won their individual states. An end run around the EC. I’ve heard some politicians speak very optimistically about it. i have my doubts though. The first time the states in the compact cast their votes in a way that contra the traditional EC votes would go, the Supreme Court would likely get involved. And not in a good way.
  13. But under electoral college, our votes don’t count equally at all. If they did, Democrats would have won every presidential election in the last 30 years except for ‘04.
  14. Seems to me the structure of the US political system is failing us. To start with, the ElectoralCollege is horribly undemocratic and has outlived its usefulness for its original intent. Unfortunately, with the deep divide between the two parties we’re going to be unable to get rid of it - or indeed make any other constitutional changes - for the foreseeable future. Second, I'd much prefer a parliamentary system of government which would make feasible numerous parties that could more accurately represent diverse opinions on major issues. Parties could make coalitions with different parties on different issues - like pretty much every other democratic country does. I just don’t see any possible way to get there from the morass we find ourselves in.
  15. Gerrymandering is awful, but I don’t understand how that impacts electoral votes since they are awarded based on popular vote in the entire state. The exceptions are Maine and Nebraska which allocate one EV to popular vote winner in each congressional district.
  16. In impeachment trial of 2021, vote was 57-43. Seven Republicans voted guilty.
  17. Also, the guns. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-03-09/united-states-mexico-border-immigration-crisis-gun-control
  18. I’m afraid you vastly underestimate MAGA ability to believe their own propaganda.
  19. Almost certainly true. They may well refuse to consider Biden appointments of any position requiring Senate confirmation.
  20. I just read part one. Hot story! Looks like there is more. Thanks! I do have one question. Does anyone with any experience actually use Vaseline as lube? I can’t imagine anything worse. For me nowadays, it’s all silicone all the time.
  21. PrEP has been a godsend for me. From ‘85 until I started PrEP (about 2016?), I was a condom nazi. But I remember many times catching guys pulling off the condom or saying “the condom broke.” I’ve had no side effects from either Truvada or Descovey. I did get one dose of chlamydia. However, my doc has added DoxyPEP to my regimen (doxycycline to take after sex) which greatly reduces risk of getting an STI. I HIGHLY recommend getting on both PrEP and PEP.
  22. My parents were both teachers and at least somewhat progressive, but they never talked to me about sex. At some point - maybe I was about 13 - my mom had me putting away groceries when she got home from the store. In one of the sacks there was a little booklet called “What Your Teenager Needs to Know About Sex.” And that’s the only sex education I ever got. I’m not sure it harmed me, but I certainly would have been better off if my parents had been more comfortable talking about sex. And back in the 60s, we had no sex ed or even health classes. I can’t imagine what it must be like for girls not to have some form of sex ed before getting their first period.
  23. Well, I think that illustrates my point. Black unemployment climbed significantly during 2008 recession, then steadily declined starting early in Obama years and through the next 10 years. Then it spiked suddenly in 2020 during last year of Trump presidency (likely due to Covid). During first two years of Biden admin, black unemployment again quickly declined. So my question is, how does this history indicate effectiveness of any Trump policy in improving black employment rates.
  24. I have no expertise in this area, but I’m interested in why that might be. What policies did Trump implement to help in this regard? I looked at stats on Statista (wish I could embed graph here). [think before following links] https://www.statista.com/statistics/194151/unemployment-rate-of-african-americans-in-the-us-since-1990/ So it looks like black unemployment rates dramatically fell starting early in Obama admin. Rates steadily improved starting in 2010 (after 2008 financial crisis settled down) and continued until 2020 when rates bumped back up - I suspect due to Covid. (Trump was still president.) Rates then took a turn back down and now are lower than at anytime during Trump presidency. Looks to me like the changes in the last 14 years are likely due to Obama policies and improvements just glitched during Covid. Maybe someone more enlightened can give fuller explanation.
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