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  1. I just can't figure out why it's so fucking difficult to understand that there are too many countries around this FUCKING World with hard Homophobia, hatred, Internalized Homophobia inside gay 'Community', Fem Shaming, Bottom Shaming and Bottom Hatred?!!!! Also, there are so fucking huge "traditional culture based on the fucking RELIGIOUS beliefs'!!!! For example, RUSSIA! FUCKING RUSSIA with FUCKING RUSSIAN PPL including GAYS!!! To me, for example, yes this is sooooo FUCKING DIFFICULT to making FRIENDSHIP/RELATIONSHIP/HOOKUP etc etc etc BECAUSE I'VE BEEN EXPERIENCED A LOT OF HOMOPHOBIA and HATRED from RUSSIAN SR8T PPL, and ALSO BECAUSE I"VE BEEN REJECTED, GHOSTED, BOYCOTTED by FUCKING RUSSIAN F@GS BECAUSE OF MY SKINNY BODY and BECAUSE OF MY FEM PERSONALITY and BECAUSE OF THE SIZE! So .... I'd like to say that YOU ALL ARE FUCKED UP, GuyZ! You can CONTINUOUSLY PLAYING MORE this FUCKING DUMB STUPID UNFRIENDLY DISGUSTING ANNOYING SHAMEFUL DISRESPECTFUL UNHELPFUL GAME that doesn't have ANY GOOD RESULTS and PROGRESSES!
  2. I'd LOVE to add a few more words to describe MYSELF Unapologetic Ragging BOSSY INDEPENDEND GREEDY SELFISH POWER DOM BITCH Bottom with a FKNG HUGE balls and LOUD VOICE too FKNG ARGUMENTATIVE with a HUGE self-RESPECT LoL
  3. Did this [banned word] shit in the past. Moscow, Russia has a lot fucking hot public restrooms with huge Glory Holes in every cabin. Also I’ve got CUMS from used condoms there.
  4. Right! Cuz this is the sexuality of the different person and not your! And nobody, nor you nor me nor someone else doesn’t have any rights (both legal and moral) to change the unfamiliar person’s sexuality. Cuz in another case this is mental pressure and sexual abuse on the person
  5. Wait … But don’t you think that being labeled or make a label it’s a completely personal decision of every single person in this case? Don’t you think that putting some another on the box to use him or her the way of the porn dictatorship says or how this label is compatible for the “most people” is fucking wrong way? So I’d like to say that this is not your business and not your right to make a label for someone else. It seems like some guys (probably most of) are too lazy to go out of their “comfort zone” because they are completely incompetent with their communication skills and unfortunately they doesn’t know how to be a “real man”. It’s lack of education and the huge bloated ego with fucking selfishness
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