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About ZaayrX

  • Birthday October 31

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Neg4poz, pozbred, being pozzed and becoming a total sex pig no limits
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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Devotee (9/14)

  • One Year In
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  1. Hi.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Versbbpig


      I love going to the bathhouses here you should come visit

    3. ZaayrX



    4. Versbbpig


      Be sure to let me know if you're ever in town then

  2. Hi.  Love your outlook and goals.

    1. ZaayrX


      Would love to chat more...maybe get advice on being a total slut to any and every cock everywhere.

  3. Wish I lived close enough to get fucked by you and your son until I'm a toxic slut.

  4. Thanks for following me back.

  5. Wish I lived in Washington so I could beg you to convert me...would be hot to have a guy around my age be the one to do it.

  6. Hot profile!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZaayrX


      I never have...but I would if it would get me pozzed. 

    3. ZaayrX


      In fact I'd be turned on as all hell to let my first time partying be controlled by a guy who wants to make me as slutty and piggy as possible...hopefully getting pozzed or even toxic that first time.

    4. friday666


      in order to get the most best feelings lust and get your desires free and  you want to become a pig or dive in to the pig world it aint go without. it will open a new world that is much fun for you. start with molly. it will open you up and horn you If you got a good partner he will show you that world.it is really great.


  7. Thanks for that, mate. It'll happen one for you if you keep searching. 😈😉

  8. If only I lived in Australia I'd love to get converted by you...since I don't will simply say you are hot and I hope to be as pozitive as you someday.

  9. Hi...just saw your message in chat and would love to talk about and get filled with every STD.

  10. Sorry I missed your message in chat.  Hope to chat sometime.

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